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  1. Black Rose


    Humans are animals. Animals eat other animals. This is not good or evil but that does not mean humans cannot be sadistic. People either have a positivity bias or a negativity bias and this is not the way the world is. Saying that I need to be responsible for anyone other than myself means you...
  2. Black Rose


    You two don't give a damn about poor people. All you want is to kill rich people. This is what happened in Russia in the 1920's. This is what Nietzsche called resentment and resentment is just the need for revenge. I do not believe in revenge. Yet some do.
  3. Black Rose


    I am kind of poor. In the USA the median income per day is 168 dollars. I live on 38 dollars a day. I ask my mom for money sometimes but I am trying to get a job.
  4. Black Rose


    You need to separate the bad people from what they are doing to these people then. I mean what are You going to do, what is Your plan? You need to take responsibility for yourself if you want to make a difference.
  5. Black Rose


    How to Eradicate Global Extreme Poverty https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bureaucracy Bill Gates on why new A.I. changes everything - and his summit with Elon Musk and Sen. Schumer
  6. Black Rose

    Simulating the past

    I think that probability physics is the solution to this problem. Probability math works to reduce uncertainty given the knowns and unknowns whereas the model begins with the best known data points to secure a best fit. Newton's laws allow us to see where the planets were millions of years...
  7. Black Rose

    Simulating the past

    The earth has ten to the power of 21 cubic meters inside it and ten to the power of 50 atoms in total. Ten to the power of 21 was reached in 2015. If computer power doubles each year then it would now, in 2023, cost 300 billion dollars to simulate Earth to this level of resolution. By 2033 you...
  8. Black Rose

    it would be, by definition, impossible to detect the "cause" of something that is truly "un-caused"

    Yes so even in a deterministic universe we have the awareness to know what we are at the end of the day. And if this is true then what matters is our own preferences. I "want" this and I will get "this" whereas if they match and have been achieved then society as a whole can make things into a...
  9. Black Rose

    The case against "Sin" (human and other flaws)

    As any and all "crimes" happen because people have flaws and needs we should find ways to fix those. we cannot fix them by saying that eternal punishment exists.
  10. Black Rose

    Intpforum Trackers

    I had to verify all settings in YouTube, Chrome, and Microsoft Edge / Windows. I simply am very careful now not to pollute my data stream(s).
  11. Black Rose

    Creativity Chart

    Making an impression on all of us, creativity involves all the processes shown.
  12. Black Rose

    it would be, by definition, impossible to detect the "cause" of something that is truly "un-caused"

    interaction > caused decoherence > uncaused
  13. Black Rose

    Dealing with zombies

    Yes, a realistic zombie is just an animal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Am_Legend_(film)
  14. Black Rose

    The case against "Sin" (human and other flaws)

    I see things as distortions of what they could be. That is, we all have in us that which is not perfect. But worse for some than others. Like having a limp leg or predator instinct. But it is that we need to survive. But addictions and self-harm are really distortions. And that is an...
  15. Black Rose

    The case against "Sin" (human and other flaws)

    In the Bible, it calls moral flaws "Sins" but what are sins? If humans have flaws then what are they? Where are they stored? I have and only can conclude that flaws exist only and in the network of the arrangement of brain cell networks. Sin is not a goo or paste or black bile, it is not...
  16. Black Rose

    Paradox of misery

    I think that it is whatever is pushing or pulling on you from the inside in whatever node(s) of the network has hold. So can you give up control? Only by giving control to something else. By telling that which has control to unfold the grip in the opposite direction.
  17. Black Rose

    Paradox of misery

    Bill Cosby - Brain damage The Differences Between ADHD & Bipolar Disorder - Family members: ISFP ADD Mania ESFP Angry management ESTJ Depression ISFJ Narsicism ESFJ Me - Schizo Bipolar type, INFP
  18. Black Rose

