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Search results

  1. SpaceYeti


    The results of your MMDI suggest that your: closest personality type is INTP second closest type is INFP leadership style is as a leadership theorist unique, individual MMDI™ code is lfxd.
  2. SpaceYeti

    *gasp* School knows I am an atheist now

  3. SpaceYeti

    Game of Thrones

    How about the "Dragon's of..." series? Frankly, I don't read a whole lot of fantasy. Some, sure, not a bunch. Let's see; The Amber series, Xanth up to book 10ish, and a bunch of Dragonlance and Realms... plus a few other non-memorable books here or there. Other series certainly do paint them...
  4. SpaceYeti

    Why beauty matters

    I find this sort of discussion to be sophistic. It's a cry of "I studied philosophy, and philosophy says art is important and a sort of objective value, thus I think I'm an expert in the field of aesthetics and everybody who makes things they like are wrong." Now, I agree that if we consider...
  5. SpaceYeti

    Game of Thrones

    Basically, it's exactly the sort of fantasy which, if it were a game someone invited me to, I would not play it because of all the unnecessary BS. The kind of jerk who would run a game of FATAL... unironically. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_culture Also, I find it sophistic and oftentimes...
  6. SpaceYeti

    Game of Thrones

    Why is that? Frankly, it's simply a norm to the fantasy genre that I find distasteful and irritating. The kind of gamer who likes these stories are the kinds of gamers I don't like to play with because they're sexist. They buy into it. They believe the sexual subjugation of women is an innate...
  7. SpaceYeti

    Do you love ugly truths?

    Knocking on the door is not entering. All physicists who speak of the possibility are certain to remind you it's only a possibility. A very interesting one, but one we ultimately know nothing about.
  8. SpaceYeti

    Objections, please.

    Nobody's replying because your post has no substance to discuss.
  9. SpaceYeti

    Do you love ugly truths?

    Who's to say it is true? Perhaps this is a fun train of thought, but that's all it is. Nothing more.
  10. SpaceYeti

    Game of Thrones

    Which women are important based on heredity? The queen, whom was sold to the king before he was king? The Mother of Dragons, whom was sold to the Khal? What Elements of the Middle Ages are there? What Middle Ages? Earth's? Does the story take place on Earth, now? I don't deny it has elements...
  11. SpaceYeti

    Game of Thrones

    I was unaware that the Game of Thrones took part on the real Earth during the Middle Ages. I was under the impression it was modern fantasy fiction. You know, the kingdoms that never existed, the dragons, the magical shadow-doom-baby, and all that... sort of gave me the impression it wasn't...
  12. SpaceYeti

    Do you love ugly truths?

    I love truth. If a truth happens to be ugly, then it's true that the truth is ugly.
  13. SpaceYeti

    Game of Thrones

    Actually, I thought I did. I guess I clicked the wrong link, somehow. There are some, but they seem tokens. Too few, too far between. In the middle of season 2, there are, arguably, six. At least a strong two, arguably more, but, how many total people are in the cast? I won't say there aren't...
  14. SpaceYeti

    how would you describe your personnality, yourself without MBTI ? what would be the etiology of t

    We do what we like and which is not difficult, and they become easier yet. We tend not to do things which we dislike and which are difficult. The difficult things remain difficult because we do not practice them, thus we call them our weaknesses... as they are. They started out our weaknesses...
  15. SpaceYeti

    INTP friends with INTJ?

    My best friend is an INTJ.
  16. SpaceYeti

    My ultimate question about life

    Okay. So what's your point?
  17. SpaceYeti

    My ultimate question about life

    Certainly not, but a clone is not of the same process. Just as I am not my father. You are your clone's father. I have similar values as my ten year old self, but the knowledge I have which he did not, both about myself and the world, as well as my new physical structure, has drastically...
  18. SpaceYeti

    My ultimate question about life

    What prevents us from giving ourselves purpose?
  19. SpaceYeti

    how would you describe your personnality, yourself without MBTI ? what would be the etiology of t

    For the sake of knowledge, and to avoid boredom. My imagination is more interesting than the real world, but I still want to know what the real world is. An evolutionary trait. Those who ran from scary things lived to breed another day. We may find more things scary because of our vivid...
  20. SpaceYeti

    My ultimate question about life

    You are not merely your biomass, you're the process of your biomass. You are the accumulated process thereof. Further, I do not claim I'm the same me I was twenty years ago. That me was a ten year old boy. I'm different in essence and components... but that ten year old me was the foundation for...
  21. SpaceYeti

    Game of Thrones

    While I've recently begun watching the show, and, in fact, enjoy it, I'm severely bothered by it's portrayal of women. The only time any woman does anything important, it's because she gave birth to someone, or something, or because some powerful male allowed her to. It's either a connection she...
  22. SpaceYeti

    My ultimate question about life

    Yes. Say a piece of paper was copied, then the original burnt. The original was burnt. Having a copy does not mean the original was not destroyed.
  23. SpaceYeti

    Are INTPs fit for becoming a comic writer

    "Are INTPs fit for becoming a comic writer?" That depends on whether or not your mama is fair to include as the subject.
  24. SpaceYeti

    To all INTPs - do the thing you are afraid of

    We INTPs do, or at least should, live the mantra "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast". I think our manner of operating is a constant forward push. When we have to. For us, there's no getting excited and doing something quickly, we take the job, analyze it, take steps to finish it, on our own time...
  25. SpaceYeti


    I'm a fan of Heinlein, with Starship Troopers being my favorite book of all time. I've gotta tell you, though, I kind of fell out of reading. I just... can't seem to get into books, any more. I think my decline started when I read the full Amber collection. The original five books were alright...
  26. SpaceYeti

    The Dream of superpowers.

