I would suggest freezing me or employing taxidermy to keep my likeness and then have people worship me as though I'm god and will bring the Ultimate Theory to the world when I'm resurrected. I would prefer the worshiping services to be something like that from the Ten Commandments when they were worshiping the golden calf. However, the Ultimate Theory will just make everyone go crazy and start devouring each other, so my resurrection would be for intellectual masochists. It would be the crazy N's who would try to do what is necessary ( preferably some kind of fucked up blood magic) to resurrect me.
The sensors wouldn't like this too much, however, and an epic struggle with robots, jetpacks(that only NT's understand how to use), dinosaurs (for the hell of it), the Apache, Nathan Drake, the Ice Princess of Nazogooliathika, the Death Star, and light sabers would ensue. But, I think I would just really, really, really like it if a big, epic space battle happened because of my death.
That, or any one of Solitaire U.'s suggestions would work as well.