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Search results

  1. scorpiomover

    has anyone here taken a personal genome test? Scientist have found a gene related to introversion.

    Yeah. But most people don't like their type. Type is about truth, and that means having to accept uncomfortable facts about oneself. When things change, people want to believe their type changed, because then they can pretend they've changed on a core level, and don't need to keep working on...
  2. scorpiomover

    has anyone here taken a personal genome test? Scientist have found a gene related to introversion.

    Not really worth much, until we get at least 75% of the world tested and find that every single introvert has the gene, and every single extrovert doesn't. On the flip side, if it is genetic, then it means that no matter how much you go out, you can't become any less introverted than you are...
  3. scorpiomover

    Genetics thread, are you a worrier or a warrior?

    You don't seem the Warrior type. Given this is about who can situations better under high and low levels of stress, this sounds like A-type personalities versus B-type personalities. G-variant => High performance under high stress, low performance under low stress => A-type personality...
  4. scorpiomover

    How do you feel about children?

    I like children under 12. They're like me, only smaller, and without a desire to have sex. They ask the odd questions that I like to ask.
  5. scorpiomover

    Thinking trait: Finding everything interesting in some way or another?

    Finding everything interesting in some way or another sounds more like Ne to me.
  6. scorpiomover

    INTP's taking a level in badass?

    For the TL DR here: Try to imagine what would happen if you took a carbon-based life-form, wiped its memory, and programmed it to run almost exclusively on pure logic, backed up by deduciing which paths of logic to follow, by a pattern-detecting algorithm that detects all possible patterns in...
  7. scorpiomover

    INTP's taking a level in badass?

    The reason they didn't believe you, is that your abilities are so exceptional, that you simply couldn't hide them, even when you tried. There are plenty of slackers around. Honestly, who wants to employ a slacker? What woman actually wants to date someone who has no future? Employers won't...
  8. scorpiomover

    Smart Watches!

    Won't bother. I remember all the smart watches with lots of additional functions in the 80s. Turned out to be way too big and chunky to wear on the wrist. Also the buttons had to be so small that even using them as a simple calculator was a nightmare. Only one that looks decently usable, is the...
  9. scorpiomover

    3 INTJs - Letterman, Hoffman, De Niro

    Dustin Hoffman usually plays a character who usually adjusts to what other people want to do, is very quirky, and occasionally says that an idea that others want to do is just going to cause problems, and better avoided, like his role in "Family Business", where Matthew Broderick and Sean...
  10. scorpiomover

    INFJs with high Ti?

    They're really good at maths, like the top 1% of the class.
  11. scorpiomover

    Carl Jung- Introverted Rational, but J or P?

    He did an interview late in life. It's on Youtube. Very interesting. At one point in the interview, he was asked what Freud was like. He replied that when Freud said anything, he stuck to it, no matter what, while Jung "was doubting all along the way". Sounds like a P to me.
  12. scorpiomover

    Why don't doctors look out for INTPS?

    Because it's not accepted in modern current scientific consensus. You might as well ask them to select your type of psychological therapy according to the colour of your eyes. At least they can see that, and so have clear evidence that eye colour exists.
  13. scorpiomover

    The Void's Collection

    Sounds like a Ti chain of reasoning. Have you checked it using Ne? If not, then it might be correct, or it might be another "castle in the sky", as us INTPs are so fond of making Let's test it. If, as you say, women, who were around many thousands of years ago, had done as you suggested, then...
  14. scorpiomover

    I need intp advice. Urgently.

    Duly noted. I don't know what recruitment videos you're talking about, especially as I never mentioned recruitment videos. TBH, I didn't even know such things existed for physics or IT. I was talking about the general media perceptions of IT and physics, which don't match the reality even a...
  15. scorpiomover

    Women in STEM

    You make a good case. The arguments that you stated, are applicable to men as well. Men can suffer from a lack of confidence in STEM fields, and many do. Men also have a motive to choose jobs that are more likely to yield a reliable income, even more than women, as men are expected to pay for...
  16. scorpiomover


    This guy:
  17. scorpiomover

    Women in STEM

    They are in the UK, and I'd wager, in every country that backs feminism and is thus concerned about any fields which are considered high-status, and where less than 50% of people in such high-status fields are women. Contrast that to ditch-diggers, road sweepers, and sewage workers, all very...
  18. scorpiomover

    What are your thoughts on Deja Vu?

