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Search results

  1. Tony3d

    I am not broken

    I do not have a problem that needs to be fixed... That is the whole point of this... The point of this was to start some sort of discussion on how the world seems to want to "fix" people and wittle them down to some kind of least common denominator in order to fit what they want. I am not...
  2. Tony3d

    I am not broken

    Fe cannot be turned inward, it can only be healed through external validation. External validation cannot be earned however, through being needy of external validation. So the only logical thing to do is just totally reject and not accept the fact that I was hurt to begin with. Then there are no...
  3. Tony3d

    I am not broken

    Don't mock me, I reject your pity, I reject your weakness. Only the strong have the strength to survive, and only the strong can protect the weak. But there is no one on protect me, so the only option is to become stronger. Anything else, I simply reject as illogical.
  4. Tony3d

    I am not broken

    Healing is for the weak. Healing is for those that are weak enough to accept the emotional scars of life. I reject them, I don't accept the pain, it is logistically wrong and thus it cannot hurt me. If it brought me pain, it is my fault for wrongly veiwing the situation as something that could...
  5. Tony3d

    I am not broken

    Hugs are for the weak, those that want acceptance for being too weak. I will not be weak, I will not forsake my logic and fall into a pit of Fe pitty and look to others for comfort. If the logic I have presented thus far in my life is not good enough, then I shall simply become stronger, I...
  6. Tony3d

    I am not broken

    You are just a big drama queen. An over feely INTP like myself, but one that strays to the soft and cuddly side of things. I perfer to let hate and regret guide me, those are much more reliable emotions for one that can't seem to understand the childish and untamed nature of his own Fe. The...
  7. Tony3d

    You asked for it...

    INTJ, ENTJ, ISTP, and ESTP all share the traits, Fi,Te,Ni,Se. In that regards I cannot understand you, because I am exactly the opposite in every regards. However, I do beleive that a person can at any given time be any of those three. I beleive that the four traits are constant, but the order...
  8. Tony3d

    I am not broken

    What is coldplay? Is that some kinky kind of Eskimo sex?
  9. Tony3d

    I am not broken

    So why does everyone tell me I need to be fixed?
  10. Tony3d

    Human hive mind.

    If mankind were to work together as a hive mind, then external competition would be minimal at best. Without competition amoung ourselves, humans would remain primative and simple creatures simply providing the required amounts of nourishment that is required for the group as a whole to survive...
  11. Tony3d

    I am curious to hear how other INTPs act day-to-day.

    When I am reading, I don't think about anything else. But I don't read very much anymore because I usually want to be actively doing something, and when I do want to relax, I can think of several more relaxing activities than reading. I am super decisive on things of a logical manner, and...
  12. Tony3d


  13. Tony3d

    Seeking any form of guidance.

  14. Tony3d

    Are you ever happy?

    I get what you are saying in most situations. However, I do sometimes think it would be better to be in a 3rd world country with people that love you, people to fight for, than it would to be in a 1st world country, with absolutly everything you need to continue on your meaningless existance...
  15. Tony3d

    Were you military?

    I honestly didn't think it was possible for INTPs and millitary to mix...
  16. Tony3d

    Odd sense of humor

    I absolutly can't stand stuff like Tim and Eric, and the fact that they allow stuff like that on TV makes me kindof sick thinking about it... Just being blunt... I personally found the frist two of the three Matrix movies to have incredible humor in them. Same thing with shows like...
  17. Tony3d

    INTP's and video games

    I have found that I am better than average at most any games. Back in the day when Halo was the biggest game around, I would enter tournaments with my buddies that were much more hardcore about it than me, but I would be better than anyone else there, besides the two wanabee major league games...
  18. Tony3d

    Love + the INTP Female

    It sounds like you should stay away from INTP guys and go find a Feeling type guy. You need someone who is strong and secure and confident in his own feelings, that way you can feel safe to feel and then grow as a person in result. When you know that he will emotionally be there to catch you...
  19. Tony3d

    One does not simply....

    I personally beleive that and INTP can easily turn ENTP temporarily and even go ISFJ or ESFJ. I don't beleive the functions can change, an INTP will alway be made up of Ti,Ne,Si, and Fe but I beleive that you can very much change the value you are putting on each of those 4. You can...
  20. Tony3d

    Another newcomer here!

    INTPs... friendly... :confused: You are one weird chick to say something like that... But one more point, people are socially drawn to people that add value to them. That is what a good leader is, a person who adds value to the people around him or her. INTPs by nature don't really do...
  21. Tony3d

    Hi there

    I was like that when I was your age, I didn't care much for social conversations and such... But over the years the isolation ended up driving me crazy and not I am a sad robot with multiple personalitites. My shadow external feelings came out in a total rage because they had been sufocated for...
  22. Tony3d

    No1 likes me

    You seem to cynical, I would probably kick you in the face if we were in the same room. Stop trying to bring me down.
  23. Tony3d

    Hey, Strangelings.

    So am I, it is my weird combination of how my Fe and Ne react together that causes this mostly. From my expereince, Fe sees the world through Si in the same way that Ti sees the world through Ne. My Si has a very idealistic and rather childish view of who I am and what I diserve. My Si...
  24. Tony3d

    Caring what people think

    My Ti cares whether or not my boss hates me or thinks I am a great worker, because that could make the difference between me getting good hours and assignments or being left with all the crap work. My Ti cares whether the people I meet while networking like me or not, because if they don't, I...
  25. Tony3d

    Hey, Strangelings.

    I've never met an INTP that had even a trace of Fi... hmmmm...
  26. Tony3d

    Another newcomer here!

