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Search results

  1. Nezaros

    What's your predilection?

    Apple is a fascist organization. My lineup consists of a gaming laptop and an Android smartphone. Swype is great but it's still not ideal for... anything productive. So I use my laptop for most things, and my phone when my laptop is unavailable. And for making the great multitude of reminders...
  2. Nezaros

    How to summon a member

    It's bugeyed and freakish. I'm sure it would make a great baseball.
  3. Nezaros

    Noninvasive brain to brain interface

    This is at once incredible and terrifying.
  4. Nezaros

    In Principle or in Practice?

    I've always thought it would be prudent to restrict the rights of those who aren't generally beneficial to society (i.e., the stupid) but such legislation is extremely subjective by its very nature. Subjectivity in law leads to tyranny, or just a clusterfuck. So I can understand where you're...
  5. Nezaros

    Why do INTP and ISTP have to be different?

    As Absurdity said in the similar thread I started a while ago, type is just the order in which you rely on each of the eight functions. Being Ti-dom means ISTP's and INTP's are very similar but their primary methods of gathering information are fundamentally different. My understanding is that...
  6. Nezaros

    What are you and Why?

    Out of all the different sorts of waffles, I am a waffle waffle, because waffles.
  7. Nezaros

    The Mythological God test

    Thoth Indeed, you are 71% erudite, 58% sensual, 38% martial, and 46% saturnine. Thoth, the Egyptian God of secret wisdom, intellect, geometry and other forms of higher mathematics, was also the God of books and learning, of writing and numbers. And above all, he was the God of Magic. Indeed...
  8. Nezaros

    Which Starcraft Broodwar Character are you?

    You Scored as Ghost You are a Terran Ghost. You are quiet and rarely noticed. You are often underestimated which is a grave mistake for others to make. When confronted you are capable of halting an arguement immediately. Sometimes negotiation doesn't work and you will go to extremes to end a...
  9. Nezaros

    is happiness absolute?

    The climax was more what I was getting at, but essentially happiness is a relative state. One could be living a miserable existence for years, becoming accustomed to it, and then when they are reintroduced to what most would consider normal, it feels as the greatest pinnacle of happiness...
  10. Nezaros

    is happiness absolute?

    Have you read the Count of Monte Cristo?
  11. Nezaros


    I think tradition, mainly. And young, ill-made decisions that come in the midst of what will be a short-lived passion. And because of the legal benefits that come of it, for some reason. To marry someone carries with it the assumption that you each will have the same feelings for each other for...
  12. Nezaros

    Indentured Servitude

    I figure anything is permissible so long as everything is consensual and the indentured knows exactly what they're getting into. Depending on the length of the contract the attitudes of either party may change somewhere along the line and they may decide the original terms ought to change...
  13. Nezaros

    What is Justice?

    Death should only be reserved for people who are a threat to society. Guilt or innocence is irrelevant.
  14. Nezaros

    College - big vs small?

    The school I go to is a community college of roughly 300. It's awful.
  15. Nezaros

    What is Justice?

    In my mind justice should only serve to prevent crime from occurring; punishment is irrelevant. That means those harmful individuals should be removed from society, and I don't mean imprisoned. It's a waste of resources and if you're keeping them there for the rest of their lives, they may as...
  16. Nezaros

    What is Justice?

    That seems to be the general consensus among the public, or at least those who originated and continue to uphold the modern justice system. If fines, prison, and death are forms of justice, justice seems to be an obsolete concept. "An eye for an eye" is "fair", but whether it is "right" is...
  17. Nezaros

    Oh great, another willy nilly thread.

    I am under the impression that the defining features of an INTP are Ti dominance and auxiliary Ne.
  18. Nezaros

    The Ultimate Answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything Test

    The Villain You scored 69% Egocentricism, 54% Heirarchy, 31% Spiritualityand 24% Morality! You're The Villain! You know your place in the world, and you know how to make it a comfortable one. You do so with ruthless efficiency. People tend to get hurt around you and you may or may not see that...
  19. Nezaros

    looking for someone to snail mail with

    Why? Also:
  20. Nezaros

    How can we shave the forum?

    I think the real question is, what brand of aftershave to use?
  21. Nezaros

    Paid Programming

    I don't watch TV.
  22. Nezaros

    Gaming is learning

    The latter. I thought that was fairly obvious.
  23. Nezaros

    Have you ever studied for a test/quiz?

    Studying for me consists of listening in class, occasionally taking notes, and skimming over those notes a few minutes before the test. It's worked out pretty well so far.
  24. Nezaros

    Office Space (Movie)

    I suppose I can understand the desire to do nothing, but for myself doing nothing -> boredom -> existential loathing -> suicide.
  25. Nezaros

    what is the most useless school subject

    HOPE was absolutely horrible.
  26. Nezaros

    What does Ti Feel like?

