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Search results

  1. Melkor

    And Cortana is simply the sexiest. The voice, the logic, the only wearing body paint and...

    And Cortana is simply the sexiest. The voice, the logic, the only wearing body paint and having a masculine haircut. <3
  2. Melkor

    Psh no way. Arbiter is sleek, skin tight, and voiced by a massive black man! Chief is...

    Psh no way. Arbiter is sleek, skin tight, and voiced by a massive black man! Chief is clunky, wearing too much and voiced by some old, bald guy!
  3. Melkor

    I bought the tenth anniversary graphical update edition. :D Just waiting on it to arrive.

    I bought the tenth anniversary graphical update edition. :D Just waiting on it to arrive.
  4. Melkor

    You. Me. Bath. Ten minutes.

    You. Me. Bath. Ten minutes.
  5. Melkor

    -Not sure what I like about the English either. Nice accents? Funny historic attitude of...

    -Not sure what I like about the English either. Nice accents? Funny historic attitude of superiority? The sortof strange paralells whereby a 60 something old English lady can occassionally say something in exactly the same tone and intention as a thirty something rough nut English builder and...
  6. Melkor

    -It just might be too indy! I got my first rejection recently, as they didn't want it for the...

    -It just might be too indy! I got my first rejection recently, as they didn't want it for the magazine I entered for. To be honest I never really imagined it would make it, for me the achievement was putting together something I was (originally) happy with in such a short space of time in order...
  7. Melkor

    Some quick fire responses.

    Some quick fire responses.
  8. Melkor

    Oooh, shy denial. I like it.;)

    Oooh, shy denial. I like it.;)
  9. Melkor

    It looks like an excellent game, but it still hasn't been released here. -__- Oh! You really...

    It looks like an excellent game, but it still hasn't been released here. -__- Oh! You really must play X, it was a beautiful game. Cute polar bear. :}
  10. Melkor


  11. Melkor

    Morality in the problem solving of INTPs- are you an evil genius?

    Hahahah, my thoughts exactly. Not to mention the existence of a chemical that can sterilise people with such minimal contact in such small doses being dubious. Seems like your company is easily impressed. ;)
  12. Melkor

    according to this chart, we like DMT

    Stuff and nonsense.
  13. Melkor


    Congrats! Also. Erghhh, why would anyone want such an ugly dog? XD
  14. Melkor

    Get Rid Of Shyness - Stop Being Shy And Quit Being An Introvert!

    Shyness as an ailment is about as comforting as going commando in tweed trousers while exploring a bee hive shortly after having a treacle enema.
  15. Melkor


    Lydia likes deathnote. She is thus above you mortals in the eyes of Melklore.
  16. Melkor


    I like Lydia. :)
  17. Melkor

    Titanic 3D

    Well... My philosophy has always been that we should stop fussing over wars that happened a century ago and start concentrating on the ones happening now. I always found it a strange paradox that we bemoan and are intrigued by past tragedies and events while blatantly ignoring the ones on...
  18. Melkor

    Titanic 3D

    I don't care to be frank. I'm sick of hearing about it. I'd say a thousand times more people are killed yearly by famine, exploitation and other invisible, unjust murders than a single glamorised accident. Oh, and being from belfast, the place that birthed the Titanic I've had to hear...
  19. Melkor

    Oh we both know you'd love me to be the 'babysitter'. ;) It was almost as good as the...

    Oh we both know you'd love me to be the 'babysitter'. ;) It was almost as good as the stormtropper roleplay we did that one time.
  20. Melkor

    Hello... disenchanted INTP chick here...

    Wow, a previously magical poultry with an MBTI classified personality type! Fandabby-dozy!
  21. Melkor

    Indeed I have. Though it was the somewhat altered psp version which led me to buy the previous...

    Indeed I have. Though it was the somewhat altered psp version which led me to buy the previous two games also. It really was one of the best and most indepth rpgs I've ever played. The story, the enemy designs and the characters were all perfect, and the adult humour and modernity was very...
  22. Melkor

    So, I've been lurking.

    Yes. Get out. Now. And leave the baked treats!
  23. Melkor

    Let's all live together

    One problem. Where do we get the INTP's from?
  24. Melkor

    So my sister made me sign up here..

    Actually Synth, I think Cog should have this one. It's only fair what with him being the reason most of the forum actually knows what 'transhumanism' is. :D
  25. Melkor

    So my sister made me sign up here..

    But who would honestly want to get to know you? :o I mean. It's like saying 'Nice to meet you!'. It's said without the slightest inclination of what a person is like. It'd be more accurate to say 'Hello. Hope you're not a wanker'. If the other person knows nowt about you then they have no...
  26. Melkor

    So my sister made me sign up here..

