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  1. Dimensional Transition

    The High Club

    No I don't haha. Maybe I've been reading too much about CBD/THC ratios and shit...
  2. Dimensional Transition

    Giving too much information.

    Sometimes when in the heat of a fun conversation I tell some things about myself I would never normally tell to someone, and then in the end I will feel a bit ashamed and feel as if I have exposed myself too much. It makes me feel weak. I've told this to the people I've had this with, but they...
  3. Dimensional Transition


    That's what I thought. And now all of a sudden it's SO HIPSTER!!!@11 Well as long as I don't roll up the pipes to show my ankles I'm good too probably.
  4. Dimensional Transition

    The High Club

    Hmm... Any advice on what kind of weed or hash to smoke? I've got nothing to do, haven't had panic attacks in about 2-3 months now. (Genetic anxiety disorder-ish) Last spring I smoked a pure joint of a 50/50 sativa/indica strain(Bubblegum). It was interesting, but very frightening to say the...
  5. Dimensional Transition


    Nerd, geek, weirdo. :c
  6. Dimensional Transition


    I think I am a hipster now. Great. Except that I don't drink PBR and smoke cigarettes and am not that much of a fan of vegetarianism and coffee. I hate labels. I just thought tight jeans looked more mature, more than the baggy ass jeans everybody else seems to be wearing. Shirts? I have a lot...
  7. Dimensional Transition

    Out of rehab and full of stories

    Sorry if I was supposed to know this... So, you were in rehab for alcoholism? I had no idea. I'll definitely come up with some questions sometime.
  8. Dimensional Transition

    Chakra Test

    Root: under-active (-25%) Sacral: under-active (-6%) Navel: under-active (-25%) Heart: under-active (0%) Throat: open (44%) Third Eye: open (38%) Crown: under-active (-25%) I thought I was quite open and wise, and less good at talking. Oh well.
  9. Dimensional Transition

    Unique Features

    Me too. I can twist my arm completely, like... turn it 360 degrees and put my hand on a table or something and then twist it back. Lovely party trick. And I can do lots of different voices and stuff. I think my mouth is slliiiightly uneven and it pisses me off sometimes. Oh and I have flat...
  10. Dimensional Transition

    INTP shit you did as a child

    Not for me at least, they get me really nervous and bore me quite easily. I enjoy mindless shooters more, not as fast-paced as Unreal, but games like Call of Duty.
  11. Dimensional Transition

    Why hello there!

    Why hello there!
  12. Dimensional Transition

    Are you trustworthy?

    Why do you refuse to admit you're an atheist, then? Is it such a bad thing?
  13. Dimensional Transition

    Is anyone else attracted to older women?

    Oh yes it definitely does. I'm so annoyed. You got me.
  14. Dimensional Transition

    ITT: post your RL Nick names

    I don't really have a nickname different from my normal name, I wish I had though!
  15. Dimensional Transition

    Alignment Test

    True Neutral Detailed Results: Alignment: Lawful Good ----- XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (14) Neutral Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (23) Chaotic Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (20) Lawful Neutral -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (14) True Neutral ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (23) Chaotic Neutral -...
  16. Dimensional Transition

    Not comfortable with the atmosphere of one's self?

    Haha, well it's great to read I'm not the only one experiencing this. We should now just find some sort of way to reverse this weird mask. I've been trying to improve today, watching it certainly did help, but I just still throw up this big shield of coldness. And yeah, like Melkor said, my...
  17. Dimensional Transition

    INTP Habits ...

    People who are busy cleaning everything all the time (my mother) make me really nervous. I just don't like it when all of my stuff is moved around. But yes, for the rest, I don't think I have much to add to this thread. Everything said here pretty much applies to me too.
  18. Dimensional Transition

    Not comfortable with the atmosphere of one's self?

    Hmmmmm... After reading all of your posts, I'm still not really sure what it is. Possibly the fear of the unknown, but more likely fear of being seen as a pussy madman. Occasionally I let some theory or doubt slip out of my mouth, and then I just get such weird looks. It makes me really, really...
  19. Dimensional Transition

    Not comfortable with the atmosphere of one's self?

    The last few weeks I've been getting increasingly uncomfortable with the vibe I feel like I'm spreading. It's hard to explain, but it feels like the person I am when socializing is so different from how I really am, when I am alone, that people think I'm somebody completely different from who I...
  20. Dimensional Transition

    Are you trustworthy?

    How do you know you are trustworthy? I just never really tell a secret or something someone told me. Unless the person who gave me the secret or whatever it was turns out to be a mean person. How do you feel about trusting others? I pretty easily trust people once I've known them for a little...
  21. Dimensional Transition

    Personality based on Visual Test

    Me too. I was like: Well, if I'm going to choose all the irregular ones I'm going to be some sort of super creative person, and if I choose all the regular ones I'm going to come out as a boring linear creep. So I just mixed the two even though I know I'm probably one of the more creative...
  22. Dimensional Transition

    Is anyone else attracted to older women?

    Well... I often find myself attracted to girls in the 16-19 range, while I'm 16 myself. Most other guys my age seem to go for the 14 year old girls but that creeps me out a bit. They have usually not that much of a mature body and mind yet... Needless to say I'm without a chance with all girls...
  23. Dimensional Transition

    INTP shit you did as a child

    Me too. I've been doing this for as long as I can remember. I got my first panic attacks somewhere between 5-7 because I was trying to imagine what being dead and non-existent was like, and it freaked me out so bad... Oh and Lullaby, again... I recognize everything. I'm starting to wonder if...
  24. Dimensional Transition

    Personality based on Visual Test

    Ah thanks, it works now. Making the test... Will edit this post once done. THE EDIT: What the hell... OBLIGING? I'm a freaking introvert. I'm not your slave, either. I hate working co-operatively. Others always do so many things wrong, it gets on my nerves. I do like to help others though...
  25. Dimensional Transition

    Personality based on Visual Test

    An error occurred: null
  26. Dimensional Transition

    The INTP voice.

