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Search results

  1. Dimensional Transition

    ADD = Ti, ADD in hyperfocus = Te, thus Ti&Te in the same person

    No I mean, the focus is pretty internal as well. At least for me. I don't really see how it would be extroverted... Or wait, I think I've just got this all wrong. Extroverted thinking is... Completing material tasks by brainpower?
  2. Dimensional Transition

    Post your Big Five test results

    I know what you mean. I have tried many times to help emotional people... It really doesn't work. I've tried to rationalize everything for them, gave them calming thoughts, put the whole situation they were in in perspective... It doesn't work. They just need hugs and 'Awww you're so sad let's...
  3. Dimensional Transition

    Post your Big Five test results

    Extroversion |||||||||||| 46% Orderliness |||||| 30% Emotional Stability |||||||||||| 46% Accommodation |||||||||||| 44% Inquisitiveness |||||||||||||||| 70% http://similarminds.com/big5.html I'm quite balanced on I/E
  4. Dimensional Transition

    ADD = Ti, ADD in hyperfocus = Te, thus Ti&Te in the same person

    Why would hyperfocus be extroverted thinking?
  5. Dimensional Transition

    Sexual novelty

    Being naked used to be awesome as a little kid. I have no idea why I have stopped running around in the nude around the house every once in a while...
  6. Dimensional Transition

    INTP's and mindless intellectualism

    I hate how much too often I find an interesting thread, only to see everything I would've said has already been spoken. ):
  7. Dimensional Transition

    My surreal/fantasy/psychedelic art

    Thanks folks (: I've made some new drawings/paintings...
  8. Dimensional Transition

    You know you're an Intp when...

    Damn... Everywhere I go, I always am too late. Always. It's ridiculous. I just forget all appointments COMPLETELY. I even put them in my agenda and stuff, but I just forget to check it, or I just read over the appointment. Always too late at school also. I'm starting to skip classes as soon as...
  9. Dimensional Transition

    Dream Places to Live

    Hmm I've changed my mind, actually, I don't know too much about the risks. I would like to know how big the risk is of a major earthquake there... If it's not too big I'd love to go to California.
  10. Dimensional Transition

    Dream Places to Live

    I'd love to live in California, but because of the tectonic plates and such, I think I'd rather not. Canada sounds awesome too, but the winters are too long for my taste. Maybe the south of France is the best option... Lovely food, close to italy(PIZZA), lovely weather...
  11. Dimensional Transition

    Opening yourself up!

    She/he's only trying to help us out. Most people on this forum are smarter than average, or that's what I like to think anyways. Eh, I can't really think of any good replies anymore, but I'm still reading it all and finding it interesting.
  12. Dimensional Transition

    Big Bang Theory (comedy series)

    I love it. One of my favorite shows. It's so cosy and lighthearted, so close to home...
  13. Dimensional Transition

    School boredom

    That's great literature right there! :D
  14. Dimensional Transition

    Opening yourself up!

    Oh, I see... I don't get how that can be charming to others, really. But don't worry I do it too, it's not like I'm saying it's completely un-charming, but... you know... I don't get what's charming about our 'INTENSE' conversations :P As for the rest, I do get what you mean now. I think I am...
  15. Dimensional Transition

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    Amanita Muscaria seems pretty pleasant as long as you don't take a too big dose. It'll make you feel horny and like you're flying usually. I read somewhere Amanita Muscaria was a big part of 'witches'' brews in the middle ages. The effects from these brews were seen as dark magic by the...
  16. Dimensional Transition

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    I don't feel the society is different at all. When I went to France, more people were recreationally smoking weed than in the Netherlands, actually... But yeah. It's still frowned upon by the more Christian/older folks usually. As for nutmeg: It works. Nutmeg is a deliriant. Look it up on...
  17. Dimensional Transition

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    Go to a coffeeshop, buy weed. Go to a growshop, buy seeds and grow your own weed(5 plants max). If you're underage, find someone who is 18+ and get him/her to buy weed for you. Amsterdam is just a city in the Netherlands, you can buy weed everywhere here, not just in Amsterdam. I always find it...
  18. Dimensional Transition

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    Chamomile tea is to be found in any supermarket, I believe. I just use pickwick chamomile tea with honey. Miracle berries are berries containing miraculin, a protein which makes most foods taste sweet. It's not psychoactive or anything, it generally just sweetens anything that's sour by "binding...
  19. Dimensional Transition

    Opening yourself up!

    Really? I always thought the INTP body language and facial expressions were always seen as a bit nervous and spaced-out. That's how I feel what I look like, that is. I always have my hands in my pockets, too. I can't stand the feeling of my arms just 'hanging there'. It's like when I let them...
  20. Dimensional Transition

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    Weed isn't that hard to get... But maybe that's just because I live in the Netherlands. FOR SCIENCE! Chamomile has a little bit of a sedative, drowsy and hazy effect if you deeply inhale the vapors of a chamomile tea for a few minutes. Miracle berries work. They work pretty well, actually. But...
  21. Dimensional Transition

    Opening yourself up!

    What is this INTP charm you speak of? I've heard this before but I can't really think of anything other than childish needs/behaviours at times and acting a little crazy but in a funny way... Is this really charming? :D But yeah, I can socialize, it's more just this certain connection I kind of...
  22. Dimensional Transition

    Opening yourself up!

    Yeah. I think I might be a borderline INFP. Or am I just an INTP with a strongly developed Fi? Hmf. But yeah. It still kind of sucks that the people you really feel close to are always so rare. How are you to abandon fear?
  23. Dimensional Transition

    Opening yourself up!

    It kind of feels like I can't get really close to anybody other than other INTPs(who are rather rare). Sound familiar? I have a few pretty good friends, yet I still feel this certain gap between me and them, except for my one best friend, an INTP. It feels like he's the only one who knows...
  24. Dimensional Transition

    What can impair intelligence?

