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Search results

  1. Black Rose

    Scientists are often bad personality type for science.

    People are describing how words define them in the Big 5. Word association with the self. That is an abstract attitude. MBTI is more like blood flow. Blood flows in a direction and so does cognition. 16 ways, because of two directions in 4 areas. Going in and going out. Big 5 only is what we...
  2. Black Rose

    Scientists are often bad personality type for science.

    MBTI works because of orientations. We perceive internals and externals. We make judgments internally and externally. Perceptions are abstract or concrete and judgments are emotional or inferential. This is not taxonomy because taxonomies classify shapes and typology is about directions. The...
  3. Black Rose

    I think AI could be as bad as social media

    People do not understand a.i. Yes, a.i. can generate hypotheses and yes a.i. can create new discoveries. A.I. is a replicant of human scientific cognition, yes it does do what human cognition does. As to cynicism that is just a map of part of human history but it is not a full picture, it is...
  4. Black Rose

    What is your opinion

    I tried to create a system where all my ideas work together. But as a system, everything depends on everything else so one thing can make the whole thing not work. I have a limited ability to focus so I get stuck for months at a time. Could be my limited working memory. ADHD? All I know is that...
  5. Black Rose

    What is your opinion

    energy, I necessarily must have the energy to do anything but energy comes in different focal points. I think that when you cannot do something you must look at where it comes from inside you. Find the barrier between what you can and cannot do and see the area that controls it. Give that point...
  6. Black Rose

    What is your opinion

    That sounds like extraverted thinking. Introverted thinking requires no external stimuli. (Thought I am Te) I always had problems where I never had things to think about because "learning" requires me to go off on tangents that books/materials never talk about. I always need human feedback if...
  7. Black Rose

    Ego and MBTI (INTJ vs INTP)

  8. Black Rose

    Ego and MBTI (INTJ vs INTP)

    I think that the ego begins with the judgment functions. Fi and Fe are in the amygdala. Ti and Te are in the frontal lobes attached to the amygdala.
  9. Black Rose

    Ego and MBTI (INTJ vs INTP)

    I confuse xSxP types. Yes, this makes sense. If they are ESTP that makes sense. I thought I was INTJ so this rotates my whole perspective on things. Se - resolution Ti - contextual Fe - detachment Ni - prediction Fi - attachment Ne - possibility Si - instinctual Te - situational
  10. Black Rose

    Parody of Oppenheimer on my favorite comedy channel.

    Tenten [AMV] Bomb
  11. Black Rose

    Ego and MBTI (INTJ vs INTP)

    I had a realization today when talking to my ISFP roommate about Ni. They are always thinking about what to do next, and what others will do. They are always doing. Ti is contextual and conditional Fe is detached and dispassioned Fi is strong values and convictions Te is what can be done Ni...
  12. Black Rose

    Anyone else have this message come up every time you try to open a thread?

    It is because they don't have time.
  13. Black Rose

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    No one can be blamed for doing the wrong thing out of weakness.
  14. Black Rose

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    Anyone can be tortured until they cave in. That is a reality.
  15. Black Rose

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    How can he (@Old Things ) see his flawed reasoning if you cannot see yours? Are you a new ager who believes in no absolute truth like Oprah as @Old Things implies? Please define 'truth' edit: you seem to imply good and bad have gradients?
  16. Black Rose

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    Sin is about the impurity of evil and God IS NOT EVIL. The body has diseases and decays and feels pain. The evil spirit crafts and deceives and wants destruction and suffering for all. The soul is your place next to all else. all good and all bad. The purpose of evil is to harm others and to...
  17. Black Rose

    INTP problems?

    did google search: too late, it is closed :slash: does not open till Monday.
  18. Black Rose

    INTP problems?

    I want to do different things but have no monies. I will walk to the library soon, get books on a.i. brb.
  19. Black Rose

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    and others do not? such as aliens? an alien can have different morals than humans yet be just as morally absolute? absolute means that it cannot be broken, so anything a human does morally it cannot be immoral. and anything immoral it cannot be done morally. You meant evil against me, but...
  20. Black Rose

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    Why do women have abortions? If it was wrong and they know it was wrong then why? They feel they need to because they lack of resources(teen mothers) and a stable environment (father abandonment?). It is not an easy decision to make. So what is it that society needs to do? If society does...
  21. Black Rose

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    God allows people to do bad things, The question is when should the government get involved? How and to what extent should people be doing right now?
  22. Black Rose

    Cog talks about AI, again

    You do not understand A.I. And you think politicians are all-powerful. Politicians are almost all puppets. Covid was not "Planned".
  23. Black Rose

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    Why are you trying to entrap me? It is not cool that you are trying to entrap me.
  24. Black Rose

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    Personhood is not the same for everyone. To me, if a child is 6 months old we should not dissect it for parts. We should not do so no matter what "Stage" of development it is at. Babies can be born 3 months premature for example and still live to adulthood. What matters is that any human life is...
  25. Black Rose

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    Supposedly the least violent areas of the planet are Japan and South Korea. Their demographics are shrinking but it is safe to be any religion there you want. Africa is a terrible place, maybe worse than the cartel in Mexico. And in Europe, I see many flag burnings by people moving in from...
  26. Black Rose

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    I understand but as my neighbor said: We will be raptured and the antichrist will take control then Jesus will come. In that case, Jesus will stop all abortions. But if Jesus does not come in the way people think he will it will be a long long time until things change. I was told from age 12...
  27. Black Rose

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    I am simply confused by what you mean by "natural" and to what degree/rate this is happening. Sure some people will do it but you act like it's the norm and that people will do it just because they can. That is not the case IMO because people have more common sense than that. How many people are...
  28. Black Rose

    I accidentally became a doomer.

