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Search results

  1. Luzian

    Team INTP versus Team X the MBTI Olympics

    SELECT * FROM luzian's_awareness_of_forum_users WHERE type = 'INTJ' 'Kianara' Returned 1 row(s) "The INTJ" works :)
  2. Luzian

    "ENTP's are Better than Everybody Else"

    Does this explain words like: Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz ?And what's up with all TV in foreign language needing German voice overs?
  3. Luzian

    "ENTP's are Better than Everybody Else"

  4. Luzian

    How many people here are NOT INTPs?

    Why not rename the forum to www.mbtiforum.com ?
  5. Luzian

    How you listen to music...

    YOINK (hopefulmonster cries)
  6. Luzian

    How many people here are NOT INTPs?

    You keep a dungeon in your heart?
  7. Luzian

    Chiropractic Careers

    INTPs + careers where there is direct contact with client/customer = bad
  8. Luzian

    How you listen to music...

  9. Luzian

    Team INTP versus Team X the MBTI Olympics

    maybe the INTJ should organize it, lol
  10. Luzian

    How Types Age

    NTs aren't necessarily prominent online, INxx are. I assume INTPs would continue to evolve 'till DEATH! It's similar to the concept of the movie "Speed", if our brains stop, we explode. But this is just theory. :)
  11. Luzian

    Silence is Golden

    Now that's gold. But I prefer silent showers..
  12. Luzian

    How you listen to music...

    I use winamp. With plugins to manipulate the sound how I want, and to speed or slow the tempo. It does anything I require of it, but I use it mostly because I reserve WMP for video, and because shoutcast radio is free and has a wide selection. I take my ipod almost everywhere I go, and I listen...
  13. Luzian

    In praise of the feelers. Let them come!

    Also realize there can be a world of difference between two INTPs. That difference is determined by how much you care to delve beyond the fundamentals of an INTP, and into the individual. The fundamentals are just the tools used in the construction of our personalities.
  14. Luzian

    Who is/are your favorite singer/music band?

    This delay thing is annoying. I'm going to start using tinyurl
  15. Luzian


    In 30 years, I'll be too smart to have any useful online discussions! what's the point :( Hopefully people's brainwaves will be searchable by google. That would be interesting.
  16. Luzian

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    That's what I've concluded, but I read in at least one instance, him referring to one type with two different animals.
  17. Luzian

    Mates (Partners for male INTPs)

    Nonsense. At least until he gives us schematics of his seemingly rubbish system.
  18. Luzian

    User Titles.

    I suppose groupies exist in INTPness also :) Unless you're some other type
  19. Luzian

    Who is/are your favorite singer/music band?

    Another: YouTube- DEADSY - Paint it Black
  20. Luzian

    Who is/are your favorite singer/music band?

    The band "Deadsy" are in their own genre.
  21. Luzian


    So far, that's how I feel here, lol No one would put up with me until they understood my madness. Until then, I must be normal.
  22. Luzian

    About you?

    I'm interested in why you said "1 cat" instead "a cat" or just "cat"
  23. Luzian

    Who is/are your favorite singer/music band?

    try YouTube- Re-edit Health and Theory Slide Show
  24. Luzian

    MBTI Posters

    Uh... does that mean INTPs have no sense of humor?
  25. Luzian

    MBTI Posters

    I pretty much assumed all INFPs are obsessed with fantasy
  26. Luzian

    MBTI Posters

    fairies that bite?
  27. Luzian

    User Titles.

    If only "title" had an I instead of its L
  28. Luzian

    MBTI Posters

    lol@INTJs are intense and evil
  29. Luzian

    Who is/are your favorite singer/music band?

    YouTube- The Birthday Massacre - Walking With Strangers (Lyrics)
  30. Luzian

    the INTPians' invisible audience?

    Actually, I think it would be egotistical of anyone to think others are watching us.
  31. Luzian

    Hi! INTJ here.

    I resent INTPc. I was banned from that place. I find myself toning down my awesomeness. I dislike jealousy, and forums that become home for the admins where their house rules are whatever they feel like doing My best friend in high school was an ENFP, and he'd sometimes beat me in chess. The...
  32. Luzian

    Kinesthetic Knowledge

    I played sports as a teen, even if not that good, it was what my friends did. I also had martial arts training as a teen. I like to jog and bike, but hate preparing to do it. I am extremely unclumbsy. I rarely trip nor knock things over. I have a heightened sense of my surroundings, and I tend...
  33. Luzian

    My Genome, My Self

    I think information of our genes will be used against us, just like all personal info is. A weapon in the guise of "personal discovery"
  34. Luzian

    More awesome tech

    And who says guys think with their penis :)
  35. Luzian

    Merged: The 5 INTP subtypes

    Re: The 5 INTP subtypes I agree. It seems the person who wrote this, felt out of place with most INTPs, so he wrote this to separate himself from the rest. He's obviously self-proclaimedly type 5.
  36. Luzian

    Thank You

    Really? because I tend to pause however I please. I do not like English teachers who tell you what you should probably write in a situation where most people would probably understand, instead of teaching logically. For those not in the loop, English has rules, though with lots of silly...
  37. Luzian

    Help! (INFP...) (Fallen hard...)

    So as I suspected, you don't want our thoughts, you want us to tell you what you want to hear.
  38. Luzian

    Help! (INFP...) (Fallen hard...)

    This sounds sexual :)
  39. Luzian

    Thank You

    Four times as much as a colon (for compensation)
  40. Luzian


    If INTPs are anything like me, they would not subscribe to any cultural behavior. INTPs are about seeking truth and being original. An INTP being cut by the cookie-cutters of culture, is going to feel some pain. Culture != INTP Culture == anti-INTP
  41. Luzian

    Who is/are your favorite singer/music band?

    Maybe this is included in what I'm trying to say.
  42. Luzian

    Who is/are your favorite singer/music band?

    other people's music sucks
  43. Luzian


    In my perspective, strength to carry nothing of value, is weakness. Not to mention the need to feel strong.
  44. Luzian

    Bleeding Edge Technology

    The link I followed had nothing to do with those contacts
  45. Luzian

    Keyboard layouts

    I want a keyboard that groups letters phonetically it would be nice to have keys in an order like such: L,R,M,N T,D - K,G - P,B F,V - S,Z Sh,Ch,J A,E,I,O,U - W,Y
  46. Luzian


    All information is based on perception. It will all come down to how much differential information a human is willing to store to differentiate between objects. The difference is only made when it concerns that person. For instance: An Indian would know the difference between themselves and a...
  47. Luzian


    That same argument can be made with 17, 18, 32, or 9999 types. The only thing we can say about this is that the more types, the more defined the type, or the more accurate we can get. Realize that all that can be said for any one type, is more fitting for those who are of that type than those...
  48. Luzian

    INTP programmers

    I knew an ISTP programmer who is facinated by how I solve problems An INFP programmer who freaks out with problems Two ENFP programmers who aren't so good, but very enjoyable people to be around. INTJ programmers who were a pain in everyone's ass, thus not enjoyable people to be around. An...
  49. Luzian

    ~Thinking out side humanity's spectrum~

    The way I see it, N's are always the next step, while S's were the ones before
  50. Luzian

    ~Thinking out side humanity's spectrum~

    This is the INTP's real detachment. I've thought about it a bit recently. People tend to do the easiest things they can do, though managing a balance where there is the least amount of acceptable consequence. Most people don't need to know how things work, they just need to know that it does...
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