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Search results

  1. GYX_Kid

    INTPs and the nerd stereotype

    that's more like it
  2. GYX_Kid

    INTPs and the nerd stereotype

    yeah during early high school i usually sat with a group that included some of my good friends, which was overall interested in video games etc. not extremely 'nerdy', some of them were more into things like chess and puzzles and some were more into skateboarding. some of the real loners with...
  3. GYX_Kid

    How to spot a psychopath

    PTSD? INTJ? more like just anyone who decided to take a gun to their morality, or had it demolished already
  4. GYX_Kid

    How to spot a psychopath

    actually narcissists can be irrational in their inability to conceive the autonomy in other people, leading to where they fuck up their logic Maybe i'm incorrect in oversimplification, but how i think of it is somewhat like -narcissist likes to gluttonize his ego by trying to eat people...
  5. GYX_Kid

    How to spot a psychopath

    is a psychopath the combination of NPD with AsPD? a person who may be irreparably delusional with one might 'try' to have the other as well in order to be successful, but fail at it. i've come across a couple of people like that in my life. if they were "psychopaths" then sure if you gave them...
  6. GYX_Kid

    Evil Masterminds

    ^ in this plan i'm jason we need a criminal to pick, and a long enough trail of phone calls to the pawn who's gonna dig him up and leave him at a good location
  7. GYX_Kid

    Evil Masterminds

    he'd go too far with bizarre ideas in attempts to not get caught... like wearing a dead criminal's hand skin as a glove to confuse fingerprint investigators or is that practical enough to be J? probably both oddly P and almost J enough to work
  8. GYX_Kid

    Picture Personality (Short Test)

    You Are Independent You are happy, driven, and status conscious. You want everyone to know how successful you are. Very logical, you see life as a game of strategy. A bit of a loner, you prefer to depend on yourself. You always keep your cool and your composure. You are a...
  9. GYX_Kid

    You know you're an Intp when...

    Perception day is when god looks at earth for what it really is, and kills himself happens on may 11, 3967 7-eleven stores replace numbers the year after afterworks become firewords and liverwood fireworst eats babies On topic: when that shit ^ gets posted
  10. GYX_Kid

    yeah i agree that the self/environment perceiving vs. judging is pretty significant, the fact...

    yeah i agree that the self/environment perceiving vs. judging is pretty significant, the fact that it isn't directly displayed in MBTI and that you have to know it in each type might make yours more convenient there i'd have to get used to the other part, and think of it in terms of something...
  11. GYX_Kid

    you apparently have Pi? what's 2A?

    you apparently have Pi? what's 2A?
  12. GYX_Kid

    The picture of an INTP - ISTJ relationship

    so true, SJ's and their 'object' judgement ...realized and noted
  13. GYX_Kid

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    you guys are into devin townsend, porcupine tree, that mars volta song DAY OF THE BAPHOMETS ...how much does this racism for psychologists really affect music taste :cat: here to stay was the first song i ever played in drop A YouTube - ‪D'espairsRay- Tsuki no Kioku - f a l l e n...
  14. GYX_Kid

    Being manipulated

    do something really nasty to your "manipulator" make him despise you experience "guilt" enough to get over it
  15. GYX_Kid

    Forgive but can't forget.

    you could always hunt them down and assault them wearing a mask
  16. GYX_Kid

    Bullying- EJ vs. IP

    yeah. but you have to be -somewhat- aware of your enemy. taking a joke is one thing, then when it gets too far you don't take anymore. you could go sudden borderline personality against an NPD who cares enough about their own skin. they'd get assault charges on you for smashing his skull...
  17. GYX_Kid

    Body Language

    if there's a dramatic change in someone's facial expression in reaction to something i did or didn't do (such as keeping a non-expressive facial expression) then i might think "ha, you could be (that)"
  18. GYX_Kid

    Bullying- EJ vs. IP

    if an IP gets his ego wounded, he will probably go and try to find the individual who did it, to fight back against (and maybe make sure they can't escalate further, or dare them to if it's worth it) When ego woundage inevitably happens to an EJ, which happens frequently enough in a warlike...
  19. GYX_Kid

    Unlocking the Emotional Potential of the INTP.

    it needs to escalate way beyond "harsh words" in order to fully mirror/manifest/experience "despise" and "fear" in a truly enlightening moment of horror, love and adventure
  20. GYX_Kid

    INTP and attraction to ENTPS (inherently masochistic?)

    agree the ENTJ would seem the more masochistic path, if maybe to put up with shit only to figure out how to cuttingly spite/rise above/destroy them if they try to be all dominant actually, i know a couple really aspergery ENTPs who get me to mentally facepalm when they seem unaware of the...
  21. GYX_Kid

    Unlocking the Emotional Potential of the INTP.

    i don't recognize my emotions quickly enough, usually.
  22. GYX_Kid

    INTPs and idea evaluation

    there's some truth to that, i see where you're coming from maybe he'd like to lean in the "everything fits!" direction, and then another idea (that might happen to reach a wider audience) would be deemed not as ingenius because practicality doesn't have to be any sign that creativity was a...
  23. GYX_Kid

    My Dark Thoughts, are they a problem?

    in real life, this situation will either involve A) a sociopath who's easy to beat the shit out of, but clearly out of his fucking mind and will probably fight back by spreading lies and trying to use the law against you B) some short-fused roidmonkey who you got really pissed off, will be...
  24. GYX_Kid

