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You know you're an Intp when...


Is actually an INTJ
Local time
Today 7:25 PM
Aug 21, 2009
when you remove some sort of delicious foodstuff from its wrapper, then throw the food in the bin and put the wrapper in your mouth - regularly
Local time
Today 2:25 PM
Jan 29, 2010
When thinking up with something clever to post in this thread, you go off on a mental tangent and find yourself ten minutes later contemplating a life as a cockney chimney-sweep.


Local time
Today 2:25 PM
Mar 8, 2009
rural New Jersey
22. You frequently floccinaucinihilipilificate.

22 to the nth. The advice to "never eat anything you can't pronounce" is completely useless and ultimately fatal.
I could quote my entire last employee review...but other posters have already said them all.
My boss is definitely not an INTP.


The Fiend
Local time
Today 7:25 PM
Mar 10, 2008
when you remove some sort of delicious foodstuff from its wrapper, then throw the food in the bin and put the wrapper in your mouth - regularly

It's not "foodstuff" until you begin the digestive process upon it.
Last edited:


Steel marks flesh
Local time
Today 8:25 PM
Jan 10, 2009
when you envy cephalopods for having tentacles. No, not what you think.


No special title
Local time
Today 9:25 PM
Dec 31, 2009
Athens, Greece
-When you constantly laugh while reading this topic, because it just describes you!

-When you are Greek, you read this in a forum post:

106. You acquired honorary fraternity brother/sorority sister status by befriending Greeks, without actully joining their pretentious organizations;

But instead of being offended, you really really know and understand what it means :/


accepts advice on his English
Local time
Today 8:25 PM
Dec 31, 2008
-When you:
It's not "foodstuff" until you begin the digestive process upon it.

However, you are usually right when you do so.


Local time
Today 12:25 PM
Jan 29, 2010
the southwest
@ Preceptor
While I agree that feelings have no place in a scientific debate, I believe that your logic is flawed. You talk about allowing genocide to occur in the same way a park ranger would talk about not feeding the animals. Yes, it's not good to mess with the lives of creatures in a manner which could not have occurred in their natural habitat, but you can't use the inter and intra-species dynamics of other animals to analyze human behavior.

Humans have progressed to a level of intelligence, industry, and self-awareness unprecedented on this planet. That being said, we have not progressed so far that we are capable of behaving unnaturally (which was one of the basic assumptions of your argument). Because where could any of our behaviors come from if not nature? God? Extraterrestrial influence? I thought this was a scientific debate. Yes, we are sentient, thinking beings. But what made us sentient? Nature! Evolution!

I would argue that any idea which occurs to a being living in this world (including one like stopping genocide) is a natural one because that being exists through and as a part of nature. Thinking differently leads to a whole new set of problems. Which acts and thoughts are natural and which our unnatural?How do we decide and who does the deciding? It's feelings that we use to make those distinctions. We Feel like bird's nests are natural and we Feel like buildings are not. Did animals not build those buildings just as animals built the nests? The line we have drawn between the natural and the unnatural is entirely imaginary.

Obviously, I believe in evolution and its ability to perfect a species, but I just don't think that the course of evolution can be perceived in the present in real time. It's only apparent looking back. For example, think about the group that wants to stop a genocide. If they Can do it, they're in a position to forcibly stop another group from doing what it's doing. Thus they are the stronger ones and the perpetrators of genocide would deserve to be defeated by them.

Yes sometimes human behavior lacks a point of reference in the animal kingdom, but that is because we are unique as a species. our incredible place in the world ensures that we have no method of measurement with which to gauge where we Should be headed as a species in an evolutionary sense. Perhaps the altruistic tendency that drives us to stop genocide is the next step in our progression. After all, it could be said that our ability to build bigger and more complex social networks and make those networks interact peacefully has been instrumental in our progress. Instead of warring, clannish bands of hunter-gatherers, we have great civilizations.

(just a quick by the way: you know you're an INTP when the OP starts here:

eventual thread direction is

here.... but there's still a logical progression between them.)

disclaimer: i'm not an expert on evolution in any sense. still---i would think that leaving the moral issue aside (which, really, is almost impossible to do), genocide would make no sense from an evolutionary perspective. it radically decreases the gene pool, and evolution thrives on a diverse gene pool. (no? at least i'm assuming this is true, because "inbreeding" tend to have such deleterious effects.)

i'll restrain myself in terms of my personal opinion about an earlier poster suggesting that genocide is acceptable. i don't want to get kicked off the forum. (translation: i really want to cuss right now.)


