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Search results

  1. Black Rose

    Therapists say the strangest things

    When I took the ADD meds the anxiety went away. When I took the depression meds the anxiety went away more. The problem with doctors is that these meds are not for anxiety so they are not prescribed for anxiety so the anxiety persists because doctors are stupid because the system is stupid. -...
  2. Black Rose

    Therapists say the strangest things

    I live by myself. Not in a group home.
  3. Black Rose

    Therapists say the strangest things

    Real tests are paramount to knowing what meds to give a patient. Normal people go to work and have to use their brains sometimes to get tasks done. The program I am in happens to be for mentally disabled people mostly. So, knowing what is happening to them is not that important, as long as...
  4. Black Rose

    Therapists say the strangest things

    With my therapist last week, I said something to the effect that I want to know what the cause of my mental illness is. My therapist said: "Could that be part of your mental illness?". In the group session, I said I get fear sensations when half asleep and half awake for 10 minutes. It is in...
  5. Black Rose

    Fundamentals of Woke: Immigration

    The UK is in Europe, Censorship is the norm. I heard long ago that people were arrested for mean tweets and regular internet activities.
  6. Black Rose

    Depression medication made me stoned

    They doubled my Mirtazapine. I took them last night. Anxiety is 1/5 of what it was previously. I feel normal but cannot think hard. I feel tired and sad, but not anxious.
  7. Black Rose


    If you know what to do you can be assertive. anger is not negative, but some underlying states feed anger that can be. anger keeps you safe and that is why it exists.
  8. Black Rose

    The Fundamentals of Woke

    That is hard to say cog. I was not criticizing men. Nor am I trans, and I like girls. I think that trans persons really do feel their gender is wrong. I do not feel like the wrong gender but I do feel sometimes effeminate. I do not believe in the oppression narrative. Not that people do not...
  9. Black Rose

    The Fundamentals of Woke

    In evolutionary terms, Babies gave women a distinct personality and men a distinct personality. i.e. pregnancy makes women act and be a certain way. Men then can be super aggressive as long as they keep the woman safe. And the woman can be super empathic as a default. Currently, I come across...
  10. Black Rose

    What is a chair?

    I was saying that there is a distribution of personality where we can have both systemimizing and empathizing equally or extremes where people have one or the other. And these two things do not need to be about what makes a person good or bad. Social and technical intelligence in a person is not...
  11. Black Rose

    What is a chair?

    Generationally language does change because each person comes into a different culture than their parents did. They read differently and depending on intelligence they absorb words differently. Systematization for example is used by Simon Baron Cohen to denote autism as opposed to empathizing at...
  12. Black Rose

    What is a chair?

    You are making up a false position of what Hado is saying, Hado must be woke otherwise you cannot say he is wrong. Where did Hado say he would let that tattooed person into any girl's bathroom, that is ridiculous. Where is Hado changing the definition of "woman". The fact is that you are saying...
  13. Black Rose

    What is a chair?

    being trans and claiming to be trans is not the same thing so you would need to know before anyone goes into any bathroom that makes things complicated because in public we don't know so what happens is that in public people go by looks people do stop others from actions they see as wrong to...
  14. Black Rose

    Robot Theory of Mind

    In this thread, I will explain the article I found about a brain model of the theory of mind in robots. We have an attention of what others know and what we know. This is recurrent in memory. When we see that others have a false belief this creates a conflict in the neuronal circuits. So we pay...
  15. Black Rose

    No Father?

    I am pretty much emotionally unstable in that I need emotional connections but lack them. Yet I do not seek them because I get rejected too often and can tell when that will happen. In attachment theory, it is called fearful attachment. The attachment style of needy people is also emotionally...
  16. Black Rose

    No Father?

    Cog posted this image: I am not 100% sure how the anime goes but in Evangelion, the girl Asuka saw her mother die at age 4. I do not recall what happened to the father. Asuka wanted to be recognized, so she did wild shit. I think that when no one sets boundaries for a person growing up, you...
  17. Black Rose

    My FBI agent used me for remote viewing?

