Black Rose
An unbreakable bond
I ware glasses and I got them at age 15. I do not know if I needed them sooner but if I did need them sooner I wonder how this effected my development negatively?
I ware glasses and I got them at age 15. I do not know if I needed them sooner but if I did need them sooner I wonder how this effected my development negatively?
Is there a reason you are asking? What's your hypothesis here / what issue are you trying to explain?
I was thinking that my vision got worse because after I got them I would read with them on. Before when I would look at the white board I guess that the teachers wrote at the size I could see but when I got the glasses I noticed I could see the leaves on the trees well riding in the car. Letters never got that small on the white board and so I am thinking that now I cannot even see letters the size I would see them when I was 15. I would guess that maybe when I was 12 I would see the leaves, I do not remember. Does vision get that bad in only 3 years? Or must it happen in childhood? I think that if you cannot see well you have a harder time building up neural models of your environment. And I think this would be a reason I do not play fast video games well along with my low dexterity. I cannot type, I hen peck and I would think this would also be a developmental handicap with vision if the analogy holds. I never spent that much time on my sensory modalities, I read lots of books.
as far as being bad at video games -- you're talking about a lot of interacting body systems at that point, I can't really guess whether it's due to eyesight, or simply not having fast reflexes, or thinking/processing versus just reacting to things you are seeing, etc. i.e., a lot of potential variables I could see contributing to that. What are your normal reflexes like? Are you capable of playing sports, throwing/catching balls, etc.? Can you juggle? Do you find it easy to drive a car, if you do? What about bike riding? Can you respond quickly to things and with coordination?