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Search results

  1. Dapper Dan

    The Most Practical Degree

    I can't imagine anything being much better than Computer Science or something similar. Great job market, even if you're not on the west coast. Good pay right out of school, and it seems to scale well with experience. Don't need more than a 4-year degree. And you can get away with less if...
  2. Dapper Dan

    Si. Where is it?

    I'm not sure Si is really triggered by anything. It's just something we use. As for Se, I can't really say. It's not one of my functions, and I'm not sure I understand it very well.
  3. Dapper Dan

    Si. Where is it?

    I've heard Si explained as an internal database of "how things are/are supposed to be". The database is populated through either personal experience or being told by someone else. One place I can see this in INTPs is grammar/spelling. The only way to learn these things is to be told the rules...
  4. Dapper Dan

    American teens

    To answer your questions, yes, most of these things are pretty common, and not just among teens. They've become accepted parts of informal speech, so you might as well get used to it. I mean, it's been like 10 years since I've heard anyone complain about people using "like" to much, you know...
  5. Dapper Dan

    Louis C.K. INTP?

    Yeah, I can see Louis being an INTP. Unfortunately, it's pretty hard to determine I/E for public figures based on just videos. He obviously uses his Ne when he's in public, but that doesn't mean much. Personally, I'm leaning towards INTP, though. The famous big Ne's I can think of (Robin...
  6. Dapper Dan

    Sensor Hate

    Yes, exactly. The purpose of typology isn't to identify large groups of people that you don't like. It's a tool to help you understand those people.
  7. Dapper Dan

    Sensor Hate

    Wow. What the hell. People are actually agreeing with the video. Do you guys not see the hypocrisy there? The "sensor" in the video is being reasonable while the "intuitive" just spouts judgmental bullshit. Also, in case anyone hasn't figured it out yet, we are all sensors. Just as we are all...
  8. Dapper Dan

    Si. Where is it?

    Personally, I'm a creature of habit. I'm most comfortable when I'm in my routine, and I prefer not to have it altered. I often judge things by how they should be, or how I'm told they should be. I probably give more weight than I should to generalizations and stereotypes. I tend to prefer the...
  9. Dapper Dan

    American culture for INTPs, should I move there?

    Bleh, everyone idolizes the big cities for some reason. I personally prefer smaller cities. Really though, just make sure you end up someplace with decent internet.
  10. Dapper Dan

    Olympics disinterest

    The Olympics are cool. I like what they represent, and I like that some different sports get good coverage.
  11. Dapper Dan

    Um...Err...Human flesh, anybody?

    If I could somehow guarantee that no bad things would come from it I'd probably try some. In reality, though, it would be too risky. If anyone ever found out, I'd be getting weird looks for the rest of my life. People are just not understanding about that sort of thing, even if you have very...
  12. Dapper Dan

    How many of you use conditioner?

    As the previous owner of some seriously long, thick, curly hair, I can say with confidence that conditioner is not optional for some people. Hair health doesn't even come into it. Without conditioner, I could barely get my fingers through my hair, let alone a brush.
  13. Dapper Dan

    Typology and Race

    Yeah, that was poorly worded. White culture obviously exists. But it doesn't really come with that sense of racial solidarity that you can find in other groups.
  14. Dapper Dan

    Pronounciation - The right and the wrong.

    My honest recommendation? Watch as much of the Lord of the Rings bonus features as possible.
  15. Dapper Dan

    Fictional INTP's

    You forget that the functions are all connected. :) I was just pointing out the inconsistency I found most obvious. We INTPs (or at least I) don't have much trouble emoting. We have trouble *not* emoting when we're angry or whatever. Neo, on the other hand, doesn't seem to emote much at all...
  16. Dapper Dan

    Fictional INTP's

    Not sure how that makes him an E. He was in it for the money, not the thrill or exhibition. INTPs and ENTPs act similarly in these situations. In both cases, Ne is running wild, and a barrage of one-liners is the result. This has nothing to do with typology... I'm probably clouded by the...
  17. Dapper Dan

    Fictional INTP's

    I dunno. He seems like too much of a planner/doer. Also, what kind of INTP would quit programming for construction? :P Sorry, but there's no way Neo has Fe. Keanu is the very definition of Fi, and it shows in all of his characters. ...isn't fictional. :P
  18. Dapper Dan

    Pronounciation - The right and the wrong.

