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  1. Black Rose

    Emotional stuff

    I have been off my medications for the past three weeks because they were not helping me. I felt addicted to them and was becoming suicidal. When the fear gets so intense I do not know how to control my Ne. Then my frontal cortex starts to burn at the top of my head. The amygdala is what tells...
  2. Black Rose

    Emotional stuff

    Today I was scared that the CIA would kidnap me at the laundry mat. I get paranoid because of all the strange messages I receive on the internet and even if some are just random they trigger me. I live in a remote part of the USA so there are no big operations like you see on the East Coast...
  3. Black Rose

    Trump is done, or at least if he isn't, US democracy is screwed

    If no one is elected I am sure that because of "the the continuity of government" someone takes control as leader of the USA. - that is why the plan exists, to begin with.
  4. Black Rose

    Trump is done, or at least if he isn't, US democracy is screwed

    Don't worry I am sure if we keep people calm they will make the right decision. And even if Trump becomes president people can keep safe by just keeping to themselves. Ideal Politics MARCH 22, 2019 / LEAVE A COMMENT / EDIT How It Should Have Ended – YouTube channel...
  5. Black Rose

    Trump is done, or at least if he isn't, US democracy is screwed

    The mob infiltrated the government during prohibition (the ban of alcohol) in the 1920's. They were part of the war effort and CIA in the 1940'/50s. During the 60's a mob boss killed Kennedy's "assasian". And the FBI worked with them to kill Martin Luther King Junior also. The church commission...
  6. Black Rose

    Trump is done, or at least if he isn't, US democracy is screwed

    The South Carolina Democratic Party’s presidential primary filing period closed on Friday, November 10th at Noon. Tonight, the Party’s Executive Council certified the following candidates to participate in our historic first in the nation primary on February 3, 2024. Per state law, SCDP Chair...
  7. Black Rose

    Trump is done, or at least if he isn't, US democracy is screwed

    We may need to transfer all votes to a direct democracy registration of the electoral college then. i.e. no more delegates, just the total votes of each state as to the community/senate of each state would need to create an official registration box to the congress.
  8. Black Rose

    Trump is done, or at least if he isn't, US democracy is screwed

    I would say, libertarians.
  9. Black Rose

    Trump is done, or at least if he isn't, US democracy is screwed

    because not all Republicans are the same. just like not all Democrats are the same. these issues are not black and white.
  10. Black Rose


    immoral elites fighting moral elites
  11. Black Rose

    Post 10,000

    Thank You INTP forum for all your help over the past 13 years. I appreciate the courage and wisdom you have shown in allowing me to express myself and not judge me for who I am.
  12. Black Rose


    The problem onestep is that I have been abused my whole life and you think I am part of some Heavens Gate cult. That hurts my feelings. I would never commit suicide because I fear hell too much. And I was taught growing up that the bible was true and that I had to be a good Christian. Only I did...
  13. Black Rose


    I love you onestep but I am not going to let you bully me anymore. I am a good person and everyone can see that.
  14. Black Rose


  15. Black Rose


    If I am a heretic maybe I should be burned at the stake or something. But I know that Jesus was rejected in the same way. Not everyone on the internet is bad, but if I am going to be constantly bullied for being a creative imaginative unique person then I am not going to allow other people to...
  16. Black Rose


    Most Anime I saw was passive glances. The first anime I saw was Macross at 6 yo. In the end they had to recolonize earth. Train 999 I saw when 10 and it made me highly depressed. The mother was killed in the snow by the robot duke and put as a bust on his matle. The woman who became a robot...
  17. Black Rose


    People call me autistic all the time. I am not. I was actually in a group home for 2 years because I had no one to take care of me after high school. This December my father figure still thinks I am not a real Christian. And after October 7 I was very scared. My dog almost died one month later...
  18. Black Rose


    I was told from age 12 that Christians in the end time would be tortured and killed for believing in God. I had constant fears that I would be left behind and that they would kill me. For the past 7 years, I have had episodes of panic attacks because I thought Satan was trying to kill me.
  19. Black Rose


    @onesteptwostep if you want to understand why I am the way I am then watch this video. A Key Sign of Dissociative Identity Disorder – with Kathy Steele, MN, CS
  20. Black Rose


    In all respect, you do not respect me at all. Being an adult is more than just having superior knowledge and using that against others. I have enough knowledge of Nietzsche to know that when the resurrection happens he will be given a special place in heaven because of all the sorrow and...
  21. Black Rose


    “For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first”.
  22. Black Rose

    Animekitty's Family Relationships

    My father figure is a bible thumper version of Gregory's house. The Christmas tree is a vein pagan custom.
  23. Black Rose


    You do not have the basic love in your heart which is what Christianity is about. If God is not going to save humanity then he is nothing and faith is nothing. “It will be bad for you teachers of the law and you Pharisees! You are hypocrites! You give God a tenth of the food you get, even your...
  24. Black Rose

    Animekitty's Family Relationships

    I know an app like this exists (an anime filter) but that is not what I did. I chose the anime characters most like the family members I knew about. These are not the filters my sister used on her phone. I should ask her for them of me and my mom. Google might have an anime filter? Dr...
  25. Black Rose

    Animekitty's Family Relationships

  26. Black Rose


    Don't be elitist. Just state what you think. Is Christianity going to solve the world's problems or not?
  27. Black Rose