    The person at the hospital does not necessarily need to be my personal FBI agent. I thought it was funny my roommate was all conspiratorial about it. But I do believe the meme has a basis in reality. This event happened 5 years ago. I thought it would be interesting to see if anyone would make...
  18. Black Rose

    My FBI agent used me for remote viewing?

    I am being consistent. My roommate is toying with me about what happened but may actually believe this FBI agent story himself because ISFP (believes in ufos, precognitive dreams, and supernatural events). So, 1. The man may not be an agent but he dressed like one. 2. He did take my map. 3...
  19. Black Rose

    Rose is dumb

    I will not question what others think. All this leads to is eternal frustration. I did in the past thought I could. Talking to people gave me something to do. Now there is nothing to do. But I tried to learn computers. I was not the best at doing this. However, doing nothing is worse. If I can...
  20. Black Rose

    My FBI agent used me for remote viewing?

    I was in the kid's unit at the time. So kids do strange things like draw maps when they need to get home?
  21. Black Rose

    My FBI agent used me for remote viewing?

    no, I was the janitor (Good Will Hunting) and I had to make sure things would be ok at Freedom Tower - emergencies require smart janitors. This guy I met had a suit and was super spiffy and official. At Mental Hospitals they have at least one person who makes sure that legal cases get done...
  22. Black Rose

    My FBI agent used me for remote viewing?

    Only when I was drawing the fire escape plans did the man actually look like an agent. And when he talked to me in that room. No, I do not think they were using me for remote viewing (my roommate is messing with me, or is a bit weird in their beliefs) but I do believe it was a real agent who...
  23. Black Rose

    This Site is SO WEIRD!

    exactly, you became more damaged sorry
  24. Black Rose

    This Site is SO WEIRD!

    I told you my views on God and freewill. So I will not talk about it.
  25. Black Rose

    This Site is SO WEIRD!

  26. Black Rose

    This Site is SO WEIRD!

    no, freewill is just a subject I do not believe you will understand my views. If you did not understand after all the time I spent trying to explain last time, then there is no reason to continue. I am blocking this thread.
  27. Black Rose

    My FBI agent used me for remote viewing?

    My roommate told me that in the hospital in 2019 the man who took my drawings and talked to me privately was using me as a remote viewer. I made 4 drawings about stuff. 1) my house fire escape 2) Star Trek hyperlains 3) medical math equations 4) a letter to the president miscellaneous 5) a...
  28. Black Rose

    This Site is SO WEIRD!

    I am sorry I damaged you talking about freewill. What I learned is that you cannot understand my reasons or my logic. That is why I refuse.
  29. Black Rose

    This Site is SO WEIRD!

    You are defensive, The reason you are like this is because we talked about freewill, If I talk to you about freewill again you will get even more damaged, so I will not talk to you about religion as of freewill.
  30. Black Rose

    This Site is SO WEIRD!

    So I am illogical(?) God would not approve of what you said here. You cannot change minds without understanding the other person. And you don't understand me. My ability to handle criticism goes way further than you give credit. But in the end, I've seen too many debates about religion...
  31. Black Rose

    This Site is SO WEIRD!

    Well if you show no respect why should others respect you? Thanks for dumbing it down for me like the middle school dummy I am. Yes, we balance government powers so one group does not dominate. Yes, people believe in religion but then people disagree. So as long as people like you show some...
  32. Black Rose

    This Site is SO WEIRD!

