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  1. Dapper Dan


    Mind if I ask why you're putting so much focus on the upper body? Paintball is pretty much just sprinting and crouching.
  2. Dapper Dan

    Ni and Ne

    Re: Ne / Ni: Fence Me In Aren't objectivity and subjectivity supposed to be the realm of T and F?
  3. Dapper Dan

    Ni and Ne

    I feel like both of the N entries apply to N's in general. From what I understand, both are good for designing, and both can be pretty critical. The difference is that an Ne will try to design an interesting/cool fence, whereas an Ni will try to make the best fence. An Ne's criticism will be...
  4. Dapper Dan

    interpretations of time

    Thanks for reminding me to make a payment on my student loans.
  5. Dapper Dan


    I've had the same style since high school: relaxed jeans (shorts in summer), solid/screen-print t-shirts, and a hoody. Probably the most extravagant item of clothing I've ever owned was an awesome pair of pumas similar to these. I shave every few weeks, and haircuts happen when I feel like it (I...
  6. Dapper Dan

    INTPs and MBTI obsession?

    Not worth it, in my experience. The Psych classes I took glossed over the interesting things and left me with a bunch of names and terms to memorize. I suppose if you get past the entry-level, you might find something worth your while. Probably a lot of papers, though. :/
  7. Dapper Dan

    Am I and INTP ;)

    What is this demonry? o_O
  8. Dapper Dan

    Am I and INTP ;)

    Nope. /thread
  9. Dapper Dan

    INTPs and MBTI obsession?

    We like to understand systems... and to determine their flaws. The system is complex enough to keep us interested. We're good at introspection. Our own traits are highly-valued. We spend a lot of time goofing off on the internet.
  10. Dapper Dan

    INTP forum and walls of text

    The key here is this: Just as we strive to understand things, we INTPs also strive to communicate that understanding to others. We are sometimes willing to post massive walls of text in order to complete this goal. However, we also realize that readability is crucial, so we revise furiously...
  11. Dapper Dan

    Being an INTP

    Are those Jung's actual descriptions? Some of them are pretty fishy.
  12. Dapper Dan


    Well, in a broad sense, it is. That is, arithmetic and simple algebra/geometry are used in day-to-day activities. But the higher up you get, the less useful it becomes. I would argue that things like probability and discrete math should get more emphasis in school than things like calculus for...
  13. Dapper Dan

    Tips on 'dealing' with social situations?

    I don't know what your job is or what your workplace is like, but honestly it sounds like you're shooting yourself in the foot. If you don't take a break now and then to get to know your coworkers, you're going to burn yourself out. And when you do, you're going to lose your job because no one...
  14. Dapper Dan

    Ah, happy to do it!

    Ah, happy to do it!
  15. Dapper Dan

    INTP forum and walls of text

    Yup. That's about right.
  16. Dapper Dan

    Err, what for?

    Err, what for?
  17. Dapper Dan

    Who do you think is an INTP

    It's hard to say for sure, but I tend to agree with this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDyOG4935E0
  18. Dapper Dan

    What course is for me?

    Hard to say. For me it was computers, but that's the stereotypical INTP answer. What do you most enjoy doing that can be translated into a serious course of study?
  19. Dapper Dan

    Thinking vs. Feeling?

    You'll notice that every type has T, F, S, and N in some capacity. Even we INTPs use Fe far more than most of us care to admit.
  20. Dapper Dan

    INTP forum and walls of text

    A POINTLESS OBSERVATION IN MY INTP FORUM?!?!? :aufsmaul: Nah, you'll fit in just fine. I'm pretty sure people with meaningful posts get kicked out after too many offenses.
  21. Dapper Dan

    That annoying sense of superiority

    Only tangentially related, but I couldn't help but notice you skipped the Oxford comma. That makes you an evil person. Just thought you should know.
  22. Dapper Dan

    Begrudged INTP here

    Hmm that's an interesting method. Do you realize that an ESFJ has all the same functions as an INTP, just in reverse order? So there are bound to be some small similarities between the two types. For instance, some say that when they're majorly stressed out, INTPs turn into pseudo-ESFJs and vice...
  23. Dapper Dan

    That annoying sense of superiority

    Yep. This is something I can relate to. It's like an itch that I just... want... to scratch... From what I can tell, it seems to all come down to a good understanding of the systems at work. If I understand the system and it seems to work, then I'm likely to follow (and correct others on) the...
  24. Dapper Dan

    Begrudged INTP here

    ... are we not allowed to be happy and enthusiastic?
  25. Dapper Dan

    That annoying sense of superiority

    I don't think good grammar is necessarily indicative of intelligence. Sure, it shows a certain level of education, but it's really just a matter of remembering all the rules and their exceptions.
  26. Dapper Dan

    personality masks

    Why wear masks when you could be your own awesome self?
  27. Dapper Dan

    I Doubt It

    I don't think doubt is inherently logical or emotional, though. It can arise in both kinds of situations, and that makes me think it's linked to N. Maybe S, too.
  28. Dapper Dan

    What is your favorite music video?

