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Search results

  1. SpaceYeti

    Second guessing

    So I was hanging with a battle today, who's in a leadership position. Because I'm inebriated as all hells, I shared my weakness of second guessing. I understand making a decision and sticking to it, but I also understand how later information might make you regret your decision. What do you do...
  2. SpaceYeti

    Is it just me...

    Jo mama.
  3. SpaceYeti

    Imperial vs Metric

    It is. Also, your mama.
  4. SpaceYeti

    Imperial vs Metric

    False. 12" = 1'0"
  5. SpaceYeti

    How to deal with life?

  6. SpaceYeti

    Imperial vs Metric

  7. SpaceYeti

    Intense extrovert here!

    BS, there's far more drama than I expected here!
  8. SpaceYeti

    Time to introduce myself, I think.

    I worked on a farm for a month, once. Eff that. Welcome to the forum.
  9. SpaceYeti

    I missed something

    I still don't know what he actually did. What was the actual problem? What rules did he break?
  10. SpaceYeti

    I missed something

    Why are we being assholes to Dux? Because he derailed a couple threads? Frankly, if a thread stays on topic for more than two pages, I get bored as shit of it. I don't see how a naturally evolving conversation is a derailment as opposed to switching rails when you came to a path you wanted to...
  11. SpaceYeti

    What is Religion for?

    It's not hard at all to say that Catholic doctrine is evil, as it disallows people to have a perfectly reasonable control over an aspect of their lives. It creates a false dichotomy of either abstinence or having children. It ultimately denies a compromise between the human psychological need...
  12. SpaceYeti


    ... Why? I mean, if you ate french toast before, should you not compare the french toast you're currently eating to the previous french toasts you've had? Are you suggesting she's not a different kind of french toast, and all french toasts are so similar that the minute differences don't matter...
  13. SpaceYeti

    Is Chad an INFJ?

    You got presents? I want presents!
  14. SpaceYeti

    Intense extrovert here!

    GET OUT OF MY PERSONAL SPACE! Also, welcome to the forum.
  15. SpaceYeti

    The INTPf High Court of Justice

    It's a sin against Glob! Who are you, anyway? But not if it's a hoe. You're the defendant, I'm the other guy, and I say you're dumb.
  16. SpaceYeti

    The INTPf High Court of Justice

    I think I was calling BAP a hooker. I think that's what my trial was about. Was he the defendant? I put forth that BAP is a great many bad things, such that the bad things I say about him are not slander, but entirely applicable insults. Or is it too late?
  17. SpaceYeti

    Debates and labels

    You should always label yourself... with labels which accurately describe yourself. That's the whole point of labels. They describe something. I hate anti-label fuck heads.
  18. SpaceYeti

    Any good philosophical movies?

    I once watched an indy film where this lady was flirting with this guy over tea. After a while, she asked the guy if he used anything to masturbate with. I don't remember his reply, but then he asked her the same and, right when the guy was licking the tea off of the spoon he was using to stir...
  19. SpaceYeti

    The Darker side of INTP

    Holy crap, you mentioned people by name, thinking they'd find something interesting! You're a terrible person and my emotional outburst is entirely justified!
  20. SpaceYeti

    The INTPf High Court of Justice

    ... I did what, now?
  21. SpaceYeti


    I've always been big into games, but I don't play a large quantity of them. Mostly, I just either lacked the resources or the time to play them. I love pen and paper RPGs, and was always huge into D&D... but D&D has been... I dunno, I don't like the edition wars, so I've been doing other shit...
  22. SpaceYeti

    hello mods

    Also, no unnecessary attitude.
  23. SpaceYeti

    Fuck it test

    56%... which I actually expected much less, due to me caring so much about stuff now that I have family.
  24. SpaceYeti

    posts split from Acceptance

    ... What happened? Sexy pictures?
  25. SpaceYeti

    INTP Laziness

    I'm a fan of sticky notes. When I realize a chore needs completion, I put it off, because I'm in the middle of something. I'm always in the middle of something when a chore comes to my attention. When that thing is done, though, the sticky note remains, whereas the memory of the chore does not...
  26. SpaceYeti

