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You know you're an Intp when...


mysteriously benevolent
Local time
Today 5:29 PM
Mar 28, 2009
mostly in the vast space inside
you spend 10 minutes deciding which smiley/picture goes best with what you are trying to say (and then decide not to put one up)

This one really cracked me up!!

:D <--- we need a much better laughing smiley than this one!


Local time
Today 10:29 AM
Jun 7, 2008
The wired
A female acquaintance tells you that she could see a girl falling for you because you're "mysterious"

when that^ has actually happened to you.

when you warn said girl that she won't like you when she gets to know you, but she insists. A couple of months later she ends up running away... I told you so... *sigh*

All of The Frood's ones were good. Except for the parenthesis one... (you can never use parenthesis "too much" (nor ellipses...))...


Local time
Today 12:29 PM
Dec 14, 2009
Finally, I've finished reading through this thread (and can now comment safely)! I must say, it's quite a relief to see that other people have to deal with thought processes similar to mine.

Here are my contributions, in no particular order:

You know you're an INTP when...

  • Your train of thought regularly ends up generating a list of specific Google queries you intend to look up later, but then end up forgetting most of. Questions are a sort of by-product of your normal thought process.
  • When your alarm clock resets to 12:00 after a power outage, you just memorize the time offset instead of bothering to set the time correctly. Time is all relative anyways.
  • You often take a break from thinking deeply about something to find that at some point you've unknowingly picked up an object in your hands and have been playing with it for some time now.
  • You sometimes say a phrase, sentence, or even a brief dialogue out loud just because you want to hear what it sounds like.
  • You have an irresistible urge to flip back to the previous page in a book to double-check the exact phrasing of a sentence.
  • Typos stand out like a sore thumb, even when you're just glancing at a piece of paper.
  • You frequently think about how weird it is that the cold you are feeling on your skin in the winter is in fact an absence of heat.
  • You don't bother charging your cell phone, because if it's actually important someone can find another way to get in touch with you-- right?.
  • You frequently observe the present moment from the future, perhaps as a chapter in a book... and then you think about the fact that you're doing that, and laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. Then you make something up when someone asks why you just laughed out of the blue.
  • You learn new concepts or facts by thinking about them until your internal model has adjusted to the point where this fact is innately obvious. As a result, you refuse to "just memorize" things, and it can sometimes take a long time to build up a complete theoretical foundation to support a new idea.
  • Your focus inertia is massive: it takes forever to get started on something, but once you get started you are likely to continue working on it until no longer physically possible, to the exclusion of everything else.
  • You are constantly making tons of observations which you find fascinating, but no one else seems to. What to do?
  • You rarely ask questions in class, for fear that it was already addressed and everyone else got it but you were zoned out at the time.
  • When emotions come into play, there is inevitably an incredibly painful battle with your rational mind. This may possibly manifest itself as an imagined conversation.

Oh, and hi!
:elephant: :elephant: :elephant: :elephant: :elephant:

Deleted member 1424

  • Your train of thought regularly ends up generating a list of specific Google queries you intend to look up later, but then end up forgetting most of. Questions are a sort of by-product of your normal thought process.
  • When your alarm clock resets to 12:00 after a power outage, you just memorize the time offset instead of bothering to set the time correctly. Time is all relative anyways.
  • You often take a break from thinking deeply about something to find that at some point you've unknowingly picked up an object in your hands and have been playing with it for some time now.
  • You sometimes say a phrase, sentence, or even a brief dialogue out loud just because you want to hear what it sounds like.
  • You frequently think about how weird it is that the cold you are feeling on your skin in the winter is in fact an absence of heat.
  • You don't bother charging your cell phone, because if it's actually important someone can find another way to get in touch with you-- right?.
  • You frequently observe the present moment from the future, perhaps as a chapter in a book... and then you think about the fact that you're doing that, and laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. Then you make something up when someone asks why you just laughed out of the blue.
  • You learn new concepts or facts by thinking about them until your internal model has adjusted to the point where this fact is innately obvious. As a result, you refuse to "just memorize" things, and it can sometimes take a long time to build up a complete theoretical foundation to support a new idea.
  • Your focus inertia is massive: it takes forever to get started on something, but once you get started you are likely to continue working on it until no longer physically possible, to the exclusion of everything else.
  • You are constantly making tons of observations which you find fascinating, but no one else seems to. What to do?

