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Search results

  1. Dapper Dan

    INTPs relationship to (Si-Fe)?

    I think you're confusing Si with Se. Si, in my experience, tends to manifest itself through habits and routines. It prefers the status quo, which can make for a paralyzing combo with Ne's openness. On the plus side, Si is good at noticing things that are out of place, and it offers us a way to...
  2. Dapper Dan

    Fictional INTP's

    Peter Parker's a good one, I think. He's a book-smart nerd with maybe 3 close friends (to whom he's fiercely loyal). His life is in shambles. He can barely keep a job. His main struggle is with his own burgeoning responsibilities. He has no discrete plan. He takes the city's opinions of him...
  3. Dapper Dan

    Nikola Tesla

    I believe ENTPs are among the more reclusive of the Es.
  4. Dapper Dan

    INTP Ultimate Purpose/Greatest strength

    I think we make great critics/devil's advocates (so long as we keep Fe out of it). The fact that we don't pin our personal worth onto the ideas we have lets us freely and seriously voice things that others wouldn't even consider. And for the same reason, we are able to let them go if they don't...
  5. Dapper Dan

    INTP and the Family Dynamic

    I'm also in the "good family" camp. Mom and Dad are ESTJ and ISTJ respectively. Mom is a matriarch, plain and simple. Dad is the soft-spoken workhorse. My best guess for my younger brother is INFJ. Surprisingly, the most frequent clashes occur between my parents. They are so freaking...
  6. Dapper Dan

    And again...

    Well that's a bit drastic.
  7. Dapper Dan

    Birth Order

    First of two here. Pretty sure it's had very little effect on me.
  8. Dapper Dan

    Homework is for losers.

    No, homework is for getting you used to doing mindless paperwork all day. You want my advice? Knock the stuff out as soon as you get it. Especially in college. Otherwise you'll just put it in that folder and it'll never come back out. Also, don't aim for a career that includes a lot of...
  9. Dapper Dan

    INTP. Serve it right.

    As far as descriptions go, this one is pretty good. Be careful when reading these, though. The authors tend to attribute many things (favorite music, enjoyable activities, etc) to type, when really there is very little consensus to be found on forums such as this one. Also, if she shows...
  10. Dapper Dan

    Taking "INTP" too seriously (RANT)

    I would argue that the people the OP describes don't take typology seriously enough. Someone who claims to be an emotionless INTP probably doesn't have a terrific grasp on MBTI. If you take the time to learn and understand the system (including its limitations), you can see the functions people...
  11. Dapper Dan

    If you're still in doubt

    This probably has more to do with your perceiving functions than anything else. Honestly, people put too much stock into I and E. It's probably the last thing you should consider when typing yourself (or someone else, for that matter).
  12. Dapper Dan

    How to be less serious (if you're INTP)

    Exactly. It's not that we ARE serious, it's that we LOOK serious. I feel like the only thing that would keep you from letting loose is not having anybody around that you're comfortable with. Assuming you do, just turn on your E functions and have some fun. It should come naturally.
  13. Dapper Dan

    Living the INTP dream

    I don't know about architect, but I never did any programming until college. If you're interested, there are plenty of online resources out there that you can check out. You could honestly teach yourself if you wanted to, but that takes a work ethic. :P At any rate, if you get to college and...
  14. Dapper Dan

    What songs put you into your happy place?

    Maybe I just have a weird happy place, but here ya go. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCtRg5RpTz0 Also, ESC, I prefer this version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZjmwgRmoYU
  15. Dapper Dan

    Taking Orders

    I've noticed that the tone of the request/order matters quite a bit, so I'm guessing this is an Fe thing. Asking directly (and giving me a chance to respond) tends to get a much better reaction out of me than the passive-aggressive "such-and-such could use some work" approach.
  16. Dapper Dan


    I guess you could call it gullibility. Usually when someone "tricks" me, it's just them blatantly lying about something that I have no way of knowing and me taking their word for it.
  17. Dapper Dan

    So i found out im not really an INTP.

    I would tend to disagree with this. For me, interacting with INTJs is weird. On the outside we look similar. But the underlying processes are so different that everything is underpinned by a weird uncanny valley feeling. It's like our brains are magnets facing opposite directions.
  18. Dapper Dan

    Introvertedness in society.

    Well it sure is a good thing we've got these extroverted functions, then, isn't it? I don't mean to be a dick, but people get too hung up on that first letter. It's easily the least important of the four.
  19. Dapper Dan

    INTPs in written conversation

    Yep, that's about right. Welcome to the forums. :)
  20. Dapper Dan

    Mechanical ability ..... what are you like

    You'll fit in just fine. :)
  21. Dapper Dan

    Star Trek MBTI WebPage

    Venture capitalist. What.
  22. Dapper Dan

    How do you manage getting a job?

    Software/Web Developer. My department has the most INTPs I've ever seen in one place. :)
  23. Dapper Dan

    Borderline INTP?

    Yep, definitely look into the functions. INTJs and INTPs are completely different at that level.
  24. Dapper Dan

    Impossible to Study

    For what it's worth, I've heard that the average student these days takes 5 years to graduate.
  25. Dapper Dan

    Intp... Whaaaaa? I don't think so!

