For some reason Keirsey focused on the the presence of one particular function being either the dominant or auxillary function the Guardian and Artisan temperaments, while focusing on two preferences in the Rational and Idealist temperaments.
Why not have SJ/SP/NJ/NP or ST/SF/NT/NF as alternative models?
Because that's how things work. I've actually asked myself this question some months ago. I gave it a great deal of thought.
Jung said in some of his writings that Sensation is concrete, so much so, that it swallows up Thinking/Feeling, and so makes it difficult to tell the difference between an ST and an SF (See
Jung identified Newton as an S type).
However, there is a point that extends beyond this. Consider a business meeting in which there are every type. Suppose they are supposed to come up with a product or strategy to increase sales.
The Sensors will likely come up with an existing product or strategy, that has already shown itself to work.
The Intuitives will likely come up with a new idea. But because it's new, it's untested, and so we lack the data and evidence to know if it will work or not. That makes the ideas of Intuitives inherently unreliable. So to convince the boss of the value of their idea, they'll have to explain why their idea is going to work. Some call on practical, logical and scientific ideas, like NTs. Others call on psychological and emotional motivations, that explain why their ideas will be a success, which we call NFs.
However, the Sensors have already come up with an existing product or strategy,
that has already shown itself to work. Nothing to do. No need to give logical or psychological arguments as to why the idea will work. We already have the proof, hard evidence, that it worked before. By the principle of scientific induction ("The Sun came up every day before. Why wouldn't it come up tomorrow?"), the basis of science, all of reason and evidence dictates that it should work again. They don't need to explain their reasons. You can see if it works for youself. So, they don't give arguments, and just let you realise for yourself that it is bound to work, and so is the obvious choice.
However, since the Sensors' answer for why their idea would work, is "evidence shows it will", the boss is bound to ask the Sensors for their evidence. This is where it gets tricky.
The SJs are reliant on Si, and Si is all about the past, and especially what's written in books. They're likely to pull out an old history book that says that it worked for people 150 years ago, for their whole lives. It has been tested for a long time, and so is reliable. But it was tested on people a long time ago, and things have changed. It might not work now.
The SPs are reliant on Se, which is all about the present, and especially what's been visually seen. They're likely to say that they saw it work on some people they personally saw it working on. But, since it's happened recently, it's only been tested for a short time. Also, since he's seen it himself, it lacks the objectivity of having many different witnesses. But, it's recent, and things haven't changed that rapidly. So if it does work, it will probably also work now as well.
So, when listening to people argue their case:
NT = "It's rational"
NF = "It's psychological"
SJ = "We have historical records that it worked for a long time in the past"
SP = "I saw it work on a few people recently".
The same goes for other types of problem-solving.