Nearly every job I apply for requires me to do a personality test, and once the hiring manager finds out I'm an introvert, they completely throw out my application and don't bother replying back to me.
How am I supposed to get a job if so many employers want job candidates to have people skills?
Why are people skills so valued anyway?
At my old job, I worked hard and applied myself and some of the other employees who have 'people' skills basically talked or texted most of the day and did little work.
To have people like that who get hired over me, someone who will actually work hard and not waste time, is annoying to no end. I and a few other friends who are introverts are still without jobs after graduating college but we know people who partied most of their time in college, cheated in class etc., got jobs soon after graduating because they have 'people' skills...Whatever
How am I supposed to get a job if so many employers want job candidates to have people skills?
Why are people skills so valued anyway?
At my old job, I worked hard and applied myself and some of the other employees who have 'people' skills basically talked or texted most of the day and did little work.
To have people like that who get hired over me, someone who will actually work hard and not waste time, is annoying to no end. I and a few other friends who are introverts are still without jobs after graduating college but we know people who partied most of their time in college, cheated in class etc., got jobs soon after graduating because they have 'people' skills...Whatever