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  1. Black Rose


    Could be but then matter is not something I believe exists. We do not know what matters is nor the mind. So to me, everything is just mental acting on the mental.
  2. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    Grace can only happen when no obstacles are in the way of the control of one's body. That means the ease at which one performs a task has no forceful opposition to it. In essence, it is the flow state but in relation to the deity. That is why Christian and other religious art have the halo...
  3. Black Rose


    In a quantum field, as to my understanding, the only interaction that occurs is when the proximity of fields increases the likelihood of field collapse. By way of entanglement, fields come close to each other, and then at a distance when one collapses the other collapses pointing in the opposite...
  4. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    I wonder how causality is even possible. I do not understand it at the most fundamental level. Might have to do with the collapse of attractor states? Gravity?
  5. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    Three-dimensional creatures do not necessarily interact with two-dimensional creatures but they can observe them and intervene in some aspects of their reality.
  6. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    That was not the point. What makes matter able to feel things within its own proximity. Why can't God have emotions? God has the total of all things in his proximital awareness.
  7. Black Rose

    Levels of Awareness

    The body is in constant resistance against the environment and that is why it uses attention of attention to match what is coming into it to stabilize. He said people are happy with things as they are because it matches what is coming in at a consistent rate. Somehow an overwhelming experience...
  8. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    I believe in panpsychism. Not material panpsychism. But transcendental panpsychism. God "hovers above" the waters. The body is not the source of qualia but is connected to it by its effect. Just because neurotransmitters are in a brain does not mean we understand why a brain has...
  9. Black Rose

    Levels of Awareness

    I think this can be described as the difference between 1 and 3. 1) I cannot defend myself and I cannot trust others. 3) I can take care of myself and ignore other people. Deep in my brain stem I have the unsettling feeling that no matter what "I" do I can always fail. So fear is not the same...
  10. Black Rose

    Levels of Awareness

    From attachment theory: 1) I cannot defend myself and I cannot trust others. 2) I am insecure and need to cling to some figure to take care of me. 3) I can take care of myself and ignore other people. 4) I am okay and other people are okay. I would be number one. I know that I try and help...
  11. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    Could be? I do not know if there is any way to change the future of the past without some form of intervention of quantum physics I have come to know about. Indeterminism would mean God at some smaller level has no knowledge.
  12. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    A choice as some define it is the possibility to have change one's mind. To have been able to do something different if one wanted to. Choices do relate to emotion in the sense that emotion determines what we want to do (emotions tell us that we want good things and not bad things). But if God...
  13. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    It is an abstract argument. God is above time and knows everything. So why would God need to make multiple choices? If God can make multiple choices then God cannot know everything he will do.
  14. Black Rose

    why your conversation skills suck

    Language is a form of social intelligence. As I get older I learn to communicate so that other people can learn also. So I also learned who is unable to learn at their given development level. Emotions have the most value because it matters to know what people view as important because then...
  15. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    I think from the perspective of humans who need to read linear books this may seem so but God having foreknowledge knows everything God will do. God being "above" time has acted in once from his perspective.
  16. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    I believe in substance monism. Everything is spiritual in nature imo. But God is at the top of everything.
  17. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    We really do need not to confuse terms here though. Nothing is outside or inside God because God has no space-time properties like physical things. God being objective to us or himself does not mean subjectivity eliminates what Truth is. God being separate from "creation" is not about God...
  18. Black Rose

    Levels of Awareness

    I like to joke with my mom. That she is a human potato. She has been mentally disabled her whole life and this is a cationic state based solely on a "Lack" of basic self-awareness. Not even enlightened persons have it all together but they do seem to function above the "lack" normal people have...
  19. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    We are inside God and subject to God, God is not subject to anyone or anything but himself. God is Truth but as per the doctrine of the Trinity has a perfect holly relationship to himself. The Trinity is the mutual recognition between the father, son and spirit as Truth. Living beings have...
  20. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    I do not know if it is true or not but what I said can be viewed as logically sound. If the argument I presented makes no sense to you please explain why? If you have no qualia thinking of the number three then that is simply the awareness of an unconscious process and all awareness has a...
  21. Black Rose


  22. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    To have complete knowledge of something you need to have a full representation of it inside you. If not then some part of it may become something you did not anticipate. All qualia is something either that feels good feels bad or feels neutral. Not getting what you want would feel bad and...
  23. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    If something is outside god then god would be unable to predict what that thing would do. It would become random to god, outside gods knowledge because things can only be known if they are inside you. Then that is a negative qualia. How so? Are you saying we as humans have infinite...
  24. Black Rose

    Sentient AI

    The government cannot handle truly intelligent A.I. What they would need to do is ban A.I. civil rights and or make A.I. robots below a certain intelligence level i.e. incapable of learning and only able to do preprogrammed tasks. Virtual reality is completely different, all computers would...
  25. Black Rose

    Are we inherently evil? | Slavoj Žižek and Rowan Williams battle over human nature

    By rejecting one's self one will always reject others. We cannot face ourselves so healthy relationships become impossible. Towards the end we need to look at what it is we have against others as what we have within us. A deep pain and misunderstanding in need of healing.
  26. Black Rose

    Schiz - what is it, do I have it?