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:25 PM
Jan 4, 2010
When you know the difference between nauseas and nauseated.
"You're feeling nauseas? Meaning, you feel as though you are inducing nausea? Well then, I suppose I should feel nauseated."

Deleted member 1424

when you envy cephalopods for having tentacles. No, not what you think.

After reading this you start to wonder what the technology for a sentient tentacled race would be like.

Wish you were small enough to live in a coconut. (kudos if you get this)


The Fiend
Local time
Today 7:25 PM
Mar 10, 2008
-When you:

However, you are usually right when you do so.

Think of it this way, the wrapper became "foodstuff", as the digestive processes begin in the mouth.

You may be an INTP or paranoid and somewhat dull, when you're not sure how serious people are about something they said.

Like when someone tells you to stop posting, but lists a reason, that you don't really understand, but it sounds legit. You figure they mean, stop posting with the user name you're posting with, so you do...

Then you think maybe they were joking, even if the reason seemed legit. And when people joke sometimes the reason is serious, so you decide that maybe they're actually serious and maybe you're annoying that person. So you don't know if they don't want you posting at all or if they don't want you posting as your previous persona.

It's like when you plan to pretended to die to start over again. But then you're found out for using a fake SSN that actually belongs to someone else and the police figure out who you are. And there's a lot of problems... So, that plan isn't any good and you're not sure if it applies to forums or anything on the internet.

Then you take a little time to think of a round about way to ask about it and decide it would be simpler just to ask the original person, though that's kind of a give-away. Anyway, you PM them and then realize that nothing shows up in your sent box, so you're not sure if you PMed them. You realize that you have to mark something to keep a copy in the sent box.

You probably sent it, but you're not sure, because you're not really all there at the moment and you have an ADD habit of "accidentally" navigating away from the page you're on, even when you're typing a post/reply. For a second you might do something else, then come back to the forum and wonder if you sent that message. And if you leave the computer for a sec to get a drink (etc) it's worse. You can't really remember what you were doing at all, especially when you look at the computer you're trying to get updates on and you're sure will crash the OS again, but you've figured out how to get around the installation problem.

Now you have no idea if you ever PMed anyone, but you think you probably did and shouldn't try it again.
And you think you might get the thing about the coconut if it has to do with octopi, but you're not sure and it seems unlikely.
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mysteriously benevolent
Local time
Today 7:25 PM
Mar 28, 2009
mostly in the vast space inside
^^^^^when all of that resonates and you totally understand how one can tie oneself up in that kind of knot.


The Fiend
Local time
Today 7:25 PM
Mar 10, 2008
I do that a lot...

Then everything is fine and I forget about it.

. . .

I can see how I drive people nuts.

Sapphire Harp

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 12:25 PM
Nov 6, 2008
Wouldn't it be more accurate to say:

...you don't ever recognize questions as rhetorical? Anything and everything deserves an answer. :p


Active Member
Local time
Today 2:25 PM
Aug 31, 2009
-When you can't seem to understand the huge beef everyone has with furries. :confused:


Local time
Today 11:25 AM
Feb 3, 2010
*This may have been said..

-If you think about asking/saying something to someone but think about something else instead. Once you have come full circle in your thoughts and look at the person with a puzzled expression you ask them, "Hey did I ask you ________ or did I just think about asking you _______?"
They then look at you with an equally puzzled look on and answer "No, you haven't said anything for a half an hour."
You now realize that you were just having your own little version of that conversation in your head, along with a few other subsidiary thoughts.

-You have Merriam-Webster.com on your favorites list just in case you think of a word that you've been saying for years but are unsure how to spell that fits the context perfectly (like subsidiary).

-When, for once, you happen to ask someone a straightforward question about a claim they are making and all they can do is talk in an illogical circle. You then walk away and never speak them unless necessary with the justification of, "S/he doesn't know what they are talking about".


Local time
Today 2:25 PM
Jan 21, 2010
Check this entire thread just to realize what you said was already said and this was already said because i checked the entire thread looking for it.


Local time
Today 11:25 AM
Feb 3, 2010
Check this entire thread just to realize what you said was already said and this was already said because i checked the entire thread looking for it.

All of it? bummer.

Reverse Transcriptase

"you're a poet whether you like it or not"
Local time
Today 11:25 AM
Sep 22, 2008
The Maze in the Heart of the Castle
-When, for once, you happen to ask someone a straightforward question about a claim they are making and all they can do is talk in an illogical circle. You then walk away and never speak them unless necessary with the justification of, "S/he doesn't know what they are talking about".

Haha, all the things you said are themes that have been mentioned before, but never in your style.

We definitely worry about not using the definitions of words correctly.

