<part 2>
Your boss is diabetic and a complete asshole, is it immoral to occasionally bring a box of really sugary donuts to work to share with your colleagues? You don't know whether or not your boss is going to risk making his diabetes worse by eating the donuts but by sharing them with your colleagues he's implicitly welcome to partake of them.
It's not immoral (immoral? Really??) if the bulk of the group can eat the donuts. It might be nice if you found a snack on occasion, though, that he could partake in. Face it, no matter what you buy, someone will probably have an issue with something... so it's up to folks to enjoy what's enjoyable and meanwhile take care of their own needs.
Trump is on fire, would you piss on him to save his life?
My bladder is simply not big enough to put out that dumpster fire.
Should a man pay for everything on a date, or rather should a woman let the man pay if he wants to?
Who pays depends on what we agreed to. If he tells me HE is taking ME out, then I think I expect him to pay. If he says, "Hey, want to catch a pizza and a movie?" I'm open to paying my own way. If we become a thing, maybe we'll trade off. If it makes him feel good to pay for me, then I'll let him pay. If I want to pay for him at some point, he should let me pay. It's less about who pays and how you read each other and the expectations that come along with paying.
You are in a lift with a hot woman/guy. He/she is visibly flirting with you. You desperately need to fart...like, it hurts your ass.
I am a stealth farter, so it's less about sound and more about whether I think it's ripe or not, since I have no one to pin it on. HOWEVER, if it's someone I know who will think it's funny and not hold it against me, I might just go for it.
Am I actually going to score in the lift? It's been so long... it's hard to work that into the answer.
Okay, you’re walking on the sidewalk, you left your wallet at home and you only have a $2 coin(/note/whatever your currency is). You’re holding it as you get close to the bus stop ready to catch the next bus. You trip and it falls into a homeless persons begging cap on the ground. Do you pick it out and get on the bus, or do you suck it up and walk home?
It depends on how far away I live. If it is reasonably walkable, I'd probably walk.
This happened to me today, you're getting on the bus and in front of you is an older man who is quite clearly missing all the fingers on his right hand, he's got one of those two wheel carts with what appears to be a heavy load on it and the bus floor is about 30cm/12inch off the ground, do you help him or mind your own business?
I help him. of course, especially, if he looks like he's struggling.
Your bf/ gf is allergic to your cat, do you get rid of your cat?
I probably would not be dating someone who is allergic to my cat to the degree I would have to get rid of it. it's like smoking, I'd probably not pursue someone who smokes to start with because I have respiratory problems. [hey, there's the opposite question -- "do you dump your girlfriend if she can't handle you smoking?"]
I guess if it was one of those "my god I so love this guy" things and he really could not tolerate my cat, though, (so I was already deep in), then I'd try to find a loving home for my cat.
Your war buddy is covered in third-degree burns, mutilated beyond recognition, and screaming for you to end his life. Do you shoot him in the head, thus violating the Geneva Conventions, leading to a court martial and almost certainly jail time for war crimes, or do you let him suffer for the untold hours it takes him to die on his own?
Does it actually violate the Geneva Convention to shoot your buddy in the head if he's going to die and is begging for relief? I don't know the laws. Are we in a hospital room or out on the field of battle? Because there you can just shoot him in the head and claim he got shot, I guess. I mean, come on. Or just smother him to death or something. Don't ask me.
There has to be SOME kind of more reasonable "situation" where you can off him, rather than this scenario. He should have his suffering ended.
Park in disabled parking area in an emergency?
Depends on the emergency, and are you REALLY saying I can't find an equitable place that isn't in a disabled spot close by? Even if I just get in trouble for some other reason for my parking job?
Sorry, I have a disabled friend who constantly complains about the asshats taking the disabled spots. She has a point that I am now very sensitive to.
You are accidentally given access to a database that has sensitive information about the government in your country. The revelation of this information would probably result in the deportation of your family and friends, but would also prevent the outbreak of war between your country and a powerful enemy. What do you do?
I would try to find alternate ways to release the information if it protects the people I care about. If not, I would give my loved ones time to prepare before releasing the information, or try to find a way where I only take the blame. In the end, I would have to release it.
You have a magic serum that can be used to restore a beloved elderly pet to youth and match it's lifespan to yours (or even resurrect a dead pet), or you can use it to save the life of some random adult human you've never met or will interact with in the future.
You're casually playing a MTG/Yugioh game with a 10 yo boy. Do you play nice to enjoy the game with him or do you crush him to let him learn about competitiveness of the game?
Oh jeez. I crushed my eldest kid at checkers all the time when he was five. Over time, I decided this was bad and I needed to give him some flex, to encourage him to keep trying... which made a marked improvement in his game. (and, uh, guess what? Even at age six, he almost then beat me once or twice... so... it's not like I had to hold back as much as I thought.)
Anyway, it depends why you are playing and whether you care if the boy sticks with it and what you know about him (i.e., will whomping him discourage him or will it spur him to try harder?) I know that says something about me, since it's not really about what thrill I get from winning but about the impact on the other person, which is what I am more concerned with.
If it's a peer, though, all gloves are off.
Someone asks you to tell them what you really think of them. You have lots of issues with them but were actively avoiding broaching the topic. Do you tell them exactly what you think or do you hold back for some reason?