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Search results

  1. Dapper Dan

    Good Evening

    Welcome. I hope your stay is fruitful, as well. :) As for your type, have you tried reading the different profiles and comparing yourself to them? I had better luck doing that than taking the tests.
  2. Dapper Dan

    Horrors of Reading Others Papers

    This is not always feasible, and standards often vary wildly from class to class and professor to professor. Still, if the problem is clearly systematic, I agree with you.
  3. Dapper Dan

    Germ freak

    Another thing I just thought of: my family keeps a mug next to the kitchen sink that we all use to get drinks of water. We obviously avoid it if one of us is sick, but other than that we don't really worry about the germs. It's no worse than kissing, at any rate.
  4. Dapper Dan

    Let's get emotional

    I've found the Fe portion of the typelogic INTP profile to be pretty accurate. The part about Thinking rushing in to avert chaos feels especially familiar. Any time I begin to feel unwanted emotions I automatically close myself off and try to regain control. Some emotions are ok, of course...
  5. Dapper Dan

    Germ freak

    This. I only bother washing my hands if they are noticeably dirty or if I'm handling food. Despite that, I can't remember the last time I missed multiple days of school/work due to illness.
  6. Dapper Dan

    Challenge: "Find a word without an antonym"

    I don't follow your logic, but really it doesn't matter. Since "not going home" is not a word, it can neither be, nor have, an antonym.
  7. Dapper Dan

    Horrors of Reading Others Papers

    As an interesting side-note, I learned from one of my college ENG professors that the "standard" form of writing that we're taught in high school is pretty much useless for anything besides crappy writing assignments. No one actually uses it in the real world.
  8. Dapper Dan

    Weekend with ESTJ

    To be good at arguing you must be opinionated enough to care, aggressive enough to talk over the opponent, and absolutely sure that you're right. To be good at debating, you must be rational enough to make sound arguments, patient enough to hear the opponent's points, and able to see the...
  9. Dapper Dan

    Horrors of Reading Others Papers

    Let's try to bring this back on-topic. Anyways, OP, try to keep in mind that writing is a very INTP task. Every aspect of it caters to our strengths, and, conversely, it probably caters to a lot of other people's weaknesses. Just imagine if we were all required to take classes on pointless...
  10. Dapper Dan

    Weekend with ESTJ

    I think you're talking about arguing, not debating.
  11. Dapper Dan

    Challenge: "Find a word without an antonym"

    I disagree, as those all deal with certainty, which is a different thing altogether. If they are antonyms, the sentence "I am really not going home." should be nonsense, shouldn't it? A quick dictionary search defines a word as "a unit of language, consisting of one or more spoken sounds or...
  12. Dapper Dan

    Helping and hurting

    Hahaha, I think this applies to me, as well.
  13. Dapper Dan

    Helping and hurting

    Eh, I guess I'm ok at reading people (assuming I'm paying attention), but my poorly developed Fe means I'm likely to miss certain emotional cues. Sometimes this results in me misreading situations entirely. For instance, one day in high school I ran into a friend before class. Her eyes were...
  14. Dapper Dan

    Where do I fit in?

    Also keep in mind that the tests are notoriously inaccurate. You may want to look at profiles for different personalities and see if any others fit better.
  15. Dapper Dan

    Challenge: "Find a word without an antonym"

    I feel the need to point out that this whole discussion is somewhat naive. Naive in the sense that our language contains enough individual words to oppose every other individual word. In fact, I'm guessing it doesn't even come close, as evidenced by the fact that the word "not" exists and...
  16. Dapper Dan

    Why is slavery wrong?

    I'm surprised this hasn't been pointed out already, but this is a flawed analogy. A government and a farm are two different things. I could also say the same for farming and slavery, but really the only difference is that one deals with livestock and one deals with humans. So (once again) the...
  17. Dapper Dan

    Where do I fit in?

    :borg0: ASSIMILATE :borg0:
  18. Dapper Dan

    Intuitive Insight of either the Profound or Profanity

    Unfortunately, I find it terribly difficult to do this on purpose. Like, I know I understand an aspect of something that will be beneficial to someone else, but either my explanation doesn't get the idea across or I can't get my thoughts in order before conversation moves on. So aggravating. :mad:
  19. Dapper Dan

    Have you ever realized a negative pattern in yourself?

    My sleep cycle. It's currently 4:22am where I am. I mention this one in particular because it manages to amplify some of my other problems, like trying to find a job.
  20. Dapper Dan

    What kind of knowledge do you collect?

    I tend to go on info-binges. MBTI has been my focus recently, although I think I've mostly tapped that out for now. Perhaps the most telling are my D&D binges, during which I submerge myself in rules, strategies, lore, builds, and whatever else. Eventually I create a few interesting characters...
  21. Dapper Dan

    best possible career

    Self-employed? How do you get anything done? :confused:
  22. Dapper Dan

    Hypo-Egoist Persona

    In general, my situation is exactly as the OP states. Although I should note that the chameleon thing is totally subconscious for me. Like, I'll totally swipe someone else's "signature phrase" and then realize it afterwards. And then I'll keep doing it, regardless of how badly I try to stop...
  23. Dapper Dan

    INTPs outside of their comfort zones

    This. Finding something you like/care about is the hard part.
  24. Dapper Dan

    Unlocking the Emotional Potential of the INTP.

    This rings true to me. I enjoy various games and sports, and I'm constantly amazed by just how outgoing I can become when my T backs off and lets the N take charge. It works with conversations as well, so long as I find the conversation/company interesting. Even so, I still struggle with...
  25. Dapper Dan


    Will there be cake? :3
  26. Dapper Dan

    I demand.

    I feel like a lot of those items have more to do with being a serious introvert than being an INTP specifically. Plotting to take over the world, for instance, strikes me as very un-INTP. :confused:
  27. Dapper Dan

    It's a touched-up version of the medic from Team Fortress 2. I'm glad you like it. :)

    It's a touched-up version of the medic from Team Fortress 2. I'm glad you like it. :)
  28. Dapper Dan

    INTP family reunion stress

    Hmm. I've never been very bothered by family functions. Then again, I'm not sure most of our gatherings can really be considered reunions. The only one we even call a reunion is a 3 day camp-out on a lakefront property in the Smokies, and I haven't gone in years (very extended family). I...
  29. Dapper Dan

    Scientific Research Career

    I can't help but think that Computer Science is the perfect INTP major. Programming is all about abstract systems and everything is very logical. And no papers to BS your way through! Woo hoo! Also, many workplaces seem to be quite progressive in terms of things like required degrees and dress...
  30. Dapper Dan

    Why did you pick your name?

    Cause I don't want no FOP.
  31. Dapper Dan

    Simple confirmation that you are an INTP

    How's this? I've been looking at lots of MBTI stuff for the past few days, and the INTP profiles all ring true with me. Sometimes humorously so. So I came here, found much similarity to my own personality, and registered. And yet, I somehow almost psyched myself out of making this post because...
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