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You know you're an Intp when...


wierd drummer kid
Local time
Today 2:36 PM
Jan 4, 2010
Cumming, GA (I swear it's a real place)
-You actually have to analyze whether or not you like someone (Think of the lyric "I want to know how I feel about you but I can't do the math")
-You think that lyric is amazing.
-You are aware that you heard above lyric once and not in the song so it's possible the words are wrong but are too lazy to look it up.
-A teacher calls on you in class and you had the right answer but you forgot the question before you said it so you just blurted an answer out. (That cost me a piece of candy damnit!)
-(This will only apply to me but I'm assuming in the same situation you guys would be the same way) Our percussion class has a chart posted of the different pass-offs (playing tests) and every time we complete one, we get to put a sticker by it. Being able to put the sticker by it is enough motivation to get me to learn said pass-off. Not the fact that it's my dream and plan for the future. Not to get better. No I just want the STICKERS!
-Once you have been motivated you do amazingly in anything but never call it that until you realize how far you've come.
-You always assume there is someone better and calling yourself good is somehow bad.
-You read through this thread as another check to make sure you are in fact an INTP regardless of how many tests you've taken
-You still have your doubts
-You thought up great responses/examples of INTPness as you were reading this thread but forgot them all as you got to end so you can finally post them.
-Even in your absentmindedness, you've developed the ability to hear things from far away if you need to focus on something.
-Example: In marching band I heard my director say "Lay out your drums here and wind players put your instruments together to get ready for practice"
I noticed the wind players were not doing this but decided not to say anything because I assumed I heard wrong. When sitting down getting lectured, we were asked "What did I say to do winds" To which they replied normal routine things to do that were not correct (like putting the cases out) and I whispered the correct answer to those around me multiple times and no one responded. Finally I got annoyed, raised my hand and gave the correct answer. A friend told me later that she found this hilarious because I am a drummer. I was insulted however because (drums had done it right) and the director said something about low IQs of drummers. I GAVE THE CORRECT ANSWER DAMNIT!!!
-<Offtopic>My friend in the flagline thought this was the most hilarious thing ever </Offtopic>
-Someone typed <headdesk> and never put </headdesk> and you told them that without the latter, you are in a perpetual state of slamming your head into the desk.
-You actually tried that spelling out music thing and played the combination of the word "Music" listed earlier to verify that it in fact sounded good.
-Too lazy to find that comment and quote it.
-You swear that post/message was NOT originally going to be that long but you kept thinking of other things
-You're friend says "We have a test in psychology today" you've been absent and ask "Crap do you have the study guide?" When they give it to you, you read over it once in the time it takes to walk to lunch (about half a song, yes that is how I measure time) hand it back.
-You score very high on that test
-Your friends call you a genius but you deny it
-You failed your advanced placement test on purpose to avoid the expectations of advanced classes
-and yet you still complain that regular class people are too slow
-You second guess half of these as not really being INTP characteristics thinking possibly you were mistyped (despite above mentioned points)
-This thread was scary accurate and you are interested to see if others here agree with your points
-Analysis is your best friend and you can do quite quickly
-There are smiley's you wish to use but don't know the context like :elephant: :king-twitter: :storks::beatyou: and simply used them out of context now in case you never find context later


mysteriously benevolent
Local time
Today 7:36 PM
Mar 28, 2009
mostly in the vast space inside
^^^^ hehe yes to most of those especially the first and the one about the study guide.

and I'm sure you'll find a use for the smilies!:dinnerinthesky:

Deleted member 1424

When it's five in the morning and you thought it was only midnight.

Ex-User (979)

Local time
Today 7:36 PM
Dec 28, 2008
when your in a group of people and don't say anything until someone says something that makes you type them (ENTJ) to which you laugh even though its not really funny and everyone stares at you.


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:36 PM
Jan 4, 2010
When you become so frustrated by someone using a logical fallacy in a debate that it causes you to feel physically ill. :mad:

When you enter the library in the morning to pick up a book and before you know it the librarian is asking you to leave so they can close.

When you stand up from your desk/workspace, get slightly dizzy, and realize you can't remember the last time you ate.

When the experience of having someone actually know what you're trying to say in the midst of a nonsensical rant makes you want to squeal with happiness.

