I care most about computers, (in)justice/morality and music.
I also used to very political. But I kinda gave up on Americans waking up anytime soon. Yall a bunch of dummies.
I am off and on about politics myself. What were your own specific focuses and opinions?
I don't want to hijack the thread or anything, but I am genuinely interested, guessing from the other part of your post that you are going different direction from mine. I am a secular person, but I am studying the Bible these days.
If you're interested in analyzing or are just curious about responses, see:
What Are INTP's Passsionate About? (2013)
I'm very libertarian. I think the ideal of humanity is to achieve anarchy. But I'm also realistic and think libertarianism is the best compromise. The two leading parties are either way to unrealistic about the government's ability to help people, or way to invested in war and empire building. Also 911 was an inside job...![]()
I met one girl (ENTP or ENFP) and I told her I have very interesting life and a lot of plans. Well, I was lying, but now have motivation to do things, which I was too lazy to do.
They are there. Keep trying or change the Fe approach and wait.^^^ Same. ^^^
Problem is it is hard to find interested parties.
I also call myself a neoconservative because I think that the most important part of ideological orientation is taking people, including the societies of which they are a part, for who they are. If you want to understand these societies, that means that you must study the traditions that give form to their collective experiences. After you understand their traditions, then you can approach the people and societies with a clear head that allows you to see the true potential for freedom and equality they embody.
I would say this is more idealistic then libertarianism. By studying traditions from a society and applying policy, asserts that you can understand it enough to come up with sensible policies or a well planned system from the outside. This goes back to what every state in the past has tried to do and failed at. I agree with the idea of having people of of their respective region/society come up with their own solutions, but without external coercion. Libertarianism is very practical as if it was understood and "allowed", there would be hundreds of more countries and nations being formed with their own policies. Hopefully in the end this would lead to total privatization, but a private law society or anarchism is arguably just as idealistic in today's current stage.
In human society, everyone imposes their will upon everyone, even in mundane interaction. Your freedom directly relates to those around you respecting your freedom. Some people respect freedom, others don't. This means that if we actually want a society one of whose core values is freedom, then we must convince others to value it as well, and oppose and sometimes subdue and eviscerate those who plot brutally against freedom-lovers. If you understand this, then it becomes obvious that you cannot escape trying to impose your will upon others, no matter your intentions. If we look around the world, we can see this being played out in many areas. Pashtun tribal areas and rich sheikhs provide resources to those who would turn back the Enlightenment upon whose philosophical developments our values depend. There are Christian counterparts, sometimes more moderate, in Russia and the African continent. Allowing crazy regimes to establish and expand is not the same thing as allowing freedom to expand.