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Search results

  1. Anthile

    Poll: Colors

    Black and white.
  2. Anthile

    Ask a Saint anything

    Well, the story is not really of importance. Important is only what we do and not where we came from. It would be impossible to reproduce it and let's just say it happened one day. 1. No. 2. That depends. 3. As I pointed out, I am not omniscient. 1. I don't think so. 2. No...
  3. Anthile

    The Grand Unified Theory of everything.

    Protip: Science and theology simply do not belong together. You can tell a fool or a charlatan when they try to do that. Whenever any religion tries to justify, it falls flat on the face. It is the understandable but eventually pitiful attempt to have some certainty about one's belief but it...
  4. Anthile

    Pretty Cool! [Thoughts??]

  5. Anthile

    Any good philosophical movies?

    Every film Tarkovsky has ever made, especially Solyaris and Stalker.
  6. Anthile

    Introduction of a INTP girl

  7. Anthile

    If you could sell your soul...

    How F-ish of you P: I'd simply request two souls. Then I'd sell one for two again and so forth. In the end, I had my own soul company and push my competitors, god and the devil, out of the market and I will have a soul monopoly. Capitalism will rule all of existence once again! Mwahaha...
  8. Anthile

    8 Colors of Fitness Test

    White Efficient (INTJ) Meh, saw it coming.
  9. Anthile

    The Grand Unified Theory of everything.

    Or to say it with Spock:
  10. Anthile

    If you could sell your soul...

    inb4 'That's what she said'
  11. Anthile

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Winds - A Moment For Reflection
  12. Anthile

    Experimental music

    This: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhJqHvKLniM and this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYF-zP51LmA
  13. Anthile

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Nothing beats the original The Stalin: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaZb-eqR800
  14. Anthile

    Which fictional character do you identify with / would you like to be?

    My problem is, I mostly identify with villains. I think that's because I have mostly an antagonistic and opposing point of view towards my surroundings. If I had to pick one fictional character then, yeah, it would be him: "My name's John Constantine. I'm not the nicest bloke you've...
  15. Anthile

    until someone looses an eye

  16. Anthile

    My first thread

    Actually, it's your second thread. Okay. Taking sides? Jung's work is based on observing thousands of his patients and seeing patterns in their behavior. This was later adapted by Myers-Briggs. The validity is still debated and rightly so. A link between neuroscience and typology has yet...
  17. Anthile

    The Grand Unified Theory of everything.

    That's exactly what people thought one hundred years ago. And two hundred years ago. And that's exactly what people will think hundred years into the future. So? Science will never be 'over'. Who says such a GUT is possible? It's hunting for unicorns and I find it despicable that some...
  18. Anthile


    See? That's the difference between INTPs and INTJs. INTPs rob banks, INTJs found them. ;)
  19. Anthile

    Life as an INTP

    I can't take this thread seriously. Everytime I read the thread title I hear Bruce Springsteen singing 'Life as an INTP' (instead of, you know, Born in the USA) in my head. :slashnew:
  20. Anthile

    Steampunk Literature

    Huh? No. I just pointed out why it is surprising that steampunk made it so far because it was making fun of its predecessors. China Miélville is an excellent writer and he makes stuff on Stephenson level of awesomeness.
  21. Anthile

    Steampunk Literature

    Steampunk as a genre is dead. In fact, it was never alive to begin with. When Gibson and Sterling wrote The Difference Engine back in 1990 with steampunk aesthetic, drawing influence from the earliest days of sci-fi, it was to put cyberpunk tropes out of context and to show they're not new at...
  22. Anthile

    The Many Faces of INFJ

    Nice, Echoplex. But you need the Randroid for the INTPs. I'd add a catchphrase for every archetype.
  23. Anthile

    Ask a Saint anything

    Everyone can become a saint. There is no specific amount of time necessary. It just happens one day. But why does that top hat wear a dolphin? This world sure is full of wonders.
  24. Anthile

    You are better off not matching up to an MBTI type description...

    But where is the difference to Ni?
  25. Anthile

    Ask a Saint anything

    Yes, yes I do. In fact, it's even my favorite film of all time.
  26. Anthile

    Ask a Saint anything

    Since I recently achieved sainthood (long story), you may ask me anything you like. Bear in mind that sainthood does not equal omniscience or brings any kind of other supernatural powers - at least not of the nature I could demonstrate to you. Please refrain from posing silly, inane or...
  27. Anthile

    You are better off not matching up to an MBTI type description...

    So, how can I be sure to be a specific type in case I am more developed?
  28. Anthile


    What do you get when you cross Shoegaze with Black Metal and add some Post-Rock for good measure? Well, I don't know - but people gave it the rather amusing tag Blackgaze. However, the result of this unholy communion is the most beautiful music known to man...
  29. Anthile


    Politics is always the triumph of mediocrity.
  30. Anthile

    I am the α and the Ω

  31. Anthile

    Picture Personality (Short Test)

    The black one. I picked the white one.
  32. Anthile

    I had absolutely no idea...

    Well... no. Jung was most likely an INFJ, probably INTJ. Also, I always cringe when I see people abusing their type as a source of pride. In fact, it's not much different from white power and similar stuff. Being an INTP is not an achievement. It's nothing you have ever done anything for. You...
  33. Anthile


    Stopped reading there.
  34. Anthile

    The Many Faces of INFJ

    So you typed Ozymandias as INTJ then?
  35. Anthile

    Living productively as an INTP/J?

    No, not at all. Also, OP is obviously INTP.
  36. Anthile

    How should over-population be solved?

    Not to mention that less alcohol would also lower the birth rate in general.
  37. Anthile

    Cyberpunk RPG

    Arkady looks if someone has a laptop which he could steal and approaches that person.
  38. Anthile

    So this is what I want to do in life.

    How do you get your post when you live in a car?
  39. Anthile

    Famous Types

    He was most definitely ENTJ. He did a lot of strategy in his combat style.
  40. Anthile

    Cyberpunk RPG

    Name: Arkady Kurokawa Age: 20 Appearance: Male, 5'8, father Japanese, mother Russian, looks more Caucasian than Asian but still slightly 'exotic' Background: Technology genius and local hacker legend. Nyx is kind of right, it's hard to create a coherent background without any information.
  41. Anthile


    Usually, if you want to become better at something, you have to exercise.
  42. Anthile

    Fuck buddies?

    Wow, this thread is bad. Like, really bad. Personally, I don't think that the concept of the 'fuck buddy' is such a great idea, simply because I very much doubt that people can really separate sex and feelings.
  43. Anthile

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    toe - goodbye (feat. Toki Asako)
  44. Anthile


    So, whoever likes some really good Fusion/Math Metal, should definitely check out Cloudkicker. Actually, it's not a band but a one-man project and it's excellent instrumental metal in the vein of bands like Cynic, Spiral Architect, Watchtower, Spastic Ink or Exivious...
  45. Anthile

    Am I really an INTP?

    How about you give a reasoning for your typing decisions?
  46. Anthile

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Gojira - World To Come This might be one if the greatest Death Metal songs I have ever heard.
  47. Anthile


    Hello and welcome. :)
  48. Anthile

    I may have postponed this for a while...

    So is this accurate? I think when they say "atheist gospel choir" they actually mean "black metal band".
  49. Anthile

    Am I really an INTP?

    So what are your interests and hobbies?
  50. Anthile

    What is your Chinese Astrology Sign?

    Earth Dragon.
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