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Search results

  1. SpaceYeti

    INTP's, how do you recharge your batteries?

    I play video games, work on the design of my game, play a game, work on the story for the games I run, eat, sleep, or whatever I can do to avoid other people interfering in my process. Frankly, masturbation, too. Masturbation isn't only a method of getting rid of a boner, it's also a highly...
  2. SpaceYeti

    BOOBS!!! And other borderline content: Thread Split

    Re: Giggling, Jiggling, Boobies Let's tide this train of thought over. < Bam!
  3. SpaceYeti

    BOOBS!!! And other borderline content: Thread Split

    Re: Giggling, Jiggling, Boobies I'm curious why a nipple wouldn't be allowed. Is it offensive? Is it against meta-rules (rules the forum's host required the forum's mods to enforce)? Is it damaging to young psyches? How about butt? Is butt offensive? Everyone has one, what's wrong with them...
  4. SpaceYeti

    Giggling, Jiggling, Boobies

    Exactly. The cut of your jib really wouldn't matter if nobody were around to judge it. Frankly, the only reason I ever wear clothes in warm times is because other people wouldn't approve of me naked in public and, further, it would be illegal. It's also true that sticking to what other people...
  5. SpaceYeti

    Giggling, Jiggling, Boobies

    I'd say the celebrity phenomena in it's entirety is, by and large, a product of jealousy, and a replacement for an intangible god, whatever emotion leads people to god/hero-worship. And maybe if you don't like a celebrity, it's like a threatening, enemy god-replacer.
  6. SpaceYeti

    Giggling, Jiggling, Boobies

    Of course it's jealousy. Why else would you care that someone else is getting something you're not?
  7. SpaceYeti


    Black soul gems are all over. Also, you only need them for good enchants. Grand works just as well for enchant leveling. Also, I only use console commands for the shiggles of it. With the exploding chicken mod and 100 chickens, Solace gets effed in the A. Pop a few giants in there just to watch...
  8. SpaceYeti


    It's easy to get grand souls, just kill humanoid. Money's no prob with alchemy, agreed, then just buy/steal up the grand soul gems you come across, kill humanoids, and you'll have all the grand souls you want, without going on merchant runs.
  9. SpaceYeti

    Giggling, Jiggling, Boobies

    Through my entire life, I've known plenty of people who like things I don't like, and I've liked plenty of stuff others didn't. Just because I don't like it, why do I have to have something against other people liking it? They can like what they want. Leave 'em alone. People have this weird...
  10. SpaceYeti

    Giggling, Jiggling, Boobies

    Who's Kasumi? Also, the unrealistic desires are still desires, and denying them entirely wouldn't exactly seem healthy to me. Also, why do people hate Justin Beiber so much? He's a celebrity. Just like all celebrities, people want to sex him up. So what?
  11. SpaceYeti


    Um... Like using a sword with the steal soul enchant to keep your gems souled up so that you can enchant the garbage you normally sell or toss out anyhow? I'm not so sure that's an exploit, it kinda seems like the design on purpose, and that's how I did it. Easily. How did you do it if not that...
  12. SpaceYeti


    I can't claim I entirely agree with your idea. Frankly, I wouldn't point to Skyrim when discussing RPGs unless I'm discussing what not to do. I love the game, it's fun, but I didn't really care about what happened after my first character. After that it was just system mastery, which quickly...
  13. SpaceYeti

    New Thread!

    I like INTJs. Anyway, I've been too into AT, Futurama, and Worst Cooks in America to watch anything else, recently.
  14. SpaceYeti

    New Thread!

    I never bothered with One Piece. Is it worth watching, or is it just like the other big animes?
  15. SpaceYeti

    New Thread!

    I suggest starting from season 1, but if you don't, watch the episode "Little Dude".
  16. SpaceYeti

    New Thread!

    What time is it?!
  17. SpaceYeti

    New Thread!

    I'm moving Absurdity to the Oubliette!
  18. SpaceYeti

    New Thread!

    Adventure Time is basically my favorite show, right now.
  19. SpaceYeti

    New Thread!

    I thought you were The Goblin King from Adventure Time.
  20. SpaceYeti

    posts split from Acceptance

    Those are both running cadences. You do PT to them. I suppose they involve a morbid humor, but they're not really about death so much as how death is irrelevant.
  21. SpaceYeti

    posts split from Acceptance

    Re: Acceptance The environment there is actually pretty varied, but there are some desert parts. Also, I was gun-truck security there, not fueling. I never really actually did my MOS until I came here to Korea. I'd be quite offended.
  22. SpaceYeti

    INTP humor

    They're pins. Basically everything you put on ASUs are pin on, or attach to a larger pin-on contraption (ribbons specifically), so you actually put holes in your uniform through which you fasten it on with a thingy that latches onto the back of the pins. Except for service stripes and rank...
  23. SpaceYeti

