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Search results

  1. Luzian

    Face's Fairy Castle

    youtube watch?v=XZ0u8VRJQzo
  2. Luzian


    i have nothing to do with you throwing your panties at me
  3. Luzian


    stop stalking me
  4. Luzian

    How do you feel emotions?

    Are you worried about my emotions?:)
  5. Luzian


    OK, it's official, everyone likes cookies. I'm going to start carrying cookies in my bag to bribe people
  6. Luzian

    All People are Random

    Being unaware of a pattern, does not make anything random. There will never be anything random, ever. There's no such thing as random. I think quantum mechanics is premature.
  7. Luzian

    How do you feel emotions?

    Don't be weak and pathetic, WORK ON YOUR Fe!!!
  8. Luzian

    Do we 'Asperger'?

    I wonder is asperger sounds like "ass burger"
  9. Luzian

    Motive for Meklor Malice

    You dislike when people know they have an advantage? Now I understand :)
  10. Luzian

    Motive for Meklor Malice

    That's because he's passive (using aggression as compensation), he doesn't truly have path of his own. He will sometimes follow.
  11. Luzian

    How do you feel emotions?

    Does it matter?
  12. Luzian

    How do you feel emotions?

    You need to practice your emotions with someone. You'll trust them one day, so as long as you don't keep avoiding them.
  13. Luzian

    Motive for Meklor Malice

    I think Melkor is masturbating to this post
  14. Luzian

    Tom Sawyer

    lol This is exactly what I was going to put. Tom Sawyer by Deadsy YouTube- Deadsy - Tom Sawyer Live at The ROXY 8-21-06
  15. Luzian

    INTP FanGirl :)

    chocolate, will you make a youtube video about INTPs like Obama Girl did for Barack Obama? :)
  16. Luzian

    INTP'S creativity

    The concept of multiple perspectives does not necessarily invalidate the importance of one's creation. Only if perspectives were evenly distributed amongst the human population, would your statement ("I don't think it matters what you make") be true. How else could there be art and music more...
  17. Luzian

    Thoughts Per Minute

    I'm not sure what you were smoking, but all I can say is that INTP + marijuana = idea hurricane
  18. Luzian

    Thoughts Per Minute

    Uhhh, ditto anyone who believes otherwise, is probably "J" You simply cannot define a thought (at least not very well), therefore you cannot quantify it.
  19. Luzian

    Music to invoke emotions and moods

    Here's something to ponder: Why does music affect us so much?
  20. Luzian


    Why is that logical? I could argue that I suggest whatever makes you the most money if you plan on making a career of it, or whatever has more marketability.
  21. Luzian


    I'm a c# programmer with experience with countless languages and technologies over the years. If you want to learn programming on windows, I suggest C# or Visual Basic .NET. There are many reasons I suggest the .NET technology which I wont get into, but one of the most important is the Visual...
  22. Luzian

    INTP vs INTJ

    It felt like "number one" to me
  23. Luzian

    About you?

    I need proof!
  24. Luzian

    Why are the lurkers lurking?

    I don't wanna be auto-ninja'd :(
  25. Luzian

    Team INTP versus Team X the MBTI Olympics

    It could've been a lot worse :)
  26. Luzian


    Maybe I'd get to see trees for firewood Maybe I'd hunt Maybe I'd grow my own food Maybe I'd be a slave
  27. Luzian


    I am old as a mofo
  28. Luzian

    Androdgony anyone?

    So you partner is pretty much potentially more feminine and/or masculine than you are. More feminine than average, more feminine than masculine, and you're less feminine than average. Androgyny: I'm for it!
  29. Luzian

    Who is the smartest on the forum?

    And Luzian is wicked smaat
  30. Luzian


    Thank you :)
  31. Luzian


    anyone wanna celebrate my birthday 8 days ago?
  32. Luzian

    What evokes feeling in you?

    weed and music <3 truly
  33. Luzian

    Eye issues

    I wanna see pics!! I too have an astigmatism and short-sightedness
  34. Luzian

    Chat in IRC

    I use mirc because I've been using it since when the internetz was born so then, out of habit BTW, chatzilla is rubbish
  35. Luzian

    Terabyte Hard Drives

    who cares about 1 TB. I want a TB drive that has instantaneous seek time, and 1TB/sec read/write speed, and with its own AI adaptive antivirus hardware
  36. Luzian


    uh, there are levels?
  37. Luzian

    Any Hardcore Gamers Here?

    this is the third time I heard of IRC. Is there a specific channel we go to? Anyone have any suggestions for the least nerdiest IRC client? I'm not into unnecessarily wasting time these days
  38. Luzian

    Sayings of the INTP

    Let go of the world, but hold on to life. -me Grab life by the horns, and get trampled with a horn stuck in yo ass -me They want an inch, give them one in the wrong direction, they'll take a mile accordingly. -me If life is nothing but a big joke, at least I have a sense of humor. -me Make...
  39. Luzian

    How about...

    I kid :)
  40. Luzian

    User Titles.

    My eyes are missing because joejoe is dyslexic :( x_x
  41. Luzian

    How many people here are NOT INTPs?

    "Studying others" is a nice way to disguise your true love for us.
  42. Luzian

    User Titles.

    Come to think of it, I'm hungry for some peking duck :) (And I don't mean this in a sexual way)
  43. Luzian


    I kick the asses of people who haven't gotten a chance to prove they aren't a threat. Best defense ever
  44. Luzian

    Any Hardcore Gamers Here?

    And all this time she was flirting with me, she needs to lie about her age? yuck:D
  45. Luzian

    In praise of the feelers. Let them come!

    Don't try to assume what we feel, NF! :)
  46. Luzian

    "ENTP's are Better than Everybody Else"

    You mean like Fran Drescher in The Nanny? It should be against the law to dub comedy. Comedy is seldom funny when translated.
  47. Luzian

    Any Hardcore Gamers Here?

    The only games I find worth while for n64, is Zelda and Mario The Ocarina of Time is one of the best games I ever played. All Zelda games have an expectancy to be well-designed
  48. Luzian

    Silence is Golden

    *shoves a black hole in Melkor's pants, and runs away*
  49. Luzian

    Silence is Golden

    *punches innocent girl in the crotch*
  50. Luzian


    I'm not reading it unless there are animals in it :)
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