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Search results

  1. Dapper Dan

    Stuff INTP's don't care about

    Hugh Jackman.
  2. Dapper Dan

    Round 2: Comparing Bananas and Oranges

    I do not fear, for I have the almighty Randall Munroe on my side.
  3. Dapper Dan

    Possible INTP Noob

    This is the first I've heard anything like this. Generally full-faced smiles are considered more genuine, and smiles with just the mouth are considered awkward.
  4. Dapper Dan

    Round 2: Comparing Bananas and Oranges

    Guys, guys, can't we all just be friends and agree that cantaloupe is terrible?
  5. Dapper Dan

    Your View on Hugs

    I don't really have a preference. So it's essentially up to the other person if we're gonna hug. If they go for it, I'll give it back. If they just hang back, I do the same. The only situations where this results in awkwardness is when the other person isn't sure what they want and I don't...
  6. Dapper Dan

    3x INTP, 1x INTJ and 1x ISTP

    You sure Adam Savage isn't ENTP? Because he seems like an ENTP.
  7. Dapper Dan

    INTPs are most prone to being Passive-Aggressive

    Eh, I don't see it. Sure INTPs are passive, but not about our emotions. They either come all the way out or not at all. Passive-aggressiveness (aggression?) is the tool of the drama queen. How many drama queen INTPs do you know? Now, I might be willing to buy that people think we're being...
  8. Dapper Dan

    What causes INTP? And more...

    Frankly, I don't trust a lot of people to type themselves. I know that sounds condescending, but it's the truth. And I don't really care to have everyone's type out in the open. Typology is inherently stereotypical, and it's easy to take it too far. Besides, figuring it out for yourself is...
  9. Dapper Dan

    INTP Thought Processes: Non-Linear, etc.?

    Yep, definitely. I don't orderly work through things in any logical order. I piecemeal it together, starting with whichever part strikes my fancy. Obviously this isn't always ideal, especially with complex problems that aren't easy to hold entirely in my brain.
  10. Dapper Dan

    Video games are dying.

    Er, what? Gaming right now is amazing.
  11. Dapper Dan

    Architect, Engineer or Designer?

    Thinker. All the other choices are just beating around the bush. They all imply an end product, which is simply not important to the INTP. We learn to make ourselves productive because we have to, but it's definitely not our natural state. Yes, it's somewhat presumptuous to name your type...
  12. Dapper Dan

    Words that piss you off

    This. Except it doesn't even matter what the words are. They just steal a word or make something up like ideation, and then they beat it to death over and over and over so that it loses all meaning. I barely even have contact with these people, and it still drives me nuts.
  13. Dapper Dan

    How to improve my "Se" function?

    Aside from "how", I'd like to ask you "why". Why drain yourself for the sake of improving a function that isn't compatible with your existing Ne and Si?
  14. Dapper Dan


    Generally I hate them, but that's probably because I have the bad habit of staying up way too late. I might start to like them if I ever manage to break the habit, but it's hard to say how hard-wired that kind of thing is.
  15. Dapper Dan

    "you look lovely"

    Yeah... no.
  16. Dapper Dan

    Famous INTPs

    Ok... back to the OP. You can definitely rule out Heath being an INTP. Just look at that eye contact. He's literally starting right at that guy for the whole video. I don't know a single INTP that would be comfortable doing that for even a few seconds.
  17. Dapper Dan

    Why are you here?

    Being too lazy for the internet is like being too tired to sleep.
  18. Dapper Dan

    Torchlight 2

    I never played Diablo, but the consensus seems to be yes. For starters, it's got offline singleplayer and LAN modes in addition to online play. No auction house, obviously. The game's designed to be playable on low-powered pcs, but it also looks great on my moderately powerful laptop. Loot is...
  19. Dapper Dan

    Torchlight 2

    Yeah I just played with a buddy for 6 or 7 hours today. Holy crap berserkers are ridiculous. Almost zero investment in vitality, and I'm just rampaging through the front lines on the hardest difficulty.
  20. Dapper Dan

    Deadlines and Due Dates

    Typical INTP behior? Yes, but that doesn't mean it's good behavior. I find that kind of situation to be incredibly stressful, even if I do manage to get the work done. Honestly, I think taking online courses is a mistake. I do my best learning when I can just sit and listen to the professor. I...
  21. Dapper Dan

    Comparing apples and oranges.

    Yep. A good orange beats a good apple any day of the week. Good orange juice and good apple cider are probably tied. Orange juice from concentrate is pretty awful, whereas apple juice is just meh. Also, let the record show that anyone getting pulp-free OJ is doing it wrong.
  22. Dapper Dan

    How often do you socialize?

    Assuming that talking on skype while playing video games counts, then I socialize just about every day for maybe 4 hours. Usually more on weekends. Today (well, yesterday) was probably more than 8 hours.
  23. Dapper Dan

    Torchlight 2

    It's designed to run on low-power systems!
  24. Dapper Dan

    Are you ever happy?

    This. And this. Most of the time I'm generally amused/content. Heartfelt laughter is not uncommon.
  25. Dapper Dan

    Torchlight 2

    Any of you guys playing Torchlight 2? I've been hyped for this game for a while now, and it seems to live up to expectations.
  26. Dapper Dan

    League of Legends

    I have a bit of a confession to make. Ever since since The Proving Grounds came out, my friends and I have played almost nothing but ARAM. And before that, we played almost nothing but Dominion. Anybody else get sick of Summoner's Rift?
  27. Dapper Dan

    Is it INTP or just me?

