Prolific Member
I am hoping to collect some Ideas about superpowers. The kind your would find in a comic book.
My wife and I keep on having a continued conversation on what kind of superpowers we would want if we had superpowers. I change my mind weekly at least and my wife is always the same. She want the ability to teleport herself and anything she touches at will. This is primarally because she hates driving or any other kinds of motored transport.
I think teleportation would be cool but I have many more unusual Ideas that I would want to try first.
My lasted Idea was magic kidneys. Basically instead of having to urinate you cool teleport your wast anywhere instantly.
There is two benefits to this power one is you never have to go number one again. This could save a lot of time in your day. Second you can play evil tricks on people you don't like. Say I have to go to the bathroom bad, I could instead teleport it to someone else and then they would have to go to the bathroom really bad. If I wanted to be even eviler I could use it to teleport bacteria or even kidneys stones to people that I don't care for.
Any other interesting or unusual super powers you guys have thought up?
My wife and I keep on having a continued conversation on what kind of superpowers we would want if we had superpowers. I change my mind weekly at least and my wife is always the same. She want the ability to teleport herself and anything she touches at will. This is primarally because she hates driving or any other kinds of motored transport.
I think teleportation would be cool but I have many more unusual Ideas that I would want to try first.
My lasted Idea was magic kidneys. Basically instead of having to urinate you cool teleport your wast anywhere instantly.
There is two benefits to this power one is you never have to go number one again. This could save a lot of time in your day. Second you can play evil tricks on people you don't like. Say I have to go to the bathroom bad, I could instead teleport it to someone else and then they would have to go to the bathroom really bad. If I wanted to be even eviler I could use it to teleport bacteria or even kidneys stones to people that I don't care for.
Any other interesting or unusual super powers you guys have thought up?