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Search results

  1. Brain Drain: Coming soon to a 1st world country near you!

    It seems that the guy didn't really understand the paper (giving him the benefit of the doubt here – he probably didn't even read it). In its abstract, it says: So the point is not that the the engineering field is at fault for being meritocratic, but that the meritocratic values preclude...
  2. The Character Analysis Thread

    This is obviously all conjecture, but allow me to theorize on the character of @Animekitty: he is very much into things like the concept of super-human AI, psychometric testing, IQ as a limiting factor in personal potential etc. I think this search for end-all determinants of human potential...
  3. The Character Analysis Thread

    I envision this to be a hard-core version of the witch hunt thread. Here, anyone who posts, submits him/her-self to having their character and personality analyzed by others.
  4. I'm a new INTP musician

    I think you're improving musically. But you're still quite off key in many parts and the mastering is not too good. The vocal track sounds like someone is playing a different song played on top of another.
  5. The Explosion of Bullshit Jobs

    I was going to say that they will soon be replaced by machines, but I forgot that most of these people are employed just for sake for having government employees. People who look at papers and move them from one drawer into another, sit in committee meetings to decide whether they should use...
  6. Eastern versus Western Philosophy

    In the west we had things like the Enlightenment, the French revolution etc, which largely define what we think of as western philosophy nowadays. It's based on natural science, etc. The east never had that, so they never had that abrupt break with archaic, mystical traditions like we had in the...
  7. Everyday ethical/moral conundrums

    That poker thing happened to me once. I did keep the money but it felt dirty as hell.
  8. the concept of nothingness/zero

    I think Merovingian explained the meaning of the movies in the second movie, the scene where he basically says that Morpheus and co will never escape the "matrix" of cause and effect, and that they don't choose to do what they do. The Matrix is a metaphor for the world in general.
  9. the concept of nothingness/zero

    Mr Anderson!
  10. Musical taste.

    I like progressive techno music with atmospheric synths/sampling and minor-scale melodies. I think the song that originally set me onto that path was Fatboy Slim's "Right here right now" which I heard as a little kid. It blew my mind when I first heard it, and usually still does.
  11. the concept of nothingness/zero

    Who are these poor bastards who live inside computers?
  12. Everyday ethical/moral conundrums

    Obviously try to give it back. Some guy loses a bunch of money to you in a poker game at a casino because he misunderstood a rule. Do you keep the money?
  13. Greetings

    Is the relationship still holding up?
  14. humor me for a moment

    I think that when the contemporary "science guys" like Degrasse Tyson, Dawkins, etc, are pitted against religious spokesmen and asked: without religion, how do you create meaning in life?, they are sort of backed up into a corner and are forced to come up with some narrative about the beauty of...
  15. Hi there

    An NT who is aware of easter and provides holiday wishes.. This is definitely suspicious.
  16. Learning life lessons that cycle in and out of consciousness.

    I guess it's a general theme in life. We strive to improve ourselves, try to push the development of our character by means of conscious and disciplined effort. It might work for a while but the we drift away from that path, and realize this only much later. In order to have constant control we...
  17. Weird dream: Organic Computing

    It seems to me that anything with a brain would be non-kosher. Fun fact: this was the idea for the original manuscript of The Matrix movies. Instead of using people as batteries, the machines would use them as CPUs. This was changed to make the premise easier to understand for the general public.
  18. Best work advice for INTPs that get bored easily?

    I think it has been shown that performance in intelligence tests is very much correlated with levels of noradrenaline (aka norepinephrine) released in the subject's brain. E.g. caffeine raises noradrenaline I believe. The problem with caffeine is that it also makes you very excited and jittery...
  19. Best work advice for INTPs that get bored easily?

    I drink a lot of energy drinks which have L-theanine added. I've also read that green tea contains it, which I also drink quite a lot. I think it has a noticable effect, as you don't get as jittery as with pure caffeine.
  20. Best work advice for INTPs that get bored easily?

    @baccheion to clarify - that wasn't meant as a hostile joke. I like nootropics (although I have only relied on caffeine so far)
  21. Best work advice for INTPs that get bored easily?

    Baccheion's Nootropics Co.
  22. humor me for a moment

    I think that if you flick through the law book of any western country nowadays, you would be hard-pressed to find even one law which is justfied by a religious doctrine. This shows that we have a pretty good idea of what morals we need without needing the recourse of religion, and this has been...
  23. Best work advice for INTPs that get bored easily?

