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Search results

  1. What MBTI Type fits this description?

    I second what cryptonia said, because it's basically what I was going to say.
  2. Gender Roles

    Oh. Okays.
  3. Gender Roles

    I wasn't the one who said they should be treated equally. That was severus. I haven't chosen a side yet. I'm just tossing out arguments, mostly on the side that's getting less support. As for the kind of conversations you describe, those make me uncomfortable, and I'm a guy. Luckily, I'm...
  4. Gender Roles

    What if the men are wimps and the woman's an athlete?
  5. What MBTI Type fits this description?

    Actually, I think you should check all the ExxJ profiles. Maybe even all of the profiles.
  6. INTP BC

    Yeah, we were the ones who did all the interesting but pointless (or seemingly pointless) stuff. What did we do before computers? Invent computers!
  7. Gender Roles

    A man shouldn't beat a man, either.

    Have you tried defragmenting? That should make searching (as well as a lot of other things) at least a little faster.
  9. Fantasy Literature

    Ooh! How about The Eye of Argon?
  10. INTP personality and school

    Calm down, cryptonia, I know the difference between stupid and ignorant.
  11. INTP and Pets

    Do you really have a practical reason for everything you do? Also, a lack of practical reasons to do something is not necessarily a practical reason not to do it.
  12. INTP personality and school

    Ugh. I went to an IB middle school, and I don't like the IB program. My impression of the IB program is that it plays to strengths I don't have to compensate for weaknesses in my best subjects. My grades in middle school mattered a lot to me. I needed them to get into TJHSST, the geek high...
  13. Fantasy Literature

    Hmm. I may try reading The Wheel of Time at some point. Discworld, anybody?
  14. This board...

    Who doesn't have some "mental disorder" these days?
  15. Emotions...

  16. This board...

    No, it does sometimes, it just depends on how psycho they are and in what way.
  17. This board...

    Ah, OK, you meant it wasn't made to measure degrees of normality or lack thereof. It sounded to me like you were saying it doesn't work on weird people, but that wouldn't make sense, so I asked.
  18. This board...

    Wisp, I agree with most of that post. I think a lot of people were thinking that, but were too afraid to say anything. I was, anyway. Yay Wisp! (Just one question: what do you mean when you say the MBTI is meant to test normal people?)
  19. Emotions...

    A scene from a video game made me cry a while ago. I also refused to say more than a few words at a time to anyone for at least a couple of hours. For 1-3 weeks afterwards, the music from that scene (link) could make me cry. Video games can make it much easier to identify with the main...
  20. Why would all of my tests say I am NOT INTP but...

    Yeah, socionics makes much less sense to me, and the descriptions of socionics INTp/INTj types don't seem to fit me perfectly the same way that descriptions of MBTI INTPs do.
  21. Finally, people I can relate to

    You call that long? You call that threadjacking? You ain't seen nuthin' yet! Seriously, posts twice that long are not at all uncommon here. It's fine as long as it's split up into paragraphs. (But when it isn't... *shudder*)
  22. INTP personality and school

    Not the first time I've heard about that. :D
  23. Why would all of my tests say I am NOT INTP but...

    Socionics has a different definition for j/p than MBTI.
  24. INTP BC

    Yes. Even when it's just a day and a half, it still works. Especially during summer break, when I don't have to do homework.
  25. Old souls?

    Yes, I almost made a comparison to being drugged or drunk, but I stopped myself because I have no experience with either of those. When I get like that, I'm more likely to do something that will embarrass me later. (I have since realized that I hadn't quite sobered up even when I made that...
  26. Why are we here? (on this forum)

    That ^ yes.
  27. I AM the tumor in the earth's core.

    Hmm. Didn't realize it meant something outside of this forum. I was talking about the member of this forum called Melkor (link). He has a similar I-will-destroy-you-all attitude.
  28. I AM the tumor in the earth's core.

