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Search results

  1. Tony3d

    Fe inferior

    That was just silly... Stop wasting my time, if you want to talk about Fe then we can talk about Fe, my problem is none of your business.
  2. Tony3d

    Fe inferior

    Dux, you have too much time on your hands... You worry about me more that I worry about me, and that is just weird. You overthink this stuff... My situation can be explained in a lot less sentences than your previous post. I get an overabundance of validation from all sorts of sources on a...
  3. Tony3d

    Fe inferior

    I am not taking anything out on anyone. I am just saying, for validation or approval to be worth anything it has to be something that is earned and not just something someone gives away because they think they are being nice. It is never about overcompensating, it is just letting my feeling...
  4. Tony3d

    Fe inferior

    Ne is the thing that makes us appear human and makes humans appreciate us. It can function as a false extroversion if you so choose, just read the patterns and social interaction becomes easy for Ne. But it isn't real. But you couldn't be more wrong on the pride thing. Since when has Ti had...
  5. Tony3d

    Fe inferior

    That is easily Fe, by far. I don't care one bit about 5-8, so I won't answer that one.
  6. Tony3d

    Fe inferior

    I don't need validation from someone who gives it away as easily as you. But anyways, if you want to take your Fe for a walk, don't do the whole touchy feely thing, that is too out of character and akward. What you want is to harness the strength of your Fe. Go out in public and just...
  7. Tony3d

    Fe inferior

    I invision my Fe side as a Lion. It isn't evil or good by nature, it is simply wild. It is immature and untamed by society and will react in extream ways. Wild and powerfull and unpredictable isn't bad as long as you put a leash on it. I will harness that power and bring it up when I am...
  8. Tony3d

    Fe inferior

    Don't surpress it, harness it. Use that raw, untamed, unpredictable power when the situation calls for it, and then stick it back in when it would be troublesome. It is a wild beast, you can't just cage it up and expect it not to fight back. Take it for walks regularly.
  9. Tony3d

    Achieving financial independence

    I like to keep expenses low, but I also have no intention of saving for my retirement, because I will probably be dead long before I ever reach that.
  10. Tony3d

    Careers that encourage creativity, logic, management/teamwork?

    Build a videogame of some sort.
  11. Tony3d

    Suicidal Feelings

    Or seeing a psychiatrist could be the worst thing to ever happen to him. My opinion has always been, fix what is wrong with you life, don't go to a psychiatrist to tell you how to be happy with it being wrong...
  12. Tony3d

    Developing our Fe as we grow up

    Honestly, it sounds like Intuition and not Feeling to me... For both of you. It sounds like a recognition of patterns in peoples social behaviours, you understand the cause and effect of your actions. That isn't the same as understanding peoples emotions. I use my Ne as a false...
  13. Tony3d


    I don't think there is any backing to that theory at all... I am farsighted and intoverted.
  14. Tony3d

    What are you currently playing? Rate it.

    That is what I am playing now... Biggest con... There is absolutly no reward for winning, there is no satisfaction from winning this game. Other than that, it is great. Could use some better interactions with the NPCs, you interaction with your fellow world leaders is quite limited.
  15. Tony3d

    Fictional Female INTP characters?

    I don't know about Vulcans as a whole... Every time you see some Vulcan high commander or something that the crew interacts with, they display very INTJ type attitude. Spock and T'Pol and the more human friendly Vulcans seem to display more Ti/Fe, but in general I think Vulcans tend to be very...
  16. Tony3d

    Watch Out For THEM!

    I think when everyone signs up for the forum they should be assigned a random letter, A B or Q So then everyone who was randomly assigned a Q will automatically hate anyone who was randomly assigned a B and everyone who was randomly assigned and A must hate everyone who was randomly assigned a...
  17. Tony3d

    INTP Flaws

    INTPs are farsighted, they see very well from a distance but once they get up close things become all blurry.
  18. Tony3d

    Does anyone else get impatient with small talk and try to 'jump' to the good part of conversation?

    Not learning how to master small talk is illogical, and I can't see how any INTP wouldn't want that strategic advantage in life. Small talk in a sensor's game in my opinion, but external intuiters are simply better at it once they finally learn. The way I look at it, the goal is not to have...
  19. Tony3d

    What are you thinking about?

    Ya, that came easy for me, I knew what my niche was since the early part of my highschool days. It pays good, has oportunities to get jobs all over the world, I enjoy it, it always leaves oportunities to learn new stuff, and I am damn good at it when I set my mind right. So I don't think about...
  20. Tony3d

    What are you thinking about?

    Well, if something is easy to obtain, then why would you need to put in the effort of thinking about it all the time? If I wanted a high paying job I could get that pretty easily, so I don't spend my time sitting around and thinking of ways to obtain that. If I wanted to get good grades in...
  21. Tony3d

    Free Food (for those in the U.S. at least)

    They kick puppies for fun.
  22. Tony3d

    What are you thinking about?