I do all of these things in some form, and the bolded ones to a T. :p
Welcome to the forum Cameron; nice list.


Local time
Today 12:29 PM
Jan 28, 2009
From a dangerously safe distance
Oh, I like the alarm clock one. I still haven't changed mine for the end of daylight savings time, which was over a month ago. I just subtract the hour. Uggh, it's stupid anyway. Who wants it to get dark at 6pm???! I hate this timing situation.


Local time
Today 9:29 AM
Sep 13, 2009
Anaheim, CA
You know you are an ESTP when every sentence you say begins with "So I was plowing this one chick..."

Sorry, I was inspired by an ESTP friend of mine to change things up a bit.


Is actually an INTJ
Local time
Today 5:29 PM
Aug 21, 2009
  • You often take a break from thinking deeply about something to find that at some point you've unknowingly picked up an object in your hands and have been playing with it for some time now.
I destroyed my mums credit card this way


mysteriously benevolent
Local time
Today 5:29 PM
Mar 28, 2009
mostly in the vast space inside
You frequently observe the present moment from the future, perhaps as a chapter in a book... and then you think about the fact that you're doing that, and laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. Then you make something up when someone asks why you just laughed out of the blue.
Oh yes, frequently - great additions and welcome!


still swimming
Local time
Today 5:29 PM
Nov 14, 2009
  • You frequently observe the present moment from the future, perhaps as a chapter in a book... and then you think about the fact that you're doing that, and laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. Then you make something up when someone asks why you just laughed out of the blue.
  • You learn new concepts or facts by thinking about them until your internal model has adjusted to the point where this fact is innately obvious. As a result, you refuse to "just memorize" things, and it can sometimes take a long time to build up a complete theoretical foundation to support a new idea.

All your additions were great, but I relate to these two the most. Perfect. And welcome.

  • When you pick at people's statements and propose opposing possibilities, not to annoy them (although some seem to think so, claiming that you're trying to start an argument, ironically, as by saying that they are potentially starting one) but to check their reasoning (which often doesn't satisfy your standards), and yet you criticise yourself for being too passive and agreeable in other situations.


Reptilian Brain Washed
Local time
Today 12:29 PM
Nov 5, 2009
You find the statement "There's no "i" in Denial" terribly fulfilling.


Steel marks flesh
Local time
Today 6:29 PM
Jan 10, 2009
... your misanthropy is such that you keep wishing for an alien invasion to happen.

I posted that because when I was 14 or so I read one of these Goosepump horror books. Those were quite popular at that time. However, I actually remember none of these but one and only because it had such a beautiful ending. It took some time (=hours) to find the English title:

Plot Synopsis

The book starts with the protagonist, Ricky Beamer, recounting why he has sneaked out of his house to play a trick on the school newspaper editor, Tasha McClain. Ricky left his house at night while his parents were busy to plant a "hilarious" item in the forthcoming edition school newspaper, "calling all Creeps" to call Tasha after midnight. Ricky waited outside the classroom window until Tasha left to go to the juice machine and typed it on the front page of the paper.

The reason Ricky gives for doing this is that Tasha called him a "creep" and kicked him off the newspaper staff when he accidentally threw a can of Pepsi all over her computer.

There's a reason as to why he's not really at fault, because of the actions of a quartet or Ricky's enemies, helpfully identified numerous times as "My Enemies" by Ricky. Jared, David, Brenda, and Wart, makes sure Ricky is receiving 100% of the entire student body's allotted bullying. For instance, it was Wart's fault that Ricky threw a can of soda. Later, when Ricky is given a second chance to get back on the paper, it's Wart and his friends who spray the camera Ricky was using to photograph a school car wash, ruining it.

Ricky is taunted by everyone in school at some point with either "Sicky Ricky" or "Ricky Rodent." All this is even worse than normal for Ricky thanks to the new girl at school, Iris, who likes him for some reason, and who he is continuously embarrassed in front of. At one point Wart forces him to sing The Star-Spangled Banner in front of her.