    Stop! Before you go any further, are you Melkor?
  29. Self Esteem

    Perseus, you're not speaking the same language as the rest of us. You're not using the same conceptual framework. Put down Keirsey and your animal typing for a moment and try to understand MBTI type theory. Otherwise you'll never be able to get your point across.
  30. Gender Roles

    Feminism is just as stupid as traditionalism (or whatever you call it). Men and women may be biologically inclined, on average, to do certain things, but if any individual is inclined differently than other men/women, there's no problem with that, either. It's not that women should be more...
  31. What it says on the tin or in this case the screename...

    What that means is that this forum is relatively untouched by people who mistyped themselves as INTP by this kind of reasoning: INTPs are awesome judging from the descriptions, I'm awesome, therefore I must be INTP. Career is not a great indicator of MBTI type (with the exception that almost...

    Which are your two strongest? There's no way to know. You really don't understand the MBTI, do you?
  33. vices

    I don't really listen to music :p EDIT: But I've been trying it out recently and the above may change.
  34. Im new, and don't understand this forum...

    Welcome to this forum. You say there's nothing to discuss here, aside from everything? You forgot the other option: anything. (EDIT: I'm moving this thread to the introduction section.)
  35. Revolving interests?

    I just realized, I actually talked about cycling through my interests in a post I made a couple of months ago, well before this thread was even started.
  36. About Lies

    Yup, I do that. My dad overreacts to everything. I really should stop doing that, though. It's gotten to be a bit of a problem.
  37. Hello

    Computer science and pure mathematics, with philosophy on the side. Hmm, sounds like me. I also have something of an interest in physics. I haven't gotten to the point where I major in anything yet; I'm a rising sophomore in high school. Anyway, hello and welcome.
  38. Doomsday scenario and what keeps society surviving

    So you were saying that murkrow's good comment was interesting? It looked like you said that it was interesting that he even made a good comment at all, as if it was a rare occurrence.
  39. Emotions...

    When experimenting with feeling emotions more strongly, I'd think it would be best to start by playing with happiness first, and then move on to other emotions. Also, it does seem that I feel more strongly about certain movie and video game plots than I do in real life. That's what murkrow's...
  40. Putting the Boot In !

    But that would give you dominion over everything in the Universe!
  41. sensitive?

    That is why I don't like bananas. Potatoes? Well, it depends how they're cooked. As for vegetables, there's a certain type of green beans that are really good steamed. (The beans are tiny, so it's mostly the pod.) Lettuce, I just eat the stems.
  42. Emotions...

    Yup, that's me. Unlike Fernando, however, I've somehow managed to switch my default from melancholy to a slight happiness, so instead of being just below neutral most of the time, I'm constantly drifting along just above neutral. :)
  43. weird shit makes me cry.

    A video game actually got me crying sort of recently. It was a quite touching part of the plot, and the background music was also effective.
  44. RIP INTPf?

    Oh, come on. This forum is far from dying. Also, we don't talk for the sake of talking; we're here for the content of the discussions.
  45. INTP and Asperger's

    By the way, NT means something totally different here than it does on Asperger forums. Here NT means intuitive thinker, but on Asperger forums, it means neurotypical.
  46. Revolving interests?

    When I saw the title I thought, "That's me!"
  47. Keirsey, was he right?

    ! Maybe I was wrong when I said Perseus was utterly misinterpreting Keirsey. It could be that Keirsey misinterpreted Jung and then Perseus carried that just a little bit farther, rather than a lot. From what I've read, I like Jung better.
  48. sensitive?

    What you described there is actually the cause of many of the behaviors characteristic of Asperger Syndrome, for example sitting with one's head pressed into a corner to block out stimuli while thinking. I think Asperger's Syndrome is just a severe form of being INTP. My parents told me that...
  49. We all have Personality Disorders nowadays?

    "Weirdo" is the wrong word here. Try "deluded". He seems utterly convinced that his interpretation of the Myers-Briggs types and the Keirsey temperaments is correct, but to everyone else it looks like a bizarre misinterpretation. Perseus, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you say, for...
  50. Animal Type

    Well, what doesn't? (EDIT: Sorry, this isn't the place for that discussion.)
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