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Search results

  1. Nezaros

    A Single-Minded Obsession

    It's something worrisome, unpleasant. Difficult to put words to, I can barely understand it in my own head.
  2. Nezaros

    A Single-Minded Obsession

    For me it doesn't occur all the time, but often enough that the general phenomenon is concerning. It disrupts my thoughts, and thus my life, sufficiently that I always feel something to be wrong, out of place, even if I don't know exactly what. Thinking about it, it does generally seem to be a...
  3. Nezaros

    A Single-Minded Obsession

    Something will catch my fancy - a person, an idea, the former being the more severe case - and dominate my conscious mind for some period of time. It's always there, if not at the forefront, then somewhere in the back, but everpresent regardless. It affects my thoughts and actions for as long as...
  4. Nezaros

    Pasgetti Sas

    carbonara plz
  5. Nezaros

    Introverted Extroversion

    Where in Colorado? I'm the south metro Denver area myself. Also, welcome.
  6. Nezaros

    Privacy shmvicay! Xbox one

    I don't know what the hell the console gaming industry thinks it's doing now. I'm just happy that, as a PC gamer, I don't need to worry about this bullshit. Although now that I think about it I'm a bit concerned about the overall direction Microsoft is moving in.
  7. Nezaros

    Round 4: Comparing Pineapples and Mangos

    Manila mangoes are the greatest fruit on the planet.
  8. Nezaros

    Favorite Anime Show?

    I don't watch much anime although I did really like High School of the Dead.
  9. Nezaros


    Empathy is overrated.
  10. Nezaros

    Super Metroid

    It would be like Contra but with more explosions and nipples.
  11. Nezaros


    I know how you feel, I used to be an avid reader of sci-fi and fantasy, but recently I've just gotten bored with it. I have a huge pile of books I want to get through, and an even bigger pile of books I don't have yet, but when I try to just sit down and read I lose interest within a chapter or...
  12. Nezaros

    Making money online

    So you're saying I should scam people online. I think I'm capable of that.
  13. Nezaros

    Making money online

    How do? I'm guessing the best way is to learn programming or some other skill that doesn't require physically being in any particular place.
  14. Nezaros

    Can science cause madness?

    ... I really wish I could draw right now.
  15. Nezaros

    How to deal with life?

    I think it's a bad sign when the first answer to this question is "Get some drugs."
  16. Nezaros

    Can science cause madness?

    Killed by nature. It just happened sooner than if she had died of old age. No one is "killed by science." Science can either speed up death or it can prolong life, but we can't measure its value by "how many lives it has saved." That's absurd. Science doesn't save lives, it improves them.
  17. Nezaros

    What do you do most of the time?

    1. Sleeping late, playing computer games, occasionally doing something slightly more productive, i.e., reading forums. 2. INTP. Although I may be ISTP. 3. Ideally? Flying an airplane. Traveling. Seeing places. More realistically? If I could convince myself to stop being so fucking lazy...
  18. Nezaros

    Can science cause madness?

    What does this mean, exactly? Who has been killed "by science"? In the entire history of the world, all murder victims were killed by people, regardless of what technology they used. Accidental deaths are much like deaths from natural causes; people die. It's a part of the universe. Some people...
  19. Nezaros

    Why beauty matters

    "Beauty is a form of Genius--is higher, indeed, than Genius, as it needs no explanation. It is one of the great facts of the world, like sunlight, or springtime, or the reflection in the dark waters of that silver shell we call the moon. It cannot be questioned. It has divine right of sovereignty."
  20. Nezaros

    Game of Thrones

    I'm assuming you haven't read the books at all. All the women seem to be mere plot devices at one point or another but overall I think it's fairly strong. Or, headed that way at least. My favorite character in the entire series is female though, if that says anything.
  21. Nezaros

    Save the PRISM whistleblower from US inhumanity!

    Anyone fighting for transparency of government is doing right, I say.
  22. Nezaros

    New gun technology

    A hitman is a professional killer, much like a military sniper. They would have at least moderately comparable training. I don't see any reason to be concerned. I understand this technology will become far more advanced and far less expensive in the future, but if someone really wants to kill...
  23. Nezaros


    10. I felt the answers were far too polarized.
  24. Nezaros

    Do you have a motto?

    Selfies, Instragram, hashtags and yolo. How well they all fit together, perfect to throw into the trash compactor where they belong.
  25. Nezaros

    Do you need a dog?