    Most likely yeah.
  27. Dimensional Transition

    do you ever find yourself...

    Oh yeah, I do this a lot. When walking down the stairs, an image of me falling on the back of my head and dying shoots through my head. When walking through a busy city I wonder what would happen if someone blew themselves up, the image of limbs flying around shoots through my head. When in an...
  28. Dimensional Transition

    INTx Eye Color

    Haha, very good one, Fukyo
  29. Dimensional Transition

    Wandering Minds.

    So... Does that mean I have maladaptive daydreaming when I'm not paying attention in my class or in family gatherings? Or not really feeling 'there' when talking to someone? Or is this just being very introverted?
  30. Dimensional Transition

    INTx Eye Color

    I understand what you mean, but not everybody here knows 20 green eyed people. But alright, I'll stop posting now.
  31. Dimensional Transition

    Haha, fair enough. Just send me what you would like me to read once you know it.

    Haha, fair enough. Just send me what you would like me to read once you know it.
  32. Dimensional Transition

    No! :c

    No! :c
  33. Dimensional Transition

    The INTP voice.

    It doesn't sound very disturbing to me. I don't have a female voice in my head, but I have no idea why it would be worrying, unless you secretly want to be a woman or something. In that case it's time to undergo a sex change possibly, haha. But uh, my mental voice... is... Like my normal voice...
  34. Dimensional Transition

    INTPs,what makes us special or weird?

    I just need a lot of time to recharge from 'being social'. And I always feel weird when talking to others. It makes me feel a bit depersonalized, I observe my own and others behavior so much it's annoying me. Today I went out for a dinner with some of my family and it was exhausting as hell...
  35. Dimensional Transition

    INTx Eye Color

    Yeah yeah yeah, I get where you're going, but what you experience is just coincidence. Why would there be a relation between eye color and personality type? It just doesn't make sense. I'm an INTP and I have blue eyes.
  36. Dimensional Transition

    Haha awesome. It's cool if you send it to your Dutch friend. Anything you want me to read? In my...

    Haha awesome. It's cool if you send it to your Dutch friend. Anything you want me to read? In my normal voice or in my british accent voice?
  37. Dimensional Transition

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    Can you explain why you find caffeine, weed and psychedelics apparently pleasant(and possibly unpleasant?) in its' effects? I'm curious to know how different people's reactions tend to be.
  38. Dimensional Transition

    Yeah, most Dutch people make English sound pretty damn goofy. Probably because Dutch is quite a...

    Yeah, most Dutch people make English sound pretty damn goofy. Probably because Dutch is quite a goofy language haha. So I sound a little Irish? I always try to stay as accentless as possible, not English, not American, not Dutch, just... Neutral, haha. I can talk with a British accent if I want...
  39. Dimensional Transition

    INTPs,what makes us special or weird?

    Yeah, I haven't even seen people make such drama you're talking about in the first place. With maybe 1 or 2 exceptions.
  40. Dimensional Transition

    Stuff you're not sure you want to know

    Oh god, I can feel it... What sort of sick person would come up with something like this?
  41. Dimensional Transition

    It has disappeared! I'm sorry if I offended you or something, didn't mean to.

    It has disappeared! I'm sorry if I offended you or something, didn't mean to.
  42. Dimensional Transition

    It does, be patient. It sometimes takes a while to load or something. It didn't work for me...

    It does, be patient. It sometimes takes a while to load or something. It didn't work for me either first. It took a few tries.
  43. Dimensional Transition

    The INTP voice.

    It's just a voice, damn.
  44. Dimensional Transition

    The INTP voice.

    Ah yeah, I recognize that. Impressions are so fun to do. I still don't get how other people just can't do that. Awesome, you should all do this. It would be interesting. This is my voice: http://vocaroo.com/?media=vXV7wGhDgbv0fqByN
  45. Dimensional Transition

    Stuff you're not sure you want to know

    Wasn't there also some sort of special substance used by the CIA or something to increase human intelligence? It would make more neurons connect with each other or something... Damn I wish I knew what it was exactly.
  46. Dimensional Transition

    INTP shit you did as a child

    ARE YOU ME? The fear of comets and stuff... So recognizable. Damn you TV. I was constantly afraid of mega volcanoes and comet rains. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who tested out cats' ability to land on their feet and drew bloody, sick drawings for an 8 year-old.
  47. Dimensional Transition

    I'm going to say something internetcreepy and say you are pretty.

    I'm going to say something internetcreepy and say you are pretty.
  48. Dimensional Transition

    The INTP voice.

    Which is why I'm not too successful in actual romantic relationships but am left with a lot of friendships haha.
  49. Dimensional Transition

    The Ideal / Real You -Test

    Actual type: INTP Ideal type: ENTP Attraction type: ENTP I love people who are somewhat like me, but are just a little more enthusiastic, happy and outgoing, I wish I was more like that, too. So yes, this is definitely correct. PS: My percentages in this test are way different here than the...
  50. Dimensional Transition

    The INTP voice.

    Ahah, yes, the 'with girls' voice. Usually my voice has a low, reassuring, calm and somewhat unrealistically optimistic tone, when 'with girls'.
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