I recently met another INTP... except he fucking sucks at explaining things. So he's trying to explain the Incompleteness Theorem and how it relates to quantum physics and it's just like... ARG

I know he has it in his brain, and he has some understanding of it, but he keeps on skipping over things or dumbing it down too much. We're just totally not in sync.

Whereas, when I meet people I really connect with mentally it's almost like our brains are having sex.

You know you're an INTP when you talk about mindsex.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 7:25 AM
Dec 12, 2009
-When you can't seem to understand the huge beef everyone has with furries. :confused:
This and an incident bannapahllus mentioned (then deleted) reminds me of some off the wall line of thinking I once had, i.e. what exactly is the cause of the furry fetish?

I figured it was some genetic diversity thing, it's like why unusual traits (green eyes, red hair, especially pale or dark skin, etc) are considered attractive, particularly in cultures where they're practically non-existent. Taken further subtle anatomical alterations (ears, teeth, eyes) are considered relatively attractive by most people, and further still (tails, patterned skin, animalistic ears on top of the skull, etc) the effect remains present, although less people are tolerant of it.
Personally I draw the line at anything remotely animalistic (particularly tails because they look prosimian), but cybernetics are very attractive to me, but then I suppose that's more of a intellectual fascination than sensual attraction.

I digress.

Reverse Transcriptase

"you're a poet whether you like it or not"
Local time
Today 11:25 AM
Sep 22, 2008
The Maze in the Heart of the Castle
This and an incident bannapahllus mentioned (then deleted) reminds me of some off the wall line of thinking I once had, i.e. what exactly is the cause of the furry fetish?

I figured it was some genetic diversity thing, it's like why unusual traits (green eyes, red hair, especially pale or dark skin, etc) are considered attractive, particularly in cultures where they're practically non-existent. Taken further subtle anatomical alterations (ears, teeth, eyes) are considered relatively attractive by most people, and further still (tails, patterned skin, animalistic ears on top of the skull, etc) the effect remains present, although less people are tolerant of it.
Personally I draw the line at anything remotely animalistic (particularly tails because they look prosimian), but cybernetics are very attractive to me, but then I suppose that's more of a intellectual fascination than sensual attraction.

I digress.

Nope. It's Disney. And all their anthropomorphed animal characters.


wierd drummer kid
Local time
Today 2:25 PM
Jan 4, 2010
Cumming, GA (I swear it's a real place)
-You constantly have to translate what you've said because you have strange phrases for things. (Example: It is the anniversary of the creation of the Shadow. Translation: It's Shadow's birthday or I'm picking up my babies from daycare. Translation: I'm bringing my drums home from school.)
-You've asked to leave class because they were playing a game and getting too worked up and annoying you.
-At first you try to block it out and have conversations with imaginary people in your head.
-You have imaginary people to discuss with in your head.
-It's so loud you can't hear the other person speak (translation:you can't hear yourself think) so you ask again to leave the class.
-You realize you aren't really helping your team and use that as an argument for leaving.
-You're teacher takes you out in the hallway claiming he's tired of you wanting to leave all the time. Making the argument that if you can't tolerate this, you won't function in college to which you make the argument that the maturity level will drastically change.
-Later after successfully leaving the class you think of another point you could have made: What college class plays family feud to teach material?

-(This may only apply on my lunch schedule at school, we have 4 lunches and my class is assigned 3rd. The 4th lunch has the two people that I can always ALWAYS talk with and not get too drained and it is in that same class I asked to leave.) You ask if you can stay in and finish you're work in third lunch and leave to eat in 4th lunch.
-You finish the assignment in those 20 minutes, getting more done than you did in the other 40 because you can actually hear yourself think.
-You have argued why homework is useless for you and why it should not be taken as a grade, even a completion grade because completion grades are grade socialism. :D


mysteriously benevolent
Local time
Today 7:25 PM
Mar 28, 2009
mostly in the vast space inside
when yet again you come on to the forum determined to post to say you're going to take a break from the forum and read the new additions to this thread and think 'NOOOOOooooo, I'm not ready to leave home yet.'

Reverse Transcriptase

"you're a poet whether you like it or not"
Local time
Today 11:25 AM
Sep 22, 2008
The Maze in the Heart of the Castle
when yet again you come on to the forum determined to post to say you're going to take a break from the forum and read the new additions to this thread and think 'NOOOOOooooo, I'm not ready to leave home yet.'
Not to mention you are not allowed to take a break from the forum!!! We will search every fjord if we have to!


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:25 PM
Jan 4, 2010
-When you can't seem to understand the huge beef everyone has with furries. :confused:

And there's so many more worthy people to hate out there, like people who won't stop asking ridiculous questions during the Lost premier because they've skipped the last two seasons. Much more annoying than furries if you ask me.

