Musk has gotten $5 billion in state subsidies to spend on his sci-fi fantasies. I'd say take those 5 billion and spend them on trying to fix things here on earth - the planet we are supposed to live on. E.g. try to stop human trafficking, build some schools in Africa, do medical research, or any...
I believe Musk claims to have plans of making a colony of a million people by 2040.
If a colony is to survive, let alone thrive and sustain itself on anything besides taxpayer money from earth, they need some way of producing food, clothes, tools, infrastructure, machinery etc. Unless they plan...
I am aware of the ice situation. That's quite besides the point, however. On earth we have oceans, loads of precipitation, lakes, rivers. Comparing that to some ice scattered around Mars and call it "lots of water" .. I'm not sure if that is a fair assessment. The point is that the environment...
So, as we all know, our contemporary Messiah Elon Musk has the idea of shipping humanity over to Mars in case things turn to shit here on earth.
To assess that idea, let us take a look at some realities of life on earth.
Take Europe. Historically, eastern Europe has always been less prosperous...
Based on what I saw on the INTJ forum, they spend about 40% of their energy trying to figure out how to combat their loneliness, 40% on trying to prove to the world how supposedly smart they are, and 20% on masturbating.
Work, the business world etc, is largely anti-intellectual but it provides variety and experience. Academia is purely intellectual, provides a safe-space for egg heads. I've also been tempted to go back to it, but as you say, it's an Apollonian endeavor. You don't really get to live. You just...
I think the question is not necessarily about the nature of a machine's cognition or its free will, but whether the machine can have unpredictable behavior. For example if you somehow instruct a machine to optimize human well-being, and this machine is complicated enough to deduce actions not...
Agree with ya, Haim. This interdependency effect has definitely been apparent in the markets. Perhaps a better example is the 2010 flas crash. They tried to blame it on orders sent by this one guy trading from his parent's house, which shows that either 1) things are so complex and fragile that...
I guess it would be an insurance against it doing physical damage. However, as long as you can communicate with this machine using any sort of electronic transmission, you cannot guarantee that it will not do damage to technology on earth, very much like you cannot guarantee the protection of...
First of all, actively looking for studies that support your preconceptions is called confirmation bias, and will always lead to unreliable inference.
I'll agree the study you linked is a pretty good one though. It has some interesting discussion on evolutionarily designed differences between...
Yourmother, the paper they reference in the bigthink article is a study that used prefrences that people in Boston and San Diego in US showed on online-dating sites. So already here I know that any conclusion they draw is useless
Unless it is "women in Boston and San Diego wrote such and such...
Well, with that I do concur, sir
As for empirical evidence, I guess I can only speak from personal experience. I have gone out *a lot* at this point, though, with varying levels of personal economy and physical shape. I think I must have talked with several hundred women at this point (I...
I'm already doing it, dude. There's nothing harsh about it, it's just not true. I'm in the gym every day (except Fridays) and make actual 6 figures. It's just that I know for a fact that women don't give a damn about that. I'm doing that stuff for my own sake.
If getting in shape ang getting a...
- Maximize caffeine and nicotine intake during weekdays, alcohol in the weekends
- Maintain erratic sleep- and eating habits
- Distract yourself with various stimuli as the sole method for dealing with unpleasant emotions
I agree they lack pragmatism. They have been sold a lie though: just study whatever you want, preferably jump between a series of different studies to prolong your adolescence, acquire a huge student debt, and in the end you'll be a star who's gonna change the world. But then they graduate and...
Baby boomers responsible and independent? They belong to arguably the most pampered, narcissistic generation in history.
And the reason millennials are living with their parents is not lack of responsibility. Insanely inflated housing prices and shrinking job market are the reasons. As has...
I think that very analytical, introverted people don't realize how most people actually generate their verbal fluency: it's repetition, recurring patterns. If you talk with enough people, you'll realize that most conversations can be fully reconstructed from bits of previous conversations...
Popper has been harshly criticized from all possible angles ever since he came up with falsificationsim. There is a very broad array of theories that have attempted to displace his philosophy. Almost all of them seem to be some sort of attempt at forcing induction into scientific inference, like...
Well, for example the first integral is from negative infinity to positive infinity of sin(x) / (x^2 + 2x + 2).
Those are difficult integrals, though. They would require complex-analysis techniques, e.g. residue theorem.
I think most science philosophers would disagree with you. Since Karl Popper, scientific knowledge has been understood to be mostly deductive via falsificationism. You make a theory X, and perform an experiment. If X was not falsified, you have corroborated the theory, otherwise you know X is...
Did you read my response to higs? If anything, it should be offensive to men, not women. Once again - show me a quote where I attacked or demeaned women. You made an accusation. Let's see the evidence.
Re: My dating website profile
I don't think what she wrote here was a decisively overt case of that, but that is my general claim regarding female advice on this topic, yes.
Obviously I am protecting my self-interest in being a man without having to apologize for it. Not sure what is wrong with...
Re: My dating website profile
The way things are going now, male sexuality is being reduced to some obscene, offensive disease – men cannot engage interactions in real life because that is deemed sexual misconduct. So they will have to find other ways, like online dating. But even here...
QT, based on your last pm, your confusion might be cleared up if you consider the fact that
x = x
is always true. So if you have 3x = x + x +x, each x must necessarily refer to the same object. If any one of them can satisfy x != x (i.e. x is not equal to x) then your math doesn't make...
Re: My dating website profile
Well, when you are giving advice that to me sounds like a bunch of nonsense, I would be inclined to ask for the basis of your opinions. I am someone who actually has some experience with online dating, and better yet – I have had the chance to observe online...
No offense but this just doesn't sound credible to me. It sounds like something you wish to be true, but is limited to that – an abstract ideal. It sounds weird that you would limit the information from the pictures to these crude, objective facts without any consideration of the intuition you...
As a woman once told me, they don't really read the text at all. The pictures is all that matters. In fact they can infer all kinds of things from the pictures, and with an uncanny precision at that, which are completely imperceptible to the average male.
So I would focus on the visuals and...
There are situations where intuition, as opposed to a rational thought process, arrives at useful conclusions. But you seem to say that simply because you can predict what either process results in, they are interchangeable. When it comes to actions one carries out in life, that's a useless...
I don't think I would be able to speak of one language that is the favorite in general. It all depends on circumstances.
For general scripting, prototyping: Python
Statistics, machine learning, data analysis: R
High-performance code, heavy computations: C++
But if I would have to pick one...
Survivorship bias makes you ignore the cemetery of losers – in this particular case the vast sea of books as good as, or even much better than, HP, that didn't get lucky enough to win the popularity contest. So you start looking at properties of the survivors, fooling yourself about what...
God, how I wish a zombie apocalypse actually happened. Life would be pure, with an uncompromisable purpose: kill zombies and survive.
Leader 7
Rebel 6
Loner 4
Stay-at-Home 3
Watchdog 3
Voice of Reason 3
Zombie Bait 1
Scout 0
Second in Command 0
As with any language, you start by learning its syntax, operators, data structures, primitive types, and built-in utilities. Then it's a matter of becoming comfortable with using all that stuff by solving problems – e.g. the ones at project euler
Sounds like a big scam if you ask me. If you're looking at charts, I can guarantee you that you will not make money in the long run
@OP I guess I'm reasonably happy, or at least not too repulsed by being a finance quant. The market is always changing and there is always new stuff happening...
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