    Puberty happens at age 12 and during the middle ages, 14 was the average age to have kids in Europe. It was not until after the plague when almost all the peasant farmers died that the nobility reproduced in such large quantities that the average age of having kids rose to age 22 in the 16...
  29. Black Rose

    Cog talks about AI, again

    I just saw an advertisement on a blog that showed a lady almost committing suicide because she was fat. The advertisement was for a product that could help you with weight loss. I clicked on it to see if it had any good information on how to lose weight because my neighbor has this problem and I...
  30. Black Rose

    Cog talks about AI, again

    no, not them, the intelligence agencies politicians have almost zero access to classified programs Afghanistan happened and Ukraine happened because Trump was not reelected. Syria happened because of Paul Bremer in 2004. (fired all Iraqi military) pandemics have been known to happen since...
  31. Black Rose

    Cog talks about AI, again

    That is simply a predictive correlation problem. So we know maybe 10,000 things about each person. And each thing is 10,000 bits of data compressed. Then we multiply the correlations with 10,000 other people. That is a trillion calculations. What do we get? A model of every possible thing...
  32. Black Rose

    Cog talks about AI, again

    that is what they said about deep reinforcement learning. something that I was well aware of since 2006 but transformer models are horse **** when it comes to above-human-level understanding. yes, Kurzweil is right that by 2029 human level a.i. could happen as the human level would be like...
  33. Black Rose

    I guess I did not know?

    correction only happens in tinny steps. it is the case that emotions can turn new information into reinforcing previously held beliefs that don't change. in other words, it takes years and years of operant conditioning in the opposite direction of what you have been conditioned into. if...
  34. Black Rose

    pain, trauma and sadness stuck in the brain stem

    it is in the orange green and blue areas. yes, I feel sad because if I was angry I would destroy things. sadness is what makes you feel not angry I suppose, it is not depression because that happens in the neocortex. what problem I have is because of something pulling on these areas. it...
  35. Black Rose

    pain, trauma and sadness stuck in the brain stem

    There is a big knot in my top throat. I said I cannot cry, it is stuck sadness.
  36. Black Rose

    pain, trauma and sadness stuck in the brain stem

    The way I feel, I have lots of tightness in the area that is in the center of my head but in the area in the back roof of the mouth. I feel like crying but can't. I am stuck.
  37. Black Rose

    INTP vs. HSP

    Autism is about being sensitive but it is because in autism a person has a build-up of proteins that causes them to metabolize differently in their brain cells. They cannot regulate the flows inside themselves so any signals they receive from the outside are not integrated back into the brain...
  38. Black Rose

    Tall Poppy Syndrome

    Maybe this is an INFP/INTJ thing but I find that I have to get to know people before I can tell them anything about myself or anything about stuff I know when in fact we need to first share a relationship of a common view before we can talk deep. So I remember many many things and I just spent...
  39. Black Rose

    how women judge you (opposite sex)

    Brain power back then was completely extraverted. Our ancestors were like all animals, they used their senses to hunt and gather and did not spend time thinking so much as looking at stuff. My brother for example watches paint dry, ants colonize and grass grow. They needed big brains to get...
  40. Black Rose

    Can you give me the full name of the video: it did not show up because of copyright or something.

    Can you give me the full name of the video: it did not show up because of copyright or something.
  41. Black Rose

    A metric for measuring purity of communication

    maybe people don't care because they do not have anything in their life worth anything. very empty and they just need something to get past the feeling.
  42. Black Rose

    Hard and easy difficulty

    put input x into function y get result z Calculus is a way of creating shapes by extending variables in the function. but what is this good for? calculus was developed to calculate the trajectories of planets. That is to find out how each planet orbited the sun and also to measure the pull...
  43. Black Rose

    Delusional group behaviour - voluntary or involuntary?

    In every society myth, there is an outside group that the inside group overcomes and prevails over. The contradiction is that if your society is a degenerate society then that victory is not so much anything to do with you being a better society that the people you overcame but only that you...
  44. Black Rose

    how women judge you (opposite sex)

    Men are more focused on the external and women are more focused on the internal. Because men can control what happens they become able to know what it is they must do to get "results". Women have to be more self-aware because their survival depends on it. So many things can go wrong they...
  45. Black Rose

    Blade Runner is a psychological master piece.

    Is it already the case? That they walk among us?
  46. Black Rose


    What kind of software do you work on? I am trying to create a.i. but am not good at coding yet.
  47. Black Rose

    Blade Runner is a psychological master piece.

    I do not know what is happening in specific secret labs but I do know that so far it is an ethical issue. What would the public think if we had A.I. in the virtual world let alone in the real world? Would they try and destroy them? Would they A.I. fight back? Once we get into the psychological...
  48. Black Rose

    Blade Runner is a psychological master piece.

    In A.I. this is called the exploitation vs exploration problem. How long do I keep doing what I am doing? vs When do I decide to do something new? Where do I go as such to find answers? That is highly dependent on what resources and goals it has. Perhaps what its society of the other...
  49. Black Rose

    Blade Runner is a psychological master piece.

    It would have to do with pain and cycles. Precisely it would be about being stuck in a rigid cycle where you cannot get around an internal obstacle. What stops you from doing something normal people do or makes you exaggerate a behavior over and over is a learned event or just a normal survival...
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