When you think you're in the middle of a wonderful debate with someone who's made an interesting claim and suddenly they burst out crying, accusing you of tearing down their ideas, when in fact you thought you were paying them a high compliment by being fascinated by their thoughts. (This happened to me recently. I've since determined that this person's thoughs are not actually interesting because she just wants to make these broad, sweeping claims that sound really radical for the sake of sounding smart. She doesn't actually want to think about them or examine their implications. Yuck).

Ex-User (979)

Local time
Today 7:25 PM
Dec 28, 2008
Not to mention you are not allowed to take a break from the forum!!! We will search every fjord if we have to!

After reading the word fjord you immediately think of the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy and then start thinking about about books you've read and then go off on a tangent of thoughts.


Nondescript member
Local time
Today 1:25 PM
Sep 30, 2009
-When you don't know what happened in the last 15 minutes of the lecture because the professor said "if time goes to infinity then dx=0 (nothing matters)" and you zoned out thinking about what that can allude to

-when something insignificant doesn't make sense in a movie and you leave complaining they never explained it

-or you demand a scientific explanation on how they violated x number of laws of physics and forget what the movie was about

-when in a really important conversation you're quiet because you're actually thinking about the grammatical errors of the last sentence that person said

-when you apologize for making small talk (true story)

maybe some of these are already listed, sorry if theres any duplicates


found out
Local time
Today 7:25 PM
Sep 24, 2009
: ( )

When you ask someone a question - realize while delivering question verbally that it may be perceived as marginally 'stupid' - conceive of what potential snarky, not-entirely-helpful self-aggrandizing answer(s) they may fire back - conjure up an equally (if not even more so) snarky riposte, a locutionary shot to the gut - all before they're done answering - their answer turns out not to be any of these things, faith in the innate goodness of people restored, even if only momentarily, come to ponder the long term consequences of being so 'defensive' all the time, question if this is in fact your fundamental and intractable nature, to always prepare for/assume the worst, or if it's something worth trying to change - try to be more open and 'good' at dinner table, doesn't quite go as you'd planned, wonder if your holding people to an impossible and selfish standard; wonder why you shouldn't do this, visualize your personality and tendencies as 'you' hunched over a small hole in ground out in the middle of a rain sodden field at what is probably mid-afternoon on an overcast day, with your hands firmly grasping iron handles on either side of said cavity - from which things are thrown at your face, things you can't quite - no matter how hard you try - identify or make sense of (Tide detergent boxes, brass eagle statues, dirt, etc.), and this bombardment never stops, you try to let go of the handles but fail...they're [your hands] stuck; you know if only the barrage would cease, if who or whatever is behind this what-you-can-only-assume-will-be lifelong face-pelting would give it a rest (!), and you could see down into cavity, you'd probably have much more thorough and circumspect 'understanding' of things in general but that even if this [presumed] impossibility somehow was made possible, this understanding would be tempered by the knowledge that existentially, life, and everything it entails, is meaningless - you realize this is all just a very gussied-up cliche, hate yourself for relying on a cliche in expressing what you feel may be something important, you listen to music and continue to wonder why you prefer pacifying these aching uncertainties to pursuing them further, more passionately, with twice the gusto.


Active Member
Local time
Today 2:25 PM
Sep 20, 2009
When your mom just exclaimed, "You are always so logical! Are you ever not logical or do you ever make a decision not based on logic?! Your like a Vulcan!" and then, "You're a Vulcan!" as you walk away.


The Fiend
Local time
Today 7:25 PM
Mar 10, 2008
How Vulcan can you be. You used the name Heart, that's sentimental.


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:25 PM
Jan 4, 2010
And the funny thing is, while we dislike being illogical, we're perfectly fine with being nonsensical. Unfortunately, most people don't understand the difference.


Local time
Today 8:25 PM
Feb 4, 2010
- When you are seen as "fascinating"
- When you are the first person people ask when they don't understand a certain aspect of what they're studying.
- When you can explain said principles perfectly, but fail to be understandable in a day-to-day conversation.
- When you have been told on more than one occassion to be "so right" about something "it hurts" and then expressed disbelief how somebody could behave as stupid as your theory.
^Was that clear?

Ex-User (979)

Local time
Today 7:25 PM
Dec 28, 2008
When you ask if what you just posted was clear. lol welcome to the forum Thilon.

When someone you know tells you about their relative who left there family to be with someone they met online on a game and you are more concerned with which game it is so you name off a list of mmorpgs to which they give you a weird look.


