OK guys, this post has for purpose to find patterns in our lives ; patterns who might explain our personality type INTP. Hopefully this will lead to uncover the possibly environnemental/ genetical etiology(ies) of our behaviour/ cognition/ socially akwardness/INTPness/..Etc
Many people think that we born with our MBTI, but I believe that it's actually a subtile mix of genes and environnement...like a lot of thingz.
What I'd like is us to explain how we'd describe ourselves IF UNAWARE OF MBTI OR BEFORE MBTI(i'll give an example later).
I'd like us to explain :
-why we think we behave like we are?
-why we think we have our fears?
-why we think love and friendship is difficult?
-Why we think we have our quirks ?
-why we think we have our shortcomings?
-... basically how you'd describe yourself/difficulties/behaviour + what is the possible cause of this behaviour?
This can go very intimate, SO you can realy explain why you think you are like that.
If we find patterns, that's bingo !
I am going to respond to this personally as I don't believe I can honestly respond to us as a group.
-Why do I think I behave like I do?
I am only about 50% sure I actually understand myself enough to answer this question. I think my behavior comes form many different factors. When a situation fist happens I have a choice.
or procrastinate
At least this is my list to choose form it may be different for everyone.
Generally if I am presented with new value neutral information or action I ponder it and think about it. I try to adapt as much information as I can form any information I learn. Its not a perfect science but my system has reviled many secretes to me so far.
Sudden none neutral information or action I generally react to quite ADD actually. Basically if I find my self in a situation that I enjoy or dislike suddenly without warning I will react impulsively first then think about it secondly. generally my initial impulse is to do or see more. Even things I don't like can fascinate me just because I don't like them.
If the none neutral/value neutral information is repetitive or seems repetitive to me. I generally tune out and ignore it. This gets me in trouble because not all information that starts are repetitive ends that way. I am very much in my head most of the time so ignore information has been a problem for me when I believe incorrectly that I already know or understand the information.
When given a dead line to research or absorb some information or preform some action I generally wait until I no longer have the option of waiting any longer. Yet another one of my faults.
And Why? Because it is second nature to me. Its very much like breathing I really don't even consider it most of the time.
-Why do I think I have my fears?
Well what are my Fears?
I am afraid of death
I am afraid of "Nothing" (well actually the philosophical recognition of the therm nothing)
I am afraid of not living up to what I can be.
So Why.
Death - I don't honesty have a full understanding of the process of death and this lack of understanding scars me.
Nothing/nothingness- For something to be completely absent of any value or form is scary if you think about it too much and I do.
Personal expectations- My goals are to reach the stars and I have accepted that landing on the moon is still a worthy accomplishment, however sometimes I still feel grounded on earth. I don't completely understand mistakes lead me to this point in my life and it scars me that maybe I will never move past the bottom.
-Why do I think love and friendship is difficult?
I don't think love and friendship is difficult as much as they are uncontrollable forces. Its is nice to be in love with someone and having others around that you can be yourself with and they actually appreciate you is nice. However, life is never so simple. Love and friendship get emotionally sticky over time and this guey is hard to move through. However keeping this completely beneficial or analytical will mean that the friendship/love will not last. This can be just as painful as dealing with the feelings in the first place.
--Why do I think I have our quirks?
This is like asking a zebra why he has spots. My quirks define me and make me the person I am. I would be lost with out my uniqueness. Or in other words I wouldn't recognize myself with my many quirks.
-Why do you think you have your shortcomings?
I see the world as a place full of untapped potential. However, I am very poor at unlocking this potential or communicating it to others.
First my communication skills are lacking because I speak in a abstract way that many people seem to be unable to grasp. I try to speak in ways that others will understand however this often comes across as demeaning/ insulting/ or arrogant. I don't believe that I know more than the next person however, I understand it in ways that most people over look. This doesn't make me better however it does make me different.
On one side being different is a badge of honor for me. It shows that I am looking out side the box and not inside the frame that most people live in. However, its also my greatest weakness. I have a very hard time relating to others even other people who claim to be like me.
Mostly because being an out of the box thinker is great but there is far more outside the box then inside it. Therefore even when I meet another out of the box thinker they are still often very different then myself.
My other major fault is that I care very little for any rules and structure. I fallow principles and value but these are my own and not created or manufacture to keep me inside the box. This leads to mistakes in my spelling and language due the the extreme nature of my beliefs. This is why English was always my worst subject in school. On the other hand my mind worked wonders in history and science were my questioning and insight helped me surpass most of the insight my peer gained.
So basically I believe I have gifts. Not exactly super powers and nothing that society honestly appreciates. However, I draw my identity form these gifts and my greatest fear is that I will never be able to use them to improve my personal standing in life. Like superpowers however, my gifts of analysis, insights, and creative thinking ofter leave directly to my weaknesses. Being unrelatable, over complicating my communication, being overly reserved with my emotions, and not falling the rules that soceity and even these forums believe are socially acceptable.