When you rarely do what your parents ask you to do for one of two reasons: they never gave you an adequate explanation for why you should do it, or you accepted that it should be done but then forgot.

When your friends shake their heads despairingly as you explain your latest scheme.

And speaking of schemes: When you think it would be the coolest thing ever to build a trebuchet in your yard. I will win all the snowball fights!


mysteriously benevolent
Local time
Today 7:36 PM
Mar 28, 2009
mostly in the vast space inside
When it's 8.45pm and your daughter comes in and asks when you're going to cook dinner ... oops
Local time
Today 8:36 PM
Jan 7, 2010
When you try to start "living like a normal", but quickly return to your INTPness after failing in it SO badly.

When you start laughing your ass off in random situation because of some unrelated thought and explain others around you that you can't tell them cause they wouldn't understand.

When people think you're stupid for taking seriously some abstract joke, while you were just taking it further to even more abstract realms for the lulz.

When you are accused of arrogance after saying gentle to some F that "it isn't about what you feel or like, it's about what is true".

My first post post. Hi all:king-twitter: (When you just HAD TO use this nonsensical emoticon)


accepts advice on his English
Local time
Today 8:36 PM
Dec 31, 2008
When you try to start "living like a normal", but quickly return to your INTPness after failing in it SO badly.

When you start laughing your ass off in random situation because of some unrelated thought and explain others around you that you can't tell them cause they wouldn't understand.

When people think you're stupid for taking seriously some abstract joke, while you were just taking it further to even more abstract realms for the lulz.

When you are accused of arrogance after saying gentle to some F that "it isn't about what you feel or like, it's about what is true".

My first post post. Hi all:king-twitter: (When you just HAD TO use this nonsensical emoticon)

Welcome! I've done all those things many times.


Reptilian Brain Washed
Local time
Today 2:36 PM
Nov 5, 2009
... when you create similes for things, then name the similes, then reference the simile's name at a later date and expect people to know what you are talking bout...LOL


accepts advice on his English
Local time
Today 8:36 PM
Dec 31, 2008
- You construct discussions in your head between you and some other person, with whom you have never discussed the topic, and get a bit upset over how ignorant their opinions are.

- You go on to find out that they have exactly the opinions you thought they would.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 7:36 AM
Dec 12, 2009
-It never occurs to you to study people when there's people around to study.

-You have to check with people if or not conversations you remember having with them actually occurred.


Local time
Today 11:36 AM
Dec 10, 2009
I'm not telling you, stalker! :P
When you try to start "living like a normal", but quickly return to your INTPness after failing in it SO badly.

When you start laughing your ass off in random situation because of some unrelated thought and explain others around you that you can't tell them cause they wouldn't understand.

When people think you're stupid for taking seriously some abstract joke, while you were just taking it further to even more abstract realms for the lulz.

When you are accused of arrogance after saying gentle to some F that "it isn't about what you feel or like, it's about what is true".

My first post post. Hi all:king-twitter: (When you just HAD TO use this nonsensical emoticon)


Except my laughter to my thoughts go no mroe than a chuckle.


Local time
Today 8:36 PM
Jan 15, 2010
Oslo, Norway.


Local time
Tomorrow 2:36 AM
Jan 19, 2010
It Exists
-1. Others think that you're a weirdo
-2. You raise you eyebrow when someone jokes and laugh sarcastically then move away...
-3. You easily notice anagrams and patterns and got bored on the cliche
-4. You look like Simon Cowell on the mirror
-5. Everyone doesn't know Araererweart
-6. You enjoy Tactical RPG
-7. You think Glee is Gay
-8. You hate sports and others that will make you move
-9. If you always think WWJD
-10. If you change Cinderella's fate by killing the dragon and get the Prince as a reward.
-273. If you can see yourself as Jung or Lovecraft.


and Heimdal's horn sounds
Local time
Today 2:36 PM
Aug 16, 2009
- You construct discussions in your head between you and some other person, with whom you have never discussed the topic, and get a bit upset over how ignorant their opinions are.

- You go on to find out that they have exactly the opinions you thought they would.

Ahahaha. This is too perfect. And then you get accused of having some kind of mystical powers.

