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Search results

  1. Five questions.

    I assume you don't mean "real topics" in the S sense of the word. This is Melkor, not the difference between IP and EJ.
  2. Ahoy

    Soon we'll have another one. I turn 15 in a week. I don't intend to hijack the thread, carry on. I'll probably have something on-topic to say later, but now I'm too tired.
  3. Intelligent, stupid, lazy, active

    Another link from HN. I wonder how, if at all, this correlates with the MBTI types. http://www.artima.com/weblogs/viewpost.jsp?thread=232401
  4. J

    What to do when Js insist too strongly on rigorous planning and scheduling? And do they really expect us to know everything we're going to do before we start doing it? I understand we have a few Js on this board. So, Js, what do you have to say about this?
  5. 1N7P5 l337!!11

    You just did that to get us to spend hours trying to figure it out. I've seen better, though.
  6. What is a friend?

    You speak like calming down is something that other people can do to/for us. Don't forget, we're I's. That rarely works.
  7. Megalomania

    Have you tried doing both at once? It's fun.
  8. Writing anyone?

    Are you by any chance Aphasia's other half?
  9. I post, therefore I am

    That's what this website is for, isn't it?
  10. enneagram poll

    This is called a misuse of the word "literally". Thank you for your time. Carry on.
  11. Old souls?

    I think all this "old souls" stuff is nonsense, but I'm making this post for a different reason. That sounds almost exactly like the weird-happy-introspective mood I was in recently for a period of about 3-4 weeks (I think it started a few days before I joined the forum). Closer to the end, I...
  12. A new INTP has landed here succesfully...

    Hello, it seems we have yet another me here. Welcome.
  13. Somewhere Between An ENTP And INTP

    Yes, but any tests designed by competent people would take that into account. Andrew, have you ever taken the official MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)? I think that one's pretty good. You sound I to me, though. It has little to do with what you're like when you do associate with people...
  14. MBTI discussion on HN

    Just dropping this link here: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=204240 It contains some interesting discussion on the reliability of the MBTI. Also, seems that the most common type there is INTP, followed closely by INTJ. (Most of the discussion has stopped by now, as it started several...
  15. Gender Roles

    Hmm. I haven't actually researched this much, but the chunk I read of the page you linked to was pretty interesting. I may participate in this discussion more frequently in the future. That actually came up in my (awesome) biology class a few weeks ago. It's not just one case. It...
  16. Maybe not a mental illness

    Just passing on this link I found: http://www.violentacres.com/archives/169/most-people-are-depressed-for-a-very-good-reason
  17. ISTP?

    For no adequately explained reason, I want to know about ISTPs (and yes, I've already read the profile on typelogic). Anyone here know any ISTPs? Anyone have examples of what they are like?
  18. Too much knowledge?

    Yes, they are sent as electrical pulses, but no, it isn't that simple. The same pattern of pulses will "mean" different things to different parts of the brain, so it matters not only what message the nerves are carrying but also which nerves are carrying the message. No, not in the same way...
  19. Vatican believes in ET

    Yeah, I remember that. He took that analogy further, with reasonable success. The Salmon of Doubt is worth reading.
  20. Too much knowledge?

    Meh. The human brain is too weird for its capacity to be measured in anything like bytes. It takes shortcuts. It obviously uses lossy compression, but we don't know enough about it yet to know if it uses anything methodical enough to be called a compression algorithm. Some of the information...
  21. A short introduction

    Hi, nice to have you here. When you mentioned lojban, I immediately thought of this link: http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/lojban_translated.png
  22. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    I think persona was probably the wrong word there. Linsejko, I understand what you mean when you say you don't find yourself a fan, but... I don't know, I was sort of expecting very little, but not nothing. When someone posts about an experience they've had, I can almost always think of some...
  23. My self introduction.

    Sorry for almost hijacking your intro thread for my own purposes. I've been in a weird mood lately, and I didn't actually mean to do that. Anyway, yes, nice to have you. Is there a reason why you haven't been posting very often lately?
  24. definition of being smart

    This is a duplicate topic. Here is the one everyone's been paying attention to.
  25. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    To Radioactive_Springtime and murkrow: it appears that there is more online than face-to-face interaction. Oblivious, what do you mean by "romantic association"? I think my wondering about why I'm interested in this is partially responsible for my attitude that if you've heard anything good...
  26. definition of being smart

    Maybe if you think about it this way: Doing well in social situations takes certain types of intelligence, and doing well in pure mathematics and algorithmic analysis takes different types. Although there is overlap, you can't argue that there's no difference. Really, there are lots of...
  27. Help us with a forum logo

    No, actually, it isn't. We're now in 4th generation now, and we're up to a total of 490 Pokemon. Murkrow was from waay back in 2nd generation; it was number 198. It's been out for manymany years now. As to your logo ideas, they all sound good in some way or another, but I'm not sure if we...
  28. ...Hi! I'm new. :O

    Wait. There's an INTP group on MySpace? Isn't that just a li'l oxymoronic? Actually, I'm about average, maybe a little bit below that, certainly not above. Hope that was sarcasm, there. So? You don't have to start it yet, just write whatever part you want and fill in the beginning later...
  29. How computer literate are YOU?