    Gosh Synth, you're too desperate. You have to let her get to know you before you try to get to know her!
  27. Melkor

    So my sister made me sign up here..

    That episode always horrified me. It was like a dismissal of the mentally disabled as mindless monsters capable of exploding at any time. O-O
  28. Melkor

    Look bro, I told you. Your sister kissed me! And jumped into my bed, and sexed me. I tried...

    Look bro, I told you. Your sister kissed me! And jumped into my bed, and sexed me. I tried to tell her the only thing that I saw in her was a resemblance to you, but she wouldn't listen! Look on the bright side, you'll have a cool new brother in law and nephew/neice soon! :D
  29. Melkor


  30. Melkor

    Guess the forum member?

    Alright. That's such a vague hint. I give up. Who is it!? (Noddy?)
  31. Melkor

    Guess the forum member?

    Bingo. Passing the gauntlet to Auburn now. He's answered two in a row and hasn't posed a question. How lazy!
  32. Melkor

    Ah. Reluctantly. I hate to see you arrive, but I always luuurve watching you leave. *Takes...

    Ah. Reluctantly. I hate to see you arrive, but I always luuurve watching you leave. *Takes photois with telescopic camera*
  33. Melkor

    Guess the forum member?

    You're both wrong. Not even close actually. :D
  34. Melkor

    Suggestion for forum URL.

    Nono. It should be //nowredirectingfromINTPcentral.com
  35. Melkor

    I've never liked hoodies anyway

    Disagree! Full hoodies often make the wearer seem bloated and kinda puffy. Zip hoodies on the other hand can easily have the sleeves rolled up and the zip undone to not only show off your nice t-shirt but to cool yourself down if needbe. Especially if one is subject to Irish weather...
  36. Melkor

    Your Ideal Female 'Partner'

    Uhm. I guess, all I'd like is a girl that I understand and who understands me. Someone that I could just be myself around because I'd know she'd always know what I 'really meant'. Someone that would communicate without pretence and social barriers without constantly having to define and...
  37. Melkor

    I've never liked hoodies anyway

    I love hoodies. I own about seven at current. I love being mostly hidden from view and keeping my hair still in the wind. I'd wear a helmet and a mask all day if I could. Something frightening yet inconspicuous, so that those who noticed me would choose to ignore.
  38. Melkor

    Bananas find me appealing

    Fuck off you yellow, slippery, bruised, fruit!
  39. Melkor

    Am I an INTP, INTJ or something else entirely?

    You kidding? The INTJ forum is the biggest collection of loonies, insaneonauts, bent minds and mentalists I've ever encountered in my life other than the INFJ forum!D: They'll drive you mad with their precise, power hungry ways!
  40. Melkor

    Are Women Generally More Introverted Than Men

    (Not to mention how horribly inaccurate MBTI testing is. I think it's right first time about one in ten times. :P)
  41. Melkor

    Just spotted a bedbug in my couch

    The one time I'm glad Ireland is a freezing, rain filled wasteland. None of those suckers could survive here.
  42. Melkor

    describe your genitals with a movie title

    Always such intellectual topics Synth. *Eye roll*
  43. Melkor

    Lame 21st Birthday

    And I entirely relate to the dilemma posed in the opening post. I don't really have any proper friends, just a few work buddies that might approach me about it. Yet I feel social pressure and a certain fear concerning my 21st. Not so much I like parties (never been to one), or feel I...
  44. Melkor

    Lame 21st Birthday

    On my 20th I went to stay at my Gran's for a few days, she lives a good bit out from where I do. On the actual day I went into the city. It was small and not very dense (it's like a retirement capital), full of old houses and tiny family businesses. I walked around, got a train to another...
  45. Melkor

    You live! :o

    You live! :o
  46. Melkor


  47. Melkor

    Oi! Since when was my profile gay-yaoi-crap central!? Clear off!

    Oi! Since when was my profile gay-yaoi-crap central!? Clear off!
  48. Melkor

    O-O You know I used to be a massive potter fan, and got less keen on it as I got older. One...

    O-O You know I used to be a massive potter fan, and got less keen on it as I got older. One thing I never approved of was any of the 'pairings' people came up with. That however, is weirdly arousing. D:
  49. Melkor

    Why do women have lower IQs than men?: The case for plebeian intellect in females [SPLIT]

    Re: Why do women have lower IQs than men?: The case for plebeian intellect in females *Sends a Robot scientist back in time to dissolve baby Cog in acid* Oh the Irony!
  50. Melkor

    Why do women have lower IQs than men?: The case for plebeian intellect in females [SPLIT]

    Re: Why do women have lower IQs than men?: The case for plebeian intellect in females If I kill Cog can I have Jedi's milk and sammich?
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