I don't know if this is a me thing or an INTP thing but, when I walk on campus occasionally a squirrel will dart out in front of my path and then run back to where it came from. (Place is littered with them). I start to laugh because it is watching you to make sure you don't do anything. Then I look around and see that nobody else is. Those little bastards. :D

People constantly ask you if you're mad or if something is wrong. You get a shocked look on your face.

You enjoy speaking in metaphors. Mostly to find those who are "worthy."

You enjoy paradoxes.

You always take on the roll of devil's advocate.

You find it impossible to start any task but, when you do you have to be dragged away kicking and screaming until its finished.


Local time
Today 8:36 PM
Jan 15, 2010
Oslo, Norway.
You remember everything;
But not when you need it the most.


Only 1 1-F.
Local time
Today 9:36 PM
Jan 2, 2010
I don't know if this is a me thing or an INTP thing but, when I walk on campus occasionally a squirrel will dart out in front of my path and then run back to where it came from. (Place is littered with them). I start to laugh because it is watching you to make sure you don't do anything. Then I look around and see that nobody else is. Those little bastards. :D
I don't have it. I only have arguments but no power of preconception brought by the others observed patterns. What do you mean by "is watching you to make sure you don't do anything" and so on?.

When its hard to care.


Local time
Today 2:36 PM
Jan 19, 2010
If you became world dictator, you’d immediately implement a system of eugenics.

You want to slap anyone who embraces evolution but abhors genocide.

When playing chess against Death, you opt for Byzantine with dice just to make things interesting.

When playing chess with normal people, you make random moves and throw away pieces just to make the endgame challenging.

You’ve devoted years of time and energy to master an obscure system, then completely lost interest once it no longer presented a challenge.

Your comments in a college class were considered more interesting and informative than the prof.’s entire lecture series.

Your room/office looks like it was hit by a tornado, but you know exactly where everything is.

You have driven a non INTP into a comatose state simply by answering their question.

You've ever refused to memorize how to do something 'by the book', because at least one step was superfluous.

When explaining something, you naturally omit all steps that are 'given', 'understood', or just plain 'common sense', resulting in complete confusion for the person you were helping.

You worry that the delay while your post is moderated may render parts of it redundant.


The Fiend
Local time
Today 7:36 PM
Mar 10, 2008
I'm freaking out over something I pretty much ignored for five+ years and suddenly realized and isn't immediate.


Is actually an INTJ
Local time
Today 7:36 PM
Aug 21, 2009
You want to slap anyone who embraces evolution but abhors genocide.
What? Seriously, what the fuck.
Genocide has nothing to do with evolution. It would be survival of the fittest if a government killed everyone who has diabetes. Genocide is just the meaningless killing of people who just happened to have been born in the wrong place. The people being killed could have exactly the same genetic make up as the people doing the killing, the only difference is that a bat-shit crazy leader has decided he doesn't like them


Local time
Tomorrow 7:36 AM
Oct 12, 2009
New Zealand
There are memes in your head and in-jokes where you're the only one who's in on the joke
You attempt to play chamber music by recording yourself on the computer instead of finding other players


Local time
Today 2:36 PM
Jan 19, 2010
What? Seriously, what the fuck.
Genocide has nothing to do with evolution. It would be survival of the fittest if a government killed everyone who has diabetes. Genocide is just the meaningless killing of people who just happened to have been born in the wrong place. The people being killed could have exactly the same genetic make up as the people doing the killing, the only difference is that a bat-shit crazy leader has decided he doesn't like them

Are you sure you're an INTP?

I assumed those lines coming out your avatar's head were meant to represent psychic powers, but apparently they denote confusion.

If a government killed everyone with diabetes, that would be eugenics.

Genocide as defined by the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide means any of several acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.

As such, yes, the people could have had the same genetic make-up, but followed a different meme. Memes are also subject to survival of the fittest.

A 'bat-shit' crazy leader is not required. Even when a leader, crazy or otherwise, is present, one man cannot commit genocide without followers.


Active Member
Local time
Today 7:36 PM
Oct 26, 2009
What? Seriously, what the fuck.
Genocide has nothing to do with evolution. It would be survival of the fittest if a government killed everyone who has diabetes. Genocide is just the meaningless killing of people who just happened to have been born in the wrong place. The people being killed could have exactly the same genetic make up as the people doing the killing, the only difference is that a bat-shit crazy leader has decided he doesn't like them

Well you could say being born in a different place is a genetic advantage, and therefore those who weren't slaughtered were 'naturally selected' to survive. Theory still holds.