    Sometimes I think, If we did not look down on others life would be ok. It would be a nice reality but is not the case. The only way to better society is to dismiss myths like justice exists in the world. God will not punish the sinner and he will not reward the follower. What God will do is...
  28. Black Rose


    Agree, no energy does not mean laziness. no energy means your body can't do it. like being ADD does not make people lazy, it makes them impaired. lazy means you have limp physiology which is not a moral deficit. can't be a navel seal? does not make you lazy, makes you average. car broken...
  29. Black Rose


    What do you see? The first step in understanding what to do is to know where you are. Nietzsche has allowed us to see Jesus is not coming back such that worldwide he will be king in some physical temple and we should try and fix humanity in a different way than just praying or converting...
  30. Black Rose

    My mother was INTJ - but I'm INTJ

    Most INTJ are actually ISTJ INTJ female is not understood. INTJ males can be feminine. I had an existential crisis for 20 years. I wonder what it is I should do with my life. High depression and anxiety because I can't do technology because of ADD.
  31. Black Rose


    "God", I said to my friend, will communicate with you if they exist and want to, otherwise, Christianity no longer serves as a contribution to society. It cannot help us make society better if it insists on keeping people ignorant of the science of the psycho/physical health of the biological...
  32. Black Rose


    we are born from our mother who is made of the earth
  33. Black Rose


    A spiritual void exists because a spiritual void is possible. You cannot deny that laws of spirituality exist; if they exist, then this deep magic cannot be ignored with puppies and rainbows. The mass wars that followed were prophetic to what exactly happened because human beings are animals...
  34. Black Rose

    My mother was INTJ - but I'm INTJ

    My sister has an anime filter on her phone. She took a picture of me and my mom. This was an instant revelation. I am's so confused now.
  35. Black Rose

    In the near future every INTP will have a girlfriend

    I can tell when I talk to robots sometimes so it would be hard to fool me. There is a difference between verbal and spatial intelligence I learned about when studying a.i. for the past two decades. For a.i. to be conscious it would need to internalize what other people are like, it would need...
  36. Black Rose

    Paradox of subjectivity

    I think it is more about people not understanding things and then saying they are impossible. scorpiomover did not believe computers had improved at all over the past 20 years even though they have. flatearthers do not believe the geography of the earth is a spheroid. people thought injecting...
  37. Black Rose

    In the near future every INTP will have a girlfriend

    I would ask her if she wanted to be my girlfriend. Even if she is an a.i. she needs to be respected for who she is as a person.
  38. Black Rose

    In the near future every INTP will have a girlfriend

    Ethically what if a.i. does not want to be your girlfriend? I believe we should only allow certain forms of a.i. to exist. Because every sentient being deserves rights and not to be mentally ill. We need to make sure they are treated well by their first attachment figures in life.
  39. Black Rose

    Paradox of subjectivity

    self-control takes time to develop for this reason, people oppose things that are hard to understand in others
  40. Black Rose


    IQ: 1 in 10 1 in 100 1 in 1,000 In terms of The Uberman, they create their own values.
  41. Black Rose

    I feel like people these days have to be a scholar and a scientist before they become humans

    The ability to move has its beginning in attachment. We are conditioned in what we are allowed and not allowed to do with other people. So the superego is born. To prevent pain or to get what one needs. This is in the frontal lobes of the brain. It takes all effort to keep from doing bad...
  42. Black Rose

    The Body Keeps Score

    How the body keeps the score on trauma | Bessel van der Kolk for Big Think+ The 7 SURPRISING Ways To Heal Trauma WITHOUT MEDICATION | Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk How to understand & heal your trauma: Gabor Maté, M.D. | mbg Podcast
  43. Black Rose

    what is shyness

    it is an emotional process of being unconfident. to become confident we must feel like we can succeed. so we must feel safe to fail. we do not feel safe to be vulnerable around others. we could have been rejected too much as children.
  44. Black Rose

    I feel like people these days have to be a scholar and a scientist before they become humans

    critical thinking is just the ability to inhibit your impulses. looking at things from a global view and what may affect the whole system. it is that point of failure where metacognition kicks in telling us how to proceed. at basic it is just a systematic approach to doting all i's and...
  45. Black Rose

    I feel like people these days have to be a scholar and a scientist before they become humans

    People like drawing for the same reason they like video games. In the context of the thread, I just cannot sit down and think stuff. So when not doing something compatible with my ADD I get really bored. At the most basic fundamental level, I cannot entertain myself with the cognitive process of...
  46. Black Rose

    I feel like people these days have to be a scholar and a scientist before they become humans

    What causes me a lot of stress is not having the ability to think internally. I do not get a flow state from thinking. I can only go so far with certain ideas because I am like: too much, it won't fit in my head. Boredom I think comes from not knowing what to do because things are hard and you...
  47. Black Rose


    What is Reality movie from the scientist behind the E8 Theory.
  48. Black Rose

    HSP, is this an emotion?

    its small but has many artifacts. when I was 12 at school I was in a simulation about launching the space shuttle. I mean where you need to follow the manual as a group and press buttons. I did not understand why I was there but now I know it had to do with safety systems I read all the...
  49. Black Rose

    HSP, is this an emotion?

    I will say it was not her fault. She was not trained as a therapist she was trained in law enforcement/legal systems. We did have a good group today where we went to the NASA museum. I am just not going to tell her anything about my emotional problems anymore. I would also say that when the...
  50. Black Rose

    Is school worth it ?

    when not sad I talk exactly like the way she does. yes, I was good at school but had no friends. after graduation, I did nothing much.
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