It depends on your relationship purpose. If you wanna discuss something, its better to talk to an NT.
My friends are not NTs, im not in ideas exploration mode when im with them, its more of a childhood/playful state of mind: video games, talks about chicks/sports.
Im dating an ENFJ, shes smart but doesnt think outside the box just like i do. Sometimes she doesnt get me when i talk about religion or potential improvements of something, etc. She doesnt even try to get to the roots, she's wired differently, she's happy listening to me, she gets happy when im happy about something, she'll understand it, but dont expect a rich brainstorming about some topic, cause its very unlikely to happen. (she's an odontologyst BTW)
But as i know that, i try to avoid that kind of deep discussions, maybe i just point it out, make my point, but i dont go further with her in that aspect; and she knows me, so then she doesnt take it personally when i discuss about something, cause she knows thats the way i am.
Its about understanding each other, to avoid nonsense discussions and to understand the role of every person that surrounds you.
I dont fuck my friends just as i dont try to have an intellectual epiphany with my girlfriend.