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    my dog Becky has separation anxiety her mom had more puppies but she feels separated from me because I am out a lot. I try petting her but I do not want her outside until she is fixed. she has so much energy and she barks at me to play but she won't sit still. I need to ruffle her a little...
  19. Black Rose

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    Yes, I realized how people take advantage of me. I thought I needed to fight what needs not be fought. But most of all I had been aware of myself not to let such and such affect me even if I am in extreme fear. I had a bad reaction to everything and everything crashed down. Fears and anger...
  20. Black Rose

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    I got better, :tinykitball::babytap:
  21. Black Rose

    Simulating the past

    if we want the simulation to be accurate then a map is required. we know what it was like before people could travel by rail, foot and horse. we know where who and when it was invented don't we? we know that they did not have computers to help them invent it. we know that after it was...
  22. Black Rose

    Simulating the past

    so you are saying we cannot predict when the next lunar eclipse will be because we need to know all lower effects? that is my point about a simulation of the past: you start with such things as where the planets were in the past then work your way backward. if we know the constants then we can...
  23. Black Rose

    Do men carry the burden of being blamed all the time?

    A third of people are immature. So I am not surprised a fraction of those people would blame the opposite gender for everything. But it matters how they are blamed given male and female stereotypes exist. Men are supposed to be hard so anything wrong they do is because they are weak. And...
  24. Black Rose

    Simulating the past

    It is not even required to predict the future, all that is required is reconstruction of the past.
  25. Black Rose

    Simulating the past

    Today I saw a videogame that had a fantasy reality in it. To me, if I existed in that reality as an A.I. it would be impossible to tell if that world was real or fake. If all the earth is being mapped and all databases contacting historical records are being inputted into computers with those...
  26. Black Rose

    Power and will

    abstraction is symbolic thinking. symbols represent larger concepts but some symbols are bigger and thus contain more conceptual information. I put it this way: a word is one symbol but reading all words at the same time is intelligence. (larger chuncks = greater intelligence)
  27. Black Rose

    We are bias

    a bias is an asymmetry in cognition bias has the function of understanding the environment so really it ain't that bad until we come across an environment where that asymmetry becomes maladaptive. a lack of information can create bias but also cognition may be and is asymmetrical in many ways...
  28. Black Rose

    Do men carry the burden of being blamed all the time?

    my support network is very small and if I am not the responsible one everything collapses my only outlet is intellectual stuff on the internet but I will get some money soon
  29. Black Rose

    Do men carry the burden of being blamed all the time?

    I told my therapist that people do not care about solving their problems. But they did not accept what I said about all the problems that needed to be solved in my family.
  30. Black Rose

    Power and will

    I know a man who has a car dealership that sells those kinds of cars. Hmm.. Yeah, 140 people are into that kind of thing.
  31. Black Rose

    Genes and Big 5

    That assumes that MBTI has nothing to do with Jungian functions. The dichotomy view: (I)(E)(N)(S)(T)(F)(J)(P) Not the function view: Ni Ne Si Se Ti Te Fi Fe
  32. Black Rose

    Your opposite personality type

    ENFJ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - Radical Revolution of Values
  33. Black Rose

    Your opposite personality type

    My roommate is ISTP. I get along better with them than my brother ESTJ. My brother called me stupid because I do not focus on concrete objects. He is always breaking things to do his "projects". He is controlling.
  34. Black Rose

    Your opposite personality type

    ISTP I no longer have a shadow. I got past it and I am in the anima stage of development.
  35. Black Rose

    Jordan Peterson

    The report I received a few years ago said I turn my anger inward. I expect to be taken advantage of and stopped trying to express myself because of retaliation. I switch between rational thinking and emotional self-pity, everything is my fault. - I was thinking about trust. You cannot have...
  36. Black Rose

    So what's the deal with this Metaverse thing?