    There seem to be a few separate issues here. So, in no particular order... Grades are relative, and that means the bar tends to be fairly low. Your daughter may well be in the top of her class. Expecting people to spell things how they pronounce them is silly and pedantic. Talking and writing...
  19. Dapper Dan

    Letter to a young INTP

    Looks that way. What didn't you like?
  20. Dapper Dan

    Typology and Race

    If we assume that type is genetic, then this makes sense. African-Americans are unique among American nationalities in that they were essentially bred to have certain characteristics. We do have to consider culture, though. As opposed to white culture, which is basically nonexistent, minority...
  21. Dapper Dan

    dressing for your age

    I honestly couldn't tell you what people my age stereotypically wear. I guess it's possible this applies to women more than men.
  22. Dapper Dan

    Timmy, Johnny, and Spike

    I'm guessing everyone has aspects of all three types, but I definitely favor Johnny.
  23. Dapper Dan

    Characterizing introversion

    I'd say it depends. For us, yes, getting that information out of our heads is troublesome. But other types, like INTJs, have no problem getting that info out there thanks to that Te. The problem with trying to describe introversion in such general terms is that there are four possible...
  24. Dapper Dan

    New typing method

    One problem: changing different letters has different effects. For instance, INTP and ENTP are very similar. They have all the same functions, and the order of those functions is only moderately different. INTP and INTJ, on the other hand, are fundamentally different types. They have not a...
  25. Dapper Dan

    I Think, Therefore..

    I am, therefore I think... among other things. I'm not sure why we consider thinking to be the end-all, be-all of existence. Oh wait, it's because most philosophers are INTP's.
  26. Dapper Dan

    Ever tried to explain to an Extrovert?

    I disagree. Introverts stick out like sore thumbs at parties, even if they are having a blast. I'm pretty skeptical of these kinds of stats. But even if they are accurate, that's still plenty of introverts to go around. 3:1 means that just about everyone has lived with an introvert at some point.
  27. Dapper Dan

    Ever tried to explain to an Extrovert?

    I've honestly never run into this issue. You'd have to be seriously clueless to not see how many introverts are out there. As a side note, when seeking thoughtful discussion, it's probably best to avoid the theater department. :P
  28. Dapper Dan

    Any Game Developers Out There?

    I by no means consider myself a game developer, but I did two semesters' worth of game development in school. It was a pretty big group of us all working on the same game. Easily the best preparation for the real world that I got in school. Every now and then I get the urge to start up...
  29. Dapper Dan

    Favourite pokemon?

    Kingler. Because crabhammer.
  30. Dapper Dan

    Top 5 singers

    I don't generally listen to music for the singing, but there are a few notable exceptions. 1. Johnny Cash. He's miles ahead of everyone else, honestly. 2. Regina Spektor. Listening to her sing makes me feel good. 3. Matt Bellamy. I don't exactly listen to Muse for the vocals, but the guy is...
  31. Dapper Dan

    Introverted feeling

    I don't really understand Fi at all, to be honest. But the description of that book got me thinking. I'm wondering if maybe Fi manifests in a more long-term emotional state than Fe does. I know my emotions are certainly very... spontaneous.
  32. Dapper Dan

    How introverted are you?

    I felt the same way in my (admittedly, 100-level) Soc and Psych courses. The subject matter was almost interesting, but it was always presented in a "here's what happened" sort of way. Very much like history is typically taught. Also, they spent like 10 minutes total on typology, which really...
  33. Dapper Dan

    Introverted feeling

    I think it's more that it doesn't come naturally, but could conceivably be built up with practice. You're probably correct in the general case, though. It's probably more useful to work on your top four than your bottom four. Heck, the existence of the bottom four isn't even really agreed upon...
  34. Dapper Dan

    How introverted are you?

