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  1. GYX_Kid

    Let's all live together

    I'm putting a license plate on the oven and nobody will stop me
  2. GYX_Kid

    So my sister made me sign up here..

    I thought our own worlds already trolled us :phear: I know a small Japanese girl nicknamed Bunny.
  3. GYX_Kid

    I wanna talk to someone.. >.<

    I've wished I had a true reason to be scary. It hasn't happened much. Glad that's admitted.
  4. GYX_Kid

    I wanna talk to someone.. >.<

    I'm a non-scary guy
  5. GYX_Kid

    Fe Growth Pains?

    Is a weak-developed Fe in an INTP more repressed, sensitive, and likely to experience either PTSD or loathing from relatively minor aggression or trauma? (On top of being very poorly understood initially by the Ti and Si) In standing up to and facing the world, some experiments may have...
  6. GYX_Kid

    Why do women have lower IQs than men?: The case for plebeian intellect in females [SPLIT]

    If one married couple wishes, they can request to God (who is male) for their daughter to trade her orgasmic erogenous nerve potential for intellectual potential. Then at the time at which the men of the world have scientifically implanted the same sexual power into themselves, these...
  7. GYX_Kid

    Can Perceivers be shitty people?

    I'm too vigilant about eating my shit ASAP, to remain a shitty person. Auburn By the way, are you Asian? If you are, I can clean myself up
  8. GYX_Kid

    Difference between MTI and MBTI

    The B is for Better one.
  9. GYX_Kid

    Anyone else

    We just have our heads up our asses at a differently-calibrated angle.
  10. GYX_Kid

    The INTP XBL Gamertag Thread

    Re: Xbox 360 Gamertags GYX Kid
  11. GYX_Kid

    Can Perceivers be shitty people?

    Well it depends on how much shit is left stewing inside one's own mind and soul versus how big the asshole is to spew it onto the environment
  12. GYX_Kid

    Can Perceivers be shitty people?

    When done well I'd call that getting shit and blood all over the floor, and then cleaning it up
  13. GYX_Kid

    Can Perceivers be shitty people?

    They just seem to be much less likely to *do* ridiculous things to people, or even have unchangeably difficult attitudes. Of course it's possible, but when they do it it's usually easier to spot. And there's usually a more obvious "reason" for it.
  14. GYX_Kid

    Mello's Personality Types

    This part is pretty agreed upon. I had never thought of that in quite that basic and straightforward a way.
  15. GYX_Kid

    you obtain a time machine. what do?

    Extra lives/Second chance by means of going to X moment and telling myself whatever plans to put forward. Dodge parallel fate
  16. GYX_Kid

    I've never liked hoodies anyway

    My sister said I was gonna get shot, when I put up the hood of my red hoodie.
  17. GYX_Kid

    What makes you Mad?

    Ti-Si loops involving trauma that my own ideas have created, is kind of maddening
  18. GYX_Kid

    Why do women have lower IQs than men?: The case for plebeian intellect in females [SPLIT]

    Well yeah in areas of society, it's much more acceptable and almost expected for men to be type A domineering like that than women. In a way, it's kind of like "to succeed socially, be antisocial." But acting really pushy may be a priority over being accepting of another opinion, depending on...
  19. GYX_Kid

    Why do women have lower IQs than men?: The case for plebeian intellect in females [SPLIT]

    I wonder if the aggressive dismissiveness is more of a male thing to do, or an ITJ thing to do
  20. GYX_Kid

    True INTP

    Try Slipknot, and then black metal. Or whatever suits your taste.
  21. GYX_Kid

    What makes you Mad?

    Well condensed. Obviously everyone else other than schizophrenic narcissists are superior to schizophrenic narcissists, though. Understandable why it's maddening, but it can also just be used to mirror their default bullshit ethos and feel superior to them on autopilot.
  22. GYX_Kid

    True INTP

    +800 combo Even "being INTP" at least mentally, is one small piece of a bigger cycle
  23. GYX_Kid


    Good posts so far
  24. GYX_Kid

    Does it bother you when people don't like you?

    I like to frustrate evil villains who think they're so mighty and catastrophic
  25. GYX_Kid

    [:] Message to Eminem [:]

    Eminem seems like an ISFP
  26. GYX_Kid

    Lame 21st Birthday

    My knee-jerk burning reaction is to devalue all meaning out of direct birthdays, graduations, etc. Wonder why that happened. Just do whatever seems fun, and takes advantage of the opportunity. Any day.
  27. GYX_Kid

    Any musicians?

