Active Member
I am willing to smoke all weed, getting hung up on the method is strange to me. But one thing I havent tried though are the edibles. How do you all like em?
awwww, you guys.
i still prefer smokin' a jay though. that's how we roll in germany. fuck pipes, man, they're so annoying and unnecessary. and if you roll just right, make it look just like a cigarette, you can smoke while you're walking around in public. it's beautiful.
getting a bag today and feeling mighty fine. everyone here loves weed, but why? what do you like to do stoned?
I am willing to smoke all weed, getting hung up on the method is strange to me. But one thing I havent tried though are the edibles. How do you all like em?
i was evolved to be a druggie. my body is built for it.
durable nose, natural proclivity and talents, probably a short of endorphin to begin with. low self-control, high impulsiveness, family history, and a willingness (almost a compulsion) to try anything -- my only weakness has always been my lungs. the only reason i'm not snorting speed every day is because i roll with a crowd that hates that shit.
i guess i'm lucky...? is this really how i define luck?
i might still be a little high, by the way.
i do not want to go to school.
How do you guys propose I get more out of my smoking experience? Music and food and sex are, of course, enhanced with a little mj, but I feel like I'm missing something with the whole toking scene considering some people would probably die for some choice puffs of og kush. Unfortunately, it seems to have more of a stupefying effect on me than the common "I can get so much done," "so much more creative" outcome. Is it the strand that's holding me back (indica versus sativa)? Amount? Expectations? Personal body chemistry? Something else? I want some answers dammit!
i wonder if all this makes me a bad person.
I am willing to smoke all weed, getting hung up on the method is strange to me. But one thing I havent tried though are the edibles. How do you all like em?
No I don't haha. Maybe I've been reading too much about CBD/THC ratios and shit...you don't smoke much do you?
what is this bullshit i smoke weed out the ass and i never get to actually pick my strain, i just get whatever shitty shit my dealer will give me, nobody gives it a name. i get my kicks trying to figure out if my shit is laced or not, which sometimes it is, very big distinction between just being high and being high/completely dissociative when it's laced with pcp.
my friend should start dealing again soon though... those were the days. no more laced shit. just good pure bud, weighed out and toked in a nice cozy house. siiiigh. life.
yeah i'm kind of high, i smoked a pure today between four people. wasn't that great. pretty sure it contained a small amount of parsley. there's nobody good in stuttgart anymore.