One atom of me
This guy basically brings up the most profound omission from JPeterson in psychology, coming from his book.
Id say many experts actually disagree with JPeterson.
But as usual experts ....
People need to stop confusing knowledge and belief.I did not watch it, too tired right now, but look at him, Is this a traumatized family?
Trauma does not always equal dysfunction.
Trauma is not personal. Parents pass on all energy to their offspring. Trauma is information your parents had about the world. They pass it on to you to ensure better survival. Unfortunately we keep forgetting that parenting is not 100 percent guaranteed. In fact in nature its common to fail and die.Trauma does not always equal dysfunction.
I guess my real curiosity is why trauma leads some people to hate their parents.
Why does Jordan not hate his parents if traumatized?
And why do some parents hate their adult offspring?
You are thinking like a human who grew up in a world where death is rare outcome.
Humans had all kinds of weird ways of dealing with problems.
Yes, its a clusterfuck and most parents set hard rules on certain behaviors.guy in the video sounds legit, but one shouldn't forget one thing: at some point the kid starts getting influences from outside the home – not all of these influences will be good
Anger is basic foundation emotion. Unexpressed anger will go inward and cause depression and autoimmune disease. In theory of course, but Dr Mate claims this is the case.
In reality this is new research.
Yes. Anger is backbone of our psyche. Its part of what drives us. Most of my problems are that I am also sometimes angry and hate myself. Its subconscious. Consciously I don't know this, but my unconscious mind behaves this way. Then it impacts the things I do.The report I received a few years ago said I turn my anger inward. I expect to be taken advantage of and stopped trying to express myself because of retaliation. I switch between rational thinking and emotional self-pity, everything is my fault.
Yes emotions don't work unless we can express them naturally. Unfortunately for that you have to be around people who can accept your emotions. Most people won't.I switch between rational thinking and emotional self-pity, everything is my fault.
Actually you cannot have anything without trust. Trust is built and given.I was thinking about trust. You cannot have love without trust.
Basically what you need ideally is environment where you feel safe. But it also has to be with people who trust you and you them. A step forward is people being able the accept you the way you are including your emotions. Its two way street.Children who have chaotic environments do not feel safe enough to do certain things. They need a parent or caregiver to keep them safe, so they learn how to get attention in any way possible. That could be acting out or it could be giving up. Confusion is also common.
This is true for all humans and mammals. OF all ages. So you absolutely get this.When people have children they expect the child to listen and when they do not they treat them as if they are unreliable and when that happens they project their insecurities onto the child. That could be anger but it could also be desperation or teasing or disappointment. In any way, the child does not feel good enough to be loved. They also expect that everyone will treat them in the way they were treated in the past. A sense of entitlement / rejection.
What comes of this is a self-image. I am this, I am treated in this way, I treat others in that way. Ego defense happens negative or positive. The child triggers insecurity and the parent reacts to them, to secure the parent's ego. The child reacts to that reaction and they become insecure. The parent does not trust the child and the child does not trust the parent. Vicious cycle of unreliability.