    I like cats and dogs but I've never felt any need to keep a pet. Constantly cleaning up after them doesn't sound worth it. It's like having a baby that won't eventually pay your medical bills. What's the point?
  26. Nezaros

    Do you have a motto?

    They heard it from a song. Any appearances of YOLO in text is solely because these people have convinced some poor soul to type things onto the internet for them.
  27. Nezaros

    Kerbal Space Program

    KSP is addicting. But for whatever reason I've never been able to successfully perform a moon landing and return. And all attempts at a SSTO spaceplane end in failure. :confused:
  28. Nezaros

    Do you have a motto?

    YOLO is carpe diem for illiterates.
  29. Nezaros

    Way to go, Intp

    Oh come on, if you're gonna have that attitude, you may as well have your body used to freak the shit out of some people. Thrown off the Empire State Building, or left in the walk-in freezer of a restaurant.
  30. Nezaros

    Imperial vs Metric

    I propose we switch to a base 8 counting system, and fuck both imperial and metric.
  31. Nezaros

    Way to go, Intp

    Skulls for the Skull Throne.
  32. Nezaros

    Can science cause madness?

  33. Nezaros

    /rant : iOS7 UI is disturbing the hell out of me

    On an Android you can install an entirely different OS and customize every single aspect of the UI.
  34. Nezaros

    The other side of Ti

    I imagine this is a hallmark of most Sensors. Possibly.
  35. Nezaros

    Way to go, Intp

    Thermite? Technically not an explosive but... come on, it'd be awesome! I would want my organs to be donated to science / medicine. As for the remnants, in order of preference: A) Hurled into the Sun B) Tossed into a lava lake C) Cremated and scattered to the winds Absolutely not buried...
  36. Nezaros

    Can science cause madness?

    I should make a crest featuring that.
  37. Nezaros

    Can science cause madness?

    This thread reminds me of the Unabomber Manifesto. Scientific progress has three possible paths. It can continue as it is, with all the consequences that that entails; it can be subject to "ethical" regulation, meaning restrictions, government involvement; or society can backpedal into a dark...
  38. Nezaros

    The other side of Ti

    My understanding is that ISTP's are the most "rational" of the non-rationals. Similar to INTP's but more willing to work with the practical than the theoretical. I don't know any personally, however.
  39. Nezaros

    The Best INTP Game

    Only problem with P&P is you need other people, and those people have schedules, and sometimes they whine and bitch and moan... But I'd be up for a forum game.
  40. Nezaros

    What are you all reading?

    I need to reread that some time. Now I've been going through Industrial Society and Its Future, after which I plan to read Justine by Marquis de Sade.
  41. Nezaros

    Do you have a motto?

    I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.
  42. Nezaros

    The Best INTP Game

    Yes. But sadly I lack that power.
  43. Nezaros

    The Best INTP Game

    What elements does it have? The first thing that springs to mind is a sandbox, though all the sandboxes I've played feel too limiting after a while. Perhaps one in which you have complete control over not only what you can create, but the physics of the universe? For example, set up a massive...
  44. Nezaros

    How to deal with life?

    Eat more ice cream.
  45. Nezaros

    Can science cause madness?

    Science has always been used largely for warfare, because that's the only reason it gets any government funding. It's an enabler, but, like guns, science doesn't kill people, people kill people. If the inventions used to commit wartime atrocities hadn't existed at the time, they would have found...
  46. Nezaros

    What are you all reading?

    The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde.
  47. Nezaros

    Is psychiatry bullshit ?

    Psychology and psychiatry are often labelled pseudosciences because they are subjective by nature. Unless you're attempting to self-diagnose, all the pertinent information is secondhand, and in any case is filtered through the oft-unreliable human mind. If science is about objective...
  48. Nezaros

    Daydreaming Simulations

    I used to spend all sorts of time I was supposed to be doing something in class daydreaming instead, mainly about pointless bullshit to keep myself entertained. Now I only tend to daydream whenever I'm idle, or driving or otherwise not partaking in anything cerebral. It's rarely useful though...
  49. Nezaros

    Pros/Cons of Programming for an INTP

    If that's the case perhaps I should try Java or Python. Though I'm not sure if it's more actual programming that interests me or just the idea of it.
  50. Nezaros

    Pros/Cons of Programming for an INTP

    I thought I might want to get into programming, but I took a class in C for a couple weeks before it just felt too tedious.
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