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  1. Dimensional Transition


    Having a panic attack, anxiety, becoming a bit loopy because of lack of sleep, uncomfortable atmospheres and situations...
  2. Dimensional Transition


    Meer means 'more' or 'lake' in Dutch. Or it could be an informal abbreviation of 'Merel' which is a girls' name meaning Blackbird. Sorry, I just wanted to say that.
  3. Dimensional Transition

    Mental Voice

    I usually have one voice in my head who is arguing with itself a lot.
  4. Dimensional Transition


    That is my problem. Whenever I feel a bit weird, even without any drugs or so, I start worrying about what might be wrong. How do you get rid of that? Will it heal by time?
  5. Dimensional Transition


    I LOVE snow. It brings confusion to the authorities, it creates traffic jams, all kinds of infrastructural problems, and it looks pretty! The beautiful fractals in ice crystals... Everything about snow is good. It's soft and fluffy, it's fun. You can do lots of things with it, and when you go...
  6. Dimensional Transition

    Negative you!

    I'm very hypocritical. I change my thoughts too much. I worry about stupid things. I'm selfish. I don't like myself. Being negative about yourself is so easy! Haha... ):
  7. Dimensional Transition

    INTP vs. ADHD

    Don't you have ADD maybe? ADD Seems like something that would be very common under INTPs to me, but I haven't researched ADHD much. Generally I don't view INTPs as very hyperactive people, rather they seem more mellow than usual, so maybe INTPs are more likely to get ADD, but less likely than...
  8. Dimensional Transition


    Oh, I see :')
  9. Dimensional Transition


    What would you describe that feeling as? I just panicked, I wish I didn't and could've paid more attention to it's real effects. I noticed everything slowed down and became 'glowy' though.
  10. Dimensional Transition

    Describe your life

    My life... Wake up. Lie in bed, get depressed knowing I still haven't achieved what I want. Lie in bed. Take a long shower. Realize it's not that bad, put clothes on. Eat chocolate cereal clam-things. They're the only cereal I like. Drink rooibos/chamomile tea. Wander around nervously, not...
  11. Dimensional Transition

    Why did you pick your name?

    I also nicked it from a song title. It's a song by Devo. And since I'm into thinking about reality, space, dimensions, and enjoy reading about psychedelic trips, I felt like this was a nice name.
  12. Dimensional Transition


    Hmm, I'm beginning to see a pattern here. Lots of people seem to hate weed, but like psychedelics? Isn't weed like a mild psychedelic? What makes psychedelics different for those who enjoyed tripping but did not like being stoned/high?
  13. Dimensional Transition


    -Black, grey, white -Shirts, flannels, jackets -Men's boots/Boat shoes/Vans -Like Auburn, slim-fit, but not so fit you can see the shapes of your body -Nicely combed hair -Casual intellectual, 'miniature philosopher'-like speech. Opposite sex: I like it when girls don't wear uggs. Skinny jeans...
  14. Dimensional Transition

    INTP girl

    If she really is an INTP she would like you probably. It's amazing to find another INTP, and if you have a lot to talk about, that's good. But don't listen to me too much. I am very bad at this kind of stuff as well, I have a similar thread haha.
  15. Dimensional Transition

    Schizotypical Personality Disorder

    I don't really think I'm schizotypal, I have about 3 symptoms I'm sure of, and one symptom that I'm now doubting I really have. You need 5 to be officially schizotypal. Just wondering if any other people here also shit their pants for a moment when they read the symptoms of a disorder and find...
  16. Dimensional Transition


    Side-note: I find that the OP has a pretty messed up fetish. I am very very very grossed out by the combination of sex & death/gore/violence. Seriously, even though you've explained it... Sex to me (although I'm still a virgin :')) seems like something that should be fun, not something you'd...
  17. Dimensional Transition

    Schizotypical Personality Disorder

    Yeah, I agree with that actually. It doesn't mean these disorders don't exist though. Still, finding out you seem to be pretty similar to someone with a pretty serious disorder seems scary. Nonetheless you're right.
  18. Dimensional Transition

    Schizotypical Personality Disorder

    Schizotypal Personality Disorder I was wondering, do you all also feel like you have a lot of the symptoms of this disorder? I just came across a Wikipedia page on it. Here are the symptoms: -Inappropriate or constricted affect (the individual appears cold and aloof); -Behaviour or...
  19. Dimensional Transition

    Are you happy

    No. Confusion and depressed thoughts seem to be clouding my mind these days.
  20. Dimensional Transition

    Witnessing a Suicide

    Wow, this is like the thread I made a while ago but 1000x as traumatic :c It feels weird huh? It will pass, probably way slower for you, but it will pass. You have to rationalize this thing happening, how awful it might be. Not saying you should forget it, and it's okay to feel weird and sad for...
  21. Dimensional Transition

    Do you ever get "vibes"?