So Ricky's gotten back at Tasha, and he calls Iris to gloat, but she suggests that maybe things will turn out badly for Ricky with this prank. Things do turn out bad, because Tasha caught Ricky's addition and changed it to "Call Ricky After Midnight if You're a Creep."

Ricky starts to get calls after midnight from breathy voices identifying themselves as Creeps, asking when they can meet to discuss "the planting of seeds." Ricky tells Iris about the troubles he's having, and she suggests disconnecting his phone. Iris asks if Ricky would help her go shopping for baking supplies, as the school bake sale is coming up and she wants to make something really nice to make her mark on the school.

Ricky intends to meet her after school to go grocery shopping, but he gets sidetracked by monsters that kidnap him. His four enemies grab Ricky and drag him into the woods. They identify themselves as Creeps and call Ricky their Commander. They apologize for having teased and bullied him earlier, for they did not know until they saw the announcement in the paper that he was the Commander of the Creeps. Then the four kids change into the reptilian creatures on the book cover. They tell Ricky that their mission must come to fruition soon, their mission of changing all the kids in the school into Creeps by having them ingest "Identity Seeds." The Creeps insist that they are superior to humans, which the Creep-Wart proves by swallowing a squirrel whole.

One of the Creeps holds up a bag of Identity Seeds, which look like chocolate chips. Another of the Creeps tells Ricky that they have a plan and with the Commander's approval they will implement it. The plan is to stir the seeds into the food in the lunchroom. That superior to humans argument is looking a little more specious, but Ricky tentatively agrees to it.

Ricky arrives at school early the next day, after his attempts at eliciting help from his principal and parents fail. He tells the Creeps not to go through with it, but they insist. They give Ricky the bag of seeds and he first pretends to trip and spill all of the seeds everywhere in the cafeteria kitchen. One of the Creeps tells him not to worry; they always keep a spare bag of Identity Seeds around. Ricky gets an idea and stirs the seeds into the macaroni and cheese, a dish he knows no one on the school eats. After no one changes into Creeps, Ricky apologizes for the plan's failure.

That's okay; the Creeps have another plan. They'll bake the seeds into chocolate chip cookies and give them out for free at the school bake sale. Since it only takes eating one seed to make a human a Creep, and no one can resist free cookies, everyone will be a Creep, they reason. Ricky tries to backpedal out of agreeing to the plan, and the Creeps turn on him, doubting he is their commander. This is when Iris barges in, announces herself as the Commander's Sergeant, and tells the Creeps that they will go ahead with the bake sale idea.

Once the Creeps have left, Iris tells Ricky she's not really a Creep, but that she had followed them the afternoon that Ricky didn't show up to go shopping, and had seen and overheard the whole exchange, so she waited until the next day to talk about seeing the boy she liked surrounded by villainous monsters.

At the bake sale, Ricky tries to think of a way to stop people from eating the cookies. His solution: grab a megaphone and tell everyone not to eat the cookies or they'll turn into monsters. Somehow this plan doesn't work, and the student body throws food at him, taunting him, mocking him. Tasha shows up to make fun of him personally. The Creeps corner Ricky, ask why he isn't handing out the cookies. They tell him that once they all turn into Creeps, they'll become his slaves. Ricky considers this, and then personally hands a cookie to Tasha, followed by the rest of the student body, and even one for himself.

You know, for kids! :confused:

Starfruit M.E.

Goes by M.E., NOT Star.
Local time
Today 12:29 PM
Dec 19, 2009
You know you're an INTP when you worry about inventing your own definitions for things without realizing. :D

There is also looking up definitions on google functions because you wake up in the middle of the night with the terrible fear that you have been thinking wrongly about a word all this time because you never looked it up but only relied on the context you have heard it in, which we know is not accurate because they may have dangled a participle in the same sentence. Then it strikes you that the memory could be false and only implanted in your brain because if reality changed every second it would come with its own false memories and you could go your whole life not knowing. At this point you are afraid that you will eventually loose the meaning of this word, so you try desperatly for the next hour to try to defeat this unknown power changing reality by somehow putting the definition of this work in some time of accesable time warp machine. As you plan the machine it dawns on you that you are only creating it in this reality and not the other realities and you struggle with the thought until you are not certain that you ever actually lived before this second in your life at all. And if reality is going to keep changing, is it really worth it to go look up this word? Then suddenly you realize what you have been doing, and realize it's stupid, so you start laughing hysterically at three in the morning, waking up your neighbors or parents, and when they come over to tell you to shut up they ask why you were laughing and all you can say is "Oh nothing" and quickly usher them back out the door.