    Pretty much. Do other people not? I think all the ideas that jump around constantly are related somehow. I could even figure it out if I try, but much of my thinking seems to be operating subconsciously. Depends on what I'm trying to focus on. If it's something that interests me, very...
  27. Nezaros

    Probably the Stupidest Fucking Quiz on the Internet.

    Yeah, pretty much. Although: 78% Thinker, 22% Feeler That seemed accurate enough. But I agree that the questions were certainly lacking.
  28. Nezaros

    Shoot me twice and that's love

    Guns don't kill people, people with guns / knives / hammers / cars / bombs / etc. kill people.
  29. Nezaros

    What types do you attract?

    The OP is asking for a trend. One does not constitute a trend. And one is more than I've managed, anyway.
  30. Nezaros

    How can we save the forum?

  31. Nezaros

    What types do you attract?

    I seem to repel more than attract anybody.
  32. Nezaros

    As much as I (or anyone else) may say that the emotional viewpoint is the wrong one, it provides...

    As much as I (or anyone else) may say that the emotional viewpoint is the wrong one, it provides a fairly unique perspective among us, and more perspectives to which we may compare our own is never a bad thing, so no need to apologize.
  33. Nezaros

    It's more than just that one thread, though. You seem to be far more empathic than most everyone...

    It's more than just that one thread, though. You seem to be far more empathic than most everyone else here. And what is morality if not codified empathy? I still stand by my statement that were I dead, I wouldn't much care if people were degrading me. Not any more than if they were doing so...
  34. Nezaros

    Mental Disabilities

    I haven't been active on the forum at all for a little while. I skimmed through some of the responses and said something which seemed relevant. What's not to understand?
  35. Nezaros

    Shoot me twice and that's love

  36. Nezaros

    You're quite moralistic. It's odd.

    You're quite moralistic. It's odd.
  37. Nezaros

    Mental Disabilities

    I haven't been following this thread at all. Welfare for the poor and infirm may be the "good" policy to hold, but it isn't usually sustainable. Society's job is to be sustainable, not "good". Euthanasia is appropriate in some circumstances but it's usually cheaper and easier to just allow...
  38. Nezaros

    Shoot me twice and that's love

    Is there a point to this?
  39. Nezaros

    Make a Utopia...

    It sound like you want a society in which all men are Renaissance men; this is impossible. Society is a great machine and all parts of it, no matter how insignificant, contribute to its integrity. Unless you simply want a world where everybody is self-sufficient and can provide everything for...
  40. Nezaros

    What am I? (IxTP)

    I enjoy skiing, driving fast, flying planes, but I wouldn't describe myself as a thrill-seeker. And I think I have alright hand-eye coordination, I'm a decent shot with a bow or rifle at least. I'm extremely laid back and take forever to come to a decision because I absolutely have to consider...
  41. Nezaros

    What's your favorite number?

    Eight, and powers of two in general.
  42. Nezaros

    What am I? (IxTP)

    For the past couple of years every personality test I've taken has said I'm an INTP. Without a doubt I fit the profile very well, Ti is certainly dominant and I definitely use Ne. But at the same time, I enjoy working with my hands, I can only stay alone with my thoughts for so long, and my...
  43. Nezaros

    The Evil Overlord Test

    Your result for The Evil Overlord Test ... Nom Anor 55% Evil, 78% Intelligence, 65% Common Sense Nom Anor is a member of the intendant caste of the Yuuzhan Vong, a brutal, warrior-based alien society that despises all lifeless forms of technology. In planning for their invasion of a...
  44. Nezaros

    Are museums obsolete?

    My attachment to paper books is fairly incongruent to the rest of my personality, but I keep it because... Well, there's something more satisfying about flipping through pages and seeing your progress through a novel. And I am the kind of person who would buy books just so I can place them on a...
  45. Nezaros


    Soylent Green.
  46. Nezaros

    Happy Easter!

    My Easter was like every other holiday, which is to say it was like every other day.
  47. Nezaros


    Reminds me of those goth kids on South Park. Also: Third world countries are awesome.
  48. Nezaros

    What do you see in this picture?

    On closer inspection, that thing to the far right is not actually a chicken.
  49. Nezaros

    What do you see in this picture?

    I see the inside of a hollow Earth. But it looks like the Sun is about to burn through. Shame, that. Chicken?
  50. Nezaros

    The importants of Lyrics?

    I don't usually pay very much attention to the lyrics of a song, and most of my favorite songs are either instrumentals, or features an instrumental guitar solo that makes me like it. But when I listen to music it's generally just for background noise (rhythmically deep and entertaining...
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