...you know you're an INTP when you have no qualms about debating the ethics of genocide :cool:


Steel marks flesh
Local time
Today 8:36 PM
Jan 10, 2009
Well you could say being born in a different place is a genetic advantage, and therefore those who weren't slaughtered were 'naturally selected' to survive. Theory still holds.



Local time
Today 2:36 PM
Jan 19, 2010
...you know you're an INTP when you have no qualms about debating the ethics of genocide :cool:

Not sure I follow your logic regarding natural selection, but I like your addition to the list.

...You might be an INTP if you question statements that are meant to be supportive of your own viewpoint.


Local time
Today 7:36 PM
Dec 21, 2009
Are you sure you're an INTP?

I assumed those lines coming out your avatar's head were meant to represent psychic powers, but apparently they denote confusion.

If a government killed everyone with diabetes, that would be eugenics.

Genocide as defined by the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide means any of several acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.

As such, yes, the people could have had the same genetic make-up, but followed a different meme. Memes are also subject to survival of the fittest.

A 'bat-shit' crazy leader is not required. Even when a leader, crazy or otherwise, is present, one man cannot commit genocide without followers.
Okay, but why did you juxtapose abhorring genocide with embracing evolution?


Is actually an INTJ
Local time
Today 7:36 PM
Aug 21, 2009
Are you sure you're an INTP?

I assumed those lines coming out your avatar's head were meant to represent psychic powers, but apparently they denote confusion.

If a government killed everyone with diabetes, that would be eugenics.

Genocide as defined by the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide means any of several acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.

As such, yes, the people could have had the same genetic make-up, but followed a different meme. Memes are also subject to survival of the fittest.

A 'bat-shit' crazy leader is not required. Even when a leader, crazy or otherwise, is present, one man cannot commit genocide without followers.

my reference to killing diabetes sufferers was to say that eugenics would be justifiable with reference to evolution.

And even if you could justify genocide as being part of evolution, that does not make it right. If you do not believe genocide is wrong, then it would also not be wrong for me to stab random people in the street because owning a knife would make me the fittest.

It is possible to abhor genocide whilst simultaneously believing it offers some people an evolutionary advantage


Local time
Today 2:36 PM
Jan 19, 2010
Okay, but why did you juxtapose abhorring genocide with embracing evolution?

I have several acquaintances who have no problem with natural selection as the mechanism of evolution, but think the world should step in and stop any conflict perceived as being genocidal. To me, the continuing conflict of races, cultures and ideas is simply an extension of the same mechanism. It will either lead to a superior human race or our eventual destruction. Either outcome would be in accordance with the basic idea of natural selection. Sometimes the organism best at killing isn't the fittest to survive.

My issue isn't with the correctness of either, but with the contradiction - basically the contamination of a scientific theory by ethics, or to put it another way, replacing Thinking with Feeling. Most people will admit that nature is cruel, but if we interfere, we risk upsetting the balance. Genocide is cruel, but can anyone honestly say that they would be here if their distant (or even not so distant ancestors), hadn't been resourceful and/or strong enough to prevent their own destruction at the expense of someone else?

...You might be an INTP if you look at the percentage of the world population that shares your characteristics and realize that you're an endangered species*.

*'Species' used incorrectly for comic effect.


Is actually an INTJ
Local time
Today 7:36 PM
Aug 21, 2009
My issue isn't with the correctness of either, but with the contradiction - basically the contamination of a scientific theory by ethics, or to put it another way, replacing Thinking with Feeling. Most people will admit that nature is cruel, but if we interfere, we risk upsetting the balance. Genocide is cruel, but can anyone honestly say that they would be here if their distant (or even not so distant ancestors), hadn't been resourceful and/or strong enough to prevent their own destruction at the expense of someone else?

...You might be an INTP if you look at the percentage of the world population that shares your characteristics and realize that you're an endangered species*.

*'Species' used incorrectly for comic effect.

In exactly the same way we could consider that interfering with genocide is part of the balance
If commiting genocide is an evolutionary adantage to one nation, preventing that genocide is likely to be an advantage to other nations.