Reverse Transcriptase

"you're a poet whether you like it or not"
Local time
Today 9:29 AM
Sep 22, 2008
The Maze in the Heart of the Castle
melody, is your real name James Joyce?


Active Member
Local time
Today 5:29 PM
Oct 26, 2009
you know you're an INTP when other people care about your social life more than you do

Starfruit M.E.

Goes by M.E., NOT Star.
Local time
Today 12:29 PM
Dec 19, 2009
melody, is your real name James Joyce?

Are we here referring to the modernist writer James Joyce, or to someone else? I know little about the writer besides the wiki biography, so if you are making a reference to him I would appreciate it if you would enlighten me as to why you have made that connection.

The Frood

knows where his towel is
Local time
Today 9:29 AM
Nov 29, 2009
Somewhere in the vicinity of betelgeuse
you know your an INTP when

you are put on the spot, you either preform brilliantly, or fail miserably

you despise using the telephone

you know the answer immediately after the question is said but don't say anything, despite a 1-5 minute silence while the rest of the class figures it out (or till someone says anything)


mysteriously benevolent
Local time
Today 5:29 PM
Mar 28, 2009
mostly in the vast space inside
Are we here referring to the modernist writer James Joyce, or to someone else? I know little about the writer besides the wiki biography, so if you are making a reference to him I would appreciate it if you would enlighten me as to why you have made that connection.

I suspect it's to do with your wonderfully rambling prose. Joyce was a genius so I wouldn't worry.

Starfruit M.E.

Goes by M.E., NOT Star.
Local time
Today 12:29 PM
Dec 19, 2009
you know the answer immediately after the question is said but don't say anything, despite a 1-5 minute silence while the rest of the class figures it out (or till someone says anything)

I relate. Sometimes when people don't get it though, I whisper it to myself impatiently hoping the person sitting next to me will overhear so we can move on.

And thanks snowqueen. :)


still swimming
Local time
Today 5:29 PM
Nov 14, 2009
As an experiment, the day before your final Christmas exam (which is invariably History, which you enjoy but have not studied properly (i.e. at all) for at least 17 months), you decide not to start revising until after midnight, reaching for a coffee (which you gave up four months ago) and feel compelled to mention it online, seeking attention, which you know you're not going to get (perhaps saying that just to encourage someone to prove you wrong), but posting anyway just in case someone is experiencing the exact same thing and stumbles across your pile of artistically organised (read: not organised) letters or mis-clicked the "quote" button.

Then again, maybe it's just me. :confused:


mysteriously benevolent
Local time
Today 5:29 PM
Mar 28, 2009
mostly in the vast space inside
lol ckm when I was at school and hadn't revised properly for my history exam except for the history of the welfare state which interested me, when I went into the exam and there was no question about the welfare state so I wrote 'I don't know anything about (the question) but if you had asked me abou the welfare state I would have written ..."

and I passed.


accepts advice on his English
Local time
Today 6:29 PM
Dec 31, 2008
When you kind of wish you had a large scar on your face so that you would be forced to wear a cool mask - and take it off for dramatic effect on occasion.


still swimming
Local time
Today 5:29 PM
Nov 14, 2009
lol ckm when I was at school and hadn't revised properly for my history exam except for the history of the welfare state which interested me, when I went into the exam and there was no question about the welfare state so I wrote 'I don't know anything about (the question) but if you had asked me abou the welfare state I would have written ..."

and I passed.