    Ooh! Another link! http://letoverlambda.com/
  30. Help us with a forum logo

    No, we have feelings, we just try to ignore them and hope they'll leave us alone. Maybe our lack of a logo is symbolic. We're too indecisive; we can't agree on a logo.
  31. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    As I said, they can't seem to agree on that. Seems to me that it's usually anyone who considers himself a furry and/or has a fursona. As for why I'm interested in this, I don't really know. It's partly the psychology of it all, things like "Why would anyone be interested in this?" and "If an...
  32. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Most furries actually don't dress up in fuzzy costumes, and I don't know what LARP means. Furries aren't trying to be bad-ass from the point of view of outsiders any more than Trekkies are, possibly even less.
  33. Why INTP and ENTJ?

    I originally posted this in another thread, but its topic was related to this one at the start and is starting to move closer. Anyway:
  34. Glad to meet you all

    Hello, nice to have you here. This is the introduction section to the forum; it's bad manners not to make a thread about yourself within a reasonable amount of time after you join. (It's also impolite to make more than one thread about yourself (without a very good reason), but I don't see...
  35. The Ramble Thread

    I've heard that one before, except it was in Ireland, the guy was named Angus, and it was a goat, not a dog.
  36. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Ah, yes. CSI. That CSI episode is one of the two most infamous misrepresentations of furriness, right up there with the Vanity Fair article. Don't believe everything you see on TV. There has been some positive media coverage since then, for example...
  37. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Cabbo, you sure this is in the right thread? By the way, guessing is closed here; ghost already got it.
  38. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Now, see, that is the bad publicity I was talking about. No, it doesn't. It just so happens that the media picked out the few people who do that, and only paid attention to them. It makes for a better story.
  39. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? Including the actual question I asked?
  40. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? To which part of my post are you responding?
  41. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? For those wondering what rule 34 is: http://xkcd.com/305/ Yeah, I'm not talking about the yiffy stuff. If you want to avoid that, don't go to 4chan. What, was there stuff like that going on in the furry area you stumbled into, without warning signs? I think...
  42. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? Hmm. I wasn't expecting that one. So, we have a former Second Life player on here. I'd ask you how exactly the furs ruined it for you, but this thread is getting kinda full of irrelevancies. P'raps a thread split is in order?
  43. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? Any INTP who gets it that fast has to have looked into it some, or at least seriously considered doing so. So, how far into furriness have you looked?
  44. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? How many here know what a furry is?
  45. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? I knew it! I knew you'd be the one to get it! You win one of Aphasia's imaginary cookies. At least, I'm almost one. I've never actually made anything on the subject or been to a con or anything, and I don't plan to at any time in the near future. I don't even...
  46. My self introduction.

    When I said "paranoid", I was referring to the fact that I was getting all hyped up about the possibility that you were hiding something when I knew you probably weren't. No, I do not suspect you of being a non-INTP. I suspect(ed? I dunno) you of keeping something interesting from us...
  47. What songs are you listening to?

    Re: What music do you listen to? Yes. Dreams of an Absolution is not really a love song (although parts of it probably are); it's the theme song for Silver the Hedgehog. This one is more about internal conflict (but the lyrics make even less sense, and you may not like this type of music)...
  48. Hello

    I'd say my worst math teacher (and my worst teacher overall) was my 4th grade teacher. She would not accept any answers other than those in the book. I still remember losing a point for answering the question "How do these decimal squares help you solve these problems?" with "They don't help...
  49. What songs are you listening to?

    There's already a thread for genres. This one is for specific songs. A friend of mine (one of the two with whom I discuss philosophy and other stuff on the bus) is too cheap to pay for songs and too morally scrupulous to pirate music, so he just listens to stuff he can find for free...
  50. My self introduction.

    OK, it's crazy, but I'll say it. Something about you seems suspicious. Not in a bad way, really, I just feel like there's something you're not telling us. I think it has something to do with the vagueness of the sentence "I love sci fi, science, and all sorts of things that other INTPs like."...
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