Active Member
Local time
Today 2:25 PM
Aug 31, 2009
And there's so many more worthy people to hate out there, like people who won't stop asking ridiculous questions during the Lost premier because they've skipped the last two seasons. Much more annoying than furries if you ask me.

Exactly! There are the ignorant masses, hating what they don't understand, hating "strangeness". Yeah, the dressing up in mascot suits in bed is a little... over the top. However, that very strangeness about them intrigues me, personally. Back in my WoW days I even knew a few artists; very friendly, open minded, creative, and sensual folks indeed!

Heck, I'd join on in if I could ever settle on a totem animal...

(Not a closet furry, I swear! *cough cough*)


Is actually an INTJ
Local time
Today 7:25 PM
Aug 21, 2009
Exactly! There are the ignorant masses, hating what they don't understand, hating "strangeness". Yeah, the dressing up in mascot suits in bed is a little... over the top.

The vast majority of people think that it is something that all of them do. And most people also seem to think that all furries are into beastiality.

Ex-User (979)

Local time
Today 7:25 PM
Dec 28, 2008
Ok I got to ask what is a furry (furries?) ? people keep on talking about it and i so confused.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 7:25 AM
Dec 12, 2009
A fetish for anthropomorphised animals or humans with animalistic features tacked on, a major point of conflict across the net; on one side are those who are sickened by the apparent bestiality of it, on the other are people who use their "totem animal" as externalised means of self identification (drawing themself in "animal form" because they wish to, or already relate to, attributes associated with it) although if or not this is taken to a pornographic extent depends upon the individual.

This is a very concise summary of a very complex issue.

Suffice to say most people look down upon those who persecute furries but at the same time don't wish to be seen being too sympathetic either.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 7:25 PM
May 22, 2009
And the funny thing is, while we dislike being illogical, we're perfectly fine with being nonsensical. Unfortunately, most people don't understand the difference.

Haha yes. There's a very fine and oddly defined line there.


In the South.
Local time
Today 3:25 PM
Jan 26, 2010
When you keep saying that you're frigid and/or hate sex and people call you a hurricane in bed.:rolleyes:


Steel marks flesh
Local time
Today 8:25 PM
Jan 10, 2009
...you expect the Spanish Inquisition.


found out
Local time
Today 7:25 PM
Sep 24, 2009
You often find yourself wishing that your alarm clock were a sentient, high-functioning being with arms and legs, so you could hurt its feelings with very saucy, profanity-ridden letters and trip it when it tries to walk around.


Local time
Tomorrow 1:25 AM
Feb 9, 2010
When you stare at random objects for a long time and tell yourself that you will photograph it. then tell yourself that's useless because you know there would be something else that you would stare at.

if you wonder that someone has posted something similar to this, because you managed to get through half way (giggling like a little girl) before starting to skim through it.

if you post a reply and wonder if it is an intp trait. because you still arent convinced that you are an intp. but u took 3 different tests 5 times and ended up the same.


Steel marks flesh
Local time
Today 8:25 PM
Jan 10, 2009
...you feel hungry after watching Soylent Green.


Local time
Today 8:25 PM
Nov 16, 2009
if you post a reply and wonder if it is an intp trait. because you still arent convinced that you are an intp. but u took 3 different tests 5 times and ended up the same.

...when you wonder which test was done once, and if another was done once and the third done three times, or twice each... or if it means the three tests were taken five times each.


Local time
Tomorrow 2:25 AM
Feb 14, 2010
Perth, WA
You doodle on your lecture notes and escape back to your thoughts during the parts of lectures that you already know but suddenly become attentive when new information is presented before lapsing back into your own thoughts. At the end of the lecture you can tell how much and when you retreated into your own mind by reviewing how much and where the doodling is located on you notes.

You sit in your room hoping family members won't call you to come meet their friends. They inevitably do and after a few curt greetings you look for an excuse to leave the room or move away from the people present (I go to the toilet when I don't actually have to go, get myself a drink in the kitchen or just walk into another room and pretend I was doing something in there if someone comes to investigate). Eventually you think enough time has passed for you to safely make your way back to your room.


Local time
Tomorrow 2:25 AM
Feb 13, 2010
U always get shouted "STFU" before u complete a statement , (sorry if i m making grammar mistakes .... )

feeling great when u first discover this thread , and feel nauseated after 10th page XD


To inanity and beyond
Local time
Today 2:25 PM
Mar 24, 2008
Lake Isle Innisfree
...you walk into a restaurant and immediately start devising a battle strategy. Because you know that
waiter is going to snap and blindside that guy with a tray.
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