    Great song, great video. "Weird Al" Yankovic - It's All About The Pentiums - YouTube
  29. Dapper Dan

    Insecurity and its Nature

    Personally, I just find INTPs and MBTI in general to be very interesting.
  30. Dapper Dan

    Random Question: Pi

    Pretty sure they've just programmed pi into your calculator. Calculators are only accurate up to a certain number of digits, anyways.
  31. Dapper Dan

    I Doubt It

    My best guess is that doubt comes from intuition. When you say that you doubt something will work, what you really mean is, "I can't say for certain, but this idea seems to conflict with my understanding of the systems that govern this topic." Of if you do think something will work, but you...
  32. Dapper Dan

    Who do you think is an INTP

    I'm fairly certain Bill Gates is an INTP. I also have my suspicions about Conan.
  33. Dapper Dan

    Do you have pervasive doubt about yourself?

    From typelogic: So yeah, this is a fairly well-documented INTP trait. Conventional wisdom says that confidence is inversely proportional to competence. The fact that you doubt yourself means that you are probably more competent than you think.
  34. Dapper Dan

    why INTPs are awesome

    My thoughts exactly. This article summarized: "Hey Sensors! If you participate in this activity that's commonly associated with iNtuition, you might get all the other benefits as well!"
  35. Dapper Dan

    Exam or Coarsework

    I don't know what A levels are, but my gpa in high school was 3.44. SAT 2070, ACT 29. In college I studied Computer Science and got a 3.127 gpa. This is true. I'm a very deliberate test-taker, and it wasn't uncommon for me to be the last to finish. In fact, the main reason my SAT score is...
  36. Dapper Dan


    It's a combination of all his functions. He uses Ti to figure out his answer. Ne tries to understand his parents' arguments. Si tells him that it conflicts with what he already knows. Fe gets pissed off and threatens to show itself. Ti puts Fe on lockdown, but sustained arguing will keep Ti from...
  37. Dapper Dan

    A genie appears, you have 3 wishes.

    The first two don't matter so long as the third lets me be eternal friends with a magical Robin Williams.
  38. Dapper Dan

    Exam or Coarsework

    I think it's mostly that we're able/willing to sit down and absorb what's being presented. And once you understand the "big picture" principles at work, it's easy to remember. The amount of work has nothing to do with it. That's what homework is for. Tests are supposed to assess how much of that...
  39. Dapper Dan

    What is this?

    Honestly? This sounds like the kind of thing I do when I've spent too long cooped up by myself doing nothing. It's like all my extroverted functions have been hibernating and they don't want to wake up. Interacting with people, objects, or my environment is way harder than it should be, and I...
  40. Dapper Dan

    Exam or Coarsework

    Err... can I get an example? I don't really follow. :confused: My attendance in high school was good since I didn't have much choice in the matter. College was not as good, although I still attended more often than not. Really, I think INTPs are just good at exams. I know all I had to do was...
  41. Dapper Dan

    "INTJ or INTP" round 2

    Well it's probably safe to say that you're an NT, but I don't trust online tests enough to look much farther than that. If you really want to figure this out, take a good look at each of the functions and try to figure out which ones come naturally. Try not to let learned or "modified"...
  42. Dapper Dan

    Type me, my label printer malfunctioned

    "I can't pull myself down to earth(sometimes it's the opposite), it's almost like I have a large white cone around my neck, simultaneously blocking my view and blinding me. I daydream an awful lot, it's just the oddest compilation of thoughts, and I'm getting to think I just think that way...
  43. Dapper Dan

    College in China

    Well lets see here. China pros: All expenses paid. Great cultural learning experience. More responsibility. Incredibly marketable. Friends are going (I assume). Probably lots of fun. China cons: Huge commitment. Far from home. More responsibility. USA pros: Less stress. Close to home. Less...
  44. Dapper Dan

    Exam or Coarsework

    If by coursework you mean a practical application-type project, then I'll take that. But if you're talking about typical coursework, then I'll go with the exam all day, every day.
  45. Dapper Dan

    Eight Different Eyes: Ne & Ni

    I agree with Melkor that you could probably find some better examples than the ones you chose. I mean, Jim Carrey's entire career is based on his excellent facial manipulation.
  46. Dapper Dan

    Type me, my label printer malfunctioned

    Ok... I guess I follow you. It seems to me that your real personality type is probably buried under a bunch of external modifications. If you want to know your natural-born type, then try to filter out the behaviors that you had to learn, or that you are forced to emphasize day-to-day. What...
  47. Dapper Dan

    Open book

    This. I don't completely disregard the other person's probable reaction, but whatever I say is highly likely to be at least partially truthful.
  48. Dapper Dan

    Hate losing

    I do have a sore loser streak in me. I automatically try to figure out why I lost, which can result in me giving excuses and not just accepting it. The excuses usually have some truth to them, but that's no reason for poor sportsmanship.
  49. Dapper Dan

    Trouble accepting INTP categorisation - any valuable insights?

    I disagree with this. Probably 25% of the posts in there have nothing to do with type. Then about 50% of it is too general to assign solely to INTPs. Much of it I simply don't identify with. At any rate, people just post whatever they want in there, and no one stops to question it. Typing...
  50. Dapper Dan

    OK, Ok, or Okay?

    Ok or just K. Verbally, I think it usually comes out as more of an mmkay.
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