    It is a self-regulation process. When you are hungry the body lacks something and signals the brain to find food. When you eat food new signals tell your brain to stop eating. It is not more than this yet concerning many system dependencies. Each cell plays a function of inputs and outputs...
  27. Black Rose

    Schiz - what is it, do I have it?

    If I suppress the need for motion and focus on music I can feel vibration in the center. Both the vestibular system and the autonomic nervous system start to cooperate. Normally I cannot feel my heartbeat or breathing. I think that my brain stem and limbic system need to be paid more...
  28. Black Rose

    Levels of Awareness

    The way I would describe level 9 thinking is as a meta-model of models. It does not mean endless thinking about thinking about thinking, it has a starting point: I exist, I have a model of the world and I have a model of myself, and finally, I have a model that models exist in myself and...
  29. Black Rose

    Schiz - what is it, do I have it?

    It mostly appeared after 2016. Before then I just bit my nails. (I don't anymore) I get that way alot but it has to do with my thoughts when I remember the bad things that happened to me and what could happen. I do not have hallucinations but I can become delusional. My brother has delusions...
  30. Black Rose

    Scientists are often bad personality type for science.

    I saw a diagram of how systems thinking works: 1) events 2) patterns 3) structures 4) models At any level, if an exception arises then we must reformulate that exception top-down. not all events go together (are correlated) not all structures contain all correlated events not all models...
  31. Black Rose

    Schiz - what is it, do I have it?

    In schizophrenia, the dorsal striatum (upper basal ganglia) has too much dopamine in it and has been damaged by stress. This brain region is used for understanding cause and effect. If it is damaged then people can get weird ideas about how the world works and how to obtain and maintain their...
  32. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    If we want something we make a choice to get what we want and if we decide not to act that is also a choice because not acting was prioritised over acting. Any action or non-action based on choice is based on what is most important at a given moment even if we have long-term goals. We act in the...
  33. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    but god is not human. what can be outside god? things can be outside humans but not god. If you want to tie your shoe a want is a preference and any preference is by definition has to do with doing a thing because it is wanted. a want is an emotion to have it the way you want it to be...
  34. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    god contains all - but god gave us some of that "all" we all feel emotion to an extent - so would god most predictions come true at the base levels - higher uncertainty creates pleasant surprise but higher uncertainty creates noise and higher uncertainty creates fear god would feel all...
  35. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    In the Kabbalah, god recedes from himself to create. So god gives some power to us by taking it away from himself. In the beginning, god has all power but then gives some to us meaning god has less than he did before. making choices is about god giving us some of his power.
  36. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    a god may have an experience of qualia of good or bad events happening to any creature experiencing qualia. so deciding what to create becomes important if god wants certain qualia experiences for themselves. (present and future)
  37. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    what I am actually suggesting is that god would want a person to be morally good of their own accord. then god would want to interact with that person personally because they are special. if god wants a special type of person they will create a universe to facilitate the creation of such persons.
  38. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    depends on the type of god
  39. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    I never said god eternally damns people, where did I say that?
  40. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    yes that is plausible
  41. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    you are making a big assumption where do you get the notion that god rewards and punishes people? or that he does so in that particular way?
  42. Black Rose

    Levels of Awareness

    1) what do i need 2) what do they need 3) how do others view others needs 4) how do others view me in my culture 5) other cultures exist and view things in different ways 6) the way we view things determines how we perceive culture (objectivity is relative to perception) 7) there is a reason we...
  43. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    you are saying the creation is separate from god. zombie is saying nothing can be seporate because that entails some kind of broken logic.
  44. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    If the discussion is about free will then "god" would "need" people who are truly good not people pretending to be good. people capable of disobeying but choose not to because that would be novel to god.
  45. Black Rose

    Why INTPs are the smartest and dumbest at the same time

    I can think like an INTJ only it would be like if you replace Ni with Ne - (Ne)(Te). When you get that kind of combination tiny impossible things are possible. But like Zen said it is not a singular goal. for infp or intp in debates, the purpose is winning so yeah they can win debates. but...
  46. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    I think the problem comes from what is actualized vs what is the potential to be actualized. Not everything is actualized so god would need to decide what to create and what not to create. what is created and what is not created would be by a preference for what is wanted.
  47. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    God is a mind. minds want positive qualia. so then I presume any "will" god has is for positive things in this reality
  48. Black Rose

    Why INTPs are the smartest and dumbest at the same time

    Ti I think is internalized problem solving. That is you can go into a cave and just think about problems. Te is more hands-on, you cannot think unless you have the problem right in front of you. @scorpiomover said Te is 3 steps deep well Ti is 10 steps deep. That has always been my problem...
  49. Black Rose

    Are we inherently evil? | Slavoj Žižek and Rowan Williams battle over human nature

    It was only 5 minutes long. yes, I watched the whole thing. what was I supposed to get from it?
  50. Black Rose

    Do you have these characteristics as an INTP?

    lol That is Stanley Kubrick I think we have many similarities in what we did. Stanley Kubrick made movies about a.i. and space. (2001 a Space Odessy) I made movies on Lego Movie studio in 2001 - The Blob remake. I understood about a.i. in 1999.
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