    INTPs consist of... 1. Internal Thinking (Ti) 2. External Intuition (Ne) 3. Internal Sensing (Si) 4. External Feeling (Fe) My personal opinion on INTPs (may or may not be right, hasn't been tested enough to be conclusive, such a matter is far to broad) So, Ti is basically the absolute...
  27. Tony3d

    INTP Female, Struggling w/ Feeling Togetherness

    Ne is your friend and an incredibly powerful tool for INTPs. It is probably the only reason I can stand being an INTP at times. From my personal expereince, the INTPs that I have known that have not worked on their Ne have all been very miserable people, not just in themselves, but to be...
  28. Tony3d

    Drinking Alone

    I don't need therapy, I need people I can trust. ;)
  29. Tony3d

    INTP writing style

    I think there is a dark poet inside of every INTP...
  30. Tony3d

    Drinking Alone

    The pure logic comforts me, it is the disharmony between that and my uncharacteristically strong shadow that really bothers me. It is when Fe comes up that things get messy, it is when my Ti exhausts itself trying to find a way to save my Fe from the loneliness that things always break down...
  31. Tony3d

    Do you belong here?

    I honestly don't particularly like INTPs in general... I just come here out of pure curiosity to see what conclusions other people with my "condition" have made of it in life and in theory... I am too feely and externally framed to fit in with most INTPs, this disharmony in my own personality...
  32. Tony3d

    Drinking Alone

    I can drink 6 nights a week and still not be an alcoholic. ;) The simple fact is, I hate alcohol, it is just on some occasions I hate thinking more than I hate the alchohol. There is zero desire for the alcohol itself or the feeling it brings.
  33. Tony3d

    Drinking Alone

    I used to drink alone until I passed out at least 5 or 6 days a week... Sometimes I just want it to all go away, all the thoughts, all the pent up anger at the people around me that I never let out, all this searching for a way to be happy when there are no answers available, all this hating...
  34. Tony3d

    Drinking Alone

    I only drink alone, and I only drink when I have thoughts in my head that won't stop spinning. When I have negative thoughts and no logical way to beat them, i just drink until those thoughts go away and I can sleep in peace.
  35. Tony3d

    Your dark side

    When I get in that state where I can no longer think of a possible way out, my whole Ti/Ne processes just shut down and let the most primative and immature side of my Fe take over. It isn't the innocent child Fe that I am acustomed to, but something wild and untamed. The only sign of my normal...
  36. Tony3d

    Love + the INTP Female

    I don't doubt that... But from my expereince INTPs feel emotions in one of two ways, they either almost completly shut them down and are not emotional at all, or they rarely have emotions, but when they do they are very immature, childlike, and explosive by nature. I am part of the...
  37. Tony3d

    Love + the INTP Female

    I don't think I could ever try to have any sort of romantic relationship with another INTP... INTP women are cool, but I think any relationship would be very, very bad.
  38. Tony3d

    Ne+Fe Socializing

    Ne... That is pretty much it, I use Ne and detect patterns in people and then I will match their energy level and make them feel comfortable. Ne has allowed this introverted robot to have a false extroversion, it makes people like me, but feeling never gets involved, so I never form bonds.
  39. Tony3d


    I beleive the exact oposite of the Ti/Fe relationship. There is nothing more dissatisfying to me than to boil down my Fe into the practicle usage or external aplication of my Ti... If my Fe cannot be valued on its own, then I am incomplete.
  40. Tony3d


    Why would you recomend an Fi over an Fe? Wouldn't another Fe make more sense?
  41. Tony3d

    Why bother doing anything?

    You see the truth in things, and you learn to control them. Realists are just people who have given up on their ability to change things. Knowledge is the power to change things.
  42. Tony3d


    Being caught up inside your own thoughts and your own crazy ideas will cause you not to pay as much attention to the world around you as you should. I know it is hard for an INTP, but try to stop thinking too much and let your Ne out a bit more.
  43. Tony3d

    Why bother doing anything?

    Logic can solve everything. If you truly are an INTP, use your logic to find happiness.
  44. Tony3d

    Career Choice & the Inferior Function

    And that is why I do this... http://www.tony3d.net/images/Fable3.jpg http://www.tony3d.net/images/snow3.jpg It is actually far more technical and systems driven than it is art, but it feeds my artistic desires enough that I don't get bored. I like to sit around and make systems that...
  45. Tony3d

    Help high school drop-out find a life purpose

    From what I have read so far in this and your other topic, it seems you are developing a pattern of accepting abuse because you somehow diserved it. That is not a healthy attitude. No one has the right to harm you. I understand that there is nothing you can do about it now, just be careful...
  46. Tony3d

    Are men and women naturally different psychologically?

    It sounds like your Fe has some pretty similar patterns to mine. It isn't something I find very often at all in INTPs. Honestly, I find that most feeling types don't even share that same basic love for humanity as a whole, I think it might be because they don't have that same ability to...
  47. Tony3d

    Help high school drop-out find a life purpose

    Get a crappy job somewhere, and then just be the best at it. This will help you clear your mind and move foward. If you get a job bagging peoples groceries, then make sure that you are the best damn grocerie bagger anyone has ever seen. Bag those groceries to perfection. That is what I was...
  48. Tony3d

    Help high school drop-out find a life purpose

    I know exactly what I want, but that has never made me feel complete. The only thing that really brings me peace is working hard and searching for knowledge. If you really want to go to that college you mentioned, then do anything and everything you can to make that a reality. That will...
  49. Tony3d

    I has video for yew.

    Maybe we are just too mean, so she took it down...
  50. Tony3d

    Are men and women naturally different psychologically?

    That is the same thing that drew me to art. It was far more of a challenge to understand than more concrete subjects, and even if I had a thousand years to study it, I would probably still never fully understand. But trying to break down the logic behind it brings me much joy. I feel the same...
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