I just see way too much sarcarstic humor
Sarcasm? Where? You mean when he was talking about being The Joker?
Feelers are too sensitive to be ironic. Not like us INTPs. We're all emotionless robots who are afraid of nothing, and laugh in the face of criticism.
He also seems to mirror his body language in a very Ne way (Ne is about mirroring bodywise, Fe is more about facial stuff and what is socially appropriate otherwise)
Body language and facial expressions that are uncontrollable, are expressive of one's personality. Something that everyone in the entire world knows about, and 90% of PUAs and salesmen fake, is something that people know to fake, and how to fake about, too easily to reflect one's personality. Considering he's an actor, and a good one, you' expect that he can mirror posture, and do facial expressions on cue.
However, he doe have a couple of Freudian slips.
1) In both the previous video and this one, every time he thinks, he pauses, and turns to the left and speaks. The INTP thing, is to look down very bashfully. However, it's still a Freudian slip, and still indicates something. There are references to what it means online.
2) When he is describing the village that the others there have been to, he moves his hands, as if his fingers are passing over the bridge, and around the piazza. That too is not a known thing, has no relevance, and seems to be an idiosyncratic quirk of his. If you find anything about that and MBTI, that would be telling.
Finally, MBTI is about how we THINK. How we speak, gives one a reasonable idea of how we think, even if we sometimes have to think into the words. How we act, and how we write also do. But facial expressions are a heck of a lot harder to tie in to what one is thinking, especially those of INTPs and INTJs. I don't know WHY people rely so heavily on facial expressions, when one has their words, their expressed thoughts, or at least the thoughts they want us to hear, to analyse.
I am not convinced with your evidence as to why he is a feeler.
Mostly because he said that he'd walk away from a multi-million dollar career, the minute it wasn't fun anymore. That is basing your entire career, and your livelihood, and the income that will raise your child, on a purely emotional factor. Even INTPs are more practical than that.
Also, I have no idea why you claim he's no Ti based on that quote. Which part of the quote tells you he's no Ti? (Basing myself on your post / quotes here, you might well be right, I just don't see your point given your arguments.)
Ti is about rules. It's how Ti fnds contradictions and inconsistencies. The rules of logic say that no 2 connected items can imply the same truth false and true, simultaneously, which we call an inconsistency. The rules of logic also says that the same item cannot imply that another truth is true via one sequence of steps of logic, and false, via another sequence of steps of logic, which we can a contradiction. When we flag up either, we are checking to see if anything we know of a subject, contains a contradiction or an inconsistency.
Ti also develops rules, that allow us INTPs to know how to do stuff flawlessly. We don't fly by the seat of our pants all the time, like Ni-doms. We're more accurate than they are, because we've worked out the rules of the system, and follow them almost flawlessly. Ti lives by rules.
Heath Ledger says "Burn the rulebook, and throw out all the rules."
I bet you Leonardo Da Vinci was, he was obsessed with a huge variety of topics: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer. Obsessed with figuring everything out plus never finishing anything (loads of unfinished inventions and paintings from him)? INTP big time.
Well, he was also a genius which helps with all that stuff...I heard he was quite introverted somewhere as well I think, if not he's at least ENTP.
More likely an ENTP. Too keen on inventions.
The guy who made
Filippo Brunelleschi, that is used in every drawing, every painting, every graphical design, every CAD design, and every video game, for the last 500 years, seems like an INTP to me. Figuring how to draw a perspective perfectly, is such an INTP thing. Plus, he was the first to make a patent for one of his inventions. He invented the
concept of Intellectual Property.