    Here's a way of looking at déjà vu:
  19. scorpiomover

    Nihilism - Anxiety a contradiction of logic

    If nothing means anything, then all your goals, dreams, and desires, mean nothing, and can bring you no benefit. The only thing left is pain and suffering, to come, and come, and come, until you can take no more, and keep coming even more, every single day. Why wouldn't that make anyone anxious?
  20. scorpiomover

    Women in STEM

    Consider if we applied this reasoning for men: 1) A top male chef's friends are nearly all men, say, someone like Gordon Ramsey, or Jamie Oliver. Can't be good at cooking then, because that's a female thing, right? 2) Most of my friends in my teens and twenties were women. Means I can't be...
  21. scorpiomover

    Book Club Proposal

    Not such a fan of Kurzweil. Often found myself finding criticisms of his ideas, when others here seemed to idealise him. Probably would end up in loggerheads.
  22. scorpiomover

    Free, automated food production for everyone.

    I wasn't clear about my post before. I meant to re-write it. But you beat me to the punch. Things happen in life. Some of then are to our benefit. Some are to our detriment. A lot of the things that happen that are to our detriment, are easily preventable, if we are willing to think about them...
  23. scorpiomover

    Free, automated food production for everyone.

    After World War I and the Great Depression, the world really was much better than it had been. Poverty decreased. War decreased. Education increased. Health improved. For 5 years before World War II, Churchill kept telling people that Germany was arming for war. People thought he was being...
  24. scorpiomover

    Free, automated food production for everyone.

    Ummm....I was there. I'm a trilfe confused. The Millennium Development Goals were set at the Millennium Summit in the year 2000. They have no relation whatsoever to things people expected in the 1970s. So what you're saying seems to be contradict logic.
  25. scorpiomover

    Free, automated food production for everyone.

    Imagine you were a typical person growing up in the 70s. Suddenly, there are these things called personal computers, which can store all your information, categorise it, search it and find anything you want to know. Imagine that they can be linked up to form an international global network, that...
  26. scorpiomover

    Free, automated food production for everyone.

    If in Star Trek, ships coming in to star-dock regularly find that their sensors go on the blink, because star-trucks going by have sensor blockers to stop their bosses continually checking that they haven't been taking a nap after 18 hours non-stop driving, maybe.
  27. scorpiomover

    Free, automated food production for everyone.

    Sounds like someone has been watching a lot of Star Trek: TNG.
  28. scorpiomover

    I need intp advice. Urgently.

    Sounds like you were in a standard Physics degree, and moved to an IT degree with lots of international connections. I've noticed that IT people tend to be extremely open-minded. IT seems to be about "if you can think it, and it could be of benefit, let's try it." Physics is much more...
  29. scorpiomover

    Is it theoretically possible to bring back the dead to life?

    Why can't a person have 2 souls? Why can't a soul be shared between 2 people? Why do 2 sets of DNA have to have 2 different souls anyway? Is science a subset of religion?
  30. scorpiomover

    What did you do after graduating high school/turning 18?

    First, I spent a few months doing nothing. Then, I lived with a friend's family for a few weeks, and at the same time, got a job as a sales assistant in a food shop. Then I went abroad and studied in a theological college full-time for 4.5 years on a scholarship, while I did simple chores like...
  31. scorpiomover

    Fucking youtube MBTI videos

    So what you're saying, is that because you don't think you can do a better job, that they shouldn't post either? So then there wouldn't be any such videos, in which case, you WOULD think you can do a better job than nothing, because almost anything would be better than no info at all, and then...
  32. scorpiomover

    Fucking youtube MBTI videos

    Fine. Then don't. But I don't have reason to think that your MBTI videos would be any better than what's up there. So if you're saying they are mostly rubbish, what am I left with? Only that if you had actually posted a video, it probably would be no better. So then, what you're saying is...
  33. scorpiomover

