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Search results

  1. Scifi technology

    How is either one not you? There isn't a difference to tell. It does not mean you are two people, it means two people are you. It means there are two people with the same personality and the same memories of the time before the cloning took place. You use the word "consciousness" like...
  2. Scifi technology

    As long as the brain gets copied exactly too, what's the difference?
  3. Firefox 3: Impressions

    Woah, hold on. Make sure you need all these addons before you install them. Yeah, you need addons for speed dial and mouse gestures, but FF3 comes with an excellent reopen-tabs feature built in. Firefox 3 actually has a lot of features built in. Make sure it isn't there before you get an...
  4. Moods

    Nihilism doesn't have to be depressing. Don't be apathetic, be carefree!
  5. Why so black and white?

    I've actually done that on this forum. I think I've figured out why it happened, which is good, because that means I can avoid messing up so badly in the future. Maybe I'll still mess up, but not as badly.
  6. How are You today?

    I'm fine. I'm not in an exceptionally good mood right now, but I'm not unhappy either. I think the best word for this is "meh". I really made this post so I could post this link: http://xkcd.com/167/ Good attitude for avoiding depression.
  7. Who is your favorite comedian?

  8. Number Two

    Tekton's right. We shouldn't ban him, or at least not yet. Given time, either he'll start discussing coherently or he'll go away. If he still doesn't, then we ban him, but not for a while yet.
  9. Animal Type

    Hmm. Yes, his behavior does make more sense if you look at it that way. That could be it. Should he be banned?
  10. Animal Type

    Not to me it doesn't. Asking for more information to get the discussion to mean something is not at all unusual for Rationals (NTs). What was that post for, anyway? I can't figure out what you meant. Please try to make sense.
  11. Rockstar's GTA a menace to society?

    Promotes gangs? No, the gangs are generally the antagonists. The only exception was in Ruby/Sapphire, in which one gang (the antagonists) tried to take over the world and an opposing gang tried to stop them. You got the other two right, though. Oh, and Mario advocates turtle-stomping.
  12. Why INTP and ENTJ?

    Wait, what?
  13. Disappearing posts

    No, some posts with links get through, just some don't. Especially posts with multiple links, especially when the links are close together. Advertisement posts often look like that.
  14. The Law: relevent to everybody?

    Everyone uses emotion in judgment, just to varying degrees. Some use emotion in judgment much less than average, but they still do use it.
  15. Doomsday scenario and what keeps society surviving

    Hey, I've read that! Well, some of it anyway. Actually, I thought of that when I read the original post in this thread, and I wondered if someone was going to bring it up.
  16. Rockstar's GTA a menace to society?

    Pokemon promotes cockfighting!
  17. Firefox 3: Impressions

    That's one of the major improvements of Firefox 3. It's faster, takes less memory, and is generally much less resource-intensive than Firefox 2.
  18. Doomsday scenario and what keeps society surviving

    Not mutually exclusive.
  19. How are You today?

    No, it isn't. I've been thinking about making this or a similar thread for a while now, I've just never gotten around to it (P).
  20. Would You Rather Be Happy Or Good?

    I posted exactly the same thing in different words a while ago in a different thread. [/offtopic]
  21. Disappearing posts

    OK, I guess that's why it's the posts with links that vanish most often.
  22. About Introverts

    I forgot to mention that the article is a little old. I found the link on a forum for people with autism and Asperger syndrome. And yes, he has a lot of stuff wrong, but also some stuff right. Look at the introduction section. Look at how many people have said that, when they found out they...
  23. hallo thar

    Of course you are! You haven't told us enough yet. Let's see what we know about you so far: You're an INTP You don't know any other INTPs You have a lot of time on your hands You can't expect to be considered interesting with nothing but that. If you want us to think of you as interesting...
  24. hallo thar

    Have you been paying attention? It happens all the time. On this forum, the posts range from tiny (1-5 words) to colossal (I think I saw one that was longer than 4 screenfulls on my laptop (running Firefox)).
  25. Nomic

    No. It's not a game about making laws that you think should apply in real life. Nomic is about amending the rules of Nomic. And you can't make rules without a vote, at least not at first. If you can get a rule passed that allows you to make rules without a vote, you can, but not until then...
  26. About Introverts

    I found http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200303/rauch another link. I wonder what he was trying to say when he wrote this:
  27. What is a friend?

