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Confused regarding my education.


Your friendly neighborhood asshole
Local time
Today 1:27 PM
Apr 19, 2016
A fucking black hole
I've been quite off from intpforum due to my exams. However in the meantime, I've been doing some python programming too. I've formally opted for Law as my major and I need some advice regarding taking economics wl maths ( which synergizes into data analytics \for me\) and law simultaneously. My college pretty much covered economics at its surface and math calculus and other intermediate level stuff which I liked quite a lot except a few chapters in the vectors group.

So basically :

1. I've got a lot of free time now
2. I've to prepare for mandarin and Law but if I start data analytics with python from tomorrow, one more item in the list
3. I personally find the LSAT ( not the international one ) prepping extremely boring given that I've to rote shittons of GK and a lot of practise for things which should not be exactly practised ie analytical reasoning, english and logical reasoning. The prepping is very tiresome and too ingeminating for my taste since I prefer extemporaneous reasoning to pre-preparation ( I wasted most of the time during my final exams programming and playing the guitar )
4. Many of you will definitely propose the hypothesis of economics and maths being as tiresome as the prepping I previously described but programming is the only incentive which will drive me to study it
5. My conscientiousness is almost null but my openness is quite high

Pros of being me :
1. Brainstorming capabilities
2. High mental reserve

Cons of being me :
1. Unnecessary sensory sensitivity
2. Poor focus if not stimuled
3.Addictive behaviour

If anyone who is quite acquainted with me or people who are programmers or lawyers or anyone else capable of giving a sound opinion per se, can you suggest something or place a daunting logically valid opinion ?

Ex-User (14663)

Prolific Member
Local time
Today 7:57 AM
Jun 7, 2017
Well, economics, although it might involve scripting in Python, R, or similar, doesn't really involve heavy programming to the same extent as for example computer-science topics would. You are usually looking at some regression or time-series problem for which there are existing packages. In some rare cases you do applied-math stuff like numerical integration but you will never encounter that in introductory courses.

If you're equating economics with data science I think you will be gravely disappointed
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Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 12:57 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
I only heard of it but what about "Plato's The Ethics" since you are into law for a degree?

As for computer science, my new interests is in nesting.
A hierarchical system that feeds back into itself on multiple levels.
Basic nonlinear self-reference for perception and action and modeling world and self.

That's a lot.
But my current theoretical thoughts.
I have no idea how to program computers to do this.
The practical application is in modeling people to perform tasks. A.I.

Ex-User (14663)

Prolific Member
Local time
Today 7:57 AM
Jun 7, 2017
@AK starting with Von Neumann at the inception of the electronic computer, a lot of people have had the thought that if we just make a program complex enough, and stack enough programs on top of eachother, we'll get intelligence and all kinds of cool shit. So far this has not worked that well. Instead, the most effective systems are based on parsimonius mathematical models.


Your friendly neighborhood asshole
Local time
Today 1:27 PM
Apr 19, 2016
A fucking black hole
Well, economics, although it might involve scripting in Python, R, or similar, doesn't really involve heavy programming to the same extent as for example computer-science topics would. You are usually looking at some regression or time-series problem for which there are existing packages. In some rare cases you do applied-math stuff like numerical integration but you will never encounter that in introductory courses.

If you're equating economics with data science I think you will be gravely disappointed

Of course not @Serac, I'm doing data analytics as data analytics. The whole field of data analytics here requires a major in economics and stat-maths


Your friendly neighborhood asshole
Local time
Today 1:27 PM
Apr 19, 2016
A fucking black hole
I only heard of it but what about "Plato's The Ethics" since you are into law for a degree?

As for computer science, my new interests is in nesting.
A hierarchical system that feeds back into itself on multiple levels.
Basic nonlinear self-reference for perception and action and modeling world and self.

That's a lot.
But my current theoretical thoughts.
I have no idea how to program computers to do this.
The practical application is in modeling people to perform tasks. A.I.
That's the whole basis of smart AI. Why is not possible ? If you want a self referencing program which evolves, it's simple enough to make with basic data structures like fucntions ( as in python ) and neural networking. You can always learn machine learning. What prog lang due you currently use ?

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 12:57 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
a lot of people have had the thought that if we just make a program complex enough, and stack enough programs on top of eachother, we'll get intelligence and all kinds of cool shit.