    When I am not thinking about women, then I am thinking about something that will in the long term help me get more women... For example, I am applying for jobs in multiple different countries at the moment, and when I am thinking about a potential job the first thing that comes to my head is...
  23. Tony3d

    Ex-INTPs' support group

    So, are you saying that you are actually Ti/Fi and not Ti/Fe or Te/Ti? How would you explain your Fe or Te, are they existant?
  24. Tony3d

    Forgetting to Eat

    I do this all of the time, way too much. Usually only 20 - 24 hours at a time, but 48 like you said is not unheard of.
  25. Tony3d

    Ex-INTPs' support group

    INTP is Ti/Fe INFP is Te/Fi That isn't a slight shift, that is a total rebuild from the foundation up... That makes you an external thinker and totally takes away that external feeling wild beast that is typical of feely type INTPs and replaces it with a controled and calm inner feeling...
  26. Tony3d

    Good Countries for Finding a Job

    Asia is a very broad thing to say... and "not Greece" is an even more broad thing to say, considering that over 99% of the world falls into the category of "not being Greece". Mexico would be fun, and I like Latina girls, but I don't know if there would be much prospects for furthering my...
  27. Tony3d

    Just George signing in

    Nobody... I just wanted to be part of a group for once... *sulks back into the solitude of my INTP cave*
  28. Tony3d

    Good Countries for Finding a Job

    So, I am in the United States, and I just got out of college recently, and I thought it might be cool to work in another country for 2 to 5 years or something like that. So, if any of you are from outside the states or have had previous expereince working outside the states, I will take...
  29. Tony3d


    Cooking is a Ti activity for me. I cook because it is cheaper than having to go buy food cooked by other people, and it is more benificial to remain independent then to have a girlfriend cook for me, because then she starts to try to move in and ruin my life and such... It is all strategy.
  30. Tony3d

    Just George signing in

  31. Tony3d

    the coolest spider in the world

    So.... Even INTP women are afraid of spiders... You learn something new every day I guess.
  32. Tony3d

    Just George signing in

    What is it with ENTPs and smilies? And when are we going to get a regular frowny face smile for me to use in response to everything?
  33. Tony3d

    Humiliation: Prominent Emotion of the INTP?

    So now we are being put on the level of ENTPs... The hummiliation cannot get any worse... (did you know that out of all the smilies on this website, there is not just a standard frowny face to use... sigh...)
  34. Tony3d

    I wrote a game.

    I can't get it to play...
  35. Tony3d

    INTP main character in a movie?

    I don't know about movies, but the anime, Code Geass is completly written around an INTP character being put in all sorts of INTP situations and the main antagonist is completly based on ESFJ (INTPs shadow) and how that conflicts with INTP mindset.
  36. Tony3d

    Forcefully thrown off path

    I am currently in the middle of trying to figure out if it is possible for me to actually reach my dreams while at the same time get what I need emotionally. The thing is, I have far more than enough ability to get the job of my dreams and even become a legend at it, but doing so may very well...
  37. Tony3d

    Humiliation: Prominent Emotion of the INTP?

    Humiliation... never Deep rooted shame basically guides every emotion I have, but not the kind of short tern humiliation that you have mentioned.
  38. Tony3d

    Calling all ENTP.ORG Regulars

    I am getting out of here before I have to kill myself...
  39. Tony3d

    Calling all ENTP.ORG Regulars

    Who the hell is coming up with all these smiley things? Really... really...
  40. Tony3d

    Ask an NTJ

    It is so incredibly INTP to take a topic about asking questions of an NTJ and turn it into solving his logical delima. Muwahahahaha...
  41. Tony3d

    Maintaining friendships

    If that is your definition of friend, then I have 100s of friends. But to me, if someone is not willing to make time for you every once in a while, not willing to invest a little bit into seeing you, then they are not your friend at all. Being able to pick up conversations like that is totally...
  42. Tony3d

    Calling all ENTP.ORG Regulars

    It was funny, for a while there they only deleted a handful of ENTP drama bomb posts, and it made it appear that they were accusing me of destroying the ENTP forum (I was not even aware it existed...), because I was the person who just so happened to post right before the grand mastermind...
  43. Tony3d

    Good Day

    I'm sorry... I am another lonely wanderer in the night that sufferers from the disease that you call INTP.
  44. Tony3d

    Calling all ENTP.ORG Regulars

    Hurray! The day is saved. Aren't INTPs great? (all ENTP should respond with a compliant "yes sir")
  45. Tony3d


  46. Tony3d

    Calling all ENTP.ORG Regulars

    Noise? As in the epic ENTP drama bomb that has fallen apon this quiet and peaceful region of the interwebz?
  47. Tony3d

    Calling all ENTP.ORG Regulars

    To me, the most immportant part of typing a person is finding out whether or not they are Ti/Fe or Te/Fi. The order of the traits don't matter to me as much. Ne is something I can turn on at will, flipping a lightswitch and instantly becomeing a totally different machine. Fe doesn't ever...
  48. Tony3d

    Calling all ENTP.ORG Regulars

    Don't let them fool you, behind the walls of logic, all INTPs are sensitive souls. :phear:
  49. Tony3d

    I am not broken

    Don't be ridiculous, Dux, I don't owe you and explination of my own personal life. I come here to discuss situations that vaguely resemble the kind of issues I might find myself in, but never the actual isues I have, because in that case you could never truly understand, and the effort I would...
  50. Tony3d

    I am not broken

    You are a drama queen, Dux... I am not here to discuss me, I am here to discuss the world.
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