    INTP humor

    No, I'm a soldier. Break-down; Army = Soldier Marines = Marine Navy = Seaman Airforce = Airman It varies slightly with higher ranks, but calling someone in their branch one of those things is more likely correct than incorrect. Meh, everyone is in some job-type or another, mine just happens...
  24. SpaceYeti

    posts split from Acceptance

    Re: Acceptance I was deployed to Afghanistan. Your thing.
  25. SpaceYeti

    posts split from Acceptance

    Re: Acceptance It had a lot more to do with an IED, but meeting a judge that would laugh at that would totally be worth it.
  26. SpaceYeti

    INTP humor

    I provide fuel to vehicle, yes. Maybe? I am a soldier, though. I technically am quartermaster, but I'm not in any sort of intelligence because of my horrible credit upon joining. My credit is now fixed, and my next MOS (assuming I reenlist) will probably be in intelligence. Funtastic!
  27. SpaceYeti


    Nope, probably not.
  28. SpaceYeti

    INTP humor

    I don't like people making that claim about my MOS. I do not fuel vehicles. I provide fuel, then hand that vehicle's operator the nozzle. I'm more of an 88Mike that drives fuelers crossed with a safety officer. I make sure things don't happen such that fuel spills, and I stay by the fueler to...
  29. SpaceYeti


    ... How is that not exactly the kind of thing you'd expect a kid to do?
  30. SpaceYeti


    Right, exactly. It's only forbidden because people are weird, not because there's anything actually wrong with it. Much more, I want these kids not to go through the stupid crap I went through growing up... except some of it, because some of it built character, but none of the crap that didn't...
  31. SpaceYeti

    INTP humor

  32. SpaceYeti


    Is no problem, yo. It's not arbitrary. It's an objective, scientifically verified theory that my kids are just plain better than everyone else's! Obviously I'm kidding. Of course it's an arbitrary distinction, just like every other thing you like more than other things. However, Blood-who's-it...
  33. SpaceYeti

    Photon and Matter = Life and Death.

    Your posts are just intelligible enough to laugh at.
  34. SpaceYeti


    What?! No way! I'm happy, she's simply difficult for me to understand sometimes! I'm generally more concerned with being with the family than taking photos of it, but I did get a good number of them anyhow. ... Yeah. You don't really see it as "raising", you see it as getting to spend time...
  35. SpaceYeti

    INTP humor

    That's another one my wife pointed out I do a lot. Word mergers are one of my favorite things to do even when not funny. If two words share the same sound in the middle and I'm saying them one after the other, you can bet I'll follow with a merge of them. I even merge my rank and last name due...
  36. SpaceYeti

    INTP humor

    The thing is, I really like it. It's sexy, flirty, teasy, and I would totally date a chick who dressed that way. I can respect a woman who likes to show off how good she looks, so long as she isn't doing it just for the attention. Attention whores suck, but chicks who are proud and lack...
  37. SpaceYeti

    INTP humor

  38. SpaceYeti

    INTP humor

    That's fine. I don't mind!
  39. SpaceYeti

    INTP humor

    Something that intrigues me is short shorts which some booty cheek is visible in... and not just because it's sexy. I'm curious if the girl knows she looks kind of slutty, and I wonder if it's what she's going for, or if it's just hot out and she lacks inhibitions. I mean, it covers more than...
  40. SpaceYeti

    INTP humor

    I do love sparring with my INTJ homie back home. I need to visit him next time I'm on leave, I haven't seen him in... I dunno... a year?
  41. SpaceYeti

    Akinato, the Web Genius

    Are you ashamed of yourself for liking porn, or something? Dude, that first person I said is totally a porn star. I love porn, yo. Porn rules!
  42. SpaceYeti

    INTP humor

    Something I frequently do, which I didn't even really notice until my wife pointed it out, is make fun of the things signs say. Upon seeing a big utility truck with a sign on the back that said "this vehicle sometimes moves in reverse" (or some warning similar to that), I pointed it out to my...
  43. SpaceYeti

    Acausality of Qualia

    That question doesn't answer itself?! That's like asking "When a cartographer finds a bay he was previously unaware of, why does he draw it on the map he's been making?"
  44. SpaceYeti

    Acausality of Qualia

    No. You have no neurons connecting you to other people. You do with your foot.
  45. SpaceYeti


    Just like I can handle my children no problems, but handling their mother takes effort! *sigh* no. :( She is! Thank you! Pffft, it's more resources than patience they take. Once you have them, you like them enough that dealing with them isn't too draining to be worth it. You just like them...
  46. SpaceYeti

    Acausality of Qualia

    Or, to say it in a way that's not needlessly complicated, the brain knows where the foot is. It's the damaged area telling the brain "ouch, yo."
  47. SpaceYeti

    Male sexuality: Double standards & social shame

    Scorpionmover, you so crazy!
  48. SpaceYeti


    Unpredictable?! They're more predictable than most adults. My kids are awesome for plenty of reasons. The vicarious enjoyment is cool, though. My daughter's only 7 months old, so I haven't experienced much through her vicariously. However, she's the awesomest girl ever!
  49. SpaceYeti


    Thank you!
  50. SpaceYeti


    I have no idea, yet. As far as I can tell, she's too young to figure it out yet.
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