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Search results

  1. Black Rose

    Most people can't handle moral complexity

    It's hard to draw the line for me because that is what I did in school all the time. And it is what I do for fun even when I had a job. It is just that I did it alone because no one was interested. But I have the history to know how to think. Most people don't remember much of anything from...
  2. Black Rose

    Are we inherently evil? | Slavoj Žižek and Rowan Williams battle over human nature

    Animal + Rationality = human Animal + Rationality + Hate = evil
  3. Black Rose

    My Socionics Profile

    My Socionics Profile EGO World View (Te) understand the external world Options Selector (Ni) where things are going SUPER-EGO Knowledge Base (Fe) the way people and groups are Insecurity (Si) the way the world is and myself SUPER-ID The Learner (Fi) what matters to me Safety Function (Se)...
  4. Black Rose

    Do you have these characteristics as an INTP?

    Gasp I just took it and it says I am ENT(j) (Te)(Ni)(Fe)(Si)(Fi)(Se)(Ti)(Ne)
  5. Black Rose

    Do you have these characteristics as an INTP?

    @birdsnestfern What does Physiognomy say about the INFP male?
  6. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    I think that I have felt both transcendence and nihilism my entire life. My purpose has never been to do anything or be anyone but simply to explore reality. Reality is mysterious to me. So many things to wonder about. But I did come to some kind of calling. I want to create a.i. since 12...
  7. Black Rose

    Most people can't handle moral complexity

    I was not asking you to but thanks for thinking about it. I talk in general terms because that's the tread topic. Not everything I said was about myself. In general, people do want to kill people on the opposite side because it is a built-in survival mechanism. People on the other side usually...
  8. Black Rose

    Most people can't handle moral complexity

    That is why I tried to explain the complications of what people think autism is and what it actually is and is not. It has to do with metabolism and not exactly social deficits. Complex things can trigger survival impulses. That is why it is more about emotions than neurodivergence or...
  9. Black Rose

    Most people can't handle moral complexity

    The point I was making was that autism is not the problem I have as to why people don't understand me or the reason people get offended by what I say. People cannot understand complexity so they have the survival instinct to fear get angry and hate people who challenge what they know because...
  10. Black Rose

    Most people can't handle moral complexity

    This is the way normal people think: Trump = evil because of my emotional attachment to my neuro-personality Biden = evil because of my emotional attachment to my neuro-personality who is evil? those who support the opposite candidate trump/biden. Who is projecting? the other side must be...
  11. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    Then we need an "untraditional" moral framework. First, there are emotions we'd rather not feel, that is why evolution made them. We get bad emotions because bad emotions make us stop doing bad things because bad things will stop us from surviving. So surviving is the main goal. We humans...
  12. Black Rose

    Most people can't handle moral complexity

    It's not random if I tell them why something is happening based on the topic we share between us. That is just the basics of any conversation where we have a topic and the topic needs explaining. (cause = effect) They just do not accept that the world is different than they think it is.
  13. Black Rose

    Most people can't handle moral complexity

    I have something like a super memory for random things that seem to interconnect with each other so I can see why something may or may not affect something else. And I have been in so many debates for such a long time that I know what I am talking about and can decide when I am right or wrong...
  14. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    Free will to me is knowing you exist and acting according to your desires in full knowledge of what will result. I also believe we are robots with qualia meaning we have a shape and that shape cannot decide to be different than it already is or will be and we feel things from it moving in reality.
  15. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    No, The Great Commission is about telling people that the dead will be resurrected. People can spread good or bad qualia to others without telling them or even knowing about the resurrection of the dead. What people do is based on the shape of their brain and body if they spead good or bad...
  16. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    It's called information. All atoms are arranged in a position that has a shape. So Animekitty has a shape old things has a shape and logic zombie has a shape. This shape like a triangle or square can change in the light of a causal influence. Meaning we can change by where the atoms are...
  17. Black Rose

    Most people can't handle moral complexity

    Strong emotions hamper one's ability to stand back and look at things from a detached perspective. Even with a detached perspective emotion can overwhelm you with fears. Rationality needs to take in all views even emotions because some conclusions will not be seen without them and those...
  18. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    God made me the way I am. So all things I do were predetermined. That does not make me a meat puppet exactly because I have qualia. But everything I do and will experience was set up by God. What matters I think is if I have a certain form. What form I have will determine if I cause good or...
  19. Black Rose

    Simulating the past

    If we had enough sensors, we could look at all the interference patterns of the wind as the snowflakes fell. This would be a way to map the shapes of each snowflake. Quantum computers would be used to make calculations of which interference patterns were correlated to each snowflake of the...
  20. Black Rose

    Power and will

    The traditional IQ test is looking for high executive functioning in the manipulation of information, yet it does not look at the perceptual resolution, so an IQ test looks at half of what humans do. As a one-dimensional scale, IQ is not that good at telling us what humans can do other than the...
  21. Black Rose

    Power and will

    all you care about is sex and bananas
  22. Black Rose

    Power and will

    IQ is not about a single measurement. They should be. That is why I made the statements I did. I include in IQ all forms of intelligence, so I think that as I said it is hard to know when a person has more or less a higher level because ideas become harder to understand. We need to look at...
  23. Black Rose

    Power and will

    You do not know what an uberman is. You are not an uberman.
  24. Black Rose

    Power and will

    uberman it is not a status position in society lots of people have status an uberman is different from a human as humans are different from chimps humans don't understand the unberman the way chimps don't understand humans uberman has more to do with imagining new ideas than getting bananas...
  25. Black Rose

    On how to be stupid.