    I think this plays a bigger role than we realize. I used to think I was above such an illogical behavior, until I heard a song I previously liked on a top 40 radio station and immediately realized I didn't like it anymore. It pisses me off that other people's evaluation of something directly...
  28. Dapper Dan

    Applications of Intuition

    Hahaha thank you for this. As for the topic at hand, I don't think I really "force" my intuition to do anything. But I have caught myself essentially waiting on my Ne to figure something out.
  29. Dapper Dan

    Goal in Life: Get chill job, grow a beard, chill all day

    Ain't that the truth.
  30. Dapper Dan

    Goal in Life: Get chill job, grow a beard, chill all day

    If by "chill job" you mean "a job with cool people" then I agree. If you mean "a job where I can just sit around all day" then I couldn't disagree more. Meaningless jobs are soul-destroying.
  31. Dapper Dan

    I'm just not an INTP anymore

    In what way are you becoming ENTP? If it's just a matter of becoming more outgoing, you may want to be careful. Many INTPs seem to become more confident around college age, which directly impacts their willingness to interact with others. Remember that your type is just your "base stats". Life...
  32. Dapper Dan

    Any smart and creative suggestions are welcomed!

    This. Be likable and give them a reason to hang out. I might add that groups of 3 or more work best. Inviting one person over is awkward if you aren't already good buddies. Also, don't be afraid of rejection. People will say no. It happens.
  33. Dapper Dan

    Software/indie game development - S/N types

    Call them regulations if you like, but mostly it's just things like naming standards, formatting, and best practices. It's all there to increase efficiency (ideally). Also, the only ones who really care are the developers. Managers don't typically work with code, so they don't care how ugly and...
  34. Dapper Dan

    Software/indie game development - S/N types

    I've heard this before, and I think it's naive. Sure, if the code's well-written I can probably walk through it and figure it out. But that takes more time than just looking at the comments. It also assumes I have knowledge of all the pieces involved and that the original developer didn't use...
  35. Dapper Dan

    Busting the Myth that INTPs are Not Emotional

    Good article. I look forward to reading more of these. :)
  36. Dapper Dan

    When a female INTP reveals herself.

    If you frequent a forum enough, you start to recognize certain posters. At the same time, you unconsciously form an identity for that person in your head (what they 'sound' like, general attitude, etc). If this identity turns out to be drastically wrong, it's going to throw you off for a bit...
  37. Dapper Dan

    Running through possible scenarios.

    Yeah, I often act out conversations in my head. I don't know why, because none of them ever happen. :confused:
  38. Dapper Dan

    Happiness as an INTP

    I think the typical INTP "pursuit" of happiness isn't really much of a pursuit at all. I'm generally pretty content with what I've got. There are only a few things that I might consider actually going after, but I doubt any of that will happen until I get sufficiently bored with the way things...
  39. Dapper Dan

    How do you walk? How do you stand?

    I walk head down, lost in my thoughts a lot. In school, people would greet me as we passed in the hallway, and I wouldn't even know who it was until we were well past each other. It happens less at work since there's less mindless walking. My posture in general is pretty slouched. Hands often...
  40. Dapper Dan

    Shadow functions: avoid them!

    Yep, exactly. Why? I mean, there may be times when you don't have a choice in the matter, but if you do, then why do things in a way that's contrary to your nature?
  41. Dapper Dan

    I just found out...

    Um, congrats, I guess? It's not like this should really change anything.
  42. Dapper Dan

    "You just want to be right"

    Anyone who says something like that is simply not worth the argument. At least, not in their current mental state. Their pride won't let them admit that they're wrong, so they resort to personal attacks. They also don't understand your motives at all.
  43. Dapper Dan

    MBTI and game role preferences? :)

    I play whatever is fun to me. I have a natural aversion to playing the widely-accepted "best" characters, so I often end up using less popular, more interesting characters. This does mean that I end up playing odd roles quite a bit, which I'm fine with. With a nod to my avatar, I will say that...
  44. Dapper Dan

    Challenge: "Find a word without an antonym"

    Oh, this thread again. Fun times.
  45. Dapper Dan

    fellow INTP males

    1. I have no idea what women think about me. 2. I'm definitely awkward. But shy? No. 3. Both of those being said, women seem to look for confidence more than anything else. Confidence and awkwardness aren't mutually exclusive. Confidence and shyness kind of are.
  46. Dapper Dan

    I met an INTP woman today.

    Re: I me an INTP woman today. You owe that guy a drink.
  47. Dapper Dan

    Parenting an INTP: videogames and free time

    How many sports have you tried? I only ask because there's such a variety out there. Personally, I spent a lot of time outside playing tag, climbing trees, and riding bikes with the neighborhood kids. Did some little league baseball and ended up playing soccer for 13 or so years. I also played...
  48. Dapper Dan

    The internal world, man.

    You could probably argue that others' perception of you is more flawed than your own. But for practical purposes, it's the individual's responsibility to accurately represent his thoughts. And so we struggle on.
  49. Dapper Dan

    What's your typing speed?

    57. I've never been a terribly fast typist. I am curious, though. How many of you super-fast people play piano?
  50. Dapper Dan

    The Most Practical Degree

    Not sure why everyone is lumping Engineering into one category. Kind of a broad spectrum there. :/ As for the ease of Computer Science, I didn't find it very hard. Everything about the subject clicked for me. Zero papers. Most tests were like 5 questions (which can be good or bad). Most...
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