    The words "love" and "friendship" only have meaning at all in English. Your post gives rough definitions of six Greek words sometimes translated as "love". Some of those are closer in definition to "friendship" than they are to "love".
  28. Firefox 3: Impressions

    I am also using it, and it is quite awesome.
  29. MBTI Ethics

    No, it implies that the test is not perfect for all purposes and must be handled carefully to avoid misinterpreting the results or getting incorrect results. It's not "Warning: This weapon is too dangerous and powerful for mere mortals to be trusted with it", instead it's "Warning: This weapon...
  30. enneagram poll

    Zero, I think 4 sounds more INFP than INTP.
  31. Definition of grok

    You're right. I seem to have gone and posted a half-formed idea again. I do that sometimes. I only realized this was a bad idea about a day after I had already posted it. The idea I posted has lead me to a few other, better ideas, but the original one was not good at all. As for trying to...
  32. Though a screen darkly (long)

    Welcome to this forum, where you can find an audience that will actually read your posts even when they're insanely long, like that one was.
  33. Jokes.

    I can do better than that! http://dynamic.xkcd.com/comic/random/
  34. Definition of grok

    That's why I said "try to". It isn't perfect, and it is possible to get something entirely wrong, but you can usually get a reasonable approximation. If you don't try, you never fail, but you never get anything even approaching success, either.
  35. Definition of grok

    OK, I've wanted to write about this for a while, but I haven't figured out how to say it until now. I'll start by quoting from a response I wrote to Zero: The Fool, as that is the path my thought process took and that is the best introduction I could come up with: I think a good approach is...
  36. Being Ignored

    Yes, I think it's that you bring up too many things in one post, and I feel like if I can't respond to the whole post all at once, I shouldn't respond at all. However, usually all of your points are good ones, so I don't recommend cutting down on that. Instead, I think it should be OK to...
  37. What is a friend?

    That isn't always the case; there are different kinds of friends. Also, the family doesn't always care. Abandonment does happen. Some people care, some people don't, whether they're family or not. It also depends on what you mean by "care". There are different kinds of caring, too. Also...
  38. definition of being smart

    Ooh! I have a link for this! http://steve-yegge.blogspot.com/2008/06/done-and-gets-things-smart.html This is at least partly relevant. I hope I didn't just derail the thread.
  39. Private Collectors

    To prevent this thread from being derailed, I would like to remind everyone that the topic of this thread is not what Cabbo and Melkor just said. Please carry on the original discussion.
  40. Help us with a forum logo

    Wrong. "X crusader" is supposed to mean "crusader for X", not "crusader against X". And JPEG does have legitimate uses, they just don't include any of these.
  41. loneliness

    Cynical pessimism is unhealthy. Cynical optimism is the way to go!
  42. J

    Ehh, I didn't mean only Js should answer. I meant everybody, but especially Js.
  43. Strategy

    Ooh! Ooh! I know! This thing!
  44. J

    Tekton, you need to work on grokking what other people are saying before you respond. Murkrow, when someone fails to understand what you have said, attempt to explain yourself more clearly before resorting to insulting sarcasm. --- Murkrow, what definition of "troll" are you using when you...
  45. Suicide

    How can you be sure that the suffering would last forever?
  46. J

    Yes, I think I could be described as one of the lower-functioning Ps. But hey, I'm just finishing my freshman year in high school, I shouldn't be expected to know exactly what I'm going to do with myself. Those seem like good ideas. You have some experience organizing INTPs, am I right...
  47. J

    It can be hard for people to fit their schedules to mine when I don't have a schedule. P types are often indecisive. How would you attempt to fit a new piece into a structure you're building when the piece can't decide what it's shaped like?
  48. Mistyping

    Murkrow or somebody, could you point me to the ENTJ description you're talking about that makes ENTJs look like jerks? I thought the one on typelogic wasn't so bad. An ENTJ I know told me about how, when she read the description, it was horrible because it was all true. Honestly, I haven't...
  49. Nomic

    At some point I came across a game called Nomic. The object of the game, at least at the start, is to change the rules of the game.
  50. I can has freedom?

    My high school (yes, it is public) is not a waste of time. It's fun being an exception.
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