    Actually got some formal training for guitar, drums and vocals, but picked up a lot more from just doing it on my own
  28. GYX_Kid

    Which type is most likely to be clingy/ a stalker?

    An infantile INTJ, while refusing to admit it
  29. GYX_Kid

    Does it bother you when people don't like you?

    Well there are some kinds of people who if you haven't gotten them to dislike you, there's probably something wrong with YOU These are not most people, though. It's generally more convenient to be liked than not, at least of a casually good opinion. But I don't really go out of my way unless...
  30. GYX_Kid


    Oh man. I wonder why I largely outgrew those. Good times
  31. GYX_Kid

    ENFP- thoughts and behaviour

    Most of the ENFPs I know are all like ^_^_^
  32. GYX_Kid

    "what's tulsa backwards" Best argument ever

    "what's tulsa backwards" Best argument ever
  33. GYX_Kid

    That was the song where he self-proclaimed his ripping off Meshuggah. When I heard that line I...

    That was the song where he self-proclaimed his ripping off Meshuggah. When I heard that line I did a double-take, and had to look up the lyrics to see if I was hearing him correctly.
  34. GYX_Kid

    Inner extravert

  35. GYX_Kid

    Pros and cons of INTP friends: Any thoughts

    "relationship upgrade" :smiley_emoticons_mr
  36. GYX_Kid

    Top 5 singers

    Devin Townsend Kyo (Nimura Tooru) Dave Hunt aka VITRIOL Corey Taylor Max Illidge list will change in the future
  37. GYX_Kid

    left overs

    Lots of poop Just eat it, maybe with a bit of salt/pepper or hot sauce or gravy, maybe on a sandwich or not
  38. GYX_Kid

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3DWZijTbVY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAPn8Jz6qL8 fuck yeah
  39. GYX_Kid

    'sup. Have you heard that new-ish Devin Townsend album, Deconstruction?

    'sup. Have you heard that new-ish Devin Townsend album, Deconstruction?
  40. GYX_Kid


    Hey. What makes you throwback eightfold with tarp a'Mario! wn south? I dunno. I think INTPs tend to have massive worlds of intricate, chaotically spiraling organized eccentricities inside themselves- but translating it into extroversion and manifesting that on the outside tends to be an...
  41. GYX_Kid

    Doubting if I'm INTP

    No, you sound exactly like this guy I know who's an ESLW and sometimes switches to drop D. Those things you listed also apply to me too.
  42. GYX_Kid

    Machivelli Test

  43. GYX_Kid

    Feelings vs. Logical Decisions

    I was also once confused about competition regarding who's elite and who's butthurt offended, a la INTP "ignore/brush off shoulder/tease sarcastically" vs INTJ "appear upset but possibly steal upper hand" or something like that. If Mello is having these issues with this that he's forced to live...
  44. GYX_Kid

    Feelings vs. Logical Decisions

    We'll all just have to remember what your own personal definition of an INTJ is, and denial of your dad or whatever's going on
  45. GYX_Kid

    Those disastrous careless little mistakes...

    The ones that cost us thousands of dollars+, year(s) of misery, wounds to perfectionism with ideas of permanent damage, some potential wisdom assuming motive is not destroyed... afterward reassuring ourselves "I will build everything back to as good as it was before, and be more cautious next...
  46. GYX_Kid

    Feelings vs. Logical Decisions

    Are all INTP's decisions (repeat: decisions) technically feeling ones, because the extroverted judging function is Fe?
  47. GYX_Kid


    Nothing is relatively everything, which is everywhere at once = faster than light Explain why extreme solid red and yellow, and a clown, are somehow symbolically attractive to hungry customers (McDonalds)
  48. GYX_Kid

    I give your 'About Me' biography here a thumbs up.

    I give your 'About Me' biography here a thumbs up.
  49. GYX_Kid

    What makes you Mad?

    I have limited respect for people who seem unable to question their reality and their viewpoint of it, who'd rather win an argument than come to a greater understanding even if it means second-guessing or criticizing themselves. Such people can be an endless source of frustration, if they have...
  50. GYX_Kid

    Self Confidence and Irrelevancy

    It has a lot to do with the fact that many people derive their self-worth, to varying degrees, from external feedback and forces. So if coming across as assured and backing an "opinion" helps to garner feedback, that would be a means in which the person would gain that support. If some of your...
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