    You are allowed to do those things but no one has to listen. If you do not believe politics and religion are about a power struggle, Then maybe you should reconsider what those are? Even within those forums, I try to be civil but it is hard.
  33. Black Rose

    Problem Solving Mechanism of the Brain

    No one has to take it seriously but this is how I think the brain is partitioned to solve problems, it is not in 3D.
  34. Black Rose

    No Objective Truth = Anarchy

    cog is right Human intelligence is limited. There are things I want to do but cannot do without education. That means I need to take a certain place in society. And in that place, I will have a different perspective than anyone else. Maybe I know how something works other people don't. And...
  35. Black Rose

    Study tips for technical subjects

    There is no reason to do stuff whatever I do. Experiments cost money. Practically it is better not to break things you need. I make drawings but they are not practical.
  36. Black Rose

    Study tips for technical subjects

    I learned science by looking at the pictures. Maybe it is because I can't read (derp) But it is the technical stuff I can't do. Technical as in electrical mechanical and computer.
  37. Black Rose

    Problem Solving Mechanism of the Brain

    I am not an expert but I read Jeff Hawkins first book in 2004 - He said any signal translated into motion because brains are for motion. I did not understand much other than the part where he said signals go up and down a hierarchy. So if the brain makes wrong predictions it corrects them. This...
  38. Black Rose

    my meta-intelligence algorithm

    Basically, it is a memory box. It tries something and if that does not work tries something else. It remembers what happened and this builds up representations. These representations can be used to think ahead with an expansion rule. It self-organizes representations based on their...
  39. Black Rose

    Problem Solving Mechanism of the Brain

    I'm not sure what level of abstraction I should be looking at. Should it be mathematical? What is the explanation other than intelligence? Intelligence in some way requires attention, self-attention—and social interaction. So a biological system is supposed to be intelligent in some way...
  40. Black Rose

    Problem Solving Mechanism of the Brain

    I am glad you had the experience of going to a decent school during those years which are the most important to learning higher-level conceptions. I was not able to do so but I spent a good amount of time thinking about what intelligence is and how it could happen. I understand what it means to...
  41. Black Rose

    Problem Solving Mechanism of the Brain

    everyone has preestablished beliefs for self-control, people who stop themselves from acting carelessly can make better decisions. and the two main functions of brain cells are to inhibit or be excitatory. with the top-down control of the front brain we stop ourselves when needed because...
  42. Black Rose

    Problem Solving Mechanism of the Brain

    I believe that a simple problem-solving algorithm exists. I think it just needs to be scaled up as a recurrent network. - Problem-solving is a deconstruction internally and then implementation of some set of actions in levels of abstraction with a branched out recurrent network.
  43. Black Rose

    Problem Solving Mechanism of the Brain

    It references ACT-R That was developed in the 1980s Before then in 1970s the perception action cycle was the main model In 1992, Siri was made Anyway in the paper/book, I get that to solve problems you need to build representations of the parts and how they fit together. And if you try...
  44. Black Rose

    Problem Solving Mechanism of the Brain

    The brain is symmetrical. So both sides would need to communicate cortically and subcortically. And being in a 3D world the cingulate helps with balance in performing actions. So learning has some measure of weight on the sides where imbalance occurs. The amygdala is connected to the orbital...
  45. Black Rose

    Problem Solving Mechanism of the Brain

    please summarize the video does it say how problems get solved?
  46. Black Rose

    How does this work?

    Things are getting better, the car can now move back and forth from the driveway. All the parts will be fixed soon but the motor was falling out before. It was my emotional state that was the problem. I only had to be patient.
  47. Black Rose


    I realized what is most important to do, so yes I need to realize my goals are just about me being calm, I can do this by reconciling the need for approval and just being myself. I often get sad I think I am dumb but I realized I only need to have a new perspective which is my energy levels, and...
  48. Black Rose

    Change your Brainwaves Change your MBTI type?

    I am trying to increase Se by willpower, this requires me to settle my emotions. Ni's thoughts and sometimes anxiety keep me from looking at things.
  49. Black Rose

    The Foundation to Understanding Types

    The few types I know about I have not seen them interacting together. In a matrix, it would be 16x16 or 256 personal one-on-one interactions. I am not able to think in those terms yet. I barely understand types individually which took me 14 years because of all the noise out there about them...
  50. Black Rose

    Do I look "Autistic"?

    My roommate murmured that I was like his autistic wife a few weeks ago. I am male physically so it is strange, what characteristics was she seeing that reminded "him" of an autistic female? Since autism is a spectrum not all females are the same in autistic traits. My roommate is trans so they...
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