    I think "programming" is a far too general term to use here. The nature of programming varies quite a bit between different types of programming. I can imagine, for example, that web programming is more germane to "typing code" than other forms of programming, although I don't have any expertise...
  24. What songs are you listening to? /III/

    Everyone, do yourself a favor and listen to this song. Especially listen to the segment between 3:30 and 4:30
  25. You and Learning Disabilities

    @Animekitty So if you write new neural pathways by training your brain and thus become able to 'do more' - whatever the task at hand may be - are you also increasing your IQ? Or do you assume that intelligence is somehow separate from the neurology of the brain?
  26. You and Learning Disabilities

    @Animekitty you simply swapped out "intelligence" with "capacity". How do you define this capacity? Is my capacity for, say, creating music the same as the capacity for remembering number sequences? Is my capacity for remembering number sequences the same as my capacity for remembering human...
  27. You and Learning Disabilities

    @Animekitty To take these properties you are talking about – holding numbers in one's mind and the speed of the nervous system. Let me ask you this: do you think chess grandmasters, who can memorize full chess boards in an instant can do so because they have faster nervous systems? Or are born...
  28. The Random Thoughts Thread

    Yes the energy thing is definitely important. If one doesn't match their energy and fall way below, that is taken as a dismissive sign. I have felt that myself when I have met people even more introverted than me. You feel somewhat offended. But to me, the thing with managing other's impression...
  29. The Random Thoughts Thread

    A theory about why INTPs have so few friends: when you are self-conscious in social situations, you appear as less trustworthy because you will constantly manage other's perception of you.
  30. You and Learning Disabilities

    "the same mistake"? I don't recall anyone ever decisevly showing a mistake in my reasoning regarding IQ. This is circular reasoning, as I have pointed out before. You're assuming a-priori that the tests measure what you want to measure. But it is clear that it is not even possible to measure...
  31. You and Learning Disabilities

    Diagnosis of ADHD after talking for an hour – I'd call that pretty good proof that this ADHD bullshit is an invention to sell more drugs.
  32. Mystery: Did My Bathroom Travel Back In Time?

    Yes, check if they left some dirty clothes in a closet somewhere
  33. Favorite Programming Language

    I think knowing C is essential if one wants to write high-performance code. A lot of C++ programmers don't even know the difference between stack and heap memory because all the C++ tools work well enough for most purposes without knowing such things. On the other hand, it is quite annoying...
  34. Mystery: Did My Bathroom Travel Back In Time?

    I have a big mystery myself today: how the fuck haven't I started to clean my apartment yet? I planned to do it 3 weeks ago but the plan is yet to materialize. There are large lumps of dust emerging in corners. What is the scientific explanation for all this?
  35. Mystery: Did My Bathroom Travel Back In Time?

    Clearly the one in your room adjusted for the daylight saving time automatically whereas the others didn't.. Alternatively, there was a disruption in the space-time manifold near your bathroom, but you know... Occam's razor etc.
  36. Incident of the Week Past

    Well, for me it worked only after installing a completely new browser (firefox beta for android). Dunno if that's because of the browser itself or because the others didn't clear all the data properly.
  37. Incident of the Week Past

    On my phone, after clearing all browser data, couldnt log in with chrome, firefox + 2 others.
  38. Te Extraverted Thinking

    Extroverts are good at small talk. I guess somehow, small talk has become synonymous with social skills.
  39. universally preferable behaviour

    I don't recall exactly what I wrote in this thread before, but the conclusion is pretty much that Molyneux has a MA in history and no knowledge of philosophy nor logic, so these feeble attempts at formalizing his argument amounts to gibberish word games. One thing he does is something a few...
  40. Unknown limitation of space travel.

    I would imagine the same sort of change happens in general under change of environments and presence of new stressors. Anyway, according to Musk we'll have night clubs and pizza joints on Mars within a couple of decades, so let's not worry about this DNA stuff. Hell, even small fluctuation in...
  41. Confused regarding my education.

    @BurnedOut I'm quite confused about your situation. Have you majored in law and starting a new degree in data analytics?
  42. Confused regarding my education.

    @AK starting with Von Neumann at the inception of the electronic computer, a lot of people have had the thought that if we just make a program complex enough, and stack enough programs on top of eachother, we'll get intelligence and all kinds of cool shit. So far this has not worked that well...
  43. Confused regarding my education.

    Well, economics, although it might involve scripting in Python, R, or similar, doesn't really involve heavy programming to the same extent as for example computer-science topics would. You are usually looking at some regression or time-series problem for which there are existing packages. In...
  44. Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    Yeah not bad. Well-crafted pop. Can definitely appreciate some sexy dudes sometimes. 7.5/10 I would go gay for the dudes in this video:
  45. The Random Thoughts Thread

    I had a lucid dream once and in it I made 2 decisions: I flew and I banged a hot ass chick. Those are high-quality decisions if you ask me.
  46. Hello Weirdos

    I see. It's a good underdog story I suppose Come to think of it, the whole HP franchise is a pretty good underdog story. Some kid growing up in a working-class UK home with a fat-ass mother and then going full Wizard - it's inspiring stuff.
  47. Hello Weirdos

    Did Harry Potter ever end up boning that chick? I only saw the first movie.
  48. hey

    Lol. I suppose it's an acquired taste, this forum
  49. Do other INTPs have issues with verbal fluency?

    @baccheion I suppose your recommendations would carry more weight if you referenced the actual papers rather than going "go check out PubMed"
  50. Unlimited free books and scientific articles.

    Whenever scihub changes domain, the new one usually comes up as 1st search result on duckduckgo, whereas those dirty fascists at google remove all links to it altogether
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