Local time
Today 2:36 PM
Jan 19, 2010
my reference to killing diabetes sufferers was to say that eugenics would be justifiable with reference to evolution.

And even if you could justify genocide as being part of evolution, that does not make it right. If you do not believe genocide is wrong, then it would also not be wrong for me to stab random people in the street because owning a knife would make me the fittest.

It is possible to abhor genocide whilst simultaneously believing it offers some people an evolutionary advantage

This doesn't conform to your initial post, but I can respect your conclusion. I'm arguing from a purely scientific standpoint, so, as far as I'm concerned, right and wrong have no place in the argument. Natural selection is a cruel, brutal process.

If you randomly stabbed people on the street, One could argue that they were not sufficiently aware, too weak, unskilled, or just unwilling to defend their genetic material. if you managed to continue indefinitely (showing a great deal of resourcefulness in evading/defeating the authorities), people would come to fear you, possibly to the point of following you to avoid being killed. You would have your pick of willing (or unwilling) partners, so you would have passed on your genes to a greater number than otherwise possible while culling those less able to survive. Sounds like a perfect example of natural selection, but it's only a straw man relative to the genocide.

I'm guessing that my choice of abhor is what threw things off course. Perhaps I should have simply stated "...but think genocide should be prevented".

Anyway, I see where you're coming from. I'm guessing your interests lean toward philosophy.

BTW - Isn't randomly stabbing people in the street surpassing football as the national sport in the U.K.? Seriously, I think there's a team...

Reverse Transcriptase

"you're a poet whether you like it or not"
Local time
Today 11:36 AM
Sep 22, 2008
The Maze in the Heart of the Castle
The human race is technologically progressing too fast for our genetic make-up to matter anymore.

So I abhor genocide and believe in evolution.

Evolution also is... is just a "this is how things happen" kind of explaination. It's a (decent well established) fact.

Abhorring genocide is an opinion, a feeling. So it is really weird to juxtapose them. Preceptor, you have showed that you Feel, and I am bringing your INTP into question.

To create similar statements:

You want to slap anyone who embraces gravity but uses stairs.

You want to slap anyone who embraces the science of combustion but supports fire-fighters.

You want to slap the Al Gore & the global warming lobby, for believing in climate change and yet trying to stop it. (Especially the Norwegians- they would benefit from a warmer world!)

You want to slap anyone who tries to use electrons for their non-natural purpose.... such as creating electronics & the internet. (This includes Al Gore! :D hehe okay this last one was just an excuse to include Al-Gore, but you get the idea.)


Steel marks flesh
Local time
Today 8:36 PM
Jan 10, 2009
You could mean that if 'feeling' was such a bad thing, good old natural selection would have already sorted it out. Whoops.

Also, since when does 'preventing one's destruction' lead to genocide? Additionally, even if my grandfather was Hitler or Stalin, that's not of my concern and it's not my fault what they have done.

Furthermore, genocide is everything but natural. Genocide is deliberate and aimed at a specific group; it requires a consciousness. If a species would die out without interference of intelligent beings then it is simply called extinction.


Local time
Today 2:36 PM
Jan 19, 2010
In exactly the same way we could consider that interfering with genocide is part of the balance
If commiting genocide is an evolutionary adantage to one nation, preventing that genocide is likely to be an advantage to other nations.

Now that's an interesting thought. Was thinking more from a species level - never considered the idea of one nation evolving as a result of destroying elements within itself.
However, every effort to prevent genocide that I know of has ended in the interfering nation losing its own members. Is the death of millions to save thousands justifiable based on what the interfering nation would gain in advantages, if any? Would allowing a nation to become homogenous give it such an incredible advantage that other nations would do anything in their power to prevent it? You could make an argument that the movement towards forced diversity and multiculturalism would then be the ultimate means to prevent one country from rising above the others.

...and the conspiracy theories begin.


Local time
Today 2:36 PM
Jan 19, 2010
Abhorring genocide is an opinion, a feeling. So it is really weird to juxtapose them. Preceptor, you have showed that you Feel, and I am bringing your INTP into question.

Abhorrence is a reaction, the finding of a thing to be repugnant, repulsive - the opposite of wanting to embrace it. I, however, am not repulsed by it, therefore demonstrate no feeling even by your definition. Also a feeling is an emotion, while an opinion is based on thought.