    Exactly. And not eat or drink anything that contains certain chemicals, avoid certain locations in the world... And pretty much everything that provides cheap fun is bad for you, sadly. Except for masturbation I guess, unless someone is able to enlighten me with information on how that's bad for...
  25. Dimensional Transition

    What can impair intelligence?

    Are you trying to troll me now or something?
  26. Dimensional Transition

    What can impair intelligence?

    Yeah... It all really depends on the dosage... Moderation seems to be the key to everything in life pretty much.
  27. Dimensional Transition

    What can impair intelligence?

    I've been wondering... Is alcohol really that intelligence impairing in the long-term? If anything it has helped many people make more contacts in social occasions. I'm talking about moderate to low consumption here.
  28. Dimensional Transition

    I'm back, slutes.

    Why was EyeSeeCold banned? That just really doesn't make sense at all.
  29. Dimensional Transition

    NO! GOD NO! Have you really been banned?

    NO! GOD NO! Have you really been banned?
  30. Dimensional Transition

    I'm back, slutes.

  31. Dimensional Transition

    Life Hacks

    Glad to hear I'm not the only one. The thing that annoys me sometimes is when I accidentally find porn sites in someone's favorites, and then one day later hear them tell amongst other guys 'Oh no, I don't watch porn man.' I mean, you're amongst other guys. It's okay to tell... The thought that...
  32. Dimensional Transition

    What can impair intelligence?

    April fools'!
  33. Dimensional Transition

    What can impair intelligence?

    So basically you can't escape from it.
  34. Dimensional Transition

    What can impair intelligence?

    I'm a socialist. Why do you think I'm impairing my intelligence hm? Because I'd rather have my doctor be someone who has passion for his work and wants to help people instead of a greedy douchebag who is insensitive to people? I feel offended. Wow. It still doesn't make much sense to me...
  35. Dimensional Transition

    Life Hacks

    Oh snap, that's a great idea. Problem is when you want to use that USB for something else, like school, and you forget that your whole porn collection is on there... You're fucked.
  36. Dimensional Transition

    What can impair intelligence?

    Oh snap. How severe? How long? :/
  37. Dimensional Transition

    Every woman is now a lesbian.

    Yeah, don't worry. I don't have anything against anyone, I'm an INTP after all. It was just something I was wondering about. I get what you mean though.
  38. Dimensional Transition

    very interesting

    I tested 76% as an INFP and 73% as an INTP. I still think I'm an INTP, really. I do have strong inner feelings and values, but at the same time I highly value being objective and analytical. I enjoy intellectual stimulation as long as it's about a subject that interests me.
  39. Dimensional Transition

    Teacher criticized me for being too philosophical.

    I understand what you mean, I often experience stuff like this too. But at the same time, we're young INTPs. We're arrogant, rebelling psuedo-intellectuals. I see how some teachers may find us very annoying. On the other hand, when a teacher shows to me he/she is a bit open-minded and open to...
  40. Dimensional Transition


    Yeah, I have the same. I think it might be a protection mechanism of the INTP. I hide myself behind a cynical, sarcastic observing person making mean comments all the time usually. When I'm with my best friends I become all goofy and annoying, and when I'm with a girl I like I become the most...
  41. Dimensional Transition

    I just found out I'm basically an idiot

    Let's all start smoking pipes again.
  42. Dimensional Transition

    Should we be concerned about the nuclear disaster in Japan?

    Are we all going to die? What is going to happen? Please give your opinions. I have so little information about this, and my father just keeps telling me we're all going to die of cancer in a few years now... Which seems rather dramatic, but who knows? I have no clue of how bad this is going...
  43. Dimensional Transition

    Every woman is now a lesbian.

    I kind of regret starting it. @attar: That's interesting... @Jennywocky: I had no idea haha
  44. Dimensional Transition

    Does Your Mind Race Constantly?

    So... What are you going to do with the working out advice? ;) Really, I always thought people saying working out was going to help me were a bit annoying, but once I really started doing it three times a week, that one/two day long afterglow starts to get less and less intense everytime, but...
  45. Dimensional Transition

    Every woman is now a lesbian.

    I've noticed it mainly on social networking sites and on crappy blogs like tumblr... It's not like it's some sort of giant trend yet, but I really do notice some sort of increase in girls calling themselves bisexual or lesbian in the last few months. Of course this is all a bit subjective, but I...
  46. Dimensional Transition

    something ultra-cool you've done

    What the hell? That is not necessarily cool, but very interesting...
  47. Dimensional Transition

    Every woman is now a lesbian.

    I sometimes think certain guys are pretty handsome, but they don't turn me on. I don't have sexual fantasies about men or something. That's what I mean by a little gay. You're right. Darn. But does this mean those girls would be up for it though, then? That'd be pretty awesome.
  48. Dimensional Transition

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    I agree with this. Cannabis is such a controversial topic for so many people. It could be legalized, if several generations were only given correct information, but that's really hard to get done. Nawwww it's okay, you're a nice guy. A few friends of mine are going to grow their own weed in a...
  49. Dimensional Transition

    ADHD Really?

    I am pretty much exactly the same way. People often call me 'the most laid back person they know'... If only they knew what was going on in my mind. I just drift off so much in my own thoughts that I appear to be all relaxed and easy-going, while in my head I'm calculating all sorts of risks...
  50. Dimensional Transition

    Every woman is now a lesbian.

    Exactly. Yeah, maybe more bisexual, but I've also seen quite a few girls scream they're lesbian from one day to another. I agree with everyone being a little bisexual. That's what I think, but I don't get how it would grab the attention of boys, by stimulating their threesome fantasies...
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