    I want to watch that movie again, now.
  27. SpaceYeti

    The Dream of superpowers.

    Which would only happen if you were taken by surprised and incapacitated, first.
  28. SpaceYeti

    Do you have a motto?

    They obviously know how to spell, otherwise they couldn't form the acronym. Duh. But seriously, I've started using yolo meta-humorously, just like "yo mama" jokes.
  29. SpaceYeti

    The Dream of superpowers.

    I have always wanted that same thing. Unless you're caught by surprise, you're nigh invulnerable, too. Getting attacked? Pause time, kill the bad guys, resume time. Surprise is your only weakness. Can't pause time before you're stabbed in the back if you don't see it happening. Perhaps this with...
  30. SpaceYeti

    The Best INTP Game

    Try to beat every stage with a catapult. I think there's only one stage I couldn't get a catapult to work on, but I don't remember which. For extra points, trebuchets don't count! Alternately, use only trebuchets.
  31. SpaceYeti

    The Dream of superpowers.

    Or if you take anything you want with you, teleport next to someone, grab their arms, teleport away with their arms, but not the rest of their body. They'll bleed out within 30 seconds.
  32. SpaceYeti

    The Best INTP Game

    I have no idea how they work, I only know that people do them. Does anyone know how to work it, or know a place to figure it out?
  33. SpaceYeti

    The Dream of superpowers.

    My friends and I used to have this game for road trips. We would offer each-other super-powers, generally with a drawback, which you could take or leave, building your super-hero self.I don't remember much of myself. I had rubber skin and could survive any fall, but I would bounce about 60% of...
  34. SpaceYeti

    Do you have a motto?

    "Carpe crastinum"
  35. SpaceYeti

    Male sexuality: Double standards & social shame

    It's never inappropriate to do something. Chicks want dudes who are proactive. If you aren't, you're just a friend. The friend-zone is a prison you put yourself into.
  36. SpaceYeti

    Star Trek types

    Yuk yuk yuk! ... I bang Seven with my penis.
  37. SpaceYeti

    own8ge's temporary ban/Hawkeye's complaints about moderation

    So what? Caring about something for whatever reason is still caring about it.
  38. SpaceYeti

    The Best INTP Game

    I'm down. Play by post, or something?
  39. SpaceYeti

    I dunno if there's much reasoning with the mods. They seem to clique. It doesn't really bother...

    I dunno if there's much reasoning with the mods. They seem to clique. It doesn't really bother me until they start banning out bans for no good reason.
  40. SpaceYeti

    Male sexuality: Double standards & social shame

    It's difficult for me to consider stripping "customer service". Customer service is irritating, and even where the two are alike it's more a single aspect of the job as opposed to the majority. I'd consider it more entertainment, showmanship, etc. There's no lack of technicality at all. At...
  41. SpaceYeti

    own8ge's temporary ban/Hawkeye's complaints about moderation

    I can't claim I care too much either, unless I think it was uncalled for, but this thread is enough evidence that people do care.
  42. SpaceYeti

    Male sexuality: Double standards & social shame

    If you're in it for the experience, sure. I don't presume an INTP would be so concerned about the experience itself, so much as the game it is and the money you get for it. Also, it's sexy, and sexy is cool.
  43. SpaceYeti

    own8ge's temporary ban/Hawkeye's complaints about moderation

    Sure, but my point stands. Why should we do that when the person who did it could simply inform us and clear it all up right away?
  44. SpaceYeti

    Male sexuality: Double standards & social shame

    Exactly. The only reason I wasn't a stripper is because I was too hairy and didn't want to get it all waxed off... or shave it all every other night. Too much effort. Of course, being a male stripper, I also wouldn't have as giant an income to make it all worth it.
  45. SpaceYeti

    own8ge's temporary ban/Hawkeye's complaints about moderation

    Re: Who is the most influential person on this forum? It's easy to say people are being lazy when they ask questions when they don't know what's happening and you do. I don't see why we have to look through every thread and people's profiles to figure out what happened, since we don't know...
  46. SpaceYeti

    The Best INTP Game

    Pen and paper RPGs, yo.
  47. SpaceYeti

    Male sexuality: Double standards & social shame

    Why would an INTP not be a stripper?
  48. SpaceYeti

    Male sexuality: Double standards & social shame

    I agree entirely, except I never turned my shit off.
  49. SpaceYeti

    Second guessing

    Well, this isn't about any particular situation. I also have no problem actually making a decision when I need to. However, I do look back on my decisions and, given time to think, I realize it would have been better to do something else. The problem isn't my ability to decide, more it's...
  50. SpaceYeti

    Is it just me...

    Uh uh, eh eh, Now just bounce with me, Just bounce it with me, just bounce it with me
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