Local time
Today 2:36 PM
Jan 19, 2010
You could mean that if 'feeling' was such a bad thing, good old natural selection would have already sorted it out. Whoops.

Simply mean that feeling has no place in a scientific debate.

Also, since when does 'preventing one's destruction' lead to genocide? Additionally, even if my grandfather was Hitler or Stalin, that's not of my concern and it's not my fault what they have done.

Most cultures had to fight and destroy other cultures in order to expand or survive. If your ancestors hadn't done that, they would have likely ceased to exist. It is your concern because without them, you wouldn't be here, but I never said anything about you being at fault. That would be the ones injecting morality into the argument.

Furthermore, genocide is everything but natural. Genocide is deliberate and aimed at a specific group; it requires a consciousness. If a species would die out without interference of intelligent beings then it is simply called extinction.

I would say that, aside from moral concepts, genocide is human nature. Competition for resources brings about conflict. The best resolution to conflict when there is no possible sharing of resources is to kill those who are competing with you. If you would agree that our consciousness is the result of evolution, then how can you separate the evolved creature from the process?

...You might be an INTP if you just spent multiple posts attacking or defending the logic of an off-hand comment :D


Local time
Today 12:36 PM
Aug 12, 2009
...You might be an INTP if you look at the percentage of the world population that shares your characteristics and realize that you're an endangered species*.

*'Species' used incorrectly for comic effect.

Precisely how are we endangered? Are we dying off? Was there a higher (percentage or just straight amount, either could apply) population of INTP's in the 1900's than there are now?

Are INTP's going to discontinue being born, thus making us endangered as well?

...You know you're INTP, when a single comment sparks a thousand questions and possibilities to ponder over.


Local time
Today 2:36 PM
Jan 19, 2010
Precisely how are we endangered? Are we dying off? Was there a higher (percentage or just straight amount, either could apply) population of INTP's in the 1900's than there are now?

Are INTP's going to discontinue being born, thus making us endangered as well?

...You know you're INTP, when a single comment sparks a thousand questions and possibilities to ponder over.

Another off-hand, and in this case, not entirely serious, comment, but:

Assuming the figures are correct, we're about 1-2% of the population. Most INTPs are not prolific breeders. Those that do breed are often married to other types, which may lessen the chances of their children developing as INTPs.

INTP's are prone to depression, and thus suicide, but that's probably a constant.

Going by the standards of education in 1900, people seem to be becoming less intelligent. I've yet to meet an INTP with a substandard (apparent) IQ. It would therefore appear that, if people are becoming dumber, INTPs would become less likely. The Flynn effect may say that each generation is somewhat more intelligent than the last, but modern education seems intent on destroying us. Maybe the INTPs of the far future will be the brightest of the moronic.

I would be willing to bet the pre-WWII figures were higher, as Ashkenazi Jews are considered to have the highest average IQ of all groups (not sure if this includes East Asians). Losing an estimated 67% of that population in the holocaust would have to take its toll - not to mention the INTPs among the millions who died fighting on both sides.


Local time
Today 2:36 PM
Jan 21, 2010
- When you read a thread, walk away, think of a response, and then come back and type it.

- When you occasionally experience the revelation that you are in fact a person with a name and identity.

The sad part is i did that


Newest Hostile
Local time
Today 1:36 PM
Jan 22, 2010
Amarillo, TX
When you skip from page 12 to 16 because your sick of waiting to post.

When your mind randomly decides to speed up and you feel like your moving in slow motion compared to what your thinking.

Hope that's not just me. :confused:


mysteriously benevolent
Local time
Today 7:36 PM
Mar 28, 2009
mostly in the vast space inside
when you stand in a queue and behind you are two dumb girls prattling inanities in a very loud voice and it makes you feel physically sick to the point where you consider turning round and punching them in the face.


Local time
Today 2:36 PM
Jan 21, 2010
[*]You frequently think about how weird it is that the cold you are feeling on your skin in the winter is in fact an absence of heat.

[*]You rarely ask questions in class, for fear that it was already addressed and everyone else got it but you were zoned out at the time.


Oh, and hi!
:elephant: :elephant: :elephant: :elephant: :elephant:

I ask to many questions and heat is particles moving fast and im cold because of the lack of moving particles.