    Socrates' Apology

    The Apology and Euthyphro are the two of Plato's writings which made socrates my personal hero.
  27. SpaceYeti

    Hypothesis: ADHD

    Well, I agree with the second premise, though I don't see it as a bad thing simply because it's a drug. I'm positive that ADHD and ADD (now defined into the same thing) in fact do exist, but I don't think they're necessarily bad, either. I know, for a fact, that I've been diagnosed with ADD...
  28. SpaceYeti

    What is Religion for?

    To put it simply; because there's no reason to. I mean, it's a fun thought, but there's no reason to suppose it actually is the case.
  29. SpaceYeti

    What is Religion for?

    Humans are social creatures, and the idea of letting people live by themselves to think whatever they want in the comfort of their own home is a fairly recent idea.
  30. SpaceYeti

    Dry Rub

    Southern Comfort and Coke.
  31. SpaceYeti

    Would you apply for a high risk/high suck job, so you could retire earlier?

    I'm in the US Army now, so I would consider the first one.
  32. SpaceYeti

    Graphology - Character Analysis

    Or maybe he's just left handed.
  33. SpaceYeti

    Wavelengths and Hearing

    ^ So, what, you're practicing your nonsense?
  34. SpaceYeti

    How to deal with life?

    ... Weak what? Weak how? Weak why?
  35. SpaceYeti

    How to deal with life?

    Also, my favorite example of physicality of the mind; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Split-brain
  36. SpaceYeti

    Help me, INTPf. You're my only hope.

    Obi wan.... Obi wan.... now that's a name I haven't heard in a long, long time.
  37. SpaceYeti

    The brain that wont...

    I find that most problems are only problems because people say they are, not because anything's actually wrong.
  38. SpaceYeti

    Dry Rub

    This shit with some eggs would be a fantastic breakfast!
  39. SpaceYeti

    imagination or reality?

    I probably am. I am super, after all.
  40. SpaceYeti

    Dry Rub

    Hells yeah, delicious steak! I can make an awesome damn rub! Look at that beautiful sear! Time to mange this shit with a Southern Coke!
  41. SpaceYeti

    imagination or reality?

    I'm pretty sure I went through a time warp.
  42. SpaceYeti

    imagination or reality?

    A memory. I was inside a tunnel of light. Everyone else ran into the school. It was after the bell rang during recess.
  43. SpaceYeti

    imagination or reality?

    I once jumped off the swing at the apex, and all around me was a tunnel of lights. When I was on the ground, everyone was almost inside, whereas it didn't seem there was enough time for them to get that far before I jumped.
  44. SpaceYeti

    How do you practice your architecture?

    I play RPGs, and am generally the GM. I have three distinct game worlds I tend to go back to (which I made)(unless you don't count the one I "retired"), and I generally branch out to different ones, too. I'm even currently designing one of my own, as well as other card games and one board game...
  45. SpaceYeti


    Invite me.
  46. SpaceYeti

    Return of the queen.

    ... I'm sure you can spare some of your slush fund.
  47. SpaceYeti

    distressed INTP - how to use your dark mode properly

    I don't know if we're talking about the same thing, but I find that I'm often very good at "winging it", to the point it appears to onlookers that I just plain know the ropes. I'll even intentionally not plan for something I know is coming up specifically because I know I'll do a better job at...
  48. SpaceYeti

    Return of the queen.

    You're a queen?! Can I have some money?
  49. SpaceYeti

    INTP's, how do you recharge your batteries?

    Yes, what did I say that indicated S instead of N?
  50. SpaceYeti

    INTP's, how do you recharge your batteries?

    For my type? I have, and I'm more similar to an ENTP if not INTP, than an ISTP if not.
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