    I try to talk to my roommate's friends. I am INFP so I find it easier because they are gay and very unique kind of friends. What were the best interactions you had with people, perhaps replicate that? I also go to a therapy group where we talk about mental health issues. I get to talk about...
  26. Black Rose

    Power and will

    Nietzchi did have issues. His father was a priest and died when he was 12-13 And his love interest rejected him, he slept with prostitutes. I just think that there is more to being an uberman than money and women ed talks about. But he is like 22 years old just about so girls and money are...
  27. Black Rose

    Power and will

    2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) - Star Child Scene
  28. Black Rose

    Power and will

  29. Black Rose

    Power and will

    people have money and girls, that is not the uberman the uberman is creative and beyond "human" concerns he creates new values as a child would the child is beyond the lion after it faces the dragon to defeat the dragon you must be the woman first and the woman is the anima of the lion the...
  30. Black Rose

    Power and will

    The Source of Intelligence. Causal Inference in Brain Structure. Seeing that a peg is round and that a hole is round we make the inference that they fit together. When things go together we have made a causal inference. The brain is very good at taking what is inside itself and remembering...
  31. Black Rose

    Power and will

    High Estimation As IQ goes up it is harder and harder to judge what constitutes the quantity of intelligence as with ever-increasing amounts of intelligence a quality is also increased. Quality can be named as an archetype and this is why people have to compare people in groups to...
  32. Black Rose

    Power and will

    I do believe my short-term memory is below 80. My long-term memory though is above 140. My ability to reason verbally and spatially is at 125 or above. And many other parts of my brain are imbalanced as well. Short-term memory is what transfers information into long-term memory so I think it is...
  33. Black Rose

    Simulating the past

  34. Black Rose


    Most drugs entering the US were from the secret government in the 80's and 90's. And cointellpro was when the civil rights movement was infiltrated 50's 60's and 70's Mostly Blacks did the most drugs because the government was racist. Black Lives Matter has something to do with that breach...
  35. Black Rose

    Mental Age - Gender identity

    I created a formula: Mental age = (IQ / 100) * (actual age * (emotional age / adult age)) The adult age would be 16 because I was told so. Interestingly in my little pony when all the ponies turn human they turn out to be 16 years old. And I was told I was like a 5-year-old emotionally by...
  36. Black Rose


    Jobs seem to be the key to declining poverty. but how do we give everyone a job? what kind of economy would we need to create?
  37. Black Rose


    ok if evil does not exist then no no, because evil is not a valid concept when thinking in terms of what a person is. a person has a form and a form in an environment causes other forms to interact under those conditions. true, but humans have values, values are what we use to equate one...
  38. Black Rose


    Is there a way you can improve things? I was told that any problem has a number of steps involved. Think of the biggest problems in your area and evaluate the measures needed. Remember that you have to work within the constraints of what you and others are capable of.
  39. Black Rose


    Animals are biological units that eat to maintain a metabolism. A human just happens to be an animal that has the capacity to reason. They are not separate things. What makes humans moral or not is reasoning in some way.
  40. Black Rose


    Help the poor No not ok no no You are exaggerating the situation. You are tying to change what you cannot change on your own. The system is what it is and all you can do is what YOU can do.
  41. Black Rose


    people understand things in moral ways but even when we do understand we act because we become a certain way by the laws of the universe. even so, like poison should be kept away from children, some individuals just are the way they are and need to be separated or they cause certain outcomes in...
  42. Black Rose


    Responsibility = the belief people are evil (?)
  43. Black Rose


    people are not "evil" people need to take responsibility or the system does not function. but the system is what it is so results matter, either you do what works or you do what makes you feel good (which does not help much).
  44. Black Rose


    you suggested i believe people are evil in post#10 you are acting in bad faith so I do not need to answer
  45. Black Rose


    If you want people to stop doing that then take responsibility and stop them. Don't expect me to change the system in failed causes or say I believe what I do not believe.
  46. Black Rose


    The implication is that he is implying I believe humans are evil which is not what I believe at all. I believe humans are animals. You failed to read my post correctly in that context #17
  47. Black Rose


    post#10 The discussion turned into one on human nature in post#10
  48. Black Rose


    Every agent affects the system. So if I am doing my best the system functions on my part. The problem comes when I am told that what I am doing is not enough and I should be trying to change the system in ways that will have no results. Look at Occupy Wall Street. They did not change the system...
  49. Black Rose


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