    This answers the whole thread pretty much.
  22. Dimensional Transition


    Wat I think there is a misunderstanding here, but whatever. True, true. Although I think recreational use has also been around for a long time. I don't think opium for example is a very ritualistic drug. I remember from my Latin classes the Romans put opium and other plants in their wines and...
  23. Dimensional Transition


    Hmm, interesting. So I should wait 'til I get rejected/accepted? The thing is I'm just really bored now. I'd love to watch some (music) videos about racing through time and space and being completely sucked into an euphoric outer space bliss. But yeah, back on topic; It's probably part of...
  24. Dimensional Transition


    Question: Is it safe to smoke some Thai weed sometime soon? I'm in a pretty neutral to dark cynical mood right now. I want to try and see if I smoke a few puffs of a light strain of weed I get a better, more pleasurable experience than last time. It was quite psychedelic and eye-opening, but it...
  25. Dimensional Transition


    Me too! I enjoy roaming around facebook as well, watching what people are doing, what bothers them...
  26. Dimensional Transition


    So when will someone begin?
  27. Dimensional Transition

    Friend committed suicide

    Any drugs? Not even alcohol or Cannabis? Meth is quite a drastic drug compared to normal use of those two.
  28. Dimensional Transition

    Anal C**t

    Ahah, their songnames are the only real funny thing though.
  29. Dimensional Transition


    I think somewhat attractive. I've had girls tell me I look cute a few times. But I hate the imperfections in my face, even though I'm probably the only one who notices them. One eye is a little bit lower than the other, one nostril is slightly bigger than the other... But I'm the only one who...
  30. Dimensional Transition

    time spent in front of computer

    I've answered 2-3, but later I realized it's more 4-6... It's not ALL I do, but a lot of the time I'm in front of a computer yeah, wonderful source of information and communication, mmmm.
  31. Dimensional Transition

    Confessing your love for someone as an INTP

    Damn that's a sad story, I feel sorry for you man... You've not given up trying though, right?(With other girls of course) I've never ever been to a girls' room. Or well, with two exceptions. When I was 12 at a party with a lot of other people, and a year ago when I went to my friend and from...
  32. Dimensional Transition

    Confessing your love for someone as an INTP

    Woah woah. Obviously I regard the word differently than some others here. I also use the word love to describe my appreciation of my friends, or my cat for that matter. Okay, so I won't use that word. This has become such an interesting thread, everybody has different views on what to do, lots...
  33. Dimensional Transition

    Confessing your love for someone as an INTP

    Oh. I had no idea. I'm pretty ignorant in stuff like that. Also, what's the worst that could happen: That I'll have to live with really awkward confrontations with her and her friends every week...
  34. Dimensional Transition

    Confessing your love for someone as an INTP

    Maybe a bad choice of words, English is not my mother language. But yeah, I'm very inexperienced in this. Damn. Now I'm really doubting this again. I thought waving and smiling constantly, laughing and stuff was enough of an indicator? And 2-3 months too soon? I've known her longer, just never...
  35. Dimensional Transition

    Confessing your love for someone as an INTP

    Well, to clear things up. I've been talking to her for about 2-3 months now, and at first I just thought she was a nice girl, but then she started smiling every time I saw her, waving and stuff, and a week ago or something we 'accidentally' touched shoulders. Normally you wouldn't like lean...
  36. Dimensional Transition

    Confessing your love for someone as an INTP

    @ Pepper & EyeSeeCold: My plan was going up to her and just saying I like her, but now I'm doubting that ahah. What kind of subtlety do you mean? @Bird: Would all girls like that?
  37. Dimensional Transition

    Confessing your love for someone as an INTP

    I know most of us are no real Casanovas, but how do you guys do this? It's a real cliché concept, but almost all of us have to do it sometime... It's so scary. Finding the right moment, finding out how to bring it... oh boy.
  38. Dimensional Transition

    Could use some "serious" advice...

    Are you a troll? Edit: I'm sorry if I sound kind of mean now, I don't mean to be. I just don't understand a thing you're saying now.
  39. Dimensional Transition

    What's your OS?

    I'm not a diehard fanboy of Macs, but I sure do enjoy them. I like the to-the-point feeling. Clean, fast, barely any crashes/errors... I haven't found any disadvantages of using a Mac. I've never been a fan of PC-gaming anyways, I prefer consoles. And even in that region more and more games are...
  40. Dimensional Transition

    Sublime Philosophical Crap

    I make animations in Flash myself, so yeah, probably some code thing.
  41. Dimensional Transition

    Sublime Philosophical Crap

    Safari. You can see it below my avatar :P
  42. Dimensional Transition

    About you?

    What is your name? R Where are you from? The Netherlands, AKA Holland etc. How old are you? 16. What is your gender? Male. How did you find out you were INTP? Took some tests, seemed to be correct. How did you find this forum? Google! Do you have a partner/lover? No. Currently scraping...
  43. Dimensional Transition

    Sublime Philosophical Crap

    The next button didn't work on the first page so I could only answer the first four questions... :smoker:
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