    First of all, Introversion isn't a scale. Spending more time alone doesn't mean you're more Introverted. That depends way too much on outside factors, like who you're surrounded by and how draining your job is. I believe Soc and Psych actually have a reputation for attracting some very...
  35. Dapper Dan


    It's got the "funny because it's true" vibe going for me. A few notable game companies are trying oh so hard to figure out how to stay on top of this industry. They try and they try, but they fail because they treat their customers like the enemy. Meanwhile, Valve's entire business model is...
  36. Dapper Dan

    Being offended

    I find myself asking the same questions. It's obviously not entirely self-centered, because it's very possible to be offended for another person. The whole idea is obviously based on emotions. Maybe being offended is what happens when someone seems to show disregard for the emotional state of...
  37. Dapper Dan

    Failing Classes

    Try to turn it around. You see the problem, and you see how to fix it. It's just a matter of doing it. Get some other people involved if you need to.
  38. Dapper Dan

    fluctuate between INFJ and INTP?

    Remember that types really only represent a set of preferred functions. What you do with those functions may vary wildly from person to person, but you should be able to decide which type you are by determining which functions you seem to prefer. In the case of INTP and INFJ, the Perceiving...
  39. Dapper Dan

    Problem remembering names?

    I've realized that facebook helps a lot with this. Just seeing the names occasionally pop up in my feed is enough for me to remember in most cases. Of course, this only applies to people I'm already somewhat acquainted with.
  40. Dapper Dan


    I mean, quotes are ok if they come from a relevant authority, but half the time it's just a random political or cultural figure.
  41. Dapper Dan

    How do you use your intuition?

    Stereotypes are just generalized categories of people. Psychological types are a subset of stereotypes, by definition. When you form a first impression, you're working with a limited amount of information. Most of that information likely comes from past experiences with (or things you're told...
  42. Dapper Dan

    How do you use your intuition?

    I think more often than not, our "intuition" about a person is actually not iNtuition at all. It's more likely that we're using Si and Fe to compare them to similar people that we know, classify them, and then determine how we feel about them. Obviously this is different for people that we...
  43. Dapper Dan

    Considering Programming Career?

    You may actually be able to mix the two. Software companies need design and usability people to ensure that their applications are presentable and make sense to the user. If you've got a knack for the visual, it may be worth looking into.
  44. Dapper Dan

    "Thats so gay" commercial. Discuss.

    Words have various meanings based on context. Most people can see the intent behind the words and judge them accordingly. Also, meanings change over time. It's not the kind of thing you can just change with a PSA.
  45. Dapper Dan

    INTP and the Family Dynamic

    Not sure how I missed this the first time. Massive generalizations and just plain bad typology. This post basically shows how not to use MBTI.
  46. Dapper Dan

    How would you rate your thinking?

    Or doing simple housework. Or getting to bed at a decent time. Or getting out of bed at a decent time. Or getting in shape. Or doing busy work. Or going out and meeting people. Or *insert your problems here*.
  47. Dapper Dan

    Fe description

    Depends on the activity. Obviously a float parade is not going to be all that emotionally invigorating. Playing games (or sports!) with friends absolutely gets me going.
  48. Dapper Dan

    How would you rate your thinking?

    In my experience, we are not inclined to act in a logical way at all. Sure, we may think logically, but that rarely manifests into any sort of action. In MBTI terms, this is because we have Ti instead of Te. We prefer to keep our thinking in our heads instead of extroverting it (aka: acting on...
  49. Dapper Dan

    Type and sports

    I love sports. They're a subset of games, and I love games. I guess it helps to have good coordination and reaction times. I played soccer in some form for like thirteen straight years. Never made varsity in high school, but that's mostly because I was in it for fun and never practiced on my...
  50. Dapper Dan

    Fictional INTP's

    Because he isn't. Way too much Te. Watson, maybe, but I don't think Sherlock is. My guess is ISTP. Gandalf, imo, has way too much get-up-and-go. INFJ maybe? He kind of defies typing.
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