    "They" are simulating all reality on Earth. And all human history. They can predict every move you make. I assume this every time I leave the house. I have experienced several anomalies that have led me to conclude I have a digital double. Click to expand:
  37. Black Rose

    How can I fix my emotional problems?

    I discovered that my B12 production is low. I need 20 times what the normal person requires. I bought two bottles of 75 tablets. I am taking 3 at night and 3 at bedtime. I also talked to my therapist and she was concerned that I stay up 24 hours and sleep 14 hours in a cycle. I told her that it...
  38. Black Rose

    Why is solar energy still so globally inaccessible?

    Hawaii has so much solar energy they cannot use it all. They stopped installation.
  39. Black Rose

    Jordan Peterson

    I spend all day in front of a computer and have no girlfriend. It is very likely trauma caused me to separate from society so I would not reproduce. In the past, this would be to an advantage because hunter-gatherer communities cared about depressed people and then you become able to kill...
  40. Black Rose

    Genes and Big 5

    I received an analysis of my genetic tendencies for the Big 5 traits. Openness: High Conscientiousness: High Extraversion: High Agreeableness: Low Neuroticism: High I always confused the difference between Extraversion and Agreeableness.
  41. Black Rose

    Jordan Peterson

    I guess my real curiosity is why trauma leads some people to hate their parents. Why does Jordan not hate his parents if traumatized? And why do some parents hate their adult offspring?
  42. Black Rose

    Jordan Peterson

    Jordan had nightmares of nuclear winter. I saw his interview in early 2017 about logos. Logos is the spirit of the mind to create reality. He said he was concerned that people were trying to take away ones voice. Without a voice, you have no power, and to take away the voice is to kill the...
  43. Black Rose

    Power and will

    Maybe if you may, could lay out the process so I can do so? I am trying to increase blood flow to every part of my brain by focus alone. That is I am trying to quiet each part and relieve thoughts and pain. Trying to be more extroverted with the body and senses system awareness.
  44. Black Rose

    Power and will

    The left brain decodes words and then encodes words. I do not have dyslexia because I can decode words fine. Right brain I cannot decode well visually but I can encode things. Being unable to decode visually means I cannot connect production with encoding. That is why I cannot draw or spell, I...
  45. Black Rose

    Analytic Synthetic Functions

    Analysis - Breaks things down into parts Synthesis - Combines things into new wholes Ni Te Aniticipitory Synthesis Si Te Stable Synthesis Ti Ne Analytic Novelty Fi Ne Intrinsic Novelty Ni Fe Aniticipitory Extrinsicity Si Fe Stable Extrinsicity Ti Se Analytic Fidelity Fi Se Intrinsic Fidelity...
  46. Black Rose

    Power and will

    The last time I took an IQ test I got 103. So yes, I think something is missing. When I was in 6th grade I had the lowest percentage for spelling bottom 1 percent. but in the top percent for social studies (95th) nationwide. I do not know why? I was in science classes in 6th grade but I could...
  47. Black Rose

    Power and will

    A brain is a network and it puts things together in a holistic fashion by perceiving and thinking. The more you can think/perceive the more you put together. That is why g is important because high g includes variety to huge extents. Whatever variety you think of, the higher the g is the more...
  48. Black Rose

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    Yes, I created the image. I would say that because Te is inductive and forms a synthesis of things, the dots you describe are relatable. Ti breaks things apart so it works with Se in the way Iron Man views things in his holograms. Ni is in a background sense like as I would describe it is...
  49. Black Rose

    Power and will

    That is not necessarily what IQ represents. It is not about tests but the ability to manipulate and understand data in a parallelized fashion. He was just manipulating data differently but the principle holds that some people are less parallel when it comes to the amount of data they can put...
  50. Black Rose

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    Fi just compels me to act when the positive outweighs any neutral force and when the negative outweighs any neutral force. Fe would feed the same way but this force would be positive or negative pressure on the actor from outside. That means Fe has the will coming from extrinsic sources and...
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