    Something to keep in mind: your type is determined by your PREFERENCE for certain functions, not by your ability. In other words, being good with your hands doesn't automatically make you an Se. It's entirely possible you've just had a lot of practice at that stuff and have gotten good at it. I...
  26. Dapper Dan

    Game of Thrones

    Disregard legitimate analysis; acquire awesomeness. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25KABvPbq-U
  27. Dapper Dan

    INTP principles

    Shoot, I'm not even sure what my "principles" would be. :confused: I can imagine my reaction, though. Surgical amputation. If you've somehow managed to violate a principle so ingrained in humanity that I can't even think of what it is, you're gonna get cut off.
  28. Dapper Dan

    INTP and conformity

    Do you know anything about his particular fraternity? Many fraternities are just as you describe, but not all of them are.
  29. Dapper Dan

    How do you manage getting a job?

    Getting a job is all about who you know. Try to make use of what connections you have. Ask people if they know anyone who works in ____. Even a second-degree relationship can get you to the top of the resume stack. Also, people skills are incredibly valuable. That doesn't mean you have to be a...
  30. Dapper Dan

    Mechanical ability ..... what are you like

    HA! CAUGHT ALL OF YOU! Each and every one of you is an ISTP! Admit it!
  31. Dapper Dan

    INTP humour

    Wordplay and one-liners. Don't ramble or try to tell about 'that one time'. You'll wind up having to stop and think, or you'll be all over the place. Neither is very funny. The deadpan delivery is what kills. Keep it short and sweet. Aim for a brief pause in the conversation. Add salt and...
  32. Dapper Dan

    Diablo 3 Beta

    Really, we're bashing games for including achievements now?
  33. Dapper Dan

    I'm apparently the worst person on the planet.

    Meh, at least they can still mix them back together if they want. My mom tends to do it the other way around: she'll mix together two sort of similar cereals in a way that manages to ruin both. Or even worse, she'll avoid wasting all that lovely syrup that comes with canned pineapple by mixing...
  34. Dapper Dan

    Tribes: Ascend

    I'm in the beta, but my laptop can't run it. >_<
  35. Dapper Dan

    Scaling your MBTI & Intellegence

    1. ESTF isn't a type. Do you mean ESTP? 2. Theoretically, intelligence and type are totally separate. 3. Don't be surprised that you don't relate to an INTJ. That one letter difference switches all the functions around so that you and he don't have a single function in common (assuming you're...
  36. Dapper Dan

    Future and things.

    I took a single Intro to Philosophy class in college. I have but one piece of advice: Try not to facepalm too hard at your classmates. You could get a concussion.
  37. Dapper Dan

    Most overrated movies thread

    I'm glad you mentioned Star Wars. Let's heat this discussion up a notch. :D I'm going to go ahead and say it: I think the prequels are probably underrated. And the originals are definitely overrated. The two trilogies are actually very near each other in terms of quality, and neither is...
  38. Dapper Dan

    A very interesting video...

    Hmm... Maybe I shouldn't make my thread titles so vague.
  39. Dapper Dan

    Give me a word

    select count(*) from dbo.songs where song_title like '%the%' Query still running...
  40. Dapper Dan

    Are Women Generally More Introverted Than Men

    People (well, Americans, anyway) you talk to irl are probably more likely to value extroversion over introversion, and will probably test to that effect. The opposite is true for people on the internet. Also, American society values extroversion in women more than in men, so you'll probably find...
  41. Dapper Dan

    You know you're an Intp when...

    I figure I might as well agree with the posts that aren't utter BS, since this stupid thread is the first thing any newcomers are likely to click on.
  42. Dapper Dan

    What makes you Mad?

    I guess I should qualify my previous posts. My parents are both great parents. We get along in most cases, and my ISTJ dad will make an effort to mediate in the event of an argument. Unfortunately, this thread's about the bad, not the good. :P
  43. Dapper Dan

    A very interesting video...

    This video was on reddit a few days ago, and I couldn't help but look at it from an MBTI perspective. I'm curious what you all think. I guess I should warn you: this will very likely piss you off. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFe8TBhLeQQ Putting aside the obvious dysfunction present in this...
  44. Dapper Dan

    Most overrated movies thread

    I'm not even really puzzled about that, since that's how most macho-manly things tend to be. Chest-bumps, butt-slaps and all that. I just do not understand why anyone would willingly subject themselves to the experience that is Top Gun. At first I thought it might be kind of like the Star Wars...
  45. Dapper Dan

    What makes you Mad?

    Ouch. I at least managed to score a (probably) INFJ brother.
  46. Dapper Dan

    What makes you Mad?

    hawt Honestly, a lot of my frustrations stem from myself. Like when I just cannot manage to get my point across to other people, despite a solid understanding of the topic. It's hard to say whether it's actually my fault or theirs, but the outcome is the same regardless. I also found it...
  47. Dapper Dan

    You know you're an Intp when...

  48. Dapper Dan

    Most overrated movies thread

    My personal philosophy is that the more effort you put into movie-watching, the less enjoyment you get out of it. This applies to a lot of things, actually. So, that being said, I actually enjoyed a lot of the films in the OP. Inception was pleasing to me on multiple levels (har har). 300 is...
  49. Dapper Dan

    Anyone Else Generally Bad at spelling

    The only road signs I can think of that have lowercase letters are the ones with city names. Other than that, it's pretty much all caps.
  50. Dapper Dan

    Making an INTP video

    Agreed. A look into the actual behavior of an INTP would be far more useful than having an INTP talk into a webcam.
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