I didn't know Te, in ENTJs and ESTJs, were worse than INTPs at feeling - which would mean or suggest Fi is weak in extraverts compared to Fe in introverts. But ENTJ is INTP reversed. And hypothetically, a "healthy" specimen (or example of a person and their type) will display use of their inferior through the first function, which in INTP is Ti or ENTJ Te. There are different archetypes and subcategory of them.
Usually an INFP won't get along with ENTJ, but INTP can. Stereotypically, INTP is useful to ENTJ if they are masters of the craft and can be valuable input to the team crew when they roll out generally. But that's just on theory, if you take 100 INTPs and interview them you still won't get along with them all, but at least find one that you could benefit a mutual relationship from.
It does suck but that's the reality of life. I'm personally not aware of many ENTJs but you can still tell them by their style. It doesn't look that much like they have no Fi, except it's expressed through mechanics and using machines or plans rather than say poetry and art, and they would rather build a team and know their men's weaknesses. They're the type of people who can tell if someone looks better with a mustache or shaved, and ENFP/ENTP as well.
You could still use Fe but you're really using Ti, then Ne to say it while people think an internal "Si" with "Ti" is just S. There's no new input for them, and they can't think about it but just react emotionally. Then, if you talk, it makes it so Ne works as a social tool and Ti makes it look like you're an asshole, which is appealing, so to people who can manipulate the social strata like INFJ, it makes them happier. So if there's two INTPs, the smartest one always wins. I don't like or use Fe either except when I'm on vacation I'm more inclined. The problem is people think there's one S or N, they don't account for introverted or extroverted N/S (let alone the F/T axis) or the third function. Everyone needs to use all their functions to be stronger.
There's no real point to anything unless you know your place in life. So far I haven't seen any opposition, or scientific validation for that matter, of MBTI's effectiveness and reality. We all exist as one mirror image of each other, all fractal reflections of the same substance and consciousness operating machinery. We're thrust in this world without our permission or consent. The only truth we have is the knowledge that we subconsciously chose this existence because we love it. All time is one space. We'd be in Heaven or paradise already but you can't. There's no end to this dream or cycle of reincarnation because some are addicted to assholes and being them. It's the only way to survive here, to take on new tasks and challenges sent your way. I didn't know it at first but it look lots of life training and experience, so, we'd agree that life is something of the sort. The only way to escape and get nirvana is detachment and good karma.
We're all addicted to something which is why we're here, being paid, to do it and get it, and get that rush. We sometimes forget this. And most could not even know. But someone can be addicted to food, and want to re-experience this realm just so they can keep eating over and over and never learn - but replace eating with anything and you have it. When you die you could come back, no one knows, and there's different ones, so it could be the same or a new person or even an animal/insect in the future. The more lives you live, supposedly, the more lessons you learn then you can finally stop helping people and gracefully transcend and become one. There is no answer anywhere. Some get a shitty roll of the die and are born into poverty, eventually being killed by it, unable to overcome its presence.
I refuse to be used as someone's drug so they can get more than their fair share of resource, because lies and backstabbing make the human race thrive. That's where psychology and moral philosophy come in, with even just a basic understanding of contemporary neuroscience including the history of culture and past & present/current models of biology, physics, computer science, and art come in. You can't just master one thing and think you've earned the right to be cock of the rock. You're the cock of nothing! And I learned this weeks ago. You can "learn" it as many times as your brain needs to. Doesn't change the fact that, at the end of the day, we all still die and can miss out on life to the fullest. I started out more a hermit, and still am an introvert no matter what, but I can't use any function I want like Fe, Se, Fi, or Te, to live a complete life. Te is INTPs last function, if you are one, because Ti is the first so it's reversed and opposite. You need to work it even harder for that. You'll get Fe, and Ne, if you use Ti as an INTP but if you use everything you can pull Te out there easily.