Everything else is true. This post actually proves your fact about mistakes sticking out like a soar thumb.

I could not resist to say this


and Heimdal's horn sounds
Local time
Today 2:36 PM
Aug 16, 2009
I don't have it. I only have arguments but no power of preconception brought by the others observed patterns. What do you mean by "is watching you to make sure you don't do anything" and so on?.

I meant they get that deer in the headlights look. The squirrels watch you to make sure you don't try to chase them down or something, like a predator.

... damn i sound crazy:D


Only 1 1-F.
Local time
Today 9:36 PM
Jan 2, 2010
I meant they get that deer in the headlights look. The squirrels watch you to make sure you don't try to chase them down or something, like a predator.

... damn i sound crazy:D
I can relate...I think. I do it with people though. When I start discussing or playfully issuing orders, I pause and anticipate how it's funny when they stare at me with these really attention focused liked eyes. I'm not sure they even realized their own conditioned behavior.

Why do those deers or squirrels pause to look? Is it because they're confident they can outrun their predators?


Undecided: off|on
Local time
Tomorrow 2:36 AM
Jan 24, 2010
-You read the same message 20 times before you post it to make sure there's no glaring flaws-

-You don't read the message you just posted at all as you want to express you're thoughts as quickly as possible-

Very true... but does one really need to re-read a first post twenty times? ( 5 or 6 times should be enough - I already lost count).... send :eek:


Undecided: off|on
Local time
Tomorrow 2:36 AM
Jan 24, 2010
- ...

- You automatically add as much alliteration as possible whenever you write or speak.


Not me!

(Well, actually it is, some of the time, but then... this is an intp forum so, obviously, many of you are already aware of the likely thought processes involved, therefore to "add as much alliteration as possible" would ultimately be completely and utterly superfluous}.



Prolific Member
Local time
Today 7:36 AM
Dec 12, 2009
Enough, please.

-When you derail threads
-When you try to re-rail threads, despite the obvious hypocrisy of doing so


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:36 PM
Jan 4, 2010
@ Preceptor
While I agree that feelings have no place in a scientific debate, I believe that your logic is flawed. You talk about allowing genocide to occur in the same way a park ranger would talk about not feeding the animals. Yes, it's not good to mess with the lives of creatures in a manner which could not have occurred in their natural habitat, but you can't use the inter and intra-species dynamics of other animals to analyze human behavior.

Humans have progressed to a level of intelligence, industry, and self-awareness unprecedented on this planet. That being said, we have not progressed so far that we are capable of behaving unnaturally (which was one of the basic assumptions of your argument). Because where could any of our behaviors come from if not nature? God? Extraterrestrial influence? I thought this was a scientific debate. Yes, we are sentient, thinking beings. But what made us sentient? Nature! Evolution!

I would argue that any idea which occurs to a being living in this world (including one like stopping genocide) is a natural one because that being exists through and as a part of nature. Thinking differently leads to a whole new set of problems. Which acts and thoughts are natural and which our unnatural?How do we decide and who does the deciding? It's feelings that we use to make those distinctions. We Feel like bird's nests are natural and we Feel like buildings are not. Did animals not build those buildings just as animals built the nests? The line we have drawn between the natural and the unnatural is entirely imaginary.

Obviously, I believe in evolution and its ability to perfect a species, but I just don't think that the course of evolution can be perceived in the present in real time. It's only apparent looking back. For example, think about the group that wants to stop a genocide. If they Can do it, they're in a position to forcibly stop another group from doing what it's doing. Thus they are the stronger ones and the perpetrators of genocide would deserve to be defeated by them.

Yes sometimes human behavior lacks a point of reference in the animal kingdom, but that is because we are unique as a species. our incredible place in the world ensures that we have no method of measurement with which to gauge where we Should be headed as a species in an evolutionary sense. Perhaps the altruistic tendency that drives us to stop genocide is the next step in our progression. After all, it could be said that our ability to build bigger and more complex social networks and make those networks interact peacefully has been instrumental in our progress. Instead of warring, clannish bands of hunter-gatherers, we have great civilizations.


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:36 PM
Jan 4, 2010
You know you're an intp when a logical fallacy bothers you the way the spot bothered Lady Macbeth.
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