    If a 5yr od pointed a gun at you

    can't even decide if this is unfortunate but i would not have a first instinct to shoot i might end up thinking for one split second too long, and get shot most likely i'd aim for some kind of quick surprise maneuver to disable/paralyze him, and steal the gun
  25. GYX_Kid

    Would you rather be an INTJ?

    i would like to make more judgement calls and increase various power and skills while playing life more like a game, whether or not that means being a full fledged INTJ is different
  26. GYX_Kid

    Is there a personality type society could function as well without?

    if one "personality type" disappeared of the face of the earth, the remaining ones would adapt and compensate for it. if ESTJ became extinct and easy-to-spot crime rates were cut in half, something else would take its place. just like if all of a sudden along came an alien race of introverted...
  27. GYX_Kid

    Would you rather be an INTJ?

    i think i'm plagued with the J's "glory or failure" mentality, but the P's apathy over solidifying the prophecy before its train has left. You can develop a strong Ne-Ti partnership to substitute for Te... part of strategizing comes with experience enough to gain a habit of foresight
  28. GYX_Kid

    Would you rather be an INTJ?

    funny, i was just taking notes in class on my thoughts about this topic instead of what was going on in the class.
  29. GYX_Kid

    INTP Strengths

    ahha the psyduck one is the most accurate, at least based on my personal experiences as of most recently. okay, here's my INTPokemon in progress: Psychic/Dark type Ability: Thick skin Some possible moves: Confusion Psychic High Kick Counter Taunt Getting caught up in real-life battles with...
  30. GYX_Kid

    Personality Type : Predetermined?

    does anyone have any specific articles/research on this? i'm actually going into this topic for a school project haha.
  31. GYX_Kid

    does your spaghetti girl have a name?

    does your spaghetti girl have a name?
  32. GYX_Kid

    INTP study habits

    wait until your intuition that you have exactly the amount of time from "now until it's due" to do it, kickstarts the motivation ^ not the best way, but usually...in fact almost always works
  33. GYX_Kid

    Hey there, I'm new !!

    GYX_Kid used be neglectful about guarding the portal between thoughts and reality Wild Ronald McDonald Wielding A Baseball Bat appeared and fucked shit up! we need to get him out of here before he drags away someone else (didn't recognize who that was)
  34. GYX_Kid

    Definition of Me

  35. GYX_Kid

    The Personality Defect Test

    Result: Capitalist Pig You are 57% Rational, 57% Extroverted, 57% Brutal, and 14% Arrogant. dunno. maybe when looking at life very positively^ i think that when really neutral and chill i would be The Robot (Rational, Introverted, Gentle, Humble) and if under the influence of a negative...
  36. GYX_Kid

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    haha doublespeed hold back the day is cool YouTube - Maximum the Hormone - Houchou Hasami Cutter Knife Dosu Kiri (HD) YouTube - Reel Big Fish - Drunk Again (^ just learning for a group i'm in that wants to play it)
  37. GYX_Kid

    Online band (!)

    upload anything you feel comfortable throwing out into open internet territory, then anyone who's interested might harmonize with or add onto it. with enough habitual usage of the forum, this thread could potentially be some kind of "do things to one of the poster's tunes" area... sort of like...
  38. GYX_Kid

    Online band (!)

    So i almost got this idea to materialize on a site called interpals, but didn't work so ended up using that music for a 3-piece 7-string guitarist experiment with people who live in my town. Anyone wanna experiment weird INTP shit collaboration? Whatever happens, happens
  39. GYX_Kid

    How do you deal with stupidity?

    that's what i was half-trying to hint at all along and what is really practical in the scheme of things
  40. GYX_Kid

    Which type(s) are INTPs attracted to?

    yeah it was funny. i was tolerant of what i thought was just some asshole-ish humor in general from a lonely weirdo, and then i got that stalking me. you learn something new all the time haha.
  41. GYX_Kid

    Which type(s) are INTPs attracted to?

    E types are easy for us, especially when they do all the work. i guess that tendency could also be J. must suck to be a girl attracting male ExxJ's. ENTJ is stereotypically the personality disorder subhuman tyrant fuck, but it really isn't absolute like that. there are some (overall) awesome...
  42. GYX_Kid

    How do you deal with stupidity?

    it almost pains me to analyze these people to understanding them. although once you understand them, you then have the power to use their stupidity against them spitefully, especially if they were trying to manipulate, get at you, judge you, were a general dick, etc. Of course then it becomes...
  43. GYX_Kid

    Which type(s) are INTPs attracted to?

  44. GYX_Kid

    What do you do when you are lonely?

    ACTUALLY lonely? i'll go get or make a friend or some. still finding and redefining what in various people can fill various holes, if even possible
  45. GYX_Kid

    would you consider dress codes in most contexts, and similarly enforced traditional codes that...

    would you consider dress codes in most contexts, and similarly enforced traditional codes that are associated with the highest of civility, to be uncivilized by principle?
  46. GYX_Kid

    I wonder how much different life would have gone, if I had just...

    done something in the past at a particular moment, and then general life would be indisputably better. Obviously. This is only actually true as a self-fulfilling/defeating prophecy if you let a regret/curiosity of an unknown that can't ever be known, consume your present and erase more...
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