    Fucking youtube MBTI videos

    That would have been a thousand times better. They could have known when it was coming, and could have prepared themselves for it. There have been a few discussions in the UK, on whether emotional abuse or physical abuse is worse. Whenever the subject has come up, it's been unanimous. Everyone...
  34. scorpiomover

    Philosophy is dead

    Murder. Torture.
  35. scorpiomover

    Hello guys

  36. scorpiomover

    Fucking youtube MBTI videos

    Now I know why I didn't have a problem with Base Groove. Find another way to boost your self-esteem. Exercise. Energy drinks. Fiction. ANYTHING.
  37. scorpiomover

    What you hear is wrong.

    That is why criticism is almost always subjective, and is far more applicable to the speaker, than his audience.
  38. scorpiomover

    The Void's Collection

    Re: God is not dead I guess it depends on if you are familiar with a culture that values oral knowledge and keeps records of such things. I do. That's why I mentioned it, because my culture does have records of it.
  39. scorpiomover

    Fucking youtube MBTI videos

    You think females can't have issues? You know this how? Because Ni-doms are so open to all the alternatives suggested by IxNPs? I grew up with some people who had the characteristics described about INxJs, and some who did not. Hah. Amusing. Doesn't matter to me anymore. I've been called INTJ...
  40. scorpiomover

    The Void's Collection

    Re: God is not dead From what I've read, it goes much deeper. Respect and love of men and disrespect of women seems to me, to cut right across Greek society and Roman society, in all sorts of subtle ways. IIRC, there was no knowledge of herbs to prevent pregnancy, only a knowledge of herbs that...
  41. scorpiomover

    My theory on why America is getting dumber by the second, and digging its own inevitable grave.

    Inspectors. What they're there for. I don't quite know about Ti. But the educational system is quite clearly monolithic in nature. People quite clearly do not all have the same personality type, the same way of being motivated, and the same way of learning. However, it's more scientific to...
  42. scorpiomover

    Fucking youtube MBTI videos

    I just had a bad set of experiences, which taught me that the approach that normally works with most people, other than stupid thugs, doesn't work with Ni-doms. It just seems to make them act more and more thuggish. Neither can I afford to use my mental will to battle with them and stand up to...
  43. scorpiomover

    Fucking youtube MBTI videos

    My experiences with Ni-doms have been that they tend to be domineering, to the point where almost no-one else will tell them, except for those who have actually hit them physically, more than once, and whom they are afraid of. I've seen the same type of domineering nature all over INTJf. I had...
  44. scorpiomover

    My theory on why America is getting dumber by the second, and digging its own inevitable grave.

    OK. now I'm getting it. That sort of thing happens here in the UK in school as well. But usually, when I've talked to teachers about it, they agree. But the school has to follow a National Curriculum laid down by the government about how kids should learn. It's usually based on science. It's...
  45. scorpiomover

    My theory on why America is getting dumber by the second, and digging its own inevitable grave.

    Funny, because it's all anyone seems to talk about on the internet. I've seen it raised in posts hundreds of times. Such as?
  46. scorpiomover

    My theory on why America is getting dumber by the second, and digging its own inevitable grave.

    It's about 50%. When I was a kid, there was no such thing as people being "forced" to be extroverted. Far from it. We were free to spend as much time alone as we wanted. All we had to do, was go outside. Even so, we still spent far more time with people than people do nowadays. Where the world...
  47. scorpiomover

    Is belief a right?

    I LOVE this post. Perfect use of Ti.
  48. scorpiomover

    Fucking youtube MBTI videos

    Because some people think they know more about MBTI than others, the same as you think you know more about MBTI than most of the people who made those videos. The videos that I've seen are pretty consistent with what can be seen that is consistent with most people who claim to be of that type...
  49. scorpiomover

    Plasma Knots

  50. scorpiomover

    The Void's Collection

    Re: God is not dead It would be a good idea if you value truth. The Greeks were into homosexuality in general. The Greeks used to say that (romantic) love was between men, not between women. They also had a tradition that it was a good way to raise a teenage man, by getting him an older role...
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