There is a difference between an architecture and a stack operating system. The scalability of memory management matters because if a hierarchy is made then adding modules must account for integration. One change can disrupt the whole system and that is why integration happens by virtualization of adding new features to selective areas. If we can simulate what a model is doing without disrupting current functioning then basically we are virtualizing the improvement of the system with new models in the hierarchy of the architecture. Basically, its growing new subsystem to see if they improve the recursive learning properties of the whole system without disruption. Virtualization of recursive subsystem improvement that latter is added to the main hierarchy if it actually improves the system.
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Ex-User (14663)

Prolific Member
Local time
Today 7:57 AM
Jun 7, 2017
@BurnedOut I'm quite confused about your situation. Have you majored in law and starting a new degree in data analytics?

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 12:57 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
That's the whole basis of smart AI. Why is not possible ? If you want a self referencing program which evolves, it's simple enough to make with basic data structures like fucntions ( as in python ) and neural networking. You can always learn machine learning. What prog lang due you currently use ?

Yes, I can but it takes effort. Housty for this I admit. Othe places I say this: Mental health issues. Right Frontal lobe burning. Heat damage. Low working memory. IQ 95. Can abstract language 130 logic 130 information 140 but imagination 85, Speed 85. Low, low, Low mental clarity all the time. from the heat damage. I am very capable at projecting abstractions but not quantity, space, or causality (a number of shapes moving in space). Aphantasia(only see blackness when eyes closed) programming? tried really hard, in 2011, anxiety, brain damage. Again general intelligence is 130 but FSIQ is 113, BurnedOut FSIQ is 130, Do not mean to imply all this numbers IQ is BS or super important is everything, it is just that I tried. And BurnedOut is my right frontal lobe. I spend my time to try and abstract what I am good at but fail at technology, brain smarts not evened out. I try and do my best to do fun things that do not cause heat damage. because I was sad not doing fun things before and cause lots heat damage. now I keep low heat and try to increase clarity. increasing clarity is the main goal in life and fun things that my uneven brain can do.


Your friendly neighborhood asshole
Local time
Today 1:27 PM
Apr 19, 2016
A fucking black hole
Yes, I can but it takes effort. Housty for this I admit. Othe places I say this: Mental health issues. Right Frontal lobe burning. Heat damage. Low working memory. IQ 95. Can abstract language 130 logic 130 information 140 but imagination 85, Speed 85. Low, low, Low mental clarity all the time. from the heat damage. I am very capable at projecting abstractions but not quantity, space, or causality (a number of shapes moving in space). Aphantasia(only see blackness when eyes closed) programming? tried really hard, in 2011, anxiety, brain damage. Again general intelligence is 130 but FSIQ is 113, BurnedOut FSIQ is 130, Do not mean to imply all this numbers IQ is BS or super important is everything, it is just that I tried. And BurnedOut is my right frontal lobe. I spend my time to try and abstract what I am good at but fail at technology, brain smarts not evened out. I try and do my best to do fun things that do not cause heat damage. because I was sad not doing fun things before and cause lots heat damage. now I keep low heat and try to increase clarity. increasing clarity is the main goal in life and fun things that my uneven brain can do.

This reminds me of the stupidass thread I made on reddit and received a lot of flak. When I read my own post, it sounded gibberish to me and overfilled with anxiety.

Judge me all you can, there's a reason why I'm posting this in r/INTP. After enough vacillation regarding my IQ, I decided to finally give up and label myself as average (104) and tell it to every person who asks me regarding the same. However, my fingers don't hesitate to searchfor :
"High IQ + awk -F' ' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) print $i}' symptoms.neurotxt"
I developed this habit after being obsessed with what is high IQ and how it is characterised into someone's demeanour. Always trying to apply it to myself, I constantly eval my intellect with high IQ individuals to provide me with the motivation to encash my knowledge bank
My intellect has always been a matter of concern and anxiety for me. I have almost no self esteem (adopted this var deliberately to eliminate possible bias in assessing the surroundings) and consider my personality as a clean slate with some inherent constants (Taking the FFM into account here). My social life has never been easy, marred with a lot of disappointment, however I'm trudging somehow.This paranoia transmogrified into me taking up multiple activities to keep my acumen at least slightly higher. My self esteem derives from solving problems predominantly and being an asshole to people who hate me.
Right now, my core hobbies include :ProgrammingPlaying the guitar Increasing my vocab Solving someone's social problem SleepingWriting poems intermittentlySketch or paint intermittently
And like a dickhead, I've researched on most of the items in this list to see how they can affect my brain and increase its functioning and make it astute. And just so you know, I'm on etilaam 0.25, escitslopram and etilaam 0.50 (for panic attacks). Shrink says I process info deeply making me more sensitive.
What about you all ?

I have these random mood swings and each state is exacerbated by my tendency to use logical inferencing which adds up to the anxiety. Boredom has been taking a real toll on me. I made some advancements in my programming endeavours.
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