That sounds like a plan! I went ahead and got that cup of coffee but fell asleep an hour later. How I miss the joyous effects of caffeine. :(


Local time
Tomorrow 12:29 AM
Dec 23, 2009
you know your an INTP when

YOUR BEING A CHAMELLION, to observe without exposing your true self...the facts is, you like to be alone, suddenly being very talkative and socialised with others...but not to make friends with them, u just want to know their behavior and thought for your own reference data....

YOU NOTICE THAT YOU ARE LOUSY LEADER....INTP are natural born genius but not a born leaders...too dependent on others compentency to take lead.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 5:29 AM
Dec 12, 2009
YOU NOTICE THAT YOU ARE LOUSY LEADER....INTP are natural born genius but not a born leaders...too dependent on others compentency to take lead.
If you develop your "J" you can perform style INTJ leadership.

Sit down, shut up, stay the fuck out of my may.
Remember there's no "I" in team, but if you swap the letters around there is a "Me".
There's also "Meat", that's what you'll be if you don't co-operate with me.

INTJ's are worse than evil because evil is personal, INTJs are not.


Active Member
Local time
Today 12:29 PM
Aug 31, 2009
Sit down, shut up, stay the fuck out of my may.
Remember there's no "I" in team, but if you swap the letters around there is a "Me".
There's also "Meat", that's what you'll be if you don't co-operate with me.

That's usually my leadership method in a stressful situation, especially when I see a clear solution to the problem and everyone is too busy being retarded to figure it out.

"Alright, I gave all YOU yokels a chance to fix our problem, and you've proven your complete inability to apply a thought out solution that best suits EVERYONE."

"Now that the stupid portion of our tour is over, everyone will be listening to ME and I'll be implementing a solution that saves you and best suits MYSELF. If you're good, you'll even be allowed to smile afterwords... maybe..."

Anyway, you know you're an INTP when "Making do" actually involves constructing something.


Steel marks flesh
Local time
Today 6:29 PM
Jan 10, 2009
If you develop your "J" you can perform style INTJ leadership.

MBTI is not a RPG.

...you are all alone at christmas and don't really care.


I'm your chauffeur with high
Local time
Today 9:29 AM
Sep 19, 2009

Agent Intellect

Absurd Anti-hero.
Local time
Today 12:29 PM
Jul 28, 2008
...you are all alone at christmas and don't really care.

The other side of the same coin: you are not alone at christmas, you feel alone, and the only thing you want is to be left alone.


Active Member
Local time
Today 12:29 PM
Nov 29, 2009
The other side of the same coin: you are not alone at christmas, you feel alone, and the only thing you want is to be left alone.


I slept for 12 hourse yesterday! Had a few invitations to go to dinner. But no. Diet pepsi, booze, roast beef, and broadband were my gifts to myself.


mysteriously benevolent
Local time
Today 5:29 PM
Mar 28, 2009
mostly in the vast space inside
When the best Christmas present you got was having your house to yourself for 6 hours on Christmas Day! (for the first time in four and a half months!!!! Blissssssssssssssss)


Local time
Today 12:29 PM
Dec 25, 2009
Toronto.ON CA
24. You HAVE to walk on those tiles in a predetermined pattern.


.wysiwyg { background-image: initial !important; background-repeat: initial !important; background-attachment: initial !important; -khtml-background-clip: initial !important; -khtml-background-origin: initial !important; background-color: rgb(65, 65, 65) !important; color: rgb(253, 253, 253) !important; font-family: verdanagenevalucida'lucida grande'arialhelveticasans-serif !important; font-style: normal !important; font-variant: normal !important; font-weight: normal !important; font-size: 9pt !important; line-height: normal !important; background-position: initial initial !important; } p { margin: 0px; } .inlineimg { vertical-align: middle; }


Local time
Tomorrow 12:29 AM
Dec 23, 2009
If you develop your "J" you can perform style INTJ leadership.

Sit down, shut up, stay the fuck out of my may.
Remember there's no "I" in team, but if you swap the letters around there is a "Me".
There's also "Meat", that's what you'll be if you don't co-operate with me.

INTJ's are worse than evil because evil is personal, INTJs are not.

agree with you!!!

my self is an INTP

but some of my action more likely to be intj character

and iam more attracted to intj personalities also

gets darn confusing....am i intp or intj?

dose that happens to all you lot?

tricky question, can all intp geniusus be all the jung type character for once a while?, like i did to be intj to lead........coz intp are clever, so i think intp's can make it happens....anyone can do or answer this


Local time
Today 5:29 PM
Oct 16, 2008
- when you would really like to post something here, but want to be horribly and specifically accurate in that you do not want to repeat something which was already stated, but you are also too lazy to read them all with any kind of comprehensiveness but you still post something anyway then read it again, find the sentence structure atrocious, but also have a burning desire to go back and clarify your statement and spend hours agonizing over one written post and never ever emerge from your doooooooom.

- when you like to get books for <insert-holiday-here>

- when you are already prepared with at least 5 or 6 different arguments on why being politically correct (see "<insert-holiday-here>") is either bad, good, okay-ish, or only acceptable in certain situations


mysteriously benevolent
Local time
Today 5:29 PM
Mar 28, 2009
mostly in the vast space inside
- when you would really like to post something here, but want to be horribly and specifically accurate in that you do not want to repeat something which was already stated, but you are also too lazy to read them all with any kind of comprehensiveness but you still post something anyway then read it again, find the sentence structure atrocious, but also have a burning desire to go back and clarify your statement and spend hours agonizing over one written post and never ever emerge from your doooooooom.

- when you like to get books for <insert-holiday-here>

- when you are already prepared with at least 5 or 6 different arguments on why being politically correct (see "<insert-holiday-here>") is either bad, good, okay-ish, or only acceptable in certain situations

When you immediately notice the new person's sig [looks around to see if lor is watching]


Local time
Today 5:29 PM
Jan 2, 2010
When you wander around having conversations with people you know in your head...

Or maybe thats just me.

brain enclosed in flesh

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 10:29 AM
Apr 16, 2009
need to get out
When you wander around having conversations with people you know in your head...

Or maybe thats just me.

These conversations comprise about 80% of my interactions with others. In other words, 80% of my conversations with others are made up. :eek: I often get confused and, once we get together, can't remember whether we actually talked about something or I imagined us talking about something...

Cameron- I didn't reset my clock for one year- it was five hours off- and then the batteries ran out, so now it's just sitting there, and I think, 'eh, I've got other clocks.' It's main purpose, however, was it showed the outside temperature. My response to it's absence, 'eh, I can just step outside, if and when I do...'


Only 1 1-F.
Local time
Today 7:29 PM
Jan 2, 2010
..your car becomes a daydreaming capsule.


Mean can be funny
Local time
Today 5:29 PM
Aug 14, 2009
When phrases like 'Daydreaming Capsule' enchant you. When you play one-man scrabble.


Mean can be funny
Local time
Today 5:29 PM
Aug 14, 2009
Have you played Bananagrams? That game was made for wordy introverts. You play alongside others or you can play by yourself, it really doesn't matter.

I hadn't heard of it, but it sounds like hours of fun. I'll have to check it out. :D


Only 1 1-F.
Local time
Today 7:29 PM
Jan 2, 2010
..you quickly get out of topic. ditto


Active Member
Local time
Today 12:29 PM
Aug 31, 2009
-You're secretly formulating your ultimate winning strategy for your next game of Monopoly.

(You see, my secret is to go for the oranges, they're the highest probability roll spaces on the board, besides jail, which has several times the landing rate of other spaces due to the number of methods of arriving there. Then, 6, 8, and 9, high probability rolls when throwing 2d6, give those properties a trickle down effect. Never fails! ;D)


accepts advice on his English
Local time
Today 6:29 PM
Dec 31, 2008
- when your teacher says you can have your test paper back, and you pull a novel in paperback format out of your bag and tell him it's fine because you've already got one.



Active Member
Local time
Today 11:29 AM
Jan 4, 2010
33. you dump your boyfriend because he said i love you and gave you a hug....:p
(really happen to me)

I thought that was just me! He wanted to hold my hand and carry my books and tell me I was pretty *shudder*. It was most disturbing. Of course all my friends told me I was crazy.

Reverse Transcriptase

"you're a poet whether you like it or not"
Local time
Today 9:29 AM
Sep 22, 2008
The Maze in the Heart of the Castle
-You're secretly formulating your ultimate winning strategy for your next game of Monopoly.

(You see, my secret is to go for the oranges, they're the highest probability roll spaces on the board, besides jail, which has several times the landing rate of other spaces due to the number of methods of arriving there. Then, 6, 8, and 9, high probability rolls when throwing 2d6, give those properties a trickle down effect. Never fails! ;D)

yeahhhhh so my dad had you beat... he played monopoly a lot in college. back in the day when computer programs were on punch-cards, he wrote a program to find the probabilities of people landing on different spaces.

The problem with the oranges is that people know that they're better, that they're above-value, so the prices between players reflect that.

Here's a really good principal: If you're trading with another player, don't give him/her a monopoly unless you are also getting a monopoly from the trade.
Second principal: Never give someone a monopoly and money.

they did a few things to make the game go faster: if you're playing with the house rule that fees go into the center of the board and the person who lands on "free parking" gets the $, then you're doing it wrong and making the game last longer than it should.

Then they had one person keeping track of the money with paper and pencil and columns. or a rotating person doing it. and they rounded everything to the nearest 5 and called it good.

One time they had a new 4th person join their group. She didn't win for the first two months. (They played almost every weekend, with about 3-5 games in a sitting.)

(You know you're an INTP when you're proud of your dad's board game skillz.)


Local time
Today 9:29 AM
Dec 10, 2009
I'm not telling you, stalker! :P
When your parents resort to physical means in an argument.
When your parents call the pastor.
When teachers tell shout at you to wake up and stop trying to think so deep into things.
When you notice completely random things.
When you're staring outside while everyone's staring at the dead guy on the floor.


Steel marks flesh
Local time
Today 6:29 PM
Jan 10, 2009
...somebody makes a relationship thread about you.


Local time
Today 9:29 AM
Dec 10, 2009
I'm not telling you, stalker! :P
Finally, I've finished reading through this thread (and can now comment safely)! I must say, it's quite a relief to see that other people have to deal with thought processes similar to mine.

Here are my contributions, in no particular order:

You know you're an INTP when...

  • Your train of thought regularly ends up generating a list of specific Google queries you intend to look up later, but then end up forgetting most of. Questions are a sort of by-product of your normal thought process.
  • When your alarm clock resets to 12:00 after a power outage, you just memorize the time offset instead of bothering to set the time correctly. Time is all relative anyways.
  • You often take a break from thinking deeply about something to find that at some point you've unknowingly picked up an object in your hands and have been playing with it for some time now.
  • You sometimes say a phrase, sentence, or even a brief dialogue out loud just because you want to hear what it sounds like.
  • You have an irresistible urge to flip back to the previous page in a book to double-check the exact phrasing of a sentence.
  • Typos stand out like a sore thumb, even when you're just glancing at a piece of paper.
  • You frequently think about how weird it is that the cold you are feeling on your skin in the winter is in fact an absence of heat.
  • You don't bother charging your cell phone, because if it's actually important someone can find another way to get in touch with you-- right?.
  • You frequently observe the present moment from the future, perhaps as a chapter in a book... and then you think about the fact that you're doing that, and laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. Then you make something up when someone asks why you just laughed out of the blue.
  • You learn new concepts or facts by thinking about them until your internal model has adjusted to the point where this fact is innately obvious. As a result, you refuse to "just memorize" things, and it can sometimes take a long time to build up a complete theoretical foundation to support a new idea.
  • Your focus inertia is massive: it takes forever to get started on something, but once you get started you are likely to continue working on it until no longer physically possible, to the exclusion of everything else.
  • You are constantly making tons of observations which you find fascinating, but no one else seems to. What to do?
  • You rarely ask questions in class, for fear that it was already addressed and everyone else got it but you were zoned out at the time.
  • When emotions come into play, there is inevitably an incredibly painful battle with your rational mind. This may possibly manifest itself as an imagined conversation.

Oh, and hi!
:elephant: :elephant: